mad as hell
Oh Boy you have been
Oh Boy you have been throught alot. The decision to stop chemo is a personal one and only you can decide what to do. However, I will put my 2 cents in. YOu are angry that you may not be there for the birth, but in the long term picture, if chemo helps you to be there for the birthdays in the future, kindergarten, all that your grandchild will experience, won't that be worth missing a birth? Please think long and Hard about it! Please0 -
So sorry
You have had a rough time with your treatment that is for sure.
Before making your decision, have a good long talk with your doc. Let him know the issues and your expectations for future treatments. Also let him know about your desire to be done in time to make your trip. See what he says.
Once you are done with that discussion, you will be better armed with information to make your decision.
Hope it works out that you can do both the treatments and the travel.
Marie who loves kitties0 -
You do have a right to be concerned. I've always called for my CBC results and if there was a concern would call the doctor. Maybe future counts you should do that. Also, see if you can give yourself the shots (my husband would give mine every morning when needed). Being there for the birth is wonderful, but they don't grow that fast and this way you will know that you did everything the doctor has asked and won't say "should have" in the future. Agree, talk to your doctor and express your concerns and make sure they are on the same page as you. Ask why the shots weren't given. Hope your next chemo treatment goes well.
Kim0 -
Wishes for Happy Holidays, in spite of what you're going through!
Listen Lou..... It's a tough and very personal decision to stop chemo and
not do any more of it, but please...... If you do decide to do that, at least
consider doing any of the alternatives that some of us here have used?
There are many ways to survive cancer.
My very best hopes and wishes to you.
John0 -
So good to see a post from you. It's been a while and I was wondering how you were doing.
I'm so sorry that they screwed up on your WBCs. That really sux.
Maybe just go ahead and finish the 8 original rounds? Definitely take John's advice and look into some alternatives, especially if you decide to quit early. I'd start them now before you might quit chemo and just check with the onc on anything you take just to be sure that everything is copesetic.
I'm so sorry you are having these problems. I know how hard it was for you and your wife to go ahead and agree to chemo in the first place. I hate that you have to go in everyday for those shots and I hope it gets better soon. HUGS to my FOLFOX club buddy.0 -
birthkhl8 said:Oh Boy you have been
Oh Boy you have been throught alot. The decision to stop chemo is a personal one and only you can decide what to do. However, I will put my 2 cents in. YOu are angry that you may not be there for the birth, but in the long term picture, if chemo helps you to be there for the birthdays in the future, kindergarten, all that your grandchild will experience, won't that be worth missing a birth? Please think long and Hard about it! Please
My daughter's husband is in the military and looks like he will not be there for the birth.My grand daughter will be two when the new grand baby arrives. My daughter can not deliver "naturally" so she will be out of commission to take care of herself, my grand daughter, and the new born. She refuses to let my wife come down (Florida)without me because she feels I need my wife's help more than she will if I am still on chemo. I gave my word to my daughter that we would be there and be there we will, even if I have to quit chemo. As an update my ONC doctor's nurse called. She said that the trainee will recieve a letter of reprimand for not checking the chart. Who cares!!! She also said that my white blood cells should be high enough for me to do chemo on Wednesday but if not then Monday. In the mean time they want me isolated from everyone since my risks of infection are "extremely" high. They are willing to take away two of my recovery days and hit me again with #7 to put me back on schedule. But then this will drive down my platelets too. I just need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot which gives you diarrhea just what I need with the chemo. Then there was a lot of B.S. meanless apologies. I should be getting a letter from their Human Resourses (again) written by lawyers saying nothing but suggesting this was all my fault for trusting them. My original 8 treatments schedule has been changed to 12 treatments now to help assure my best shot at NED which up to now was 8. It also assures the hospital an additional $40-$48 Thousand dollars. Then the doctors; labs; etc. costs. Yea I'll bet they are upset at the nurse trainee for the additional revenue. I'm over being angry...I beginning to think I deserve this and I should quit whinning about it.0 -
alternativesJohn23 said:Lou,
Wishes for Happy Holidays, in spite of what you're going through!
Listen Lou..... It's a tough and very personal decision to stop chemo and
not do any more of it, but please...... If you do decide to do that, at least
consider doing any of the alternatives that some of us here have used?
There are many ways to survive cancer.
My very best hopes and wishes to you.
