Cancer is where our fight should be....NOT GOD!!!
Buckwirth:Buckwirth said:Prayer
I have yet to see a request for thoughts and prayers cause a post to be flagged or pulled, but there are some who see ther role as that of preacher or evangelist and try repeatedly to become the boards own Jimmy Swaggert. In this last round, the one who started it told Winter Marie she was going to hell and that he had a book that proved it!
Would you approve of members of the Westboro Baptists spouting their religious hate here?
This is not a fight about silencing god, rather it is a fight to prevent zealots from driving out everyone who does not agree with them, all in the name of victimhood.
Their are rules and codes of conduct to prevent this kind of takeover, and to leave this board open for all, regardless of belief.
I was on line late last night and witnessed what went on in here. It has been on my mind all day long, thank you for putting the whole episode into words, much kinder words than were used last night. CSN pulled it later or early this morning, thank goodness, so the rest of the board did not have to read it.
Tina0 -
Thanks for the supportHatshepsut said:Measuring the effect of one's words...
Thank you for your post.
I haven't posted here for a while but I do check in from time to time because I want to celebrate the health victories of people on this board and because I want to support those whose health is in jeopardy. I am forever grateful to those who helped and supported my husband and me when my husband was desperately ill.
I came to this board several years ago because I needed information about medical treatment for my husband's stage four colon cancer. At its best, this board offered me a wealth of medical information, uplifting stories about personal battles with this miserable disease and genuine kindness. At the same time, I would be dishonest not to say that the need by some on this board to proselytize often made me feel uncomfortable and an outsider---the last thing I needed as I watched my husband lose his battle. At one particularly low point, I remember one particular post where the poster cautioned me to be careful of my words in opposition to proselytizing on this board because the poster warned that God might hear my post. I took that to mean (by implication) that the poster's God might worsen my husband's health or mine. I will never forget nor will I forgive the cruelty of that particular post.
I believe in free speech. I oppose censorship. But, I also believe that people of good will should measure the effect of their words. My religion is kindness.
While I have never really been an IT specialist, I was president of a computer club in 1980, and have always enjoyed gadgets and what can be done with them.
Boards like CSN are not a free speech zone, nor should they be if we actually want to keep them on topic and pertinent. It only takes one troll to move a board off topic, and a couple of them, left unchecked, will destroy all of the comradarie ever earned in this shared battle.
If you want to discuss politics there are thousands of places to go and do that, if you want to explain that only some deity can actually cure your disease, there are hundreds of places to go and do that.
If however, you want help with your cancer, well, CSN is a voice in the wilderness, open to all who are civil and can follow a few rules that aid in that civility. It is a secular place, and you will be greeted with open arms, regardless of age, sex, religion or politics. It can be this BECAUSE it has a restricted mission with restricted speech. Learn it, love it, and know that those who wish to change it do so at YOUR peril.0 -
Huggggs Hatshepsut!Hatshepsut said:Measuring the effect of one's words...
Thank you for your post.
I haven't posted here for a while but I do check in from time to time because I want to celebrate the health victories of people on this board and because I want to support those whose health is in jeopardy. I am forever grateful to those who helped and supported my husband and me when my husband was desperately ill.
I came to this board several years ago because I needed information about medical treatment for my husband's stage four colon cancer. At its best, this board offered me a wealth of medical information, uplifting stories about personal battles with this miserable disease and genuine kindness. At the same time, I would be dishonest not to say that the need by some on this board to proselytize often made me feel uncomfortable and an outsider---the last thing I needed as I watched my husband lose his battle. At one particularly low point, I remember one particular post where the poster cautioned me to be careful of my words in opposition to proselytizing on this board because the poster warned that God might hear my post. I took that to mean (by implication) that the poster's God might worsen my husband's health or mine. I will never forget nor will I forgive the cruelty of that particular post.
I believe in free speech. I oppose censorship. But, I also believe that people of good will should measure the effect of their words. My religion is kindness.
