Level 3 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma



  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    I couldn't make the
    I couldn't make the appointment with her yesterday. her dr has decided to put her on the pill form of chemo. not sure which. she said her dr seemed pleased with how she has responded and said she looked well

    she did have a few questions she wanted me to ask everyone here that her dr wasn't clear on

    How long she will be sore after the surgery. it's been over a month now and she's worried. I told her considering what she had done it would probably be a while.

    and she was speaking to a woman who had her reconstruction in abilene (which I said was probably the problem) and said that it hurt worse than the removal. and that she wasn't happy with them.
    My gf is getting hers done in dallas probably so I have no doubt they know what they are doing. anyways she wants to know if anyone else had a similar experience and whether or not the reconstruction should hurt worse
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    Appointment today for the
    Appointment today for the results of the ct scan. Lost alot of sleep last night thinking about it

    Hope everyone had a good holiday
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Spinnr1 said:

    Appointment today for the
    Appointment today for the results of the ct scan. Lost alot of sleep last night thinking about it

    Hope everyone had a good holiday

    Good to hear from you.
    Please let us know what the results of the ct scan are when you can.

  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57

    Good to hear from you.
    Please let us know what the results of the ct scan are when you can.


    Ct scan results showed 2
    Ct scan results showed 2 small spots in her throat the dr says could be from a cold or something. she said she was feeling bad that day so we took that as a good thing.

    dr said she looks good and she has until sunday of her Xeloda pill, and she will start radiation soon.

    Hope you are all well
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    Radiation starts Thursday
    Radiation starts Thursday Jan 28.
    she is doing 5 weeks.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Spinnr1 said:

    Radiation starts Thursday
    Radiation starts Thursday Jan 28.
    she is doing 5 weeks.

    Best of luck
    Best of luck to your girlfriend and you for staying by her side.
    You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Spinnr1 said:

    Radiation starts Thursday
    Radiation starts Thursday Jan 28.
    she is doing 5 weeks.

    Spinnr, good luck to you and
    Spinnr, good luck to you and your girlfriend. We'll be thinking of both of you. Radiation can make you fatigued so be prepared for that. Take care and hoping for the best results!!!
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    Roughly halfway through
    Roughly halfway through radiation. she is doing well. the trips back and forth are tiring her out though (As predicted).

    She discovered a nasty looking cut under her right arm that she had looked at. they gave her an antibiotic for it and it's made her sick 2 nights in a row already. they said cut it in half and see if it still makes her sick, and they are keeping an eye on it to see if it gets bigger. They have suspicions that it's a spider bite.

    other than that not alot to report on.
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    She graduated from radiation
    She graduated from radiation today. we were getting kind of worried because when week 4 came she still hadn't gotten her sunburn they told her to look for. they turned it up a little and things went smoothly so today was a good day.

    I want to thank you all for your helpful advice and comments, as well ad your good thoughts and prayers. it's not over yet, but we wouldn't have even made it this far if it wasn't for you all
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Spinnr1 said:

    She graduated from radiation
    She graduated from radiation today. we were getting kind of worried because when week 4 came she still hadn't gotten her sunburn they told her to look for. they turned it up a little and things went smoothly so today was a good day.

    I want to thank you all for your helpful advice and comments, as well ad your good thoughts and prayers. it's not over yet, but we wouldn't have even made it this far if it wasn't for you all

    I am so happy for both of you, Spinnr. I remember just how crazy everything was at the beginning and I am extra glad to know that everything is going smoothly now. I know there is still a long way to go (there always will be, for everyone whose life is affected by BC). But you both have come so far under such tough circumstances that I know you will make it.

    God Bless!
    Joe and Moopy
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    She has since done full body
    She has since done full body CT scans and gotten results.

    the dr wants her to coast on her chemo pills through the summer and they will run more scans

    They said there looked to be a spot on her liver, which they think has to do with scar tissue from her liver transplant. she is doing well except that Thursday her home health person came to see her and I heard from the next room she said "Oh I've been so sick it's crazy. I forgot I haven't gotten my hug yet!" so sure enough last night she woke up really sick and has been miserable ever since. I am trying my best not to catch anything and pass it around, or back to her, so I am running around with a mask and rubber gloves on.

