Geting back into routine



  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    Peach Fuzz
    Fun to watch how the hair grows back. Mine started out all white, I thought for sure I was going to be completely grey. Now, all the black has come in and my hair is starting to get thick. I still rub my head and run my fingers through my hair. I shaved my head completely on January 17 so in three months I now have to start combing it and going to purchase some gel to keep it from sticking up. Very Exciting!!!

    I took two asprins before my walk last night and that help alot with my feet and ankle pain. I'm cranking out two miles with no problem and would like to go further but my feet and ankles don't want me to. 30 to 45 minutes of walking is about all I can do. I go back for my 3 month check up next week (the 29th) and going to ask the oncol lots of questions about the foot pain and muscle stiffness.

    Deanna, praying everything goes well with your CT scan today.


    Hugs to all.

    Marge, it looks great with you combing your hair, I love the picture. I am so jealous of I can't wait to see what happens when you gel it. I have white fuzz now, and it will probably stay that way with a little black in it.
    You are doing great with your walking, and I am trying to do a little each day. I took a
    Aleve and that helped with the left leg, but I find my ankle wants to give out when I walk sometimes, has this happened with you? Good luck with your CT scan next week, I will have my fingers crossed that everything will be just fine.

    Hugs to you,
    Smiling at your new picture.
  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212
    lindab555 said:

    Getting back into routine
    I am going back Monday,half days for 2 weeks. I know what you mean by being tired. I guess it is from just sitting around doing nothing for so long. I hope my energy picks up again soon.

    take it slow
    Hi Linda, I should have gone back half days also but I have to get up so early I said I might as well just do the eight hours and take off when I need to. I have sick days coming to me so I use them. I will also be finished with working because of a lay-off at the end of June. I hope it gets easier for you to get back into the swing of working.

    Take care of yourself,
  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    I remember what my little grandson said to me.
    My 7 year old grandson really made being bald okay for me. He was sleeping over and climbed onto my lap and ran his hand over my bald head, looked me striaght in the eye, and said in his most serious way, "I don't care, Grammy. I just love you so much." And I decided, then and there, that I don't care either. I love me so much, too! HA!

    What a sweet heart
    Linda give your grandson a big hug from me, I think that's so nice of him to say that to you. I am glad you love you too. lol
  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212
    Teresa 61 said:

    Finished internal radiation
    On the 19th and 20th I was put on a liquid diet. On the 21st I checked into the hospital and under general anesthesia the implant instruments were placed in my vagina.Following recovery I was taken to my hospital room where the cesium was loaded into the implant.I had to lay on my back for 32 hours then at 8 pm on the 22nd the implant was removed and I went home. I'm feeling a little achey but nothing I can't handle, happy it's over with. Will be starting my last 3 rounds of chemo around the 2nd week of May.
    Ro, I know your going to be having this done soon and I know you'll be fine. I had a roommate and that helped alot.

    What we go through
    Teresa, it's good that you have that done now, being on your back for that long wow. I have read so many different treatment processes here I can't believe what we all go through and still have the strength to go on. How do we all do it? Here's to us all. HOO-Rah

    The last 3 rounds will go so fast for you now because of what you have already finished.
    Good luck with feeling well for all of the treatments and very little side effects.

    Happy Dance for you,
  • Teresa 61
    Teresa 61 Member Posts: 84 Member

    Teresa: So glad the internal radiation went so well!!
    Thanks for checking in, Teresa! It's good to know that you have that ordeal behind you and that it wasn't that bad. So are you on a complete break from treatment until the 2nd week of May? I'm really enjoying my break between chemo and radiation. It's nice not to be running over to the hospital, and I feel completely recovered from chemo now (last chemo round 3/26; pelvic radiation to start 4/30). Today I spent 3 hours lifting plants (rose campion, black-eyed susans, larkspur, columbine, and sweet williams) that seeded themselves or sprawled into the 8" edging of bare mulch that I like to have outlining all of my flower beds. I plunked some of these little flower plants into bare spots in my borders and moved most of them to along the edge of the woods where I will just let God take care of them from now on. It was so good to work outside and wonderful that it is warm enough at last that it is pleasant. I worked bald-headed and hope I don't have a sunburn on my noggin! I hope that your achiness goes away and that you can enjoy your 'spring break'!