I just wanted to say that you have been missed BIG time. After the last Religion Flamewar in here back in 2009(?) I had enough of the one or two leopards and their changing accounts (their spots never changed and they didn't seem to understand that) so I left. I must admit, when it happened today and the leopards showed up in new accounts, but not clever enough to cover their spots, I actually thought it was funny and sad at the same time. Sad that an adult has to pull that trick on a support board just to get attention. But I came back to the board because of you and some of the other gems in this forum. I was so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. I realize there's not much need for you to come back and it may even be painful or bring back painful memories.... but you know we would LOVE to have you hang out here. I just love reading your posts!!
Cheryl0 -
I loveCherylHutch said:Huggggs Hatshepsut!
I just wanted to say that you have been missed BIG time. After the last Religion Flamewar in here back in 2009(?) I had enough of the one or two leopards and their changing accounts (their spots never changed and they didn't seem to understand that) so I left. I must admit, when it happened today and the leopards showed up in new accounts, but not clever enough to cover their spots, I actually thought it was funny and sad at the same time. Sad that an adult has to pull that trick on a support board just to get attention. But I came back to the board because of you and some of the other gems in this forum. I was so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. I realize there's not much need for you to come back and it may even be painful or bring back painful memories.... but you know we would LOVE to have you hang out here. I just love reading your posts!!
reading them too!0 -
Right on target!!!Buckwirth said:Prayer
I have yet to see a request for thoughts and prayers cause a post to be flagged or pulled, but there are some who see ther role as that of preacher or evangelist and try repeatedly to become the boards own Jimmy Swaggert. In this last round, the one who started it told Winter Marie she was going to hell and that he had a book that proved it!
Would you approve of members of the Westboro Baptists spouting their religious hate here?
This is not a fight about silencing god, rather it is a fight to prevent zealots from driving out everyone who does not agree with them, all in the name of victimhood.
Their are rules and codes of conduct to prevent this kind of takeover, and to leave this board open for all, regardless of belief.
You hit the nail on the head. Just as some are glad to see God mentioned, some are not. Does no one care about offending them? I'm tired of the "I'm Christian and I'm being persecuted" syndrome.0 -
I must say.....geotina said:Buckwirth:
I was on line late last night and witnessed what went on in here. It has been on my mind all day long, thank you for putting the whole episode into words, much kinder words than were used last night. CSN pulled it later or early this morning, thank goodness, so the rest of the board did not have to read it.
I think I am the youngest one on this board and hope I do not offend some with my opinion but I thought it was rather childish. I am a religious person, was sent to private school since kindergarten 'til high school, and was taught many things regarding my faith but one that stuck out in particular is my free will, therefore I stayed out of it. If I don't like what one has to say about my faith I don't care that their issue, I do not have to prove myself to anyone or anything.I'll just move on to the next post. Some people were outright mean and very condescending. As an adult and a decent human being that's just unnecessary. I will do whatever in my power to be here for those that need or what my help in whatever way you see fit. -Melissa0 -
Okay I will admit TL:DR a
Okay I will admit TL:DR a tad. Got about half way down the thread and gave up.
I too am a Catholic from Derry. Saying that however, I consider myself to be agnostic at best.
I have been lurking on this board for a while now, and I will be honest that lines such as "God has a plan" etc... I personally don't agree with. As I simply don't believe that any deity would be cruel enough to inflict a disease of this nature on anyone. Sometimes I read the long threads about "god having a plan", "the doctors don't know everything, have faith in god", "only faith in god will save you" etc.... and I do find myself wanting to object. At times I find myself wanting to scream at those threads and argue with the blind and absolute faith that they exhibit. I don't wish to be preached to, I want someone to save the people I hold dear and save the sermons for someone with faith. I am a man rooted in science and fact, i have faith in medicine and the years of development put into it and it is medicine that I hope will save my beloved.
