Nuclear Navy Submariners and Blood Cancers
My father served in the nuclear Navy from 1968-1974. During those years of enlistment, he was exposed to ionizing radiation daily during the years of 1970 – 1974. He received these exposures as a Machinist Mate 2nd Class (Nuclear) and job responsibilities at Naval Nuclear Protype S1C, Winsor Locks, Connecticut, which is a…
Can I join the military with a history of cancer?
Hello, I am a senior in high school and I am hoping to get into one of the Service Academies (Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, West Point) or a ROTC program. The last step to my applications are to complete the Department of Defense Medical Exam. I think I heard somewhere that the military has a 5…
Current status on VA recognizing squamous cell carcinoma contracted from agent orange exposure
Vietnam era veteran stationed in Southeast Asia in early 1970s...worked on planes that dispersed agent orange....contracted stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma of the neck/throat in 2008....from that point of time in my life, it all went downhill fast. Diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in 2009 and 2011 I've also had Stage 3,…
Merkel Cell Carcanoma
I have Mekel Cell cancer; this was found in the lymph nodes last November. I have found four other Viet Nam Vets with the same cancer. How many other Viet Nam Vets exposed to agent orange are out there have this cancer? The VA is saying it is not on thier list so no compensation is allowed. Merkel cell is a rare cancer and…
23 Yr Old Vet with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
I returned from a deployment overseas Dec. 2021. October 2022, I started feeling very tired and unwell. My physical medicine and rehab doctor (from injuries obtained while deployed) finally convinced my PCP to take a look at my thyroid after my PCP kept saying it was my mental state and i was just anxious. They found a…
Squamous cell cancer & agent orange
I am a Vietnam Vet (1965-66 DaNang) diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of the mouth, neck and lung. I have been reading some of the postings about cancer related to agent orange and wondering if there is a connection. My question is how can one determine if he was exposed to agent orange? Is it possible that one was…
info on fuel and cancer
Hello i need some help! I have been out of the Air Force for 5 years and 1 1/4 years ago found out i had Ovarian Cancer stage IIIc. I was 32 yo when they found it after complaining for years of pain while i was in and at the VA. I had every symptom you could think of but no one even checked till i could hardly walk. I KNOW…
Any military veterans on this forum... see attached new VA PACT Act
just passed this year... check it out: https://news.va.gov/112016/what-the-pact-act-and-cancer-moonshot-mean-for-you/
husband is 18 yr active duty
MRI found soft tissue sarcoma in his left gluteal region along with a lesion on his femur head. We see Ortho Oncologist for first time tomorrow. We arent sure if it IS in fact cancer or what. Any help would be appreciated.... He has been having intense pain since Feb (progressively worse since March). He had an MRI at…
Acinic Cell Carcinoma
I was diagnosed with ACC (acinic cell carcinoma) about 9 months ago.I had surgery and as of a week ago ct scan shows no cancer.I was a Marine at camp Lejuene 1980-82.Many Marines and civilians have been diagnosed with several rare cancers that were stationed or worked,or lived on Camp Lejuene.ACC is rare and is similar to…
P3 entered
Team, Was diagnosed with PTC in March of 2021 and have been through two rounds of RAI already this year post thyroidectomy. Since I have at least another round of RAI scheduled for mid April, my PCM has entered me into IDES after my 365 day mark on a temp profile. What is next? I am fortunate enough to be cadre for a SRU…
Shipyards, Cancer & the VA
I spent several years stationed and living at my command at Bemerton naval shipyard. It was during the period when the where cutting up and decomming large numbers of SSN/SSBN's during the big draw down of the 90's I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 RCC, had my right kidney removed but it has spread to my lungs. I read…
CLL and the nuclear Navy?
Am new here and was wondering if anybody here has been diagnosed with CLL after serving on a nuclear powered ship or submarine? If so, any luck with the VA. I haven't as CLL isn't one of their "certified" radiation caused cancers, yet SCL (small cell luekemia) is - funny thing is most oncologist consider CLL a form of…
Balkan Syndrome anyone?
