1 month after chemo & i'm supposed to bounce right back.....

Up until now my husband has been so helpful through everything. Literally the week I had my last chemo everything changed. He's never home. He owns his own business, so he thinks that the only thing he has to do around here is work, since I don't work all the household chores are up to me. All thru chemo he vacuumed, did laundry, and the dishes. Not anymore, and when I ask him to do something because I'm tired, or I hurt too much to do it, he gets irritated with me & acts like I'm nagging him.
I'm in ALOT of pain right now -having my implant exchange surgery in 3 days, my expanders are extremely overfilled, my muscles in my neck, all down my back, and down my arm are all pulled & spasm randomly, and my chest itself is so sore I can't touch it. Yet I take BOTH kids with me to 2 stores this afternoon to do my grocery shopping, stop at mom's to check on her, bring ALL the groceries in & put them all away while he sits on the couch & watches the game. Does not even offer to help. After that it's laundry-washing, drying, putting away 4 loads, unloading & loading the diswasher & washing our dirty sink & counters. He even got mad at me when I asked him to give the baby a bath, because I can't bend down next to the tub to wash her. It's HIS child too -she is dirty & needs a bath -i can't believe he got mad about that!!!
I've explained to him that I'm still exhausted, he knows how much pain I am in. Our bills are getting backed up, he's stressed out, and it's like he resents me for getting cancer and putting us in this financial situation. I try to talk to him & all he does is get mad at me & say "It's not MY fault that you feel that way". Even my Dr. has talked with us & told us that it would be a while before I was feeling back to normal. But it's like since I'm done with chemo, I'm supposed to jump right back to where I was before cancer.
Even though my surgery is on Tuesday (it's outpatient), Im going to try to go to a Young Survivor's support group meeting Thursday night (i'm not driving myself, though-dont worry!) - i really need it. I'm depressed (have gone through a few bouts with it throughout the years, along with mild post partum depression after both of my daughters were born) - and I'm tired of being made to feel like I am a burden. He was so helpful and considerate of me in the beginning, I don't know what happened. I can hardly even talk to my husband anymore without it ending up with us arguing or bickering, and that's all my fault too - the medicine is making me grouchy, I'm taking everything the wrong way, and the all-time greatest comeback in an argument with a woman "are you on your period?"....
ok thanks for letting me get that rant out. I feel better now, although it might be the xanax I took to help me sleep tonight making me feel better too

I'm praying for you. I don't think he understands that chemo has a cumulative effect on the body and going thru expansion is not easy, either. Ask him what it might feel like if he had his testicles enlarged. (Sorry I could not resist). My husband thought that I would be able to jump back in the game after my chemo finished to. I have been his caregiver for 5 years he has a bad back, I flat out told him that I would get things done in MY TIME not his.(But I don't have kids at home so I can get away with saying and doing that) He needs some counseling, too. I hope you can get him to see someone or at least talk to you md. hugs to you too. Tru Grit0 -
Sounds like your hubby is
Sounds like your hubby is having a difficult time trying to keep up with everything and is shutting down. You might consider letting him read your message, it might help him understand, unless your like me and hubby has no idea where I go on internet. I suggest you slow down, don't do everything even though you see what needs to be done, let it go, it is not going anywhere, will be there when you wake up next day. A little bit everyday or so is better than to much to quick. You need to gain your health, strength, and mental outlook back first before you become Mom-do-it-all. Get some rest, give hubby a hug and let him know your getting better but need him to help you get there.
Scotch Freckles0 -
Ahh thank you all for your
Ahh thank you all for your comforting words. Normally I dont tackle this much housework at once, but I told him last week that I wanted to have the laundry all done and the bare bones cleaning done (toilet, sinks, counter tops cleaned) because I know after my surgery I really won't be up to doing anything. So he even KNEW i wanted to pick up around the house, that it was important to me to get it done before tuesday, and still had to be a turd about it.
Yes, i know he is stressed too, both by my fight with cancer, his having to do extra, money, and running his shop. But i feel his stress has turned on me & he resents me. They have counseling available at the cancer center where my Onc is. I think I'll be making an appointment with them for both of us next week.
Night everyone!
Heather0 -
Sorry, please stay positivetrugrit said:Heatherbelle
I'm praying for you. I don't think he understands that chemo has a cumulative effect on the body and going thru expansion is not easy, either. Ask him what it might feel like if he had his testicles enlarged. (Sorry I could not resist). My husband thought that I would be able to jump back in the game after my chemo finished to. I have been his caregiver for 5 years he has a bad back, I flat out told him that I would get things done in MY TIME not his.(But I don't have kids at home so I can get away with saying and doing that) He needs some counseling, too. I hope you can get him to see someone or at least talk to you md. hugs to you too. Tru Grit
we also had difficulties moments after I finished radiation (I had both Chemo & Rad). Chemo makes you feel inpatient. Plus you both are exhausted from Chemo and need a break from cancer as well. At least your oncologist talked to you both. Nobody talked to us and explained how long does it take to recover. Everyone has that complete misunderstanding that you can be back next day after last treatment.