However when i divorce myself from my anger and analyze why I am angry with these people, it is not really to do with them or their faith. These people are scared too and searching for hope as much as I am. In my heart of heart's I know this and I then have to acknowledge that I am terrified about what is happening in my life and I am jealous that these people can gain solace in something which is just too distant from me to engage in. My anger is a dark and ugly emotion born from envy and hopelessness. It is the yearning to be comforted while knowing that nothing can truly comfort me and I envy those people their faith and the peace they gain from it. Their words of kindness don't salve my pain, as I simply don't believe in the same things they do.
If you are an atheist on this board, ask yourself the one question that i ask myself all the time, what right do you have to prevent people from seeking solace in the way that calls to them most? If someone could tell me that their is a father figure that will help us bear through the hard times and if things come to the worst will take us by the hand to paradise. To not be scared of our loved ones passing but to rejoice because their pain has ended. If I could truly believe that, I would be more thankful than I could ever describe on this board.
The people here, from what I can tell, differ greatly but we are similar in certain ways. We are all scared of what it is either we or a loved one are going through and thus we come here for a safe environment to express those fears, look for hope and in some cases simply a desire to find comfort in others who understand personally what we are going through.
This is not simply a medical science board. This is a network of people, drawn together by common calamities in our lives. Many of us are at our lowest ebb and many of us feel lost. This board can provide hope, direction and support.
For many people an essential part of that hope and support is religious in nature. Their faith gets them through. Those of us here are united by something that no one should have to cope with. We have little in common on the surface but beneath that we all have the same deep understanding of what it is to see death and fight tooth and nail to beat it. It is therefore beyond me why anyone here would object to people finding solace in faith and offering that same solace to others. We are different in many ways, but we come here to offer hope, comfort and solace. Some of us can do that through lending a caring ear, some through offering advice about treatments and some can offer prayers and good wishes.
I lost my father to cancer when I was 16, my best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year and my partner (and husband to be if he will take me) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 3 weeks ago. I am only 29 and within the next 2 years cancer will probably be responsible for taking away the only 3 men I have ever loved. If people here can offer me hope when i am lost in despair, support when i feel i cant go on and prayers and good wishes if nothing more can be done. Then the people here will have been true friends to me and I will cherish my time here with them, regardless of if I share their faith or not.
I am not a religious man, but I respect the people on this board. I respect the strength and courage many show in the face of massive odds. I respect their ability to keep going when deep down you only want to hide and most of all I respect their faith. Their faith in each other, their faith in those they love and, for some, their faith in a greater power.
We are united here in our darkest hour, none of us should wish too, let alone try, to rob anyone here from what brings them hope and lightens that darkness.
I hasten to add, that I do not condone preaching on any forum. A prayer said is a fine thing as good wishes are noble, (and who knows, maybe religions are right, thus I'm glad someone is kind enough to cover all the bases for me, when i can't). Ranting at people however, that they have to believe in Christ to be saved, is quite different and something that no one needs on this board. Be they religious or not, no one needs to be told that faith alone will save them, as the suggestion their is always that one didn't have enough faith if this vile illness beats them. It attaches a degree of personal blame to the individual in connection with something which is essentially blameless and personally I find these comments more accusatory than comforting.
So in conclusion, I am all for people offering medical advice, a kind word or prayers for the people I love. It is all welcome and it is why I come to this site.
May you be happy and well and for those with faith, may your god be with you.
Ciarán0 -
6 daysCiaran said:Okay I will admit TL:DR a
Okay I will admit TL:DR a tad. Got about half way down the thread and gave up.
I too am a Catholic from Derry. Saying that however, I consider myself to be agnostic at best.
I have been lurking on this board for a while now, and I will be honest that lines such as "God has a plan" etc... I personally don't agree with. As I simply don't believe that any deity would be cruel enough to inflict a disease of this nature on anyone. Sometimes I read the long threads about "god having a plan", "the doctors don't know everything, have faith in god", "only faith in god will save you" etc.... and I do find myself wanting to object. At times I find myself wanting to scream at those threads and argue with the blind and absolute faith that they exhibit. I don't wish to be preached to, I want someone to save the people I hold dear and save the sermons for someone with faith. I am a man rooted in science and fact, i have faith in medicine and the years of development put into it and it is medicine that I hope will save my beloved.
