ROLL CALL - borrowing from our Ovarian sisters!

NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
edited September 2013 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Fellow warriors!

Let's check-in on eachother!  Give us a brief "hello" and how are you doing for all newbies and long-time (I know you ladies are out there) warriors. I'll start:

DX: April 2012 - UPSC, Stage 1A

Finsished Chemo/radiation/chemo treatment December 19 2012

Doing and feeling great.  Thank you all for your support.



  • cheerful
    cheerful Member Posts: 261 Member

    Hello to everyone:


      I have been a member on this Board since April of 2011. I was diagnosed with UPSC Stage 1 (large polyp 5 centimenters) on February 23, 2011. Had hysterectomy on February 1, 2011.


      Started chemo in mid April of 2011 - and finished August 31, 2011 - so it was just 2 years as of today!  Started radiation had 3 rounds on Sept. 29, 2011 and finished radiation - October 14, 2011.


      Was very tired from chemo for a long time and took awhile to get my strength back. 


      Now doing much, much better - so far with NO evidence of disease as of June 26, 2013 from my latest Cat Scan so it is over 2 years from diagnosis.  I go back and see my oncologist in early October for a 6 month check-up.




  • foods55
    foods55 Member Posts: 35 Member
    Agust 2013 - Roll Call

    Name: Sue

    Age: 57

    Location: Michigan

    Diagnosed: December 2010 with stage 111a Grade 2 Endometrial Adenocarcinoma

    Treatment: 2011 Hysterectomy/debulking, 6 rounds carbol/taxol, 5 weeks radiation,  2 internal brachy therapy

    Current Status: NED, Next 3-month check up early September

    Current CA 125:13

    I am feeling better and hope to keep feeling this way.

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I was diagnosed

    Hi everyone!

    I was diagnosed November 2012 with grade 1 endometrial cancer. Had the DaVinci hysterectomy in January 2013. Staged 1a - grade 1 confirmed.

    Only treatment indicated is 3 month check-ups for 3 years. Wil then 'graduate' to 6 month check-ups every 2 years until my 5 year mark.

    I don't know if it is my age, weight or combination of things such as a few other minor medical issues, but I am still tired off and on like I began to notice a few years before the surgery. I was really blessed to have such an early diagnosis and recovery!

    I have tried to improve my sugar-laden junk food diet which has proven to be a challenge. I do well, and then 'relapse!' It is an ongoing cycle which probably contributes to feeling tired.

    This board and ladies have been a true inspiration as one never forgets getting this diagnosis!


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Roll Call

    Hi  Everyone, I'm from Texas, dx July two thousand and nine{sorry, keyboard messed up} UPSC 1a six rounds Taxol/Carbo and five branchytheropy.  Finished chemo May two thousand and ten,  Clear since then, Thank God!  No real side affects, but do have panic attacts and deep depression some of the time, but still hear{sp}despite multiple health problems.  God is good and so is this group!  Debrajo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Eb    v

  • pipscout
    pipscout Member Posts: 24
    Hello all,
    I have

    Hello all,


    I have endometrial adenocarcinoma first diagnosed in 2010 with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and brachytherapy.

    My cancer is Grade 3. I had an abdominal recurrance in 2012, which has continued to advance. I've done some courses of hormonal treatment, angiogenesis inhibitors, and rounds of chemo with doxil. Recently I started doing a platinum based chemo again, and am about halfway through the six cycles. 

    In addition to treatment I have been trying things like acupuncture, naturopathy, vitamin c infusions. Also have a wonderful local support group and palliative care team. 

    I am still working but now only two to three days a week. Working on a disability retirement. I have kept a list of things I want to do when on my treatment breaks. I don't really know if I'll ever be cancer free in the future but hope to make the best of all my "well feeling" days. 

