How did you choose your forum name?



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    osmotar said:

    ahhhh some guy trying to get my attention in another time another life, called me that, he said, and if you can believe someone who has been drinking, that it meant northern beauty. Anywho, I've used it for screen name as everything with Linda has or had been taken. The best name however is what my grandaughter calls me "grammie ahe".


    From what I can see Googling "OSMOTAR", it mean's you are either;

    "The wisdom-maiden, Kalew's fair and lovely virgin..."


    "a mythological patron of beer and beer-brewing"

    Both of which may have something to do with your friend that first christened you as Osmotar..LOL.

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Skiffin16 said:

    From what I can see Googling "OSMOTAR", it mean's you are either;

    "The wisdom-maiden, Kalew's fair and lovely virgin..."


    "a mythological patron of beer and beer-brewing"

    Both of which may have something to do with your friend that first christened you as Osmotar..LOL.


    My vote
    My vote is for the latter...LOL
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    osmotar said:

    My vote
    My vote is for the latter...LOL

    I'll drink to that....

    But of course Olybee, probably prefers....a cold OLY.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    ratface said:

    nice detective work
    Sweet. It's a great idea to bump it up for the new folks here.

    detective Sweet
    You can Run but you cant' Hide and if you do hide it will not be for long.......

    peek a boo where are you
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Hondo said:

    detective Sweet
    You can Run but you cant' Hide and if you do hide it will not be for long.......

    peek a boo where are you

    Im here. Didn't think I was hiding. :)
  • RogerRN43
    RogerRN43 Member Posts: 185
    Something easy to remember
    I chose my first name, I've been an RN over 20y, and 43 is my age of diagnosis.
    This is a nice thread seeing where people came up with their usernames.
  • Bigfuzzydoug
    Bigfuzzydoug Member Posts: 154
    I'm big...
    I'm fuzzy...
    I'm Doug.

    That basically says it all about me and my character! The Internet knows me as Bigfuzzydoug! :-D
  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456

    Cute question. Well, I live
    Cute question. Well, I live in Florida and Honeybelles are the orange that is grown in Florida where I live and at this time the only place. They are very sweet and juicey too. 22 because of my 2 kittys-twins kinda. and I love them. Rose

    SW Florida
    Just my initials.
  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    My username is from our
    My username is from our second home Disney Boardwalk Villa, one of my favorite places on earth. We are kind of Disney freaks and usually go once a year or so. We are planning on being there inDecember for our 30th anniversary. That is one of my inspiratations for getting thru these treatments. And I am a girl.
  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Most important people in my life~~~
    4 Grandbabies~~~ Hannah 20, Nate 9, Evan 6, and Win 4 Grandmax4 ( My Husband and 2 grown children are aware of this and okay with it )
  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277
    Because I Am!!!

    Because I Am!!!
  • BrianKrashpad
    BrianKrashpad Member Posts: 188
    tuffenuff said:

    Because I Am!!!

    Because I Am!!!

    stage name
    Brian Krashpad is my stage name. I'm in a punk rock and roll band called Crash Pad, and many years ago a DJ friend of mine started calling me "Brian Krashpad" simply as a shortening of "Brian from/of Crash Pad." Plus, it's been a punk rock thing to use the name of one's band as one's "last name" for decades, back to the Ramones.

    I spell the last name with a K since my "real" initials are BK anyhow. That way I can "sign" things "BK" and either way it's appropriate.


    Be well!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    My username is from our
    My username is from our second home Disney Boardwalk Villa, one of my favorite places on earth. We are kind of Disney freaks and usually go once a year or so. We are planning on being there inDecember for our 30th anniversary. That is one of my inspiratations for getting thru these treatments. And I am a girl.

    Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney Marketplace
    Like 40 miles from my house....

    My wife and I were just there last week-end as a matter of fact, she likes the stools that have animal legs, LOL...

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    screen name
    Because I am a civil engineer, when I am not out fighting to extinguish HNC.

    Hence, CIVILMATT

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Skiffin16 said:

    Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney Marketplace
    Like 40 miles from my house....

    My wife and I were just there last week-end as a matter of fact, she likes the stools that have animal legs, LOL...


    I wish I lived that close. I live in Indiana so that is why we only make it usually once a year. We did do Disney's Hilton Head Resort at spring break before my nightmare started so I got a little bit of my Disney fix there. Really hoping I can make it down in December even if I only sit on my balcony and watch people go by and at least see the Osborne Family of Lights, awesome.
  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    CivilMatt said:

    screen name
    Because I am a civil engineer, when I am not out fighting to extinguish HNC.

    Hence, CIVILMATT


    Glad you restarted
    This thread. When I signed up, I didn't worry about my screen name because I figured I would never post. Now I have the opportunity to explain the unusual name, NoDuck.

    It's the name of Hubby's favorite hunting dog, a Fell terrier. When she and her brother were young pups, she would chase him around the yard while Dale and I sat in lawn chairs. Her brother would duck under the chairs, she wouldn't and would bang her head. But she would get back up and chase him again. So he was named Duck, she was named NoDuck.

    Name seems appropriate to our current situation -- get knocked down, get back up.

  • BrianKrashpad
    BrianKrashpad Member Posts: 188
    NoDuck said:

    Glad you restarted
    This thread. When I signed up, I didn't worry about my screen name because I figured I would never post. Now I have the opportunity to explain the unusual name, NoDuck.

    It's the name of Hubby's favorite hunting dog, a Fell terrier. When she and her brother were young pups, she would chase him around the yard while Dale and I sat in lawn chairs. Her brother would duck under the chairs, she wouldn't and would bang her head. But she would get back up and chase him again. So he was named Duck, she was named NoDuck.

    Name seems appropriate to our current situation -- get knocked down, get back up.


    Not sure what a Fell terrier is, but I like the name and the idea behind it!

    Be well!
  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220

    Not sure what a Fell terrier is, but I like the name and the idea behind it!

    Be well!

    My children
    My name is Michelle so I used mich and djp are the first initials of my children...Danielle...Justine...Paulie....
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    michdjp said:

    My children
    My name is Michelle so I used mich and djp are the first initials of my children...Danielle...Justine...Paulie....

    Beautiful Family
    You have a beautiful family.....

    But, why didn't the hubby make the cut, initial for him?

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    michdjp said:

    My children
    My name is Michelle so I used mich and djp are the first initials of my children...Danielle...Justine...Paulie....

    I dont know why it is
    but every time I see your screen name it registers in my small mind as "chip dip". No matter how often I see it, or how carefullu I spell it out. I guess I cant help myself from being slow......