cancer survivor x 4
cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Okay, so for those who do not remember I was a Stage 2b in May of 2009. I have been getting a blood draw every 30 days for 19 months. My CA-125 post surgery was a 10 and I bottomed out at 5 after 6 carbo/taxol treatments. So this whole 19 months my CA-125 has always been between 6 and 8. So, I get my blood draw in December and it has jumped to 10. I had just got moved to a every 90 day blood draw. Now, I am back to a blood draw every 2 weeks, so we can see if it moves up or down. If it goes down, we do nothing. If it goes up even 1 point, we do a pet scan and I have to see the guy with the knife. The surgeon. I do not want to see him. I say to the oncologist " do you have any girls that move up 2 points and then down?". He says "of course". I can hear the concern in his voice, but also mayby this is nothing. Then I say " I need you to keep me alive for 4 years, because the last child I have at home is 14". He says nothing. I am just pissed, pissed, pissed. I have nursing exams to take, I was told by disability that I am allowed to work part time and still receive disability, so I was looking for a job, and I have a cruise planned for the last week of April. I was really hoping for a longer remission. Also, I feel like a fool for thinking this was going to go away. This f****** b****** took my mother and has given me breast cancer 3 times. I don't want to depress anyone, but I just feel like throwing in the towel. The doctor says "how do you feel?" If it is back you will have some GI symptoms or bowel issues. I feel fine. The best I have felt in 2 years. So, now I am in a holding pattern again. S***!!!!. Sorry. Can you just pray that my CA-125 goes down, even 1 point would work. My next blood draw is Jan. 11,2011. And yes I have a dirty mouth when I am really mad!!!!! Thank-You, Paula


  • Bstrange
    Bstrange Member Posts: 87
    up and down
    I know how you feell. But I've been going up and down for several years. In 2008 I went from a 10 to a 80, so back on chemo for a year and a half, in Feb. I was a 5 so I was taken off, but in July I was a 36, so back I go, I was an 11 in Oct. so we went 5 weeks between and it jumped back up to a 25 in Dec. So I've had 2 chemos since then and one more next Thursday. I get discouraged, but I am determined to get this under my control. I will get my latest CA-125 back on the 6th, and if it has not gone down I will be extremely disappointed. I finally decided to do the diet (Beating Cancer Through Nutrition). I figure that it will at least make be feel better and lessen the reaction.
    Keep your head up, a 10 is a good score. It's still in the normal range. Don't let your Oncologist jump to chemo if it is in that low in the normal range. My sister, who has never had cancer, has a CA-125 of 11.
    I started out with 6,571 and I'm at a 25 ( last count)
    Don't lose hope. If you want to talk please contact me at boobuski@tampabay.rr.com


    It is normal for it to jump up and down. It is when it starts making big jumps that they worry.
  • Bstrange
    Bstrange Member Posts: 87
    Oh, the main thing....God. He is our strength. Please read my profile.
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    I get pissed too
    Believe me... I think we all get pissed at times. We have to get it out of our system. Paula I think your CA125 is okay. My doctor wouldn't be upset at all with that. Now he would be upset if it doubled. I went for 17 years and my CA125 was 8,10,12,15 and I was okay. I have a friend that has never had cancer and her CA125 is 37. I can't get over that one.
    I will pray for your CA125 to go down.

    And praying for 2011 to be a good year for all of us.

  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    You are in my prayers .....My daughter has a CA 125 of 40 and does not have OC. A CA 125 of 10 is very low....please try not to worry sometimes stress can make it fluctuate.
  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    10 is well within the limits...My CA-125 is 35 normally and I don't have OVCA......You are doing ok.....Yes, pissed makes perfect sense....This disease pisses me off on a daily basis. And the stupid vague doctors responses piss me off more.... You go girl....you can get 4 more years!!!!
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    I'm sure your onc is


    I'm sure your onc is just being cautious. My oncologist told me that as long as I was within normal ranges she wouldn't worry (below 20 something) and I shouldn't worry. (No idea what our gyn/onc's opinion is, but the last time I saw Dr. I, he told me no more surgery?).

    At any rate, please know that although I haven't called you recently, you are always in my thoughts, prayers and in my heart. I will never forget the phone call I got from you while I was in the hospital, someone with a heart as big as yours is due for a wonderful new year! Good luck on those nursing exams, you will be a PHENOMENAL nurse!

    Hugs Honey!

  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    leesag said:

    I'm sure your onc is


    I'm sure your onc is just being cautious. My oncologist told me that as long as I was within normal ranges she wouldn't worry (below 20 something) and I shouldn't worry. (No idea what our gyn/onc's opinion is, but the last time I saw Dr. I, he told me no more surgery?).

    At any rate, please know that although I haven't called you recently, you are always in my thoughts, prayers and in my heart. I will never forget the phone call I got from you while I was in the hospital, someone with a heart as big as yours is due for a wonderful new year! Good luck on those nursing exams, you will be a PHENOMENAL nurse!

    Hugs Honey!


    My oncologist's nurse told me CA125 number not a static number

    Just this week my oncologist's nurse told me that flucutation of a couple of points for the CA125 is nothing-say from 5 to 7, which is just what happened to me. I panicked because I am only out of chemo for uterine cancer 2 months. She said 7 is considered to be the same as 5. She said they could test CA125 twice in one day and get two different numbers. She told me this is cause for no concern.

    Hope this helps.

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member

    My oncologist's nurse told me CA125 number not a static number

    Just this week my oncologist's nurse told me that flucutation of a couple of points for the CA125 is nothing-say from 5 to 7, which is just what happened to me. I panicked because I am only out of chemo for uterine cancer 2 months. She said 7 is considered to be the same as 5. She said they could test CA125 twice in one day and get two different numbers. She told me this is cause for no concern.

    Hope this helps.


    35 is normal
    i was told 35 is normal anything above is needed to be watched
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Isn't it ironic that before
    Isn't it ironic that before ovarian cancer invaded our bodies (and our lives) we all wanted to be a 10.....now we all pray: Lord, please make me a FIVE. PLEASE! It's enough to drive a girl crazy.

    Praying that your next number is a single digit.