    I wish the best to all of you here! Checking in and reading your words helps me! Best, Teresa

  • Shell bug
    Shell bug Member Posts: 76
    roll call

    DX Oct. 2011

    Grade 3 , sugical stage 2 but two lymph nodes glowed on follow up scan, so could be 3c

    Chemo, external and internal radiation completed July 2012

    Lynch Syndrome positive

    So far, so good

    Best to all,



  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Shell bug said:

    roll call

    DX Oct. 2011

    Grade 3 , sugical stage 2 but two lymph nodes glowed on follow up scan, so could be 3c

    Chemo, external and internal radiation completed July 2012

    Lynch Syndrome positive

    So far, so good

    Best to all,



    Roll call 2013

    Name:  Roberta

    Age: 64 for one more month 

    Location:  Illinois in summer,  Florida in winter 

    Diagnosis:  Abnormal PAp in Oct 2008, Total Abdominal Hysterectomy by DaVinci Robotic Surgery Jan 2009.  Diagnosed with UPSC Stage 3-C.  My doctor told me this cancer could not be cured.bit treated as a chronic disease.  I have never been NED.  As soon as I go off treatment, my CA 125 begins To Rise.  I have never had any symptoms.

    Treatment: Sandwich treatment of 3 Taxol/Carbo, 28 external IMRT radiation treatments followed by 28 hour internal treatment, followed by 3 more Taxol/carbo

    recurrence 18 months after completion of treatment.  Enlarged lymph nodes found on CAT scan. And CA 125 went to 1700.  Had 3 taxol/carbo.  Had severe reaction to Carbo.  Had 4 treatments of taxol/cisplatin.

    Recurrence 7 months after completion of treatment.  enlarged lymph nodes and CA 125 went to 3200.    Had 6 treatments of taxol/cisplatin.

    Developed bilateral multiple pulmonary emboli in Jan 2012.  Have been on daily blood thinner shots since then.  Had no symptoms, was found on CAT scan.  

    Currently on Aromasin. CA 125 currently 700 but it is rising slowly.  It has been 15 months since my last chemo.  Will have next lab work and see the doctor the end of September.  I continue to try to enjoy each day.

    I try to have good nutrition, walk daily and keep a  positive attitude.   Being around positive people helps, too.

    may we all continue our journey for many more years.  In peace and caring.

  • HellieC
    HellieC Member Posts: 524 Member
    Still kicking!

    Name:  Helen

    2001  - Hysterectomy for atypical hyperplasia - no cancer found

    2008  - first "recurrence" (how can something recur when they didn't find it first time round?) found at vaginal vault - grade 1 - 6.5 weeks of external pelvic radiotherapy.  Scans at end of therapy showed NED.

    2010  - second recurrence found at vaginal vault and wrapped around sigmoid colon. Grade 2. Debulking surgery followed by 6 cycles of taxol/carboplatin chemo. Scans at end of therapy showed NED.

    2012  - third recurrence at pelvic sidewall.  surgery not possible.  currently on hormone therapy (Letrozole) which is keeping things stable

    Now considered incurable but I am doing and feeling fine.  Next MRI scan due later this week.  Keeping everything crossed that "stable diisease" is still the outcome.



  • Stabler
    Stabler Member Posts: 51
    Hi ladies,
    I was diagnosed

    Hi ladies,

    I was diagnosed November 2012 with grade 1 endometrial cancer. Had the DaVinci hysterectomy on New Year's Eve, December 31st 2012. Only treatment needed. 

    I was blessed to have this caught in the very earliest stage.  It was only 10% invasive.  I have 3 month check-ups for 3 years and then graduate' to 6 month check-ups every 2 years until my 5 year mark. 

    I am doing good and feel great.  I just went Friday for a check-up and will get results in a few days. Even tho I was blessed to have caught this early, every time I have a checkup my nerves get the best of me, and I'm on pins and needles until I get the results. 