    Thank You!
    Mary Ann, Ro, Sharon and Linda, thank you all for your wonderful posts. Meant alot to me as I'am so happy to have this part of my treatments over with.
    Ro, you can raise your bed up a little and you can move your feet and legs. You mainly just have to keep your hips flat so the implant doesn't get moved around. Nothing really hurt me, just uncomfortable every now and then and the nurses were very generous with relaxers or pain medication.I suffered more during the time before the procedure just having to much time to think about it then I did when I acually had the implant. I will be so happy for you too when it's a done deal for you. Like Sharon said "Just how do we all go through all of this"....
    I was reading your blogs on soar feet. My feet hurt to since chemo. I wear Easy Spirit style "Traveltime" 0707 shoes. I even wear them around the house when I'am in my robe as my feet hurt even when I try to wear my slippers.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Teresa 61 said:

    Thank You!
    Mary Ann, Ro, Sharon and Linda, thank you all for your wonderful posts. Meant alot to me as I'am so happy to have this part of my treatments over with.
    Ro, you can raise your bed up a little and you can move your feet and legs. You mainly just have to keep your hips flat so the implant doesn't get moved around. Nothing really hurt me, just uncomfortable every now and then and the nurses were very generous with relaxers or pain medication.I suffered more during the time before the procedure just having to much time to think about it then I did when I acually had the implant. I will be so happy for you too when it's a done deal for you. Like Sharon said "Just how do we all go through all of this"....
    I was reading your blogs on soar feet. My feet hurt to since chemo. I wear Easy Spirit style "Traveltime" 0707 shoes. I even wear them around the house when I'am in my robe as my feet hurt even when I try to wear my slippers.

    Teresa thanks for the info
    Hope you are feeling better now. Sorry to hear about your sore feet, too. I am glad your Easy Spirit Shoes make your feet feel better. They probably give your feet more support than your slippers do. Hope you are enjoying your "free" time. It will be interesting to compare my preparation for the internal radiation to yours, and what the hospital stay will be like. I appreciate hearing about your experience.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    Teresa 61 said:

    Thank You!
    Mary Ann, Ro, Sharon and Linda, thank you all for your wonderful posts. Meant alot to me as I'am so happy to have this part of my treatments over with.
    Ro, you can raise your bed up a little and you can move your feet and legs. You mainly just have to keep your hips flat so the implant doesn't get moved around. Nothing really hurt me, just uncomfortable every now and then and the nurses were very generous with relaxers or pain medication.I suffered more during the time before the procedure just having to much time to think about it then I did when I acually had the implant. I will be so happy for you too when it's a done deal for you. Like Sharon said "Just how do we all go through all of this"....
    I was reading your blogs on soar feet. My feet hurt to since chemo. I wear Easy Spirit style "Traveltime" 0707 shoes. I even wear them around the house when I'am in my robe as my feet hurt even when I try to wear my slippers.

    Congrats Teresa
    Congrats on having that stage of treatments behind you. Hopefully those last 3 chemo treatments will go smoothly. You have cleared one more hurdle and you are almost to the finish line.
    Take care, I hope the achiness goes away soon.
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291
    deanna14 said:

    Congrats Teresa
    Congrats on having that stage of treatments behind you. Hopefully those last 3 chemo treatments will go smoothly. You have cleared one more hurdle and you are almost to the finish line.
    Take care, I hope the achiness goes away soon.

    Glad for You

    Glad you're finished with radiation and pray all goes well with the last three chemo treatments.


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    MARGE: with hair you can COMB! I'm so jealous!
    I keep meaning to post to tell you how GREAT your hair looks and let you know how much I envy you all that HAIR! You look beautiful! We just had an unseasonably HOT weekend, (90 degrees!) and it was just too roasting to wear anything on my bald head, so now I have a sunburn on my noggin! I'm happy for you and jealous at the same time. You look GOOD, Marge!
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    Glad for You

    Glad you're finished with radiation and pray all goes well with the last three chemo treatments.



    Marge you hair is really coming in
    I love your new picture. Your hair looks like it is really growing. And to be able to comb it is great. Hope you are feeling less achy these days. HUGS to you.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    MARGE: with hair you can COMB! I'm so jealous!
    I keep meaning to post to tell you how GREAT your hair looks and let you know how much I envy you all that HAIR! You look beautiful! We just had an unseasonably HOT weekend, (90 degrees!) and it was just too roasting to wear anything on my bald head, so now I have a sunburn on my noggin! I'm happy for you and jealous at the same time. You look GOOD, Marge!