    She appreciates all of your support, and she is fighting hard because of everyone's support here and in the real world.

    Hope you are all doing well.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Spinnr1 said:

    She has since done full body
    She has since done full body CT scans and gotten results.

    the dr wants her to coast on her chemo pills through the summer and they will run more scans

    They said there looked to be a spot on her liver, which they think has to do with scar tissue from her liver transplant. she is doing well except that Thursday her home health person came to see her and I heard from the next room she said "Oh I've been so sick it's crazy. I forgot I haven't gotten my hug yet!" so sure enough last night she woke up really sick and has been miserable ever since. I am trying my best not to catch anything and pass it around, or back to her, so I am running around with a mask and rubber gloves on.

    She appreciates all of your support, and she is fighting hard because of everyone's support here and in the real world.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Good to hear from you again!
    Moopster and I are doing great - tomorrow will be our 18th wedding anniversary. Even though she has to work, it's still going to beat our 17th wedding anniversary (which occurred between chemo and radiation) like a drum.

    It's awesome to hear that your girlfriend is responding so well to her treatments, even if she's sick right now. Keep taking precautions: I caught the damn Rotavirus the week after Moopy's first chemo, so whenever I had time off from crapping and barfing, I wiped everything down with Lysol Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner. The bathroom, the dogs, myself, whatever. I gotta say that stuff works.

    It's going on the first anniversary of her diagnosis: you have both fought back hard and you are winning. The second anniversary will be much happier, as will all the decades of anniversaries to come. My congratulations to you both!

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Spinnr1 said:

    she got a phone call from her primary care physician (I believe it was her normal nurse) I was in the other room and all I heard was, "I think I'm going to pass out" and she told me their exact words were
    "Level 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma."

    As for where she got her mammogram she got it at her primary physician as well as her ultrasound

    I believe she also had a mammogram and another ultrasound at Vera West Women's Clinic in Abilene Texas.

    then she got the call from her primary Physician's nurse like I said, so I am not sure what any of this means. but Thank you for your feedback

    We spoke to her aunt who had a different type of breast cancer and she said she went to Dallas to a dr she knew. Honestly I don't know if she could stand the frequent trips to Dallas or even houston where a friend of hers recommended the M.D. Anderson Clinic
    her aunt did say she would go with her to her appointment to ask questions and give her her opinion of the dr.

    OOne of my very best friends
    OOne of my very best friends had breast cancer at age 25. She had a mastectomy, I don't know what level or what she had back then it was like 1976. She is now 57. she is doing quite well, so i hope your friend makes out well with this also, just stick by her and help her when you can, which I'm sure you will.
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    Not alot has happened
    Not alot has happened really, let's see...

    She found out she had 16 ulcers in her stomach that was causing her to poo blood. not much they have done about that yet.

    Ummm, she recieved a letter stating that the meds she is taking to keep her from rejecting her transplant liver were the cause of her breast cancer, so that is good to know I guess.

    other than that she is waiting on a dr appointment next month in Dallas to go over whether they think it would be ok for her to stop taking her chemo pills.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Spinnr1 said:

    Not alot has happened
    Not alot has happened really, let's see...

    She found out she had 16 ulcers in her stomach that was causing her to poo blood. not much they have done about that yet.

    Ummm, she recieved a letter stating that the meds she is taking to keep her from rejecting her transplant liver were the cause of her breast cancer, so that is good to know I guess.

    other than that she is waiting on a dr appointment next month in Dallas to go over whether they think it would be ok for her to stop taking her chemo pills.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Not much news is GREAT news!
    Sorry as I am to hear about the ulcers and the news about the anti-rejection meds, I am delighted to hear that both of you are still alive and kicking! Best wishes and God Bless both you and your GF!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Spinnr1 said:

    Not alot has happened
    Not alot has happened really, let's see...