    God Bless Each and Everyone of You,


  • Ann55
    Ann55 Member Posts: 48
    cheerful said:

    Hello to everyone:


      I have been a member on this Board since April of 2011. I was diagnosed with UPSC Stage 1 (large polyp 5 centimenters) on February 23, 2011. Had hysterectomy on February 1, 2011.


      Started chemo in mid April of 2011 - and finished August 31, 2011 - so it was just 2 years as of today!  Started radiation had 3 rounds on Sept. 29, 2011 and finished radiation - October 14, 2011.


      Was very tired from chemo for a long time and took awhile to get my strength back. 


      Now doing much, much better - so far with NO evidence of disease as of June 26, 2013 from my latest Cat Scan so it is over 2 years from diagnosis.  I go back and see my oncologist in early October for a 6 month check-up.





    Not alot of history to report,diagnosed the end of April 2013 very little in the way of symptoms just a scant amount of pink drainage but have a really good primary physician who insisted on a biopsy.UPSC surgery on May 9 5 weeks recovery and have now completed first 3 chemo.Found out after 1st taxol dose I could not take it and was changed to taxotere and continued with carboplatin.Pre-surgery CT was negative and everything looked good but pathology came back with positive pelvic,peri aortic and retro-peritoneal nodes CA 125 has also been negative from the beginning. I am awaiting Pet scan result done last Thursday.Pap was done 3 months post surgery and was negative. I am to start radiation either this week or next week.Plan is for 6 weeks external radiation with 3 internal treatments in the middle then 3 more chemo treatments.So my journey is just beginning,except for the first chemo treatment with the taxol and problems with thrush after both doses of taxotere (which got on my vocal cords,and I had so much I needed to say to my husband) I've felt good so far just tired at times. I have found sharing everyone's experiences very helpful.Stage 3C is my surgical staging number.

  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    Stabler said:

    Hi ladies,
    I was diagnosed

    Hi ladies,

    I was diagnosed November 2012 with grade 1 endometrial cancer. Had the DaVinci hysterectomy on New Year's Eve, December 31st 2012. Only treatment needed. 

    I was blessed to have this caught in the very earliest stage.  It was only 10% invasive.  I have 3 month check-ups for 3 years and then graduate' to 6 month check-ups every 2 years until my 5 year mark. 

    I am doing good and feel great.  I just went Friday for a check-up and will get results in a few days. Even tho I was blessed to have caught this early, every time I have a checkup my nerves get the best of me, and I'm on pins and needles until I get the results. 

    God Bless Each and Everyone of You,


    Hello fellow warriors,I was

    Hello fellow warriors,

    I was diagnosed June 17 2011 stage 1a UPSC. Fortunately this was confined to a small polyp......less than 1/2 centimeter.

    Chemo was the standard Taxol/Carboplatin, 6 treatments delivered 3 weeks apart.

    I'm a teacher and worked through treatment, but took  5 days off for first 3 treatments and a full week for the rest. My sister was my sub!

    Feeling very well. My next checkup will be early November which will mark my 2 years post treatment. Still going for checkups every 3 months.No side effects at all from treatment. I exercise and eat healthy, which was the case before cancer.

    I had a prior cancer diagnosis in 2007 unrelated to this cancer. My wonderful doctor caught this early as I was still being seen by her every 4 months.

    Blessings to all of you here!!


  • lkchapman
    lkchapman Member Posts: 106
    sunflash said:

    Hello fellow warriors,I was

    Hello fellow warriors,

    I was diagnosed June 17 2011 stage 1a UPSC. Fortunately this was confined to a small polyp......less than 1/2 centimeter.

    Chemo was the standard Taxol/Carboplatin, 6 treatments delivered 3 weeks apart.

    I'm a teacher and worked through treatment, but took  5 days off for first 3 treatments and a full week for the rest. My sister was my sub!

    Feeling very well. My next checkup will be early November which will mark my 2 years post treatment. Still going for checkups every 3 months.No side effects at all from treatment. I exercise and eat healthy, which was the case before cancer.