However when i divorce myself from my anger and analyze why I am angry with these people, it is not really to do with them or their faith. These people are scared too and searching for hope as much as I am. In my heart of heart's I know this and I then have to acknowledge that I am terrified about what is happening in my life and I am jealous that these people can gain solace in something which is just too distant from me to engage in. My anger is a dark and ugly emotion born from envy and hopelessness. It is the yearning to be comforted while knowing that nothing can truly comfort me and I envy those people their faith and the peace they gain from it. Their words of kindness don't salve my pain, as I simply don't believe in the same things they do.
If you are an atheist on this board, ask yourself the one question that i ask myself all the time, what right do you have to prevent people from seeking solace in the way that calls to them most? If someone could tell me that their is a father figure that will help us bear through the hard times and if things come to the worst will take us by the hand to paradise. To not be scared of our loved ones passing but to rejoice because their pain has ended. If I could truly believe that, I would be more thankful than I could ever describe on this board.
The people here, from what I can tell, differ greatly but we are similar in certain ways. We are all scared of what it is either we or a loved one are going through and thus we come here for a safe environment to express those fears, look for hope and in some cases simply a desire to find comfort in others who understand personally what we are going through.
This is not simply a medical science board. This is a network of people, drawn together by common calamities in our lives. Many of us are at our lowest ebb and many of us feel lost. This board can provide hope, direction and support.
For many people an essential part of that hope and support is religious in nature. Their faith gets them through. Those of us here are united by something that no one should have to cope with. We have little in common on the surface but beneath that we all have the same deep understanding of what it is to see death and fight tooth and nail to beat it. It is therefore beyond me why anyone here would object to people finding solace in faith and offering that same solace to others. We are different in many ways, but we come here to offer hope, comfort and solace. Some of us can do that through lending a caring ear, some through offering advice about treatments and some can offer prayers and good wishes.
I lost my father to cancer when I was 16, my best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year and my partner (and husband to be if he will take me) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 3 weeks ago. I am only 29 and within the next 2 years cancer will probably be responsible for taking away the only 3 men I have ever loved. If people here can offer me hope when i am lost in despair, support when i feel i cant go on and prayers and good wishes if nothing more can be done. Then the people here will have been true friends to me and I will cherish my time here with them, regardless of if I share their faith or not.
I am not a religious man, but I respect the people on this board. I respect the strength and courage many show in the face of massive odds. I respect their ability to keep going when deep down you only want to hide and most of all I respect their faith. Their faith in each other, their faith in those they love and, for some, their faith in a greater power.
We are united here in our darkest hour, none of us should wish too, let alone try, to rob anyone here from what brings them hope and lightens that darkness.
I hasten to add, that I do not condone preaching on any forum. A prayer said is a fine thing as good wishes are noble, (and who knows, maybe religions are right, thus I'm glad someone is kind enough to cover all the bases for me, when i can't). Ranting at people however, that they have to believe in Christ to be saved, is quite different and something that no one needs on this board. Be they religious or not, no one needs to be told that faith alone will save them, as the suggestion their is always that one didn't have enough faith if this vile illness beats them. It attaches a degree of personal blame to the individual in connection with something which is essentially blameless and personally I find these comments more accusatory than comforting.
So in conclusion, I am all for people offering medical advice, a kind word or prayers for the people I love. It is all welcome and it is why I come to this site.
May you be happy and well and for those with faith, may your god be with you.
I see you've been lurking for six days, not quite the "while" that you might think, although when religion gets in the mix, it might seem a lifetime.
You seem to be seeking, seeking something to believe in, concerning we, who believe in a God, your words: "I then have to acknowledge that I am terrified about what is happening in my life and I am jealous that these people can gain solace in something which is just too distant from me to engage in. My anger is a dark and ugly emotion born from envy and hopelessness. It is the yearning to be comforted while knowing that nothing can truly comfort me and I envy those people their faith and the peace they gain from it."
CSN does have the spiritual board for you to try, and may I suggest, perhaps you might wish to try churches in your area.
