Dirty Secret



  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    IamHope said:

    Got my prognosis today. It
    Got my prognosis today. It wasn't good. In fact - it was really bad.
    Aai, didn't see this side swipe coming.
    Not ready to share yet. Just logged in to say, yes, I'm in.

    IamHope... we are here for
    IamHope... we are here for you and I second Mimi's post... remember what they give us is statistical information ... only a number... we are not numbers... and good things happen... hang in there and when you are ready...we are all here.

  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    IamHope said:

    Got my prognosis today. It
    Got my prognosis today. It wasn't good. In fact - it was really bad.
    Aai, didn't see this side swipe coming.
    Not ready to share yet. Just logged in to say, yes, I'm in.

    I'm sooo sorry to hear that your news was overwhelming, but like the others have said, you are not a number and you a CAn geyt through this!

    Will be here when you need us, and as always you're in my thoughts and prayers.

    May Gos Bless you

  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member

    Touch Base
    Okay Fellow Survivors (I refuse to call us "Quitters", it's just so negative):

    If you are on this list, you are (at your own desire) accountable:


    As we roll out, I want to suggest that each of us report to this thread at least once a day - to let each other know how we are doing, etc. That way, we don't have to start a bunch of new threads, or carry it over/completely hi-jack/chase each other in other threads. It will also be good to see the words of wisdom from those who drop in to support & cheer.

    tjhay, I think you're the only one who is currently active, with a couple of us on the docket for Thursday...how is it going for you? Did the patches help at all?

    Cyber Hugs,

    I think this is a great Idea
    I just wanted to check in and let you know I'm ready for thrusdsay.....

    Teleena you can do it!!!!

    Tj how are you doing today?
    Remember, no matter how big the step, it's a step in the right direction!!

    Take care

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655

    Touch Base
    Okay Fellow Survivors (I refuse to call us "Quitters", it's just so negative):

    If you are on this list, you are (at your own desire) accountable:


    As we roll out, I want to suggest that each of us report to this thread at least once a day - to let each other know how we are doing, etc. That way, we don't have to start a bunch of new threads, or carry it over/completely hi-jack/chase each other in other threads. It will also be good to see the words of wisdom from those who drop in to support & cheer.

    tjhay, I think you're the only one who is currently active, with a couple of us on the docket for Thursday...how is it going for you? Did the patches help at all?

    Cyber Hugs,

    All I can say is
    All I can say is I WANT MY DIRTY LITTLE SECREAT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ok enough said, I have not killed anyone yet today, so that is a good thing. I am hanging in there. Took a nice long nap and plan on going to bed very early with the help of a sleeping pill. Thinking the more I sleep through this the better.
  • jojo elizapest
    jojo elizapest Member Posts: 122
    I have faith in you....and
    I have faith in you....and prayers that you will be able to conquer this smelly thing!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    tjhay said:

    All I can say is
    All I can say is I WANT MY DIRTY LITTLE SECREAT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ok enough said, I have not killed anyone yet today, so that is a good thing. I am hanging in there. Took a nice long nap and plan on going to bed very early with the help of a sleeping pill. Thinking the more I sleep through this the better.

    when you wake up tomorrow....
    you will only have 48 more hours till the nicotine is all out of your system, then the rest is just habit to break....the drug addiction is over!!! :) Pammy
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    I wish you all the best!
    I quit smoking Dec 31, 1984. Cold Turkey as they say, I am now 25 years a non smoker, after 15 years of being a smoker (yes, I started smoking at 13....). I will not say it was easy, but all of you that have gone this this bc journey, I must say, will have the strength to do this too.
    One bit of advise, if you slip, don't beat yourself up. Just start again.
    Good luck to all of you!
  • karen0423
    karen0423 Member Posts: 67
    Hi- I was a smoker when I
    Hi- I was a smoker when I was dx in 4/02. (Started smoking when I was 14, quit at 17, started again, quit at 21 started again at 23). I continued to smoke but quit in 2002 when I was going to meet with my plastic surgeon about immediate reconstruction after my mastectomy and then was told he couldn't do the reconstruction because of all the chemo and radiation. So I left his office and bought a pack of butts. Smoked through the first 12 weeks of chemo then quit the day before my mastectomy 7/15/02. I didn't smoke for years.. but then went back little by little and hid it from everyone in my life. In Oct 2008 I was going to see a plastic surgeon about reconstruction and my only real option was DIEP and I had to be a non-smoker for 6 weeks (at that point I was smoking less than a pack). I quit smoking right then. It wasn't easy, but I wanted a breast and that was the only way, if I didn't smoke. So I did it. Granted I could have gone back weeks after surgery but I have had 3 surgeries since so smoking in my mind isn't an option. I did "love" to smoke but have to say that is was well worth it to quit once and for all. You can do this and I can support you. Non-Smokers will have NO idea what you are going through but...I sure do. Good Luck!
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    tjhay said:

    All I can say is
    All I can say is I WANT MY DIRTY LITTLE SECREAT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ok enough said, I have not killed anyone yet today, so that is a good thing. I am hanging in there. Took a nice long nap and plan on going to bed very early with the help of a sleeping pill. Thinking the more I sleep through this the better.