Am looking for anyone who is familiar with or experienced with Balkan Syndrome, serving in Bosnia, Hercegovina and Kosovo in the mid- to late 1990s, who were exposed to NATO anti-tank missiles and bombs containing depleted uranium.
Sewing Supplies for Breast Cancer Gladiator
Hello Good People, I'm seeking any resources, leads, orgs, groups, or points of contact to help me accomplish my mission of mercy. I am a retired US Marine who has been helping a friend who has endured multiple years of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Recently, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she has…
Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Agent Orange
Are there any one besides myself who have naspharyngeal cancer and had served in Vietnam. The person can be a relative, spouse or family member. Am trying to establish numbers and whether a claim was processed with the Veterans Administration.
Chemo's affect on flight status?
Hello there everyone. I'm a Navigator in the Air Force and I was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer. I just stumbled across this site while looking for any info I could find related to the military policy on returning members to flight status after undergoing chemotherapy. Apparently one of the chemo drugs,…
My husband was a Vietnam Vet and has passed away from Estheioneuroblastoma, which is a rare form of sinus cancer. He was exposed to Agent Orange during his tour of duty. Our daughter is a survivor of Thyroid cancer (when she was 14). I have a difficult time believing his Agent Orange exposure was not instrumental in both…
Still Active duty and trying to win the war against oral cancer/ Medical board?
Hello, I am new to this blog; been hanging out on the oral cancer board. I will try to give my reader's digest version. I am an active duty U.S. Public health service (USPHS) officer LCDR/0-4. Did Air Force for 12 years 6 active/6 reserve; then went back active with USPHS. Some may know of us but some may not; U.S. public…
throat cancer and agent orange
greetings to all.I am a State Representative in the Maine State House.I have retired from the Air Force as a 22 year Msgt.I was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer ,had 6 surgeries and months of radiation and swallow therapy.I am 100% disabled in the agent orange program having been exposed to agent orange in 67-68 in…
VA question
I am rated 40% with VA disability compensation. 10% for cystic ovaries/ovarian dysfunction. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer six weeks ago. I was told it is an automatic 100% upgrade for treatment plus six months. I submitted the paperwork two weeks ago, and was wondering when I will likely hear from the VA.
Esophageal cancer and agent orange
Hi My name is Barbara Rizzitello and my husband Vince, a Vietnam Vet from 1970-71 was exposed to agent orange. he passed away in Feb of this year with Esophageal cancer. He had applied to the VA for benefits before he died but as EC is not one of the regarded cancers he was denied. I have gone back to the vA with an appeal…
27 Year Old Stage 2 Kidney Cancer
Hello all, I am active duty Army and I was diagnosed with stage 2 renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) just three months ago, January 12th to be exact. There were no prior signs. I woke up that morning and felt a sharp pain in my left side and back followed by extreme nausea and vomiting. The result was a CT scan showing…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Anyone like me?
I'm 25 years old and was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer back in May. I had surgery, radiation, and am still having chemo. I was a reservist for 6 years, went through a few deployments (one to Iraq)...but I got out a few months before I was diagnosed so no medical discharge. Conditions were pretty crappy in Iraq as…
Looking for former x-ray technicians who developed kidney caner
Hello, Would like to hear if any former x-ray technicians who developed RCC Kidney cancer. I was an x-ray technician for 4 years and later developed RCC Kidney cancer and am now Stage IV.
Active duty Recently Diagnosed with neck cancer. Any others that served in Mosul or Mazar e shrief
On 16 October I was diagnosed with neck cancer. I had surgery on Monday to remove a tumor from the base of my tongue and my lymph nodes from the right side. Hopefully they will get it all out and that will be the end of it. If not I will have to get radiation therapy or another surgery and maybe chemo. It has been a crazy…
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Viet Nam + Agent Orange = CLL ?
Hello out there! As of early May 04 I am an FNG with CLL, compliments of agent orange the gift that keeps on killing. I am interested in talking to other Viet vets with the same or other agent orange related diseases.
Agent Orange Head and Neck
Forgive us - we are trying to figure out how to post here.