All we can give you on the colon board are our simple words, our caring, our love, our heartfelt wishes for the very best for you. The "Father Figure" you envied, will not be found here, I'm sorry for that. But it is what it is.
If we can help you with advise in your cancer journey, feel free to ask, I am amiss in much of the common chemo's, but many, many here are very experienced. We can only offer you our experiences, our opinions, in hopes that perhaps it will give you some bit of knowledge that we can pass on.
My best wishes in finding that which you seek.
Winter Marie0 -
if it only it were 6 daysherdizziness said:6 days
I see you've been lurking for six days, not quite the "while" that you might think, although when religion gets in the mix, it might seem a lifetime.
You seem to be seeking, seeking something to believe in, concerning we, who believe in a God, your words: "I then have to acknowledge that I am terrified about what is happening in my life and I am jealous that these people can gain solace in something which is just too distant from me to engage in. My anger is a dark and ugly emotion born from envy and hopelessness. It is the yearning to be comforted while knowing that nothing can truly comfort me and I envy those people their faith and the peace they gain from it."
CSN does have the spiritual board for you to try, and may I suggest, perhaps you might wish to try churches in your area.
All we can give you on the colon board are our simple words, our caring, our love, our heartfelt wishes for the very best for you. The "Father Figure" you envied, will not be found here, I'm sorry for that. But it is what it is.
If we can help you with advise in your cancer journey, feel free to ask, I am amiss in much of the common chemo's, but many, many here are very experienced. We can only offer you our experiences, our opinions, in hopes that perhaps it will give you some bit of knowledge that we can pass on.
My best wishes in finding that which you seek.
Winter Marie
I've only been a member here for 6 days, but I have been lurking on these boards for over a year now.
As for religion. I am a happily lapsed catholic. I was very religious once, (even went to seminary to be a priest), but those days are far behind me.
I just acknowledge that faith was a great comfort to me at one point and at time's like this it is something I miss. Alas I can't reclaim that faith just for comfort. Genuine faith is born from something other than desperation and that none-defined thing just isn't in me anymore.
I thought it was important to post, as I'm a token agnostic, verging on atheist, who at least acknowledges the importance and power that faith can have in some people's lives. So I can kinda see both sides of the argument. (however that's obviously from a very subjective viewpoint and in no way do i mean to imply that anyone else who self defines as atheist or agnostic, envies people of faith, that's just a personal thing.)0 -
Ciaran............Ciaran said:if it only it were 6 days
I've only been a member here for 6 days, but I have been lurking on these boards for over a year now.
As for religion. I am a happily lapsed catholic. I was very religious once, (even went to seminary to be a priest), but those days are far behind me.
I just acknowledge that faith was a great comfort to me at one point and at time's like this it is something I miss. Alas I can't reclaim that faith just for comfort. Genuine faith is born from something other than desperation and that none-defined thing just isn't in me anymore.
I thought it was important to post, as I'm a token agnostic, verging on atheist, who at least acknowledges the importance and power that faith can have in some people's lives. So I can kinda see both sides of the argument. (however that's obviously from a very subjective viewpoint and in no way do i mean to imply that anyone else who self defines as atheist or agnostic, envies people of faith, that's just a personal thing.)
We don't court a defined scenario of people on here, we tend to the whole flock, all of us. Peoples religious beliefs, or non religious beliefs, sexual preferences, race, whatever the case, it makes no difference here for the largest percentage anyway. We only hope that all who come here will either stick around long enough to find what they need here to get them through, or come and stay and use their gifts of gab to settle the unsettled, and calm the lost ...yes, sometimes it gets unruly but all families get that way ...and yes debates become defends and then there they go again, but when all else is out of the equation then you see the troops rally for someone down, thats whats really important here, not religion, not sexual preference, nor race but a love for the person next to you that goes through the same emotions we do, or that caregiver that has no clue what to do for his or her lifetime partner that they dearly love but feel helpless in all of this....thats why I am here, thats why Winter Marie, and Nana b, and Lisa42, and all the rest of the people that stay here are here for. Not only to be helpful to others, but it also gives us a special purpose and a reason to keep fighting for our lives. It gives us a purpose, and without a purpose, whats the use......We don't care the scenario you carry, or the purpose of your intentions here, all we care about is making sure that you get what your looking for here, and hope that this site brings you the contentment you search for........Buzz0 -
Can we all just get along?