    I had a prior cancer diagnosis in 2007 unrelated to this cancer. My wonderful doctor caught this early as I was still being seen by her every 4 months.

    Blessings to all of you here!!


    4 years and counting

    I was diagnosed in 2009 with stage 3C UPSC. Just passed my 4 year cancer free mark after 5 weeks chemo/xrt, 3 HD brachy and 6 rounds carbo/taxol. I will see my gyn/onc this month for my last 6 month follow up and then only one more year to 5 years, Yay! Although I've gained a little of my weight back I still feel good.




  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    UPSC grade IVb survivor

    Location:  Upstate (Eastern) New York state

    Age:  64 for one more month, like Ro10

    Had D&C in March, 2010 to remove a "benign" uterine polyp.  Biopsy showed it was not benign.

    Had major surgery 5/11/10 in another hospital.  Diagnosis was UPSC, grade IVb.  Had total hysterectomy and debulking with removal of cancer in uterus, both ovaries, the omentum, and the ilium, and lymph node sampling (all nodes sampled were clear).  Also had cholecystectomy for gallstones and appendectomy during the same surgery (had 2 surgeons working on me).  Veins basically collapsed as I lost a lot of blood, so I had 2 units of blood (with difficulty getting them in) two days after surgery.

    Started chemo 6/11/10.  Had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol.  Had a brief stint of stomatitis and a minor loss of appetite, but no nausea or vomiting because I started taking Emend a couple of days before chemo. My younger brother, who was expecting me to die, unexpectedly dropped dead himself while I was undergoing chemo (probably a heart attack but no autopsy was required by the state of Maine where he was living when it happened).  Going to his funeral was a problem as I had chemo induced anemia and was still very short of breath.  After I got home from his funeral, I was given another unit of blood.  Months after chemo, when I was still short of breath, I had a ferritin (iron) test at my family physician's office.  It was extremely high. When I next saw my oncologist, he did a genetic test and found that I had a genetic defect which can sometimes cause hemochromatosis.  I underwent several phlebotomies until I got back to normal. 

    My most recent CA 125 was 7.9 and has been for the last two visits, and previously was close to that same number.  I had a couple of CT scans in the months after the surgery and an MRI to rule out damage from the high iron levels, but no damage was found.  I do have what is apparently a benign liver cyst.  I follow up every 6 months with my gyn/onc, who did my surgery, and an oncologist at the hospital where I used to work and where I had my chemo, closer to home.  I've had NED ever since chemo ended, thank God.

    I retired from my job when my disability ended.  I really think the stress from my job was a big contributing factor in getting cancer.  My mother and grandmother both had breast cancer later in life.  My mother got it the second time around in a different spot in the same breast when she was dealing with a high level of stress in her life.  My father had prostate cancer. All three of these family members were cancer survivors and eventually died from other health problems. I expect that will be the case with me, too.  Hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that.

    I had surgery for an incisional hernia in August, 2012, which has helped with pain I'd had since surgery.  I thought that surgery would be a piece of cake after the other surgery, but it wasn't.  They pumped me full of air for the laparoscopy, which made the opposite side hurt more than the side with the hernia.  I hope I don't ever need abdominal surgery again!

    And I hope they discover a cure for these cancers soon so that none of us ever needs to go thru this stuff again!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    pinky104 said:

    UPSC grade IVb survivor

    Location:  Upstate (Eastern) New York state

    Age:  64 for one more month, like Ro10

    Had D&C in March, 2010 to remove a "benign" uterine polyp.  Biopsy showed it was not benign.

    Had major surgery 5/11/10 in another hospital.  Diagnosis was UPSC, grade IVb.  Had total hysterectomy and debulking with removal of cancer in uterus, both ovaries, the omentum, and the ilium, and lymph node sampling (all nodes sampled were clear).  Also had cholecystectomy for gallstones and appendectomy during the same surgery (had 2 surgeons working on me).  Veins basically collapsed as I lost a lot of blood, so I had 2 units of blood (with difficulty getting them in) two days after surgery.