Thanks John
I never have been a supporter of alternatives in Cancer treatments due to the long and unpredictable list of variables. But to be on chemo and have people you are supposed to trust through incompetence or just being too busy hurt your chances at remission or NED, is too much. I may pick up a thigh master and go to it. Sorry about the joke but Summer's I think she hurts the alternatives treatments. Just an opinion. I will certainly consider alternative treatments if I quit chemo. Lou0 -
ThanksLori-S said:LOU!
So good to see a post from you. It's been a while and I was wondering how you were doing.
I'm so sorry that they screwed up on your WBCs. That really sux.
Maybe just go ahead and finish the 8 original rounds? Definitely take John's advice and look into some alternatives, especially if you decide to quit early. I'd start them now before you might quit chemo and just check with the onc on anything you take just to be sure that everything is copesetic.
I'm so sorry you are having these problems. I know how hard it was for you and your wife to go ahead and agree to chemo in the first place. I hate that you have to go in everyday for those shots and I hope it gets better soon. HUGS to my FOLFOX club buddy.
I've been reading about you too not easy getting through what comes our way. I'm thinking about switching to another Cancer center just opened but the hard part is convincing my insurance... another nightmare! Take Care Lori0 -
Doctortootsie1 said:Oh, me.
I can see why you'd be mad. You certainly have gotten some poor treatment! Please think long and hard (and consult a good doctor) before you stop the chemo. I do pray things will start getting better for you.
Thanks Gail
Believe it or not my ONC is the director of the ONC department and a fellow I'm told in cancer research at the VanAndel Institute. Little hard to ask for someone better when he is supposed to be the best...opinions vary! Lou0 -
Lou -LOUSWIFT said:alternatives
Thanks John
I never have been a supporter of alternatives in Cancer treatments due to the long and unpredictable list of variables. But to be on chemo and have people you are supposed to trust through incompetence or just being too busy hurt your chances at remission or NED, is too much. I may pick up a thigh master and go to it. Sorry about the joke but Summer's I think she hurts the alternatives treatments. Just an opinion. I will certainly consider alternative treatments if I quit chemo. Lou
Lou -
"I may pick up a thigh master and go to it."
I won't comment on the state of your thighs even if I could, Lou.
(not that there's anything wrong with that).
As far as Suzanne Somers? Ya' gotta' admit - not bad thighs!
Best wishes...
John0 -
CBCAnnabelle41415 said:Treatment
You do have a right to be concerned. I've always called for my CBC results and if there was a concern would call the doctor. Maybe future counts you should do that. Also, see if you can give yourself the shots (my husband would give mine every morning when needed). Being there for the birth is wonderful, but they don't grow that fast and this way you will know that you did everything the doctor has asked and won't say "should have" in the future. Agree, talk to your doctor and express your concerns and make sure they are on the same page as you. Ask why the shots weren't given. Hope your next chemo treatment goes well.
Thanks Kim
I no longer can trust them (should have realized this a long time ago) so I will be on the phone pulling teeth to get lab results. They say call anytime with any concerns but it sometimes takes days for them t0 get back to you! They won't allow web access due to hippa which is wrong but what can you do? Take Care Lou0 -
Thanks Kim
I no longer can trust them (should have realized this a long time ago) so I will be on the phone pulling teeth to get lab results. They say call anytime with any concerns but it sometimes takes days for them t0 get back to you! They won't allow web access due to hippa which is wrong but what can you do? Take Care Lou
Hey Lou,
I'm just trying to piece some of this together and I'm not exactly sure here who you are or aren't trusting. Obviously the onc nurse "trainee" blew it, so not only can trainees not be trusted but where was her "supervising" onc nurse? Ok, so maybe, since you have had a few problems with the nursing, then the onc nursing dept. is not to be trusted. But with your actual oncologist, I think I've missed what he did that you have lost your trust in him? By all means, if you have no more trust in this particular Cancer Centre, and there is another one opening up... then I would give it a try. For sure. But you mentioned that might not be an option because of your insurance. Ok, being a Canadian, I am not even going to get into that discussion (I always get myself into trouble when I do ).
But... let me throw a few other things at you, just for food for thought. I know you were angry (and have every right to still be angry) and of course there are no words to describe the disappointment of your cancer interfering with the birth of your grandchild, especially when, as you say, your daughter's husband can't be there because he's in the military, and you want to be there to help your daughter out with the care of both grandchildren while your daughter recouperates from the birth.
