I have to tell you all

Aortus Member Posts: 967
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

The bonsai azalea is beautiful. Lisa's stepmom gave me detailed instructions for its care and it will have a place of pride under our bedroom window.

The funeral was well attended and beautifully carried out. Father Fergus offered up a wonderful Mass and our dear friend Sister Pauline read a moving eulogy. The soloist sang Schumann's "Ave Maria," which Moopy had selected for our wedding in 1992 because my Mom had selected it for hers and Dad's wedding in 1960.

I cried pretty much the whole time. I even bawled sometimes, but I never felt ashamed for a second. I knew I was surrounded physically by our family and friends, and that I was surrounded emotionally by our Kindred Spirits. I walked out the door of the church into a new life. One I still can't get a handle on yet, and certainly one I would never have chosen. But all of my married life I have always felt stronger when Moopy was around, and guess what. Moopy is still around. She always will be.

Thank you for being still around for me, and for all of your wonderful ways of demonstrating your presence in my life. I will always be there for you too.

With love and gratitude,


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Oh Joe, I think about you
    Oh Joe, I think about you and Moopy everyday. Not usually with words but with lots of emotion. I don't think any of us have gotten over this nor will for some time. I still can't wrap my mind around how fast all this happened and my stupid analytical mind is still trying to find the "how could this happen" and driving me insane. My heart goes out to you and the family and to all of us that love her. Your right she's always going to be with you on this next leg of life's journey...like a hint of rose on a summer breeze.
    All my best to you and your future,
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    BIg Hugs
    Joe, I am not surprised that Moopy is still around you, while here she seemed to have a spirit that soared and a smile to match. I am glad to hear you had many loved ones there to help lift you up during such a sad time. We will always be here for you Joe, you are one of us!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Joe, Thank you sharing and being here for us
    Lisa is still here with us. I have been talking to her every day. She is my friend forever.
    Please take care of yourself.
    New Flower
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    If you keep your memories
    If you keep your memories close to your heart she will always be with you. You don't ever have to leave us Joe. Just the short time ( 1 1/2 yrs ) I have been around you have been a big part of this board. I see no reason for that to change. You are loved here as much as Moopy. Besides I think your going to need us now more than ever. Were the best. Can't do better anywhere else and we don't charge much and besides all that we enjoy you to. So How about those Packers !!!
    Kathy ~
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Joe... beneath the bedroom
    Joe... beneath the bedroom window sounds like the perfect place for the bonsai azalea... I am so glad that you were surrounded by loved ones. I send special prayers daily for you... and know that you will weather through this storm... I pray that your memories begin to bring you comfort... your right, she will always be around you. Know that you are a part of us, we are here for you! We love you!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    taleena said:

    Joe... beneath the bedroom
    Joe... beneath the bedroom window sounds like the perfect place for the bonsai azalea... I am so glad that you were surrounded by loved ones. I send special prayers daily for you... and know that you will weather through this storm... I pray that your memories begin to bring you comfort... your right, she will always be around you. Know that you are a part of us, we are here for you! We love you!


    Joe.. im still and always
    praying for you, if Moopy's spirit is so strong that we all have felt it for the last 2 years i'm sure her spirit is even stronger and will remain with you always. Love lives on for eternity. Im sure she will live in my soul always...we went through some of the worst together. I hope you will always know how much i love you both. I know, as i have lost a husband and father to my children to heart desease... there are angels among us. May God bless you always Joe. Moopys sis from MT. Jackie
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I know that Moopy will always be in your heart and therefore will always be with you. I know she is looking after all of us here as well. We will all look forward to you staying with us and giving advise as the great supporter you were for her.

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Thank you Joe
    Just your presence on this board, fighting along side of Moopy meant so much
    to me. There were so many stories on men leaving their wives and girl friends and
    with your presence you gave me hope. What can be more valuable than hope?

    I lost my mom, I didn't even get a chance to say good bye, it was the worst thing
    that I had to go through in my life. It took years before the pain in my chest was
    not as palpable. But it got better over time.

    And I don't believe that a soul just disappears, I still think she's around.

    Hopefully you will stick around and continue sharing your wit and intelligence with us.

  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    ladyg said:

    I know that Moopy will always be in your heart and therefore will always be with you. I know she is looking after all of us here as well. We will all look forward to you staying with us and giving advise as the great supporter you were for her.


    Yours and Moopys Love has been an inspiration to all of us.. All the posts dedicated to her memory tells you how much she was Loved! As I understand it Love stays in our hearts forever.. all you have to do is look and there she will always be. And I agree with Taleena under ya'lls window is the perfect place for the Bonsai Azalea.


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Thanks, dear Joe...
    ... for so generously sharing your beloved Moopster with all of us.

    We'll always be here for you.

