Need to vent...I am so..

tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am so tired of feeling bad. Chemo changes your body. For me it feels as though my body is no longer my own and dammit I want my body back. My last chemo was 2 weeks ago a total of 16 treatments. I am tired of nausea, vomiting,constipation,hypersensitivity to smells, and bad tastes that linger in your mouth. Now the next thing is surgery followed by radiation. I will have a right mastectomy on January 13th. I will be traveling 2 hours away to Houston,Texas for surgery. The day before surgery I have to have a lymphoscintigraphy (ouch).I am so tired of going through all of this. I know I have to but it is so draining. I am nervous about surgery and my body is just tired. It is great to have people tell you things are going to be OK but that's easy for them to say. They have know idea what I am feeling.Cancer sucks!!!! I just need a break from all of this but unfortunately its not an option.


  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    I wiIsh
    I could sweep cancer away from this world and take everyone on a big cruise to celebrate! I had my surgery in Houston in November and it went well. Good luck to you!
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    didn't have chemo
    but had 2 surgeries and radiation. Be kind to yourself. Sleep when you need to. I would take it away if I could. All I can say it hang in there, beat this beast, vent when you need to. We are here for support. Personally, I don't know what I would have done without this site. It is my only support.

    I'll be praying for you,
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    chemo drains you and kicks
    chemo drains you and kicks your butt. But that part is done. hard to gear up for surgery and rads when you are so tired. You will notice despite the surgery and radiation that the more you move away from the chemo the better you will feel. it feels endless but it gets better. Hugs. good luck on your surgery . post and let us know how you are.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Your body will recover
    but it is important to will your body to recover. I have had chemo throughout this past year and I am
    now almost done with it. Please don't forget chemo's effects are cumulative and it gets worse towards
    the end. I know you are tired of being sick and tired. Find escapes- music, books or that season of
    Sex in the city that you missed. Just get through it the best you can. And come here and ask for needed
    support, we are always here. It's like an emotinoal seven eleven open 24/7.

    I wish you much luck with your mastectomy and hope it will go all as planned. This will you also a break
    from chemo, I know it's exchanging one evil for another but it will still let you recover from the effects
    of the chemo. Please be prepared for chemo, I don't know if you have someone to take care of you but
    if not then get your home ready. Prepare meals and put them in easy to open containers. Put some dishes
    on the counter to use, you will have difficulty reaching. Put out some clothes that open in the front out.

    I think that is enough for now.... I don't want to bore you -)

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Yes, it sucks...but
    you have finished chemo and that is one major step forward in the battle! I know how hard it is to face surgery and weeks of rads......but the road will end and it really does get better! I was dropped to my knees by chemo...and thought the treatments would never end.. but the rad weeks went by quickly and not as difficult as the chemo. Even the surgery was not as hard on my than the chemo. So, hang in there...fight the battle knowing you are almost to the end of the tunnel. Sending positive thoughts your way and hugs
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    cavediver said:

    Yes, it sucks...but
    you have finished chemo and that is one major step forward in the battle! I know how hard it is to face surgery and weeks of rads......but the road will end and it really does get better! I was dropped to my knees by chemo...and thought the treatments would never end.. but the rad weeks went by quickly and not as difficult as the chemo. Even the surgery was not as hard on my than the chemo. So, hang in there...fight the battle knowing you are almost to the end of the tunnel. Sending positive thoughts your way and hugs

    I feel like you i feel so
    I feel like you i feel so bad from the chemo I've been on it since the end of July and have one more cycle ending January does seem like nearing the end is rough the taste in my mouth and the smells are really taking a toll on me to, but the good news for you is the worst is almost over for you because I've had a mastectomy and that's a breeze i think they cut so many nerves you really don't feel anything i didn't take any pain meds afterwards.hang in there with the rest of us to bad we can't really be together going threw this but this site is all we have to connect so know your not alone we love you and most have been threw it and going to finish it and be fine and have stories to tell how we made it. Lots of hugs and kisses MollyZ
  • VirginiaBorn06
    VirginiaBorn06 Member Posts: 3
    Thinking of you
    I'm so sorry you feel so bad. I had surgery before chemo and believe me the surgery was much easier to take than the chemo, but I was fortunate that I didn't have to have it as long as you did. I can't imagine 16 treatments. I know it's hard to do, but try to remember that this stage of your treatment is over. Be sure to take whatever medication you need to to make the symptoms better. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you better days ahead.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Glad you are done chemo,
    but sorry you are feeling bad. I only had 4 treatments and it took me about 2 weeks after my last to begin to feel better. Since you had 16, I'm sure it will take longer for you to get it out of your system and feel better. Make sure you are still drinking lots of water to flush your system. I agree with you that cancer sucks. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. Will be sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.

  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128
    So sorry to hear of all
    So sorry to hear of all you've had to go thru and are facing. I am truly hoping you will feel some sort of relief - in some way or another, soon.