1) the 8 cycles vs the 12 of FolFox. Interesting... I'm thinking this is a universal thing. My oncologist (who I adore and trust totally and she has yet to give me any reason not to trust her), when I was on chemo for the first time after my surgery, told me that we would start with 8 cycles of FolFox. Now, the ideal protocol of FolFox is actually 12 cycles, but there are so many factors... is your system tolerating it? How are you doing with that nasty Oxyliplatin that is part of it... that gives the neuropathy, sensitivity to cold, etc? Do you have any nodules/tumours that the FolFox is fighting or is this just for preventing any potential cancer from developing after the surgery? So many questions... and the answers or combination of answers would determine whether to stop at 8 cycles and possibly change to something else, or go ahead with the full 12, or do 12 and cut out the Oxy at some point. With me, she said we would start with 8 cycles and since I was tolerating it very well, she said we were going to go for the full 12. By around the 8th/9th cycle, I really was having issues with the Oxy... so after the 9th, we cut out the Oxy and just did the 5FU/Leucorviun for the 10th - 12th.
Now why I mention all of the above... it's quite possible that the oncologist was planning all along to give you the full benefit of 12 cycles IF, as time went on, you were tolerating it quite well. Keep in mind that once you have used a chemo such as FolFox and then you stop using it... it's quite possible that down the road if you need chemo again, you won't be able to use it because your system is used to it. So as long as your system is tolerating it, chances are they will want to give you the full 12 cycles which gives you that much more of a chance of fighting off any new growths from forming.
Again... using my case... I did the full 12 (minus the Oxy for the final 3) and then, lucky me, the nodules in my lungs were very indolent (lazy) and not growing. So I went chemo-free for 2 1/2 years... just started up again this past June when a couple of the nodules decided to start growing. My onc felt I had been off chemo long enough that maybe it would respond to the 5FU... so she put me on the pill form (Xeloda). Sigh. The cancer responded to it great for 3 months, then stoppedThis was not totally unexpected and my nodules/tumours did shrink 33% in that first three months, so I am ahead of where we were in June, but still... the Xeloda is not now an option for me. So I will be starting a new (to me) chemo in Feb.
So what I'm trying to get across here is... I don't think your oncologist is basing his decisions on one screwed up onc nurse trainee mistake, and of course, what chemo and how much has nothing to do with poor nursing/bedside manner/skills. So don't base quitting chemo on the two nursing errors... and don't think that you are going to 12 cycles because of an extra week or two off. That is really not going to make much difference in the long term plans.
2) Birth - totally, totally understandable that you and your wife both want to be there for this wonderful event. And like any parents, you want to be there to help your daughter when she gets out of the hospital until she's back up on her feet. No one is thinking you are being silly to want to be there for the event and to help your daughter out. But since you can't really travel too far while on chemo treatment, rather than quitting chemo altogether, talk to your oncologist about continuing and having the 12 treatments but is it possible to do the last 4 WITHOUT the Oxypilatin(sp?) part of it. It's probably the Oxy that is giving you a lot of the nasty symptoms. If you were to not have the Oxy and could handle the last 4 of 12 cycles, then that might be enough to convince your daughter and wife that you can handle it on your own with the change in chemo. Is your daughter going to be having a caesarian section? I can't remember if I read that but if she is then you will probably know the date of the birth. If she is, then see if they can arrange to have a laptop with a camera set up with Skype in the delivery room where you can be there via Skype from home (and it would be really kewl if your daughter's husband could have the same access from where he is, since it would just need an internet connection and a Skype account, which is free). Use that as a bartering tool also with your daughter... tell her that if that can be arranged, you will send your wife there to be with her in person and you'd be there as the next best thing in person. If they really can't arrange that in the delivery room (although I don't know why they couldn't), you could always have Skype conversations with your daughter/wife/grandchildren once she's home from the hospital... and they can see for themselves that you are doing ok.
I just think that cancer sucks big time but it would suck even more if because of a decision made in haste, you actually made it worse and those adorable grandchildren lose a grandparent, not to mention how guilty your daughter would feel if/when she found out.
So best thing would be to talk to your oncologist, see if there is some flexibility in adjusting the chemo, or if there is a way one could schedule the chemo around you being able to travel and getting a break from the chemo while you would be away.
Just my .02 worth.