    Love, Susan
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    As far as crying during the

    As far as crying during the service, I say good for you. I can cry at the drop of a hat for most things but when my dad died and my mom too I felt the need to hold it in. Such a bad idea. Tears are a way for us to release stress, tension, fear, and sorrow and we should never hold them back. And it is good to know that you have strong family support right now.
    It is also good to see you saying that Moopy is still with you. Those we love truly are. It has been 47 years today since my dad died and I still talk with him. I physically miss him but he has been there for all the moments of my life. My marriage, the birth of my child and my grandchildren. And I talk with my mom now as well. It may not be the same but it gives me comfort.
    You know that we all want to stay a part of our family. You are such an important part of us. You give support, comfort and humor to this board. Moopy was beloved by all and so are you dear Aortus.
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Thank you for tellings us
    Thank you for telling us about the service. I so wanted to be there. I agree with all the others ... sounds like you found the perfect place for the azalea.

    I agree with fauxma ... good for you that you were able to express yourself emotionally at the funeral. I too held it in at my mother's funeral and I'm paying for that now.

    And you're right, Moopy is still around. Those that we love never truly leave us. I agree with Aysemari ... you and Moopy were such a great example of true love, and faithfulness to one another. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Continued prayers for you!
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415

    Thank you for tellings us
    Thank you for telling us about the service. I so wanted to be there. I agree with all the others ... sounds like you found the perfect place for the azalea.

    I agree with fauxma ... good for you that you were able to express yourself emotionally at the funeral. I too held it in at my mother's funeral and I'm paying for that now.

    And you're right, Moopy is still around. Those that we love never truly leave us. I agree with Aysemari ... you and Moopy were such a great example of true love, and faithfulness to one another. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Continued prayers for you!

    Hi Joe!
    I'm glad all went well at the funeral. I think Moopy is still around here too and I know she is beside you. This new life is not what you had expected or hoped for, but I have a feeling that with Moopy's help you will make the best of it. Take care Joe! Pat
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452

    Hi Joe!
    I'm glad all went well at the funeral. I think Moopy is still around here too and I know she is beside you. This new life is not what you had expected or hoped for, but I have a feeling that with Moopy's help you will make the best of it. Take care Joe! Pat

    Thank You
    Joe, thank you so much for checking in with us. People always used to tell me that no one we loved ever leaves us. I have come to believe this since the passing of all my family members. Moopy had such a beautiful soul and strong spirit. She will always be with all of us who loved her.None of us travels this earth alone, even though we feel so alone at times. My hope is that you heal in time, and please know that all of us are here for you. Hugs, Cindy
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Cindy54 said:

    Thank You
    Joe, thank you so much for checking in with us. People always used to tell me that no one we loved ever leaves us. I have come to believe this since the passing of all my family members. Moopy had such a beautiful soul and strong spirit. She will always be with all of us who loved her.None of us travels this earth alone, even though we feel so alone at times. My hope is that you heal in time, and please know that all of us are here for you. Hugs, Cindy

    Thank you for stopping in. Please stay in touch. We need you and you need us. You are special to us all as Moopy was and still is to us. She will be in all of our hearts forever.
    Time will heal the hurt but remember the awesome times you had with her to ease the pain. Take care of yourself and those pups.

    Love you,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Joe, your love for Moopy was
    Joe, your love for Moopy was always evident on this board and is so evident in this post. She is a very special Kindred Spirit and will be with all of us until eternity. I, too, lost my spouse almost 28 years ago and can tell you that the hole in your heart will heal in time but will never totally go away. I think once you've loved someone with your entire being that love is eternal. The memories that were created will sustain you and bring you joy. Be kind to yourself and make it a point to also take care of yourself. Thank YOU for sharing your Moopy with all of us. Also, please come here often because we want to be here for you, too!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Thanks, dear Joe...
    ... for so generously sharing your beloved Moopster with all of us.

    We'll always be here for you.

    Love, Susan

    Thanks Joe for posting. We
    Thanks Joe for posting. We are all supporting you and praying for you.

    Hugs, Noel
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Thank you
    Thank you for sharing the service with us, just as we thank you for sharing your love for Lisa with us. I'm so glad you know that she's sill with you.

    Please visit us often. We're happy to share in all the new adjustments you'll be making.

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Joe, Thanks for telling us
    Joe, Thanks for telling us about the azalea. I imagine it growing in love and beauty. Thank goodness you were and are able to cry and God bless your tears that they may help you heal and find your "new normal." We all love you, Joe. xoxoxo Lynn
  • ShirleyCurls
    ShirleyCurls Member Posts: 51
    I followed many of your
    and Moopy's posts. I was dignosed in June of '09, but lurked here for a year and a half before begnning to post. It was such a brutal and emotional roller coaster that I felt unable to comment, althogh I leaned a lot and drew strength from others posts. Now I am better and feel I can actually share my experience.

    My husband is very supportive as well, and I see us in your and Moopy's posts.