Back Home and Resting

RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited February 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello all my wonderfully supportive friends. I am home sore but no worse for wear, Colin is taking extra good care of me making sure I have what I need and that I don't do anything I should not be doing. The surgery took about two hours and doc said it all went as planned. He does not use that lego type cover over the nipple, instead he secures a cotton ball over the top that will remain there for the ten days he feels it is more comfortable and so far so good. I have to tell you something kinda of funny though, while I was in recovery lying in the bed you all were in my mind I was thinking about the virtual bus ride, then I was envisioning you all hanging out around my hospital bed munching on salad, brownies, cookies, chili, taco dip, soda pop, beer and coffee all saying a prayer between bites and looking after me, it made me chuckle in my semi sleep so the nurse asked if I was okay and guess what I was because you all had brightened my day....thanks again ladies...I am going take some pain meds now a get a nap in. You all have a great weekend!




  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Glad you're home and recovering, safe and sound! :)

    That's cute about the chuckle in recovery! :)

    So thankful everything went well.

    Keep us posted on how everything looks. I had gauze with which to cover my nips so I could get a daily peek. 10 days is a long time to wait! That's good, though, because it won't have any pressure on it. Prayers for good healing and uneventful recovery! xo
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    So glad to see your post. I'm glad you were able to have that little chuckle. Now relax, let the meds do their thing.

    Gentle hugs to you, dear one,

  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    sbmly53 said:

    So glad to see your post. I'm glad you were able to have that little chuckle. Now relax, let the meds do their thing.

    Gentle hugs to you, dear one,


    Good to hear!
    We've been thinking about you. good to hear you are home and beginning the healing process. Take care and thanks for updating us. Lots of love Pat
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Glad you're home & being very well taken care of.
    Hope you feel better real soon!
    ♥ Cat
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    So glad you're home and all went as you were "thinking" we were all there??? We were! That was us snacking on all the goodies we brought, sucking down our beverages of choice...once they told us to " keep it down".... Our bus ride back was full of cheer for your speedy recovery!

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Good to hear you're home RE
    Good to hear you're home RE and that everything went well!! Love the chuckle!
  • pinkapples
    pinkapples Member Posts: 54 Member
    How exciting
    The reconstruction process is such a long road; you must be so relieved to have finally made it this far :)
    Good for you!
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    How exciting
    The reconstruction process is such a long road; you must be so relieved to have finally made it this far :)
    Good for you!

    Happy to hear that all went well. Hope your recovery is quick. Have a good week.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Dear RE, I was the one who
    Dear RE, I was the one who brought the gourmet chocolates and had one beer too many. Sorry! I was so happy that everything was going so well. Keep resting and taking good care of yourself. Listen to Colin! Very gentle ((((hugs))))). xoxoxoxoxox Lynn
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    So glad to see
    all went well and you even got in a little chuckle. I don't know who
    Colin is but thank him for us for taking such good care of you.

    Wishing a speedy recovery!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Glad you are home!
    Please, rest yourself now, dear one!!!

    (Where is that darn FB 'like' button when I REALLY need it?)

    BIG dutch hugs, Kathi
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    KathiM said:

    Glad you are home!
    Please, rest yourself now, dear one!!!

    (Where is that darn FB 'like' button when I REALLY need it?)

    BIG dutch hugs, Kathi

    What a great dream, to quote
    What a great dream, to quote from a movie "I'LL have what she's having!" Glad you felt the presence of all the people who love you and were thinking of you! rest and recover quickly. glad its over as I know you hate surgery!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    glad you're home and resting. Continue to heal and we will continue to keep you company. LOL
    {{hugs}} Char
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    cahjah75 said:

    glad you're home and resting. Continue to heal and we will continue to keep you company. LOL
    {{hugs}} Char

    Glad you are home~
    ~and in your "dream" i was the one with the Mojito in my hand.....heehee
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I'm glad you're home and
    I'm glad you're home and that all went well. Rest and take care.


  • pokrydi
    pokrydi Member Posts: 99

    I'm glad you're home and
    I'm glad you're home and that all went well. Rest and take care.



    so glad your home rest and
    so glad your home rest and enjoy being waited on
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    pokrydi said:

    so glad your home rest and
    so glad your home rest and enjoy being waited on

    Good to hear you're home and resting, Re
    I love your little OR "dream"--sounds just like us--wishing you well in between bites of tacos, brownies, chips!

    Hugs, Renee
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    missrenee said:

    Good to hear you're home and resting, Re
    I love your little OR "dream"--sounds just like us--wishing you well in between bites of tacos, brownies, chips!

    Hugs, Renee

    Hope your surgery went well
    Hope your surgery went well and had a lovely result!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi RE
    Thanks for checking in with us. Glad to hear your surgery went well. It's amazing how everyone's doctors are different. I came home with just a small piece of gauze over my nips, which came off the next day in the shower.

    Take care.

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Glad to hear that all went well and that you are being well taken care of! Rest up and take it easy! Hugs, Linda