    I'm already with you with an AHHHH (and my date's not even here yet) but, stick with it sista'. You can do this. I am so glad you have not killed anyone, as I have not found anywhere where this is a recommended treatment plan.

    Yup. Sleep it off. That's a good plan.
    Sleep is good. So far, I think I've slept through 3/4 of my cancer!

    Pulling for you!!!
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    karen0423 said:

    Hi- I was a smoker when I
    Hi- I was a smoker when I was dx in 4/02. (Started smoking when I was 14, quit at 17, started again, quit at 21 started again at 23). I continued to smoke but quit in 2002 when I was going to meet with my plastic surgeon about immediate reconstruction after my mastectomy and then was told he couldn't do the reconstruction because of all the chemo and radiation. So I left his office and bought a pack of butts. Smoked through the first 12 weeks of chemo then quit the day before my mastectomy 7/15/02. I didn't smoke for years.. but then went back little by little and hid it from everyone in my life. In Oct 2008 I was going to see a plastic surgeon about reconstruction and my only real option was DIEP and I had to be a non-smoker for 6 weeks (at that point I was smoking less than a pack). I quit smoking right then. It wasn't easy, but I wanted a breast and that was the only way, if I didn't smoke. So I did it. Granted I could have gone back weeks after surgery but I have had 3 surgeries since so smoking in my mind isn't an option. I did "love" to smoke but have to say that is was well worth it to quit once and for all. You can do this and I can support you. Non-Smokers will have NO idea what you are going through but...I sure do. Good Luck!

    checking in
    Ok i am checking in, i am here, and i am hanging in there, just not being a very pleasant.
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    tjhay said:

    checking in
    Ok i am checking in, i am here, and i am hanging in there, just not being a very pleasant.

    Checking In
    Checking for the day, also.
    All is well. Getting ready for tomorrow. Will make sure all paraphernalia that might trip me up will be gone.

    tj - glad you're hanging in there...who said you needed pleasantry, right?!?!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member

    Checking In
    Checking for the day, also.
    All is well. Getting ready for tomorrow. Will make sure all paraphernalia that might trip me up will be gone.

    tj - glad you're hanging in there...who said you needed pleasantry, right?!?!

    TJ... pleasantry is over
    TJ... pleasantry is over rated! Growl if you need to... you can do this.. and in a few days I will be joining you and we can snap and growl together...


    hang in there girl...

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    taleena said:

    TJ... pleasantry is over
    TJ... pleasantry is over rated! Growl if you need to... you can do this.. and in a few days I will be joining you and we can snap and growl together...


    hang in there girl...


    ok i admit it
    ok i admit it i let the stress get to me and i had a smoke, but only one, so back to the start i go, and i will keep pluging way, plus tomorrow they will give me drugs to help with my attitude,
    tj stroles away giggleing at her own sense of humor
  • IamHope
    IamHope Member Posts: 58
    tjhay said:

    ok i admit it
    ok i admit it i let the stress get to me and i had a smoke, but only one, so back to the start i go, and i will keep pluging way, plus tomorrow they will give me drugs to help with my attitude,
    tj stroles away giggleing at her own sense of humor

    errrrr... I forgot
    I forgot that in a moment of insanity I commited to stopping smoking today. Uhm.
    Was it this Thursday, or next week Thursday?
  • Lelana
    Lelana Member Posts: 32
    Akiss4me said:

    I know what you mean
    As soon as I was diagnosed with cancer, I turned to my husband and boldly stated "my smoking didn't cause my BC!!!". He is an exsmoker of 16 years. Bless his heart, he didn't say a word! But I started thinking about it the whole 3 weeks I continued to smoke. How stupid am I? Here I am going through test, surgery, treatments, diet changes, just to take care of my body, and I am puffing away like nothing is wrong. I was "calming" my nerves. Indulging in pleasure (I LOVED to smoke!!). Asserting control over my body!! Feeding my addiction!! Relaxing!!
    Then on a sunday night (May 17, 2009) I decided I wasn't going through all this just to dye from lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, esophigial cancer, etc. This is it!! I'm going to be kind to my body and give them up that night!! I smoked the slowest cigarett of my life at precisly 11:48pm. I was done. Over with. smokeless.....I said a prayer and asked that the desire to smoke be taken from me by the time I wake up the next morning.
    That was it!! Easy as pie. I smoked 35 years and I have not picked up another cigarett and never will!! And what a difference it makes with EVERYTHING!!
    I was literaly scared into quitting. I didn't put this much effort into surving to committ a slow suicide with them. For me, that was my driving force.
    I hope you can come to a driving force too that will let you lay them down and know that you did EVERYTHING to give your body the best advantage to heal and beat the beast. If you won't let cancer kill you, why let cigaretts?
    I know first hand that it is hard (ALL my family quit after my diagnosis!!) but I have faith in anyone that can go through this for cancer is absolutely able to quit smoking which pales in nature. Good luck and I will be here to encourage you!! :) Pammy