Cheryl0 -
This comment has been removed by the ModeratorLOUSWIFT said:Doctor
Thanks Gail
Believe it or not my ONC is the director of the ONC department and a fellow I'm told in cancer research at the VanAndel Institute. Little hard to ask for someone better when he is supposed to be the best...opinions vary! Lou0 -
SorryLOUSWIFT said:birth
My daughter's husband is in the military and looks like he will not be there for the birth.My grand daughter will be two when the new grand baby arrives. My daughter can not deliver "naturally" so she will be out of commission to take care of herself, my grand daughter, and the new born. She refuses to let my wife come down (Florida)without me because she feels I need my wife's help more than she will if I am still on chemo. I gave my word to my daughter that we would be there and be there we will, even if I have to quit chemo. As an update my ONC doctor's nurse called. She said that the trainee will recieve a letter of reprimand for not checking the chart. Who cares!!! She also said that my white blood cells should be high enough for me to do chemo on Wednesday but if not then Monday. In the mean time they want me isolated from everyone since my risks of infection are "extremely" high. They are willing to take away two of my recovery days and hit me again with #7 to put me back on schedule. But then this will drive down my platelets too. I just need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot which gives you diarrhea just what I need with the chemo. Then there was a lot of B.S. meanless apologies. I should be getting a letter from their Human Resourses (again) written by lawyers saying nothing but suggesting this was all my fault for trusting them. My original 8 treatments schedule has been changed to 12 treatments now to help assure my best shot at NED which up to now was 8. It also assures the hospital an additional $40-$48 Thousand dollars. Then the doctors; labs; etc. costs. Yea I'll bet they are upset at the nurse trainee for the additional revenue. I'm over being angry...I beginning to think I deserve this and I should quit whinning about it.
Sorry you have had so much trouble. Just wondering if there is any way you could get some of your treatments in Florida?? Of course this would still be hard on you and your family, but it could be a compromise?
You have to decide what you want to do.....which can also be hard. Please do not think that you deserve this. We want you to let us know what is going on so Please Whine all you want!!!
I wish you the best.
Take Care,
Barb0 -
Lou you mentioned you willLOUSWIFT said:birth
My daughter's husband is in the military and looks like he will not be there for the birth.My grand daughter will be two when the new grand baby arrives. My daughter can not deliver "naturally" so she will be out of commission to take care of herself, my grand daughter, and the new born. She refuses to let my wife come down (Florida)without me because she feels I need my wife's help more than she will if I am still on chemo. I gave my word to my daughter that we would be there and be there we will, even if I have to quit chemo. As an update my ONC doctor's nurse called. She said that the trainee will recieve a letter of reprimand for not checking the chart. Who cares!!! She also said that my white blood cells should be high enough for me to do chemo on Wednesday but if not then Monday. In the mean time they want me isolated from everyone since my risks of infection are "extremely" high. They are willing to take away two of my recovery days and hit me again with #7 to put me back on schedule. But then this will drive down my platelets too. I just need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot which gives you diarrhea just what I need with the chemo. Then there was a lot of B.S. meanless apologies. I should be getting a letter from their Human Resourses (again) written by lawyers saying nothing but suggesting this was all my fault for trusting them. My original 8 treatments schedule has been changed to 12 treatments now to help assure my best shot at NED which up to now was 8. It also assures the hospital an additional $40-$48 Thousand dollars. Then the doctors; labs; etc. costs. Yea I'll bet they are upset at the nurse trainee for the additional revenue. I'm over being angry...I beginning to think I deserve this and I should quit whinning about it.
Lou you mentioned you will need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot, I know its possible to receive the neupogen or meulasta WBC booster shots at home as my Dr gave me a package of 4 needle devices to give myself the shots during my chemo treatments. See if that will be workable.0 -
Not deservedLOUSWIFT said:birth
My daughter's husband is in the military and looks like he will not be there for the birth.My grand daughter will be two when the new grand baby arrives. My daughter can not deliver "naturally" so she will be out of commission to take care of herself, my grand daughter, and the new born. She refuses to let my wife come down (Florida)without me because she feels I need my wife's help more than she will if I am still on chemo. I gave my word to my daughter that we would be there and be there we will, even if I have to quit chemo. As an update my ONC doctor's nurse called. She said that the trainee will recieve a letter of reprimand for not checking the chart. Who cares!!! She also said that my white blood cells should be high enough for me to do chemo on Wednesday but if not then Monday. In the mean time they want me isolated from everyone since my risks of infection are "extremely" high. They are willing to take away two of my recovery days and hit me again with #7 to put me back on schedule. But then this will drive down my platelets too. I just need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot which gives you diarrhea just what I need with the chemo. Then there was a lot of B.S. meanless apologies. I should be getting a letter from their Human Resourses (again) written by lawyers saying nothing but suggesting this was all my fault for trusting them. My original 8 treatments schedule has been changed to 12 treatments now to help assure my best shot at NED which up to now was 8. It also assures the hospital an additional $40-$48 Thousand dollars. Then the doctors; labs; etc. costs. Yea I'll bet they are upset at the nurse trainee for the additional revenue. I'm over being angry...I beginning to think I deserve this and I should quit whinning about it.