    Started chemo 6/11/10.  Had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol.  Had a brief stint of stomatitis and a minor loss of appetite, but no nausea or vomiting because I started taking Emend a couple of days before chemo. My younger brother, who was expecting me to die, unexpectedly dropped dead himself while I was undergoing chemo (probably a heart attack but no autopsy was required by the state of Maine where he was living when it happened).  Going to his funeral was a problem as I had chemo induced anemia and was still very short of breath.  After I got home from his funeral, I was given another unit of blood.  Months after chemo, when I was still short of breath, I had a ferritin (iron) test at my family physician's office.  It was extremely high. When I next saw my oncologist, he did a genetic test and found that I had a genetic defect which can sometimes cause hemochromatosis.  I underwent several phlebotomies until I got back to normal. 

    My most recent CA 125 was 7.9 and has been for the last two visits, and previously was close to that same number.  I had a couple of CT scans in the months after the surgery and an MRI to rule out damage from the high iron levels, but no damage was found.  I do have what is apparently a benign liver cyst.  I follow up every 6 months with my gyn/onc, who did my surgery, and an oncologist at the hospital where I used to work and where I had my chemo, closer to home.  I've had NED ever since chemo ended, thank God.

    I retired from my job when my disability ended.  I really think the stress from my job was a big contributing factor in getting cancer.  My mother and grandmother both had breast cancer later in life.  My mother got it the second time around in a different spot in the same breast when she was dealing with a high level of stress in her life.  My father had prostate cancer. All three of these family members were cancer survivors and eventually died from other health problems. I expect that will be the case with me, too.  Hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that.

    I had surgery for an incisional hernia in August, 2012, which has helped with pain I'd had since surgery.  I thought that surgery would be a piece of cake after the other surgery, but it wasn't.  They pumped me full of air for the laparoscopy, which made the opposite side hurt more than the side with the hernia.  I hope I don't ever need abdominal surgery again!

    And I hope they discover a cure for these cancers soon so that none of us ever needs to go thru this stuff again!

    Garden variety here

    Name;  Suzanne

    Age: 66

    Location:  California

    Date:  April 2010 diagnosed with both endometrial cancer and breast cancer.  Hysterectomy July 1, 2010 for Stage 1a, Grade 1 endometroid adenocarcinoma.  Size 3 cm, 33% myometrial invasion.  Doing great.

    After Care:  No chemo or radiation needed.  Observation only.  I saw gyn/onc every 4 months for 2 years.  Now seeing him every 6 months with only 4 more visits remaining by my reckoning.  Pretty straightforward.

    I had breast cancer at the same time and had lumpectomy, chemotherapy and finally radiation.  Now on Tamoxifen.  I see lots of oncology peeps and have been seeing them for 3 years now.  All's weel on that part, too.  It has been quite an experience.




  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Greetings to all the Peach Sisters here.

    DX – 1 April 2011 with MMMT cancer cells in a D&C                             Age at DX 55  Age now 57              Still working at least 2 more years maybe 3 years

    Surgery – 8 April 2011 – Complete Hysterectomy & Omentum - Stage 3C1 Carcinoma sarcoma (MMMT) Tumor (1A) in uterus 5cm with 0.3 cm invasion of myometrium and 2 microscopic cells in 1 pelvic lymph node

    Chemo – Start 6 May 2011 Last 22 August 2011 6 Rounds of Carbo/Taxol – No radiation

    CA125 started at 15 went down to 11 stays around 12-13 now.