    PS) You may have one side effect from quitting....it is VERY rare....happens to 1 in a million.....but have to warn you because you could be that 1....it is excesive body hair!!! However, it is not that bad...I think I look rather cute. Sorta like a monkey!! Don't you think?

    I'm in !
    Monkey see, monkey do !
    May 17th is my wedding anniversary !
    I will quit !
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    IamHope said:

    errrrr... I forgot
    I forgot that in a moment of insanity I commited to stopping smoking today. Uhm.
    Was it this Thursday, or next week Thursday?

    Start Day - Checking In
    Day One -
    So far on track. No nic patch right now because I'm going to chemo today but no major meltdowns, yet, either...once we head to chemo I'll be set because it's a long day of distractions.

    tj- thanks for the confession...right attitude...just start from here!!!

    IamHope - I saw your other post about the job & can see how you would be distracted...I'm so sorry about that. With everything else on your plate, I'm sure it seems overwhelming right now. Choose whatever date works best...start today...tomorrow...next Thursday...whenever, just pick a date & let us know.

    Where is everyone else?

    Catcha Tomorrow -
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    Hey Guys,
    From the other

    Hey Guys,
    From the other posts, it looks like some of us are having some struggles, unrelated to the smoking, so I'm not sure where everyone is at with this...tj - how is it going for you?

    My report (as copied & pasted from another post):
    Day 1 and I have failed. The day just started bad and got worse with my onco visit. I was on edge when I woke up today and it has evolved worse...perhaps my gut told me it was going to be and unsettling day.

    I am currently not even in survivor mode and and, with the smoking thing...feeling like a complete "quitter" on "not smoking".

    I know I'll dust off & bounce back when I can digest & accept.
    "Tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyway, so bring on the rain..." -Jo Dee Messina

    Sorry I let you down,
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655

    Hey Guys,
    From the other

    Hey Guys,
    From the other posts, it looks like some of us are having some struggles, unrelated to the smoking, so I'm not sure where everyone is at with this...tj - how is it going for you?

    My report (as copied & pasted from another post):
    Day 1 and I have failed. The day just started bad and got worse with my onco visit. I was on edge when I woke up today and it has evolved worse...perhaps my gut told me it was going to be and unsettling day.

    I am currently not even in survivor mode and and, with the smoking thing...feeling like a complete "quitter" on "not smoking".

    I know I'll dust off & bounce back when I can digest & accept.
    "Tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyway, so bring on the rain..." -Jo Dee Messina

    Sorry I let you down,

    Today has been good no
    Today has been good no problems with wanting to smoke.
    Deep breath KC you could never let us down, have a drink and start again tomorrow
  • IamHope
    IamHope Member Posts: 58
    Self Hypnosis
    I sat myself down this morning and did a bit of meditation.
    I imagined the evil cancer cells floating around in my body, just looking for a way to enter some organ or cause damage somewhere. Then I imagined myself taking a drag on my cig, and the evil concoction of stuff going into my body - looking for the evil cancer cells so that they can do even more damage together than on their own.
    I simply cannot believe that I do not have the self control, the strong willedness to say: Enough!
    So, I'm giving it my full 100%
    I will NOT smoke again.
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    IamHope said:

    Self Hypnosis
    I sat myself down this morning and did a bit of meditation.
    I imagined the evil cancer cells floating around in my body, just looking for a way to enter some organ or cause damage somewhere. Then I imagined myself taking a drag on my cig, and the evil concoction of stuff going into my body - looking for the evil cancer cells so that they can do even more damage together than on their own.
    I simply cannot believe that I do not have the self control, the strong willedness to say: Enough!
    So, I'm giving it my full 100%
    I will NOT smoke again.

    Another Day Down
    To all my fellow WINNERS repeat after me

    I will breath better
    I will smell better
    I will live longer
    I will not take out some for bystander due to withdrawl
    I will not smoke

    The lack of nicateen is effecting my brain, really it is, and these darn straws just dont smoke the same