This is what I want to know. I joined this board because it was made of a group of people with similar circumstances, not that we are all exact in out situations. We have certain similarities. I had an iliostomy, but don't any longer. TMac52 has a colostomy for life. Nanab has been out of treatment for months. Winter Marie just went through major surgery. We all have our differences. We have different lifestyles, different healings, different Doctors, different treatments, and different beliefs that help us through our cancer treatment process. I don't see anyone telling me I don't belong because my recovery is different. I don't know if my cancer will be gone after chemo or if it will come back. Somedays I pray I pray I will never have to deal with it again, others I curse the disease for being a part of my life. We are not here to judge others or to persecute their beliefs. It's just not our job to monitor how others get by from day to day. It is polite to not push our beliefs onto others whether that is religious or I am wondering if we can all agree that Bambi hit it right on the target with "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothin' at all".
Just me being me, Gail0 -
Well put BuckwirthBuckwirth said:Thanks for the support
While I have never really been an IT specialist, I was president of a computer club in 1980, and have always enjoyed gadgets and what can be done with them.
Boards like CSN are not a free speech zone, nor should they be if we actually want to keep them on topic and pertinent. It only takes one troll to move a board off topic, and a couple of them, left unchecked, will destroy all of the comradarie ever earned in this shared battle.
If you want to discuss politics there are thousands of places to go and do that, if you want to explain that only some deity can actually cure your disease, there are hundreds of places to go and do that.
If however, you want help with your cancer, well, CSN is a voice in the wilderness, open to all who are civil and can follow a few rules that aid in that civility. It is a secular place, and you will be greeted with open arms, regardless of age, sex, religion or politics. It can be this BECAUSE it has a restricted mission with restricted speech. Learn it, love it, and know that those who wish to change it do so at YOUR peril.
I think you have summed things up nicely in your posts.
I won't parrot what you said, you hit on the main point of all of this I think.
-phil0 -
BRAVO GAILplh4gail said:Can we all just get along?
This is what I want to know. I joined this board because it was made of a group of people with similar circumstances, not that we are all exact in out situations. We have certain similarities. I had an iliostomy, but don't any longer. TMac52 has a colostomy for life. Nanab has been out of treatment for months. Winter Marie just went through major surgery. We all have our differences. We have different lifestyles, different healings, different Doctors, different treatments, and different beliefs that help us through our cancer treatment process. I don't see anyone telling me I don't belong because my recovery is different. I don't know if my cancer will be gone after chemo or if it will come back. Somedays I pray I pray I will never have to deal with it again, others I curse the disease for being a part of my life. We are not here to judge others or to persecute their beliefs. It's just not our job to monitor how others get by from day to day. It is polite to not push our beliefs onto others whether that is religious or I am wondering if we can all agree that Bambi hit it right on the target with "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothin' at all".
Just me being me, Gail
I totally agree with you, we have bigger things to fight than each other - cancer demands our entire energies and if people feel that God helps them then who the heck are others to argue with that? I am ashamed of people on this board who lash out at others for belief systems that help to get them through their journey with cancer. Horrible.
Thanks for your post Gail WELL SAID.
Blessings Gail,
Bluerose0 -
thanks~!Ciaran said:Okay I will admit TL:DR a
Okay I will admit TL:DR a tad. Got about half way down the thread and gave up.
I too am a Catholic from Derry. Saying that however, I consider myself to be agnostic at best.