    I talked to both my GynOnc Drs and both told me to stop reading the Internet to get my information including eating tips. I mentioned that on the ACS Uterine Cancer Discussion Board there was discussions concerning diets with sugar, meat, and other foods and drinks. I asked did I need to meet with the Onc nutritionist to discuss all this and change my lifestyle so completely. They said I could go that route but that would not guarantee that the cancer would not come back and that if I wanted to spend the rest of my life eating just vegetables and fruits then go for it. Yes that would be a healthier way to go but would it make me miserable? They both said that I did not go through the surgery and the chemo just to be unhappy but to live my life. There are no guarantees so live your life.  Changed some food intake and exercise more but not consistently. 

    Doing ok just past my two year NED mark.  Praying for all the Peach sisters on this site and those that have yet to discover us.  Actually praying for everyone that is touched by any cancer as I have been there and know what they are going through.  Rough Road all the way around.  Keeping a positive attitude is key.  Prayers to all. Trish in Dallas, Texas.

  • Tresia23
    Tresia23 Member Posts: 77
    Nearly three years

    Age 65

    Home Australia

    2007 January Some post menopausal bleeding. Primary care doc order abdo US concluded no evidence of adnexal masses and no cause found. Diagnosed UTI!

    2010 October Slight bleeding again. Saw different primary care doc (female) who order US which concluded thickened endometrium and need for investigation

    2010 December Hysteroscopy diagnosed endometrioid cancer.

    2010 December Total laporoscopic hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy. Grade 1 endometrial cancer, nuclear cells grade 2 with no lymph involvement. Large tumour with 50% invasion of myometrium

    2011 Palpitations, short of breath. Stress echo and Holter monitoring. Pretty good results no issues resulting

    2012 Still short of breath. CT lungs and abdo showed nodules tiny in both lungs and liver lesions also very small.

    2012 Endoscopy and colonoscopy for investigation of abdo pain. Gastric erosion and polyp on caecum (which was lost so no pathology).

    2013 Being monitored six monthly now by gyn/oncologist although had an extra visit recently for new symptoms which turned out to be infection only.

    Arthritis taking off. Always an issue for me but since hysterectomy and now two years on I am really noticing it. Have lost weight and no longer have any sugar cravings which is pretty unusual for me but good for the body. I meditate daily, garden, mind grand children and am grateful to be here with my family.

    You have all been so brave and thoughtful for everyone here who has posted. I am thankful to be part of this community of sisters.

  • tattooedtxgirl
    tattooedtxgirl Member Posts: 61
    Hello warriors
    My name is Crystal
    I'm 41
    Diagnosed on August 22nd, 2013
    Uterine cancer

    Thank you all for sharing your stories here.
    You are all very brave and strong.
  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member

    Hello warriors
    My name is Crystal
    I'm 41
    Diagnosed on August 22nd, 2013
    Uterine cancer

    Thank you all for sharing your stories here.
    You are all very brave and strong.

    Glad you found us!

    tattooedtxgirl, we are sorry you had to find us but welcome to our sisterhood.  Please don't hesitate to ask any questions.  The women here are AMAZING. 

  • laura25
    laura25 Member Posts: 181 Member
    Roll Call

    Dx January 2011 at age 45

    complete hysterectomy, ovaries, tubes

    stage 3c endometrial adenocarcinoma grade 3... pelvic lymph node positive

    8 rounds carbo/taxol, finished July 2011

    Had a few scares,  In February had lymph node biopsy done results were inconclusive... Had PET scan done in May results were clean,  lymph node went back to normal size. 

    Feel great, I exercise 3 to 4 times a week.  Lift weights and run,  I try to eat right.  


  • tattooedtxgirl
    tattooedtxgirl Member Posts: 61

    Glad you found us!

    tattooedtxgirl, we are sorry you had to find us but welcome to our sisterhood.  Please don't hesitate to ask any questions.  The women here are AMAZING. 

    NoTimeForCancer... THANK
    NoTimeForCancer... THANK YOU!!
    Very glad for a place to share with others who understand.
    I'm only a bit over two weeks after my diagnosis...
    I'm mentally all over the place.

    Thank you again