Calling all Snowbunnies

Jan Trinks
Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Good Morning All:

I am now into Day 4 of snow and icebound captivity! I live in Lawrenceville, GA outside of Atlanta and we received about 6 inches of snow on Sunday night and then the ice came in on Monday. My boys have not been out all week so far (I do have pee-pee pads for them). Sammy the dachshund is too little and would be lost and Rowdy and Blue, the shelties are 12 1/2 years old and I can't risk them going down the steep flight of stairs that go to the yard from the deck! So I've cleaned house, x-stitched, crocheted and knitted. Reading another one of the Mitford series books by Jan Karon. I have afternoon and evening fires in the fireplace. It's so exciting. I've not been out since Sunday afternoon! But a good way to save money. The schools have all been closed all week so far and they're saying the thaw really won't start until tomorrow afternoon as we will struggle to get to 30 degrees today, into Sat. They are urging everyone to stay at home and not get out unless absolutely necessary. It is very pretty and since I haven't taken my Christmas decorations down yet I was able to get some great pictures Sunday night! We have not received mail or garbage pickup all week; did get Mon-Wed. newspaper yesterday afternoon. Anyway I'm glad I'm not working and able to thoroughly enjoy it!

On a sad note, my friend Debbie's brother Doug did pass away on Sunday morning. I think I've told y'all about him, but he was diagnosed with esophogeal cancer w mets in Aug. 2009. It had been pretty bad from the get go and he was in pain a good bit of the time and a lot of pain since Nov. as it was well into the bones. He lived in Florida and will be creamated and a memorial service down there on Jan. 29. His wishes were to have his ashes scattered in the Smokies which they plan to do in the Spring sometime. Anyway, he's now at peace and out of pain and cancer free. This is such a devastating disease and it seems like several people have passed away recently from it. One day though it will be put in its place and eradicated. That poem ,"What cancer cannot do is so true!" I do think about it a lot. I'll never get over missing Charlie and have been pretty emotional at times since Christmas but that's okay too. I'm going into NC and taking my best friend with me this time on the 22nd and then Feb. 25 thru March 4, Debbie (the one just mentioned above) has a time share in G'burg and she, my best friend (Debbie is an extremely closed friend, too, but Beki and I have known each other since we were 2 1/2!) so that's why she has the label best friend and it goes both ways! I'm really excited about that trip as I and my sister and my niece and my mother always went up there around my mother's birtday which was 2/27 and then after my mother passed away, we continued to carry the tradition on and my sister, niece and I went. However we have not been able to do that the last several years due to financial circumstances my niece and sister are in. So, this is going to be a real treat and we will be up there on my mother's birthday. Charlie and I went in summer of 2009 before he went back to work and then again in the fall of 2009 which was really special. We just love it up there! Anyway hope everyone is keeping warm and toasty and please keep my friend Debbie and her family in your prayers. It is now just she and her youngest brother David as their parents have both passed on. God bless!

Jan (Basketcase)


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    In Chicago here
    Just had a six inch snow storm which is more of a PITA than anything else. I am starting to appreciate why people move to Florida, or Arizona or Georgia, ha, ha. I am beginning to lose my sanity also as the cabin fever is killing me. It seems you are geting along with the dogs and the fireplace and the good novel. Keep up your spirits with that upcomming NC trip and I'll watch the snow for you.
  • Landranger25
    Landranger25 Member Posts: 210 Member
    ratface said:

    In Chicago here
    Just had a six inch snow storm which is more of a PITA than anything else. I am starting to appreciate why people move to Florida, or Arizona or Georgia, ha, ha. I am beginning to lose my sanity also as the cabin fever is killing me. It seems you are geting along with the dogs and the fireplace and the good novel. Keep up your spirits with that upcomming NC trip and I'll watch the snow for you.

    Detroit Area
    Hi all. Just north of Detroit here. Right on the shore of sunny Lake Huron. We got maybe 6"-8" from this last system a day or so ago. We just dug out and kept going. Kids missed a day of school yesterday but everything else kept open and moving. Florida is sounding pretty good about now though. The last couple of years my wife has run the Princess 1/2 marathon at Disney and it has been a good time to get away to the warmth. They moved the event this year and it does not coincide with our spring break so looks like we will not be going. Oh well.

