Buddy List - Action ROLL CALL



  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Just a Thought.....
    This is a good idea, but it does contain one problem that none of us can ever predict.

    What happen when our "buddy" gets too sick and does not respond to emails or phone calls?

    Eric38 and I tried to be each other's advocates back when I joined the board...it worked ok for awhile. I went to see him in the hospital and would report if he wanted me to and could not. And he visited me in the hospital and kept everyone updated as well.

    Then one day, Eric started to get very sick and our communication stopped. I knew he was fighting very hard with his treatments - and sometimes he would get a post out to you guys and I'd think that was great.

    But there were times when he was too weak to return a PM or return a phone call - when that happens the buddy system will not function.

    And all of us can be in such a difficult health situation at any moment. Rushed off to hopsitals, emergency surgeries, just taking a break from cancer, or whatever...

    So, perhaps in conjunction with this, it's a real good to have a good member of your family or a close friend that could do this for you, as they see you in person on a more daily basis.


    My problem with
    Nice solution Craig, but my problem with it, is that I don't let my children or husband see the heartache, the soul wrenching feelings that I share with you all.
    It took a lot of agonizing to decide to even tell my children I had cancer, then it took longer to mention the word terminal.
    I tend to be the same ole' me, go getter, nothing will kill me, person. I'm the glue that holds it all together, so they don't get to see my sorrows or pains. Just you lucky ones here!!! (LOL)
    I'm afraid to let them see how to get on here (oh by golly, they know I have you all, they just don't know the web site etc.)or the name of the website, so they don't see.
    Which is why, when I go to surgery, there's no one to let you know how I'm a doing. Other then that, it's a great solution I think for most of everyone on here.
    Winter Marie
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member

    My problem with
    Nice solution Craig, but my problem with it, is that I don't let my children or husband see the heartache, the soul wrenching feelings that I share with you all.
    It took a lot of agonizing to decide to even tell my children I had cancer, then it took longer to mention the word terminal.
    I tend to be the same ole' me, go getter, nothing will kill me, person. I'm the glue that holds it all together, so they don't get to see my sorrows or pains. Just you lucky ones here!!! (LOL)
    I'm afraid to let them see how to get on here (oh by golly, they know I have you all, they just don't know the web site etc.)or the name of the website, so they don't see.
    Which is why, when I go to surgery, there's no one to let you know how I'm a doing. Other then that, it's a great solution I think for most of everyone on here.
    Winter Marie

    Unacceptable Winter Marie
    You must, MUST, figure out a way to update us. You must have some sense of how important you are to this group.
    Pick someone and PM them with a phone #, email - something to keep us connected.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Crow71 said:

    Unacceptable Winter Marie
    You must, MUST, figure out a way to update us. You must have some sense of how important you are to this group.
    Pick someone and PM them with a phone #, email - something to keep us connected.

    Are you taken?
    Roger, do you have a buddy yet? I thought maybe we could be NC buddies. If you've already been "taken," no hurt feelings.

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    I think
    I'm the only VEGAS BABY here so does that mean I can't have a buddy? Waaaaaaaaaaah. I use my cell phone anyway so long distance charges don't apply.
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Lori-S said:

    I think
    I'm the only VEGAS BABY here so does that mean I can't have a buddy? Waaaaaaaaaaah. I use my cell phone anyway so long distance charges don't apply.

    How about me?
    I love VEGAS...and I also love your outgoing spirit.

    I have unlimited long distance so phones calls, even from the east coast to there don't cost any more.

    Would be honored to be your buddy.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Lori-S said:

    I think
    I'm the only VEGAS BABY here so does that mean I can't have a buddy? Waaaaaaaaaaah. I use my cell phone anyway so long distance charges don't apply.

    Lori, I think you and Crow71 (roger) are stuck with me. I think the wonderful thing about this, is we can have two or more. So I'll share!!! But consider yourself watched over, by the one, the only, Winter Marie. LOL (I visit Vegas a lot, well, at least 3 times a year)
    Winter Marie
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member

    Lori, I think you and Crow71 (roger) are stuck with me. I think the wonderful thing about this, is we can have two or more. So I'll share!!! But consider yourself watched over, by the one, the only, Winter Marie. LOL (I visit Vegas a lot, well, at least 3 times a year)
    Winter Marie

    OK You guys
    I see the bright lights of my city attracted you LOL

    When you guys are in town let me know. We can get together or something (notice I said or something --- just to cover my bases LOL)

    Winter Marie & Marie and her Kitties - I will PM my phone number for you guys.
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    My problem with
    Nice solution Craig, but my problem with it, is that I don't let my children or husband see the heartache, the soul wrenching feelings that I share with you all.
    It took a lot of agonizing to decide to even tell my children I had cancer, then it took longer to mention the word terminal.
    I tend to be the same ole' me, go getter, nothing will kill me, person. I'm the glue that holds it all together, so they don't get to see my sorrows or pains. Just you lucky ones here!!! (LOL)
    I'm afraid to let them see how to get on here (oh by golly, they know I have you all, they just don't know the web site etc.)or the name of the website, so they don't see.
    Which is why, when I go to surgery, there's no one to let you know how I'm a doing. Other then that, it's a great solution I think for most of everyone on here.
    Winter Marie

    How about this?
    How about picking someone here to give your hospital info to (Name, city, phone number, surgery date).
    Then that person can call after your surgery to check on you. I know the staff is not allowed to give info, but hopefully you will feel up to answering in a day or two.