    She found out she had 16 ulcers in her stomach that was causing her to poo blood. not much they have done about that yet.

    Ummm, she recieved a letter stating that the meds she is taking to keep her from rejecting her transplant liver were the cause of her breast cancer, so that is good to know I guess.

    other than that she is waiting on a dr appointment next month in Dallas to go over whether they think it would be ok for her to stop taking her chemo pills.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Just saw your post tonight
    Just saw your post tonight and wanted to let you know that I had Stage 3A IDC with 4 nodes and have been doing well for 23 years now. I was 33 at diagnosis. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Just saw your post tonight
    Just saw your post tonight and wanted to let you know that I had Stage 3A IDC with 4 nodes and have been doing well for 23 years now. I was 33 at diagnosis. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Just read your post. I

    Just read your post. I too have (had) Level 3 invasive ductal. I was dx in April of 09 and am doing well now. This level refers to the size of tumor and how many nodes were infected. I had 2.6 tumor with 8 nodes involved.
    Had lumpectomy ( twice for clean margins) followed by chemo and radiation. Keep asking us questions because we can help you and her through this.
    Just remember that it is very do able now and she has a great chance of survival in this day and age.
    God Bless,
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    It's been a long time since
    It's been a long time since I have been around to reply. I just found the site again so I thought I would leave an update. she is doing well.
    her "female dr" (I'm a guy, let's stick with that it's easier for us) recommended she have her ovaries removed since she has already had pre-cancerous spots removed and had an ablasion (I bet I spelled that wrong) so we asked her primary dr, and her liver transplant dr both agreed and then the last in line was the oncologist and he said he would have to check on it and he disagreed and said she was low on the her2-neu list as far as the whole production of estrogen and all so she should be ok and they will keep a close watch and not do the surgery because at 27 now he doesn't want to put her through another surgery he thinks she has had far too many serious ones at such a young age.

    She was taken off of her pill chemo a few months back.

    so as of right now she is just waiting. There is alot of that. her Hair is getting long. she can put it in a ponytail already. June 1st will be 2 years since the day we got the phone call. Still don't sleep alot personally, but she is dealing with it well.

    and reconstruction is still a few years away she's upset about that, but I could care less. just want the dr's to wait until the coast is clear.

    other than that, not much to report really. how is everyone else doing?
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Spinnr1 said:

    It's been a long time since
    It's been a long time since I have been around to reply. I just found the site again so I thought I would leave an update. she is doing well.
    her "female dr" (I'm a guy, let's stick with that it's easier for us) recommended she have her ovaries removed since she has already had pre-cancerous spots removed and had an ablasion (I bet I spelled that wrong) so we asked her primary dr, and her liver transplant dr both agreed and then the last in line was the oncologist and he said he would have to check on it and he disagreed and said she was low on the her2-neu list as far as the whole production of estrogen and all so she should be ok and they will keep a close watch and not do the surgery because at 27 now he doesn't want to put her through another surgery he thinks she has had far too many serious ones at such a young age.

    She was taken off of her pill chemo a few months back.

    so as of right now she is just waiting. There is alot of that. her Hair is getting long. she can put it in a ponytail already. June 1st will be 2 years since the day we got the phone call. Still don't sleep alot personally, but she is dealing with it well.

    and reconstruction is still a few years away she's upset about that, but I could care less. just want the dr's to wait until the coast is clear.

    other than that, not much to report really. how is everyone else doing?

    It has been a long time
    It has been a long time Spinnr! Good to see you posting and to know that your girlfriend is doing well.

    I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Spinnr1
    Spinnr1 Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2017 #161
    Almost 8 years

    its been a while... coming up on 8 years since the diagnosis.

    Had an oncologist appointment today and for the first time since this began all of her numbers were normal. we got the go-ahead to come back in a year. 

    Its been a long time having to go every 2-3 months. 

    Hope everyone is well. Thank you for all the support when I really needed it