    Regards, Mike
  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    Hey, you all should come here to Wisconsin. I live in a suburb of Milwaukee. We've only had a total of about 8-9 inches the whole winter. what the heck is happening?
    Hope you are seeing a counselor to help you get over Charlie. I'm really happy cause I started seeing one last April, a month after my hubby died and it really helped so much. Anyhow I went to see her this morning and told her that I think I'm okay and don't need to come to see her anymore. We've become friends and I'm really going to miss her, but she said her door will always be open if I need to see her again. So things do get better which I thought would never happen. Occasionally I'm sure I'll have a bad day, but I'm trying to be positive and move on. We would've been married 47 years on Feb. 8th so I'be been with him since I was 18 years old.
    Well take care & go out and make a snowman!! "Carole"
  • Hal61
    Hal61 Member Posts: 655
    Hi Jan, always glad to hear from you. I have a cousin in South Carolina who recently told me about the snows. Weather reactions are definitely regional. When I was a kid in Roswell, NM, the temp hit 0 degrees one day. They closed the schools. No snow, no weather, it just got to zero and schools and lots of businesses closed up we were so unused to that number.

    Later I lived in Minot, ND, and it was normal to hold schools open, shop, and generally go about life as usual with a minus 10 degree reading. You had to be aware of the "wind chill" number, because you had to be careful not to be caught out too long, but people dressed for it. Everybody plugged their car radiators into stations available everywhere so they wouldn't freeze and blow.

    Best, Hal
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    I am always too cold so glad not to Have the stuff down here in Louisiana. Sorry to hear about Doug, will be keeping them in prayer
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    We had only about 2 inches on Tuesday night where I live. Normally this would not be a problem but I work 2pm -10pm at the college and they did not shut down. Since it was night time there were not any Building and Grounds guys to clean the sidewalks. It was slippery walk out. My neighbors have a 4 wheel drive so they picked me up.

    Last year they were calling for us to get 18 inches of snow starting that night. I was giving an exam and was a nervous wreck waiting for them to finish. It starting snowing 30 minutes after I got home.

    I am starting not to really like winter :)

  • Fire34
    Fire34 Member Posts: 365
    ratface said:

    In Chicago here
    Just had a six inch snow storm which is more of a PITA than anything else. I am starting to appreciate why people move to Florida, or Arizona or Georgia, ha, ha. I am beginning to lose my sanity also as the cabin fever is killing me. It seems you are geting along with the dogs and the fireplace and the good novel. Keep up your spirits with that upcomming NC trip and I'll watch the snow for you.

    Chicago here also
    I believe I live a little south of Rat. When chicago gets snow we dont get as much. People laugh at me but we live in the middle of a nuclear triangle. Our winters here(south of Joliet) are a lot more milder, snow wise, than they used to be.
    I am also going south as soon as I can, our land is in TN though. They have been getting it worse than us. LOL
    As I am still working I dont have to worry about the cabin fever.
    Best Wishes & Prayers on your trip
  • skipper85
    skipper85 Member Posts: 229
    Hi Jan

    So sorry to hear about Debbie's husband. You're right, there have been a lot of people have passed away recently. Will say a prayer for Debbie & her husband.

    SNOWED IN!! Sounds toasty. I'm in Wilmington, NC and we had 4 inches of snow and ice here. We were only houseband for about a day and a half thank goodness. It's not supposed to snow here. I'm a warm weather person and can't wait until Spring. My baby (Jessie)has been frantic since it snowed. I cleared a spot for her to go but that didn't work. Being a hounddog she really hated not being able to sniff the whole yard (one of her favorite things to do besides eating). I do think she is having some anxiety since my husband passed away last week. I'm going to call the vet for an appointment to see if he can give her some medication to help her out. I know I'd be nuts without my meds.

    Have a great trip - enjoy the time you can spend with your friends. Where does your best friend live in NC?

  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    skipper85 said:

    Hi Jan

    So sorry to hear about Debbie's husband. You're right, there have been a lot of people have passed away recently. Will say a prayer for Debbie & her husband.

    SNOWED IN!! Sounds toasty. I'm in Wilmington, NC and we had 4 inches of snow and ice here. We were only houseband for about a day and a half thank goodness. It's not supposed to snow here. I'm a warm weather person and can't wait until Spring. My baby (Jessie)has been frantic since it snowed. I cleared a spot for her to go but that didn't work. Being a hounddog she really hated not being able to sniff the whole yard (one of her favorite things to do besides eating). I do think she is having some anxiety since my husband passed away last week. I'm going to call the vet for an appointment to see if he can give her some medication to help her out. I know I'd be nuts without my meds.

    Have a great trip - enjoy the time you can spend with your friends. Where does your best friend live in NC?