You definately don't deserve this lack of professionalism.
If I were you I think I would strongly suggest that the hospital suck up the additional costs since it is their fault. At the very least any portion that you have to pay over what insurance covers. They should also cover your expenses for having to go there every day for a week for the extra shots.
Just my opinion. An apology in this case only works if it is backed up with actions.
Marie who loves kitties0 -
shotsHeartofSoul said:Lou you mentioned you will
Lou you mentioned you will need to drive to the hospital every day this week and get a white cell booster shot, I know its possible to receive the neupogen or meulasta WBC booster shots at home as my Dr gave me a package of 4 needle devices to give myself the shots during my chemo treatments. See if that will be workable.
I know I could give myself the shots at home. I was a paramedic for years anyway but the hospital won't allow it.0 -
questionsCherylHutch said:CBC
Hey Lou,
I'm just trying to piece some of this together and I'm not exactly sure here who you are or aren't trusting. Obviously the onc nurse "trainee" blew it, so not only can trainees not be trusted but where was her "supervising" onc nurse? Ok, so maybe, since you have had a few problems with the nursing, then the onc nursing dept. is not to be trusted. But with your actual oncologist, I think I've missed what he did that you have lost your trust in him? By all means, if you have no more trust in this particular Cancer Centre, and there is another one opening up... then I would give it a try. For sure. But you mentioned that might not be an option because of your insurance. Ok, being a Canadian, I am not even going to get into that discussion (I always get myself into trouble when I do ).
But... let me throw a few other things at you, just for food for thought. I know you were angry (and have every right to still be angry) and of course there are no words to describe the disappointment of your cancer interfering with the birth of your grandchild, especially when, as you say, your daughter's husband can't be there because he's in the military, and you want to be there to help your daughter out with the care of both grandchildren while your daughter recouperates from the birth.
1) the 8 cycles vs the 12 of FolFox. Interesting... I'm thinking this is a universal thing. My oncologist (who I adore and trust totally and she has yet to give me any reason not to trust her), when I was on chemo for the first time after my surgery, told me that we would start with 8 cycles of FolFox. Now, the ideal protocol of FolFox is actually 12 cycles, but there are so many factors... is your system tolerating it? How are you doing with that nasty Oxyliplatin that is part of it... that gives the neuropathy, sensitivity to cold, etc? Do you have any nodules/tumours that the FolFox is fighting or is this just for preventing any potential cancer from developing after the surgery? So many questions... and the answers or combination of answers would determine whether to stop at 8 cycles and possibly change to something else, or go ahead with the full 12, or do 12 and cut out the Oxy at some point. With me, she said we would start with 8 cycles and since I was tolerating it very well, she said we were going to go for the full 12. By around the 8th/9th cycle, I really was having issues with the Oxy... so after the 9th, we cut out the Oxy and just did the 5FU/Leucorviun for the 10th - 12th.
Now why I mention all of the above... it's quite possible that the oncologist was planning all along to give you the full benefit of 12 cycles IF, as time went on, you were tolerating it quite well. Keep in mind that once you have used a chemo such as FolFox and then you stop using it... it's quite possible that down the road if you need chemo again, you won't be able to use it because your system is used to it. So as long as your system is tolerating it, chances are they will want to give you the full 12 cycles which gives you that much more of a chance of fighting off any new growths from forming.
Again... using my case... I did the full 12 (minus the Oxy for the final 3) and then, lucky me, the nodules in my lungs were very indolent (lazy) and not growing. So I went chemo-free for 2 1/2 years... just started up again this past June when a couple of the nodules decided to start growing. My onc felt I had been off chemo long enough that maybe it would respond to the 5FU... so she put me on the pill form (Xeloda). Sigh. The cancer responded to it great for 3 months, then stoppedThis was not totally unexpected and my nodules/tumours did shrink 33% in that first three months, so I am ahead of where we were in June, but still... the Xeloda is not now an option for me. So I will be starting a new (to me) chemo in Feb.