    Yeah... it's lots of hair!
    The hair looks great! Congrats Marge. I am finding it's too hot for wearing hats or wigs as well. I'm sporting the bald look this days as well! I have been keeping sunscreen on it though b/c I didn't want to burn it. My friend laughed and commented that I would be the only lady she knew with a tan head!
    Bald is beautiful... but I too am looking forward to having hair again.
    I am feeling happy that we are all doing so well with this horrible treatment! And such good spirits most of the time. I credit some of that to all of you. Thanks for alway being here.
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291
    deanna14 said:

    Yeah... it's lots of hair!
    The hair looks great! Congrats Marge. I am finding it's too hot for wearing hats or wigs as well. I'm sporting the bald look this days as well! I have been keeping sunscreen on it though b/c I didn't want to burn it. My friend laughed and commented that I would be the only lady she knew with a tan head!
    Bald is beautiful... but I too am looking forward to having hair again.
    I am feeling happy that we are all doing so well with this horrible treatment! And such good spirits most of the time. I credit some of that to all of you. Thanks for alway being here.

    I have been getting lots of comments on my hair. Everyone seems to like it at this length and I'm thinking of keeping it this short. The Jamie Lee Curtis look!! My daughter wants me to grow it long again because I think the short hair reminds her to much that I HAD cancer. But I love it and so does my husband. Wash and towel dry is great.

    I'm so proud that you ladies can go out in public bald. I would have too if I was still bald!


  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    I have been getting lots of comments on my hair. Everyone seems to like it at this length and I'm thinking of keeping it this short. The Jamie Lee Curtis look!! My daughter wants me to grow it long again because I think the short hair reminds her to much that I HAD cancer. But I love it and so does my husband. Wash and towel dry is great.

    I'm so proud that you ladies can go out in public bald. I would have too if I was still bald!



    can't do it
    Hey Marge, Why is it that I still can not go without a hat? I admired you all that can go without your hats and wigs, but I look in the mirror and on goes the hat. lol
    I don't feel comfortable without it, maybe because I don't like to be reminded that I am sick and that the "look" is not for me. Even when I wear the hats people can tell and you can tell that they are looking at you. It just bothers me so much, but pretty soon I can take the hat off. Hey some women look great being bald but not the case with me, so I think that has a lot to do with it too. Am I the only one that thinks this way?

    Life is good.
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291

    can't do it
    Hey Marge, Why is it that I still can not go without a hat? I admired you all that can go without your hats and wigs, but I look in the mirror and on goes the hat. lol
    I don't feel comfortable without it, maybe because I don't like to be reminded that I am sick and that the "look" is not for me. Even when I wear the hats people can tell and you can tell that they are looking at you. It just bothers me so much, but pretty soon I can take the hat off. Hey some women look great being bald but not the case with me, so I think that has a lot to do with it too. Am I the only one that thinks this way?

    Life is good.

    I guess it's all how we look at things... When I started getting fuzz I felt like I was sick if I put on the hat. But you are right about the way people look at you, I would just look them right in the eye, smile and say hello. I'm alive, who the hell cares what they think!!! Now I get the look as if I'm a lesbian, makes me really chuckle. Once again I look them in the eye, smile and say hello!!!! Maybe I should blow them a kiss. LOL. Life is good.

    Hang in there before you know it you'll be having bad hair days!


  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    I guess it's all how we look at things... When I started getting fuzz I felt like I was sick if I put on the hat. But you are right about the way people look at you, I would just look them right in the eye, smile and say hello. I'm alive, who the hell cares what they think!!! Now I get the look as if I'm a lesbian, makes me really chuckle. Once again I look them in the eye, smile and say hello!!!! Maybe I should blow them a kiss. LOL. Life is good.

    Hang in there before you know it you'll be having bad hair days!



    I agree
    I get a lot of funny looks when I don't wear a hat, but just as many when I do wear a hat. I do the same thing, smile, look them in the eye and say hello. I have had so many people stop me and hug me. Tell me about their experience with cancer or a family member. It's all good... like you said, we are alive! I sure don't care what they think of my bald head! LOL
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    deanna14 said:

    I agree
    I get a lot of funny looks when I don't wear a hat, but just as many when I do wear a hat. I do the same thing, smile, look them in the eye and say hello. I have had so many people stop me and hug me. Tell me about their experience with cancer or a family member. It's all good... like you said, we are alive! I sure don't care what they think of my bald head! LOL

    I found that most people treated me very well when I was bald. The side benefit of all this. :)

    Mary Ann
  • livenow09
    livenow09 Member Posts: 60
    Ro10 said:

    Sharon hope Monday was better for you
    Sorry to hear you had such a tiring time at work the first two days. Hope after your three days of rest you are feeling better. Hope you can work something out with your employer for maybe shorter work days, or fewer work days.
    I am a nurse and had worked 12 hour shifts. I should not be around the infections in the hospital, and I don't think I could work the 12 hours right now, so I am not working. It is nice to be able to rest when I feel like it. Could not do that working 12 hours. I've gotten pretty lazy since I don't have to get up at 5:30 anymore.
    Take care and hope you are feeling better.