    Take care... and as I am reminded by these boards - One Day at a Time.
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Vent Away
    As hard as it is to imagine there will be a day when all this is over and you will go on with your life. Try to plan something to look forward to like a weekend away or a visit to a park. I went to Foxwoods with my friends when I was done, it was a blast.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Cancer does Suck
    I agree. Hang in there. You have to do what you have to do to survive. Someday treatment will just be like a bad dream. So try to remember the good moments rather than the bad.
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    aysemari said:

    Your body will recover
    but it is important to will your body to recover. I have had chemo throughout this past year and I am
    now almost done with it. Please don't forget chemo's effects are cumulative and it gets worse towards
    the end. I know you are tired of being sick and tired. Find escapes- music, books or that season of
    Sex in the city that you missed. Just get through it the best you can. And come here and ask for needed
    support, we are always here. It's like an emotinoal seven eleven open 24/7.

    I wish you much luck with your mastectomy and hope it will go all as planned. This will you also a break
    from chemo, I know it's exchanging one evil for another but it will still let you recover from the effects
    of the chemo. Please be prepared for chemo, I don't know if you have someone to take care of you but
    if not then get your home ready. Prepare meals and put them in easy to open containers. Put some dishes
    on the counter to use, you will have difficulty reaching. Put out some clothes that open in the front out.

    I think that is enough for now.... I don't want to bore you -)


    Thanks for the advice.
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    vent all you need to
    hang in there you are going though a lot at this time. it will get better try to take it one day at a time.the radiation was not bad on me i work every day i took rads but i hated to go every day but that did pass as well. keep your head up take ond day as it come it will come to a end. good luck hugs and love comming your was and we all in here care about you'.
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    vent all you need to
    hang in there you are going though a lot at this time. it will get better try to take it one day at a time.the radiation was not bad on me i work every day i took rads but i hated to go every day but that did pass as well. keep your head up take ond day as it come it will come to a end. good luck hugs and love comming your was and we all in here care about you'.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I didn't have chemo but so sorry to hear
    you are going through all this....I hope things will go well and will be thinking of you
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I didn't have chemo but so sorry to hear
    you are going through all this....I hope things will go well and will be thinking of you

    good luck
    dear sister,
    good luck with your surgery. wishing you easy time, clear margins and quick recovery.
    try to rest, relax and make something pleasant for yourself.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    PinkPearl said:

    I wiIsh
    I could sweep cancer away from this world and take everyone on a big cruise to celebrate! I had my surgery in Houston in November and it went well. Good luck to you!

    Pear....I like your
    Pear....I like your thinking!! :)
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    You're right. It sucks! But
    You're right. It sucks! But I would rather do surgery and rads than chemo again so perhaps the worst is over and each day/week you will feel better from the chemo. Your taste will come back, nausea will diminish and bits of energy will return. A great sister who doesn't post anymore once said, " they don't serve weak at this restaurant" and you will find out that you are stronger than you thought you were because you will see the other side to all this and look back and comment on what a crappy ride it was but at least it's done and you've done all you could. We will be here with you through all of it giving you tips and advice on how to make you more comfortable. Try to take a deep breath and know all the worry in the world will not change what's coming up except put you in a weakened condition when it arrives and destroy today. I honestly know how you feel. I tried getting out of my 3rd chemo and they had to cut it back to 75% because of se. I'm on the other side and I'm glad I did it. Hugs to you, hope you're feeling better soon.
  • sherlynn21
    sherlynn21 Member Posts: 1
    Jean 0609 said:

    Glad you are done chemo,
    but sorry you are feeling bad. I only had 4 treatments and it took me about 2 weeks after my last to begin to feel better. Since you had 16, I'm sure it will take longer for you to get it out of your system and feel better. Make sure you are still drinking lots of water to flush your system. I agree with you that cancer sucks. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. Will be sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.


    hi, i see you had only 4 chemo treatments. that is what i am having. only have had one so far. what were your side affects as your treatments went on. i notice you said a few weeks and you started feeling better.( after chemo was done) what chemo meds did you have?
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440

    You're right. It sucks! But
    You're right. It sucks! But I would rather do surgery and rads than chemo again so perhaps the worst is over and each day/week you will feel better from the chemo. Your taste will come back, nausea will diminish and bits of energy will return. A great sister who doesn't post anymore once said, " they don't serve weak at this restaurant" and you will find out that you are stronger than you thought you were because you will see the other side to all this and look back and comment on what a crappy ride it was but at least it's done and you've done all you could. We will be here with you through all of it giving you tips and advice on how to make you more comfortable. Try to take a deep breath and know all the worry in the world will not change what's coming up except put you in a weakened condition when it arrives and destroy today. I honestly know how you feel. I tried getting out of my 3rd chemo and they had to cut it back to 75% because of se. I'm on the other side and I'm glad I did it. Hugs to you, hope you're feeling better soon.

    Chemo Sucks
    It does but now you are finished with that part of treatment, and your body will slowly start to feeling better, it took me awhile but eventually I started to feel like my old self again, but I know this is the new me.
    Please take it slow and easy dear sister and rest as much as you can.
    Good luck with your surgery, and I hope it goes much better for you than Chemo.
    Hugs Karie