So what I'm trying to get across here is... I don't think your oncologist is basing his decisions on one screwed up onc nurse trainee mistake, and of course, what chemo and how much has nothing to do with poor nursing/bedside manner/skills. So don't base quitting chemo on the two nursing errors... and don't think that you are going to 12 cycles because of an extra week or two off. That is really not going to make much difference in the long term plans.
2) Birth - totally, totally understandable that you and your wife both want to be there for this wonderful event. And like any parents, you want to be there to help your daughter when she gets out of the hospital until she's back up on her feet. No one is thinking you are being silly to want to be there for the event and to help your daughter out. But since you can't really travel too far while on chemo treatment, rather than quitting chemo altogether, talk to your oncologist about continuing and having the 12 treatments but is it possible to do the last 4 WITHOUT the Oxypilatin(sp?) part of it. It's probably the Oxy that is giving you a lot of the nasty symptoms. If you were to not have the Oxy and could handle the last 4 of 12 cycles, then that might be enough to convince your daughter and wife that you can handle it on your own with the change in chemo. Is your daughter going to be having a caesarian section? I can't remember if I read that but if she is then you will probably know the date of the birth. If she is, then see if they can arrange to have a laptop with a camera set up with Skype in the delivery room where you can be there via Skype from home (and it would be really kewl if your daughter's husband could have the same access from where he is, since it would just need an internet connection and a Skype account, which is free). Use that as a bartering tool also with your daughter... tell her that if that can be arranged, you will send your wife there to be with her in person and you'd be there as the next best thing in person. If they really can't arrange that in the delivery room (although I don't know why they couldn't), you could always have Skype conversations with your daughter/wife/grandchildren once she's home from the hospital... and they can see for themselves that you are doing ok.
I just think that cancer sucks big time but it would suck even more if because of a decision made in haste, you actually made it worse and those adorable grandchildren lose a grandparent, not to mention how guilty your daughter would feel if/when she found out.
So best thing would be to talk to your oncologist, see if there is some flexibility in adjusting the chemo, or if there is a way one could schedule the chemo around you being able to travel and getting a break from the chemo while you would be away.
Just my .02 worth.
I lost trust with mu ONC when my CEA went from 1.4 ( which was my CEA level prior to cancer) to 14.6 in three months. I had been NED for almost five years according to him. This was not true because when my surgeon took out the tumor he said it has been growing in there for at least two years (low grade non-agressive)and now had spread to three localized nodes. My ONC never called me to tell me ther CEA results. Further when I called him he wanted me to wait an additional six weeks to let whatever may be in there to grow so we can see it better. My personal doc said no way and ordered a colonoscopy and there was the tumor. Surgery the following week and then met with my red faced ONC who said he never thought is was cancer. I think a lack of confidence in him is warranted. I do not have any cancer that we know of since surgery. My CEA has been under 1 since surgery four months ago. The chemo is preventative since this is my first (hopefully last) reoccurrence. The chemo besides the wonderful side effects beat the crap out of my platelets and white blood cell counts. I had chemo and radiation my first encounter with cancer which reduced my bodies ability to produce these cells. Thus the need for the booster for the WBC with chemo. The oxi I can tolerate okay. The 5-fl which I took exclusively five years ago (Xeloda) gave me very bad hand and foot syndrome and permanent damage to my feet and fingers. The trainee did have a supervising nurse where she was I have no idea but the chemo area is very very busy. I am a computer geek and already have webcams and skype which my family uses about every day. The delivery isn't as important as the care after. In my early years I delivered several babies so the wow isn't there for me and her delivery is going to be c-section anyway. My family wants me off the chemo they think it is doing more damage then good. Of course that's the gamble isn't it? Quit too soon and cancer may come back or did I ever need to do this to myself in the first place. Doctors opinions vary on this issue. I did have a long conversation with my ONC over ten mintues. For him you usually only get 2-4 mintues. He said because of my prior cancer treatments and the effects of the current chemo there will be other times when they delay my chemo treatments. This is why he wants 12 now instead of eight. I have decided to do the 8 and proceed to 9 etc. and as the damage or delays increase, I may stop. Thanks Cheryl Lou0
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