    getting back to work
    Aloha Sharon I'm an RN as well; I work in homecare with lots of driving; had my last chemo 11/26/08 and am still not able to work my usual 30 hours a week; I guess we're all in the same boat as to when do I get "A" life back (have given up getting the old life back); does anyone have any stats about how long it takes to recover from chemo;I thought when I managed to survive surgery than 8 cycles of chemo the worst was over; quite a shock to realize the struggle was just beginning; it seems medical community has no answers and aftercare is some vague feel good platitude; Livenow09
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    livenow09 said:

    getting back to work
    Aloha Sharon I'm an RN as well; I work in homecare with lots of driving; had my last chemo 11/26/08 and am still not able to work my usual 30 hours a week; I guess we're all in the same boat as to when do I get "A" life back (have given up getting the old life back); does anyone have any stats about how long it takes to recover from chemo;I thought when I managed to survive surgery than 8 cycles of chemo the worst was over; quite a shock to realize the struggle was just beginning; it seems medical community has no answers and aftercare is some vague feel good platitude; Livenow09

    Getting back to work
    Hello. I too am a nurse. I don't have any statistics, but when I started considering applying for disability, I spoke to my doctor. He told me then that it would be a MINIMUM of 6 months before I started to "feel better," from chemo. I am still in taking chemo, but only for one more treatment. I did apply for disability and was approved, at least for 3 years. I wanted to be able to work part time if I could, but did not have the leave left to be able to do that. So I applied for the disability. I just did not want to be pushed and stressed while recovering. I wanted a slower pace to be able to slow down and take care of myself. I wish you all could do the same. I am so much more relaxed knowing that after that last chemo treatment, there will be nothing putting me on a time schedule for a while. I will eventually find something a day or two per week to keep me busy, but for now, I am just going to focus on healing my body. Taking care of me. I have worked and/or gone to school since I was 15 years old. I am planning on focusing on getting healthy and staying healthy.
    Good luck and God Bless!
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    deanna14 said:

    Getting back to work
    Hello. I too am a nurse. I don't have any statistics, but when I started considering applying for disability, I spoke to my doctor. He told me then that it would be a MINIMUM of 6 months before I started to "feel better," from chemo. I am still in taking chemo, but only for one more treatment. I did apply for disability and was approved, at least for 3 years. I wanted to be able to work part time if I could, but did not have the leave left to be able to do that. So I applied for the disability. I just did not want to be pushed and stressed while recovering. I wanted a slower pace to be able to slow down and take care of myself. I wish you all could do the same. I am so much more relaxed knowing that after that last chemo treatment, there will be nothing putting me on a time schedule for a while. I will eventually find something a day or two per week to keep me busy, but for now, I am just going to focus on healing my body. Taking care of me. I have worked and/or gone to school since I was 15 years old. I am planning on focusing on getting healthy and staying healthy.
    Good luck and God Bless!

    Deanna glad your disability was approved
    Deanna that has to be a relief to have the approval for disability. Now you can concentrate on getting healthy and staying healthy. I am happy to hear they approved it for you. I hope your sinus infection is better now too. Before you know it your last chemo will be over and you can get on with your life.....with rest and recuperation. Take care.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    daisy366 said:

    I found that most people treated me very well when I was bald. The side benefit of all this. :)

    Mary Ann

    Treated special because of the bald head....
    When I first went bald, my little grand-daughter felt so sorry for me and I wanted her to stop feeling my hairless head was such a tragedy. So I told her that it would be GREAT because if I got pulled over for speeding, I would just have to whip off my hat and the policeman would feel so sorry for me that I wouldn't get a ticket; and I told her that people would let us go to the front of the line; and that if she was having a bad day at school, she could say "My grandma has cancer" and they would cut her some slack. I told her that it was like that when I was pregnant, long long ago, that people were extra kind to me; and that having cancer was my "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and I wouldn't have to do anything I didn't want to do, and could do almost anything I wanted.

    Of course, none of that was really true. But it was LESS true than I anticipated! No one REALLY lets me go to the front of the line! And I thought they would. I have always been the kind of person that leaves my shopping cart to help a pregnant women load her groceries into her car, because that is the way I remember my own pregnancies in the 70's. I've always offered elderly people or people who look unwell to cut in front of me in line; or take my seat, etc. Maybe it's the "times." or maybe it is the privacy people assume you want, and the empowerment the handicapped have fought so hard to achieve, and people just don't know what to do. But I haven't really experienced any 'privledges' from having cancer (other than the valet parking at the hospital). I don't WANT people's pity or NEED the kindness of strangers, but I am a bit surprised that the 'perks' of when I was pregnant are not there for me now, and how untrue my words were to my granddaughter.