    If there is no one you prefer, PM me with the info. I have unlimited long distance so it is no extra cost to make the call.


    The other Marie
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Lori-S said:

    OK You guys
    I see the bright lights of my city attracted you LOL

    When you guys are in town let me know. We can get together or something (notice I said or something --- just to cover my bases LOL)

    Winter Marie & Marie and her Kitties - I will PM my phone number for you guys.

    You can find me at the Wynn. They send me these 3 nights free thingies all the time.
    Winter Marie
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    Are you taken?
    Roger, do you have a buddy yet? I thought maybe we could be NC buddies. If you've already been "taken," no hurt feelings.


    Plenty of me to go around
    I'd love to be your buddy Gail.
    I got mouthy with Winter Marie earlier and I am now in charge of keeping everyone up to date with news of her surgery on the 20th. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a two person job so I hope you can help. LOL
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member

    You can find me at the Wynn. They send me these 3 nights free thingies all the time.
    Winter Marie

    See Winter Marie
    That's how we get out of being the last chosen ... we choose each other!
  • Kerry S
    Kerry S Member Posts: 606 Member
    Crow71 said:

    Unacceptable Winter Marie
    You must, MUST, figure out a way to update us. You must have some sense of how important you are to this group.
    Pick someone and PM them with a phone #, email - something to keep us connected.

    I taught the scary old woman how to post
    Hell, I taught the scary old woman how to post. That is how she told you all I was home this week.

    She reads these post and gets a kick out of them. She loves it when the women on the board get on my butt. It also helps her in seeing how I am doing compared to the others in the group. Bottom line, it gives her hope and she has as much need of that as I do.

    I might be a crazy old coot, but she wants me to stick around a few more years to keep her in firewood.

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Crow71 said:

    Plenty of me to go around
    I'd love to be your buddy Gail.
    I got mouthy with Winter Marie earlier and I am now in charge of keeping everyone up to date with news of her surgery on the 20th. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a two person job so I hope you can help. LOL

    He opened his mouth and got stuck with that job!!!! I'm sure he can handle it, even though it's close to Christmas. He looks like he's got pretty big shoulders and can handle us!!!
    Winter Marie
  • VivianGB
    VivianGB Member Posts: 46
    Lori-S said:

    See Winter Marie
    That's how we get out of being the last chosen ... we choose each other!

    Ohio Buddy?
    I would be glad to pair up with a buddy.

    I'm stage IV now. Will be starting chemo again Jan 4th.
    Had 2 lesions in liver show up on PET/CT last month and
    a couple of nodes lit up in area between my lungs and
    behind my heart also. That sounded a little scary to me.
    Feeling fine at the moment, but am sure that will end in

    So anybody else in Ohio?

  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    Not sure who does not have one, but I know I do not. Always was picked last for the teams LOL.. Anyway I plan on being around for a long time, but a buddy might not be so bad?

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    How about this?
    How about picking someone here to give your hospital info to (Name, city, phone number, surgery date).
    Then that person can call after your surgery to check on you. I know the staff is not allowed to give info, but hopefully you will feel up to answering in a day or two.

    If there is no one you prefer, PM me with the info. I have unlimited long distance so it is no extra cost to make the call.


    The other Marie

    Thanks Marie
    I gave that job to Roger, Crow71, he opened his mouth, and well, stuck his foot in it to boot, so he got that job immediately!!!
    Let him know if he doesn't do a might fine job, okay???
    Thank you so much for you thoughtfulness Marie.
    the other Marie
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member

    Not sure who does not have one, but I know I do not. Always was picked last for the teams LOL.. Anyway I plan on being around for a long time, but a buddy might not be so bad?


    can i be your bud?
    no one wants to pick me oh this feels like sports at school again lol.
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    Sonia32 said:

    can i be your bud?
    no one wants to pick me oh this feels like sports at school again lol.

    LOL I will be your buddy.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    LOL I will be your buddy.

    I will take a closure look at all of this when I get to feeling better. Unless Lori wants to take over to ensure she gets a buddy!! :)
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Nana b said:

    I will take a closure look at all of this when I get to feeling better. Unless Lori wants to take over to ensure she gets a buddy!! :)

    No problem. Get some rest if you're not feeling well. I got 2 buddys myself ... so I'm covered. See if those of us who get picked last pick each other ... we spoil the system! HA! HUGS to you.

    OK anyone who still needs a buddy ... speak up so we can get some matches going.