    I'm a cranky snowbunny in PA.
    I had to cancell my dentist appointment yesterday. We got about 7" of snow. Booooooo! Poor Nizzy, my Hairless Chinese Crested hates the cold and snow. I guess I'm a mean mommy cause I make him go out anyway. I do make sure he has something on tho. I have tons of clothes for him. :)

    I cannot wait until spring! I hate snow.
  • fsdman
    fsdman Member Posts: 51
    Los Angeles here---77 and
    Los Angeles here---77 and sunny !!18 holes Friday--life is good.
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    fsdman said:

    Los Angeles here---77 and
    Los Angeles here---77 and sunny !!18 holes Friday--life is good.

    That's plain mean : )

    You're an evil person, 77 and sunny, then to tease us with Golf......

    Didn't you know that Golf is a good walk gone bad according to W.C. Fields : )

  • fsdman
    fsdman Member Posts: 51
    MarineE5 said:

    That's plain mean : )

    You're an evil person, 77 and sunny, then to tease us with Golf......

    Didn't you know that Golf is a good walk gone bad according to W.C. Fields : )


    I am NY born and raised-I
    I am NY born and raised-I know winter and dont like it.I do like to call my relatives back east this time of year.By the way,who walks ?Happy New Year to all.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    fsdman said:

    I am NY born and raised-I
    I am NY born and raised-I know winter and dont like it.I do like to call my relatives back east this time of year.By the way,who walks ?Happy New Year to all.

    love the snow
    living at a central-Iowa level, relative to north or south, from the equator, like Dave, and south of Rat, snow's inevitable each winter, and I love it. Being Svede, vat vould you expect, yah? East coast's been having it worse than the midwest the last couple years, and that's all right by me (sorry Sweet and Hal).

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    fsdman said:

    Los Angeles here---77 and
    Los Angeles here---77 and sunny !!18 holes Friday--life is good.

    Hi fsdman
    I hope you have room for me, I did play catty once
  • fsdman
    fsdman Member Posts: 51
    Hondo said:

    Hi fsdman
    I hope you have room for me, I did play catty once

    Come on out ,Hondo but bring
    Come on out ,Hondo but bring your suntan lotion
  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    fsdman said:

    Come on out ,Hondo but bring
    Come on out ,Hondo but bring your suntan lotion

    Bob, Hondo, make your way
    Bob, Hondo, make your way out to my part of the world (Thailand/Cambodia) and the golf is on me. I build and maintain golf courses for a living. And I'm with you Bob, born and raised in Chicago and hope to never spend another winter there, although it's great place in the summertime! Cheers

  • buzz99
    buzz99 Member Posts: 404
    Dry here in New Mexico
    I really enjoyed the posts and finding out where everyone lives. It gets cold enough to snow here in Albuquerque but as we live in a high desert, we get very little snow. That is fine with us. We lived in Juneau, Alaska and Cheyenne, Wyo. and got all the snow we ever wanted for a lifetime. Hang in there you SE residents. The snow and ice must be a real novelty but can "wear thin" after a while.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    buzz99 said:

    Dry here in New Mexico
    I really enjoyed the posts and finding out where everyone lives. It gets cold enough to snow here in Albuquerque but as we live in a high desert, we get very little snow. That is fine with us. We lived in Juneau, Alaska and Cheyenne, Wyo. and got all the snow we ever wanted for a lifetime. Hang in there you SE residents. The snow and ice must be a real novelty but can "wear thin" after a while.

    Chicago and Albuquerque.
    Jimbo, when I was in Chicago, it was for an 8 day business trip. I know why the call it the windy city, for sure. Also, they were having a heat wave while I was there. The day I was trying to sight see, it was 106 degrees. Hot and windy. It was brutal.

    Buzz99 I was born in Albuquerque. My dad met my mother there when he was stationed there and I was born at the Sandia army hospital. I haven't been back to visit since I was nine. Some beautiful scenery out in New Mexico.
  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member

    Chicago and Albuquerque.
    Jimbo, when I was in Chicago, it was for an 8 day business trip. I know why the call it the windy city, for sure. Also, they were having a heat wave while I was there. The day I was trying to sight see, it was 106 degrees. Hot and windy. It was brutal.

    Buzz99 I was born in Albuquerque. My dad met my mother there when he was stationed there and I was born at the Sandia army hospital. I haven't been back to visit since I was nine. Some beautiful scenery out in New Mexico.

    Sweet, born at the Watermelon hospital?
    Can't stop laughing in Chicago!
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    ratface said:

    Sweet, born at the Watermelon hospital?
    Can't stop laughing in Chicago!


    Posts: 374
    Joined: Aug 2009
    January 14, 2011 - 3:13pm
    Sweet, born at the Watermelon hospital?
    Can't stop laughing in Chicago!

    At me? I don't get it? Sorry. Guess I'm slow. :)