I have been lurking on this board for a while now, and I will be honest that lines such as "God has a plan" etc... I personally don't agree with. As I simply don't believe that any deity would be cruel enough to inflict a disease of this nature on anyone. Sometimes I read the long threads about "god having a plan", "the doctors don't know everything, have faith in god", "only faith in god will save you" etc.... and I do find myself wanting to object. At times I find myself wanting to scream at those threads and argue with the blind and absolute faith that they exhibit. I don't wish to be preached to, I want someone to save the people I hold dear and save the sermons for someone with faith. I am a man rooted in science and fact, i have faith in medicine and the years of development put into it and it is medicine that I hope will save my beloved.
However when i divorce myself from my anger and analyze why I am angry with these people, it is not really to do with them or their faith. These people are scared too and searching for hope as much as I am. In my heart of heart's I know this and I then have to acknowledge that I am terrified about what is happening in my life and I am jealous that these people can gain solace in something which is just too distant from me to engage in. My anger is a dark and ugly emotion born from envy and hopelessness. It is the yearning to be comforted while knowing that nothing can truly comfort me and I envy those people their faith and the peace they gain from it. Their words of kindness don't salve my pain, as I simply don't believe in the same things they do.
If you are an atheist on this board, ask yourself the one question that i ask myself all the time, what right do you have to prevent people from seeking solace in the way that calls to them most? If someone could tell me that their is a father figure that will help us bear through the hard times and if things come to the worst will take us by the hand to paradise. To not be scared of our loved ones passing but to rejoice because their pain has ended. If I could truly believe that, I would be more thankful than I could ever describe on this board.
The people here, from what I can tell, differ greatly but we are similar in certain ways. We are all scared of what it is either we or a loved one are going through and thus we come here for a safe environment to express those fears, look for hope and in some cases simply a desire to find comfort in others who understand personally what we are going through.
This is not simply a medical science board. This is a network of people, drawn together by common calamities in our lives. Many of us are at our lowest ebb and many of us feel lost. This board can provide hope, direction and support.
For many people an essential part of that hope and support is religious in nature. Their faith gets them through. Those of us here are united by something that no one should have to cope with. We have little in common on the surface but beneath that we all have the same deep understanding of what it is to see death and fight tooth and nail to beat it. It is therefore beyond me why anyone here would object to people finding solace in faith and offering that same solace to others. We are different in many ways, but we come here to offer hope, comfort and solace. Some of us can do that through lending a caring ear, some through offering advice about treatments and some can offer prayers and good wishes.
I lost my father to cancer when I was 16, my best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year and my partner (and husband to be if he will take me) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 3 weeks ago. I am only 29 and within the next 2 years cancer will probably be responsible for taking away the only 3 men I have ever loved. If people here can offer me hope when i am lost in despair, support when i feel i cant go on and prayers and good wishes if nothing more can be done. Then the people here will have been true friends to me and I will cherish my time here with them, regardless of if I share their faith or not.
I am not a religious man, but I respect the people on this board. I respect the strength and courage many show in the face of massive odds. I respect their ability to keep going when deep down you only want to hide and most of all I respect their faith. Their faith in each other, their faith in those they love and, for some, their faith in a greater power.
We are united here in our darkest hour, none of us should wish too, let alone try, to rob anyone here from what brings them hope and lightens that darkness.
I hasten to add, that I do not condone preaching on any forum. A prayer said is a fine thing as good wishes are noble, (and who knows, maybe religions are right, thus I'm glad someone is kind enough to cover all the bases for me, when i can't). Ranting at people however, that they have to believe in Christ to be saved, is quite different and something that no one needs on this board. Be they religious or not, no one needs to be told that faith alone will save them, as the suggestion their is always that one didn't have enough faith if this vile illness beats them. It attaches a degree of personal blame to the individual in connection with something which is essentially blameless and personally I find these comments more accusatory than comforting.
So in conclusion, I am all for people offering medical advice, a kind word or prayers for the people I love. It is all welcome and it is why I come to this site.
May you be happy and well and for those with faith, may your god be with you.
This was very well-put! I am religious, I do believe in Jesus Christ as my savior, I did join any site for the purpose of badgering anyone or telling them what they should do or feel. I am thankful that I am allowed and able to express my faith just like anyone else here0
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