Please learn how to say NO and take your time for recovery. My approach is to do minimum, only things that must , and let go the rest.
Financial pressure could be a serious problem as well. Try to relax and have a rest before surgery.
Good luck on Thursday.
New Flower0 -
Cancer relationsHeatherbelle said:Ahh thank you all for your
Ahh thank you all for your comforting words. Normally I dont tackle this much housework at once, but I told him last week that I wanted to have the laundry all done and the bare bones cleaning done (toilet, sinks, counter tops cleaned) because I know after my surgery I really won't be up to doing anything. So he even KNEW i wanted to pick up around the house, that it was important to me to get it done before tuesday, and still had to be a turd about it.
Yes, i know he is stressed too, both by my fight with cancer, his having to do extra, money, and running his shop. But i feel his stress has turned on me & he resents me. They have counseling available at the cancer center where my Onc is. I think I'll be making an appointment with them for both of us next week.
Night everyone!
cancer really puts a damper on relations. From friends, to family, it does not discriminate.
You know Heather, I know in my how much pain you must be. My expanders were very painful
too. And I didn't even go that big. You are one tough cookie, carrying on the way you are.
As for your hubby, while I understand how he makes you feel. I have to say, no one knows what
chemo does to you unless you actually go through it. I have to admit, I was just like you husband
and expected that I will bounce right back. It's been 5 months since my heavy duty chemo, I am
still doing herceptin, and I am still not 100%. I get so frustrated, my joints are killing me. Mainly
knees and ankles. If I walk more than hour tops, my ankles swell and knees hurt so bad, that I
have to limp home.
I hope both of you chalk this up to chemo stress and give each other the love and support you
so badly need to get through it all.
You will feel so so much better after your surgery, and that will help you a lot.
Ayse0 -
Sorry you are feeling so
Sorry you are feeling so down and alone. Maybe your husband needs some support. He has gone thru a lot with all that you have been going thru. It must be hard on both of you with small children and him going to work. Thank God for all you have. He won't give you more than you can handle. I truly believe that. Also be happy for your 2 angels. Good luck to you and yours. My prayers are with you.0 -
I'm so sorry you are having
I'm so sorry you are having a hard time, And your husband too. It is hard on everyone mostly you. I don't think men really understand. Actually nobody can unless they have had it. Men don't do long hauls of care giving well. Mine has been great but I am doing more and more like it or not. because it becomes to much for them. They like to fix things and they cant fix this. So after awhile they stop trying. Finances don't make it better either. I will be so glad when I can go back to work. I have grown to hate resting.. My butt is numb from sitting. I wish I lived next door to ya, I could do them counters and sinks and give my butt a break LOL. take care sweetheart don't worry about the house work it can wait. Good luck with you surgery I'll be with you praying Kay0 -
Bounce Back
Grandma here. Live alone. Have two adult children, 5 grandchildren. Both have given "Moral support". When had 1st Chemo daughter went grocery shopping for me to stockpile up on things. That was a great help. Chemo #2 has left me exhausted, sleeping for days with no ambition. Doing only "have tos". Want to do some laundry today but if not up to it won't do that either.
It is hard to explain to others what we feel. The body is telling us what to do; we have the responsibility to listen to it. Can once again tell them Cancer sucks, we are doing all we can to fight this and our bodies are victims.
I realize how much families go through in one day with work, home and kids. Talking is always important, tone is important. To add another request unless absolutely necessary would be too much at times.
Your husband sounds like he loves you very much, has shown that but is burning out. Sounds like he is bewildered; wonders as we all do just how long this will go on; how long recovery takes.
You are a true inspiration. Your apporach to this is right on; talking to Onc. together can only make it better.
Do you have a family member or church group of young adult volunteers that you could call to do some light housework?
Prayer is powerful and mine are on their way to you..you are one brave warrior!!! "May Jesus keep you in His healing hands".0 -
Oh, Heather, The Journey Goes OnJean T. Szabo said:Bounce Back
Grandma here. Live alone. Have two adult children, 5 grandchildren. Both have given "Moral support". When had 1st Chemo daughter went grocery shopping for me to stockpile up on things. That was a great help. Chemo #2 has left me exhausted, sleeping for days with no ambition. Doing only "have tos". Want to do some laundry today but if not up to it won't do that either.
It is hard to explain to others what we feel. The body is telling us what to do; we have the responsibility to listen to it. Can once again tell them Cancer sucks, we are doing all we can to fight this and our bodies are victims.
I realize how much families go through in one day with work, home and kids. Talking is always important, tone is important. To add another request unless absolutely necessary would be too much at times.
Your husband sounds like he loves you very much, has shown that but is burning out. Sounds like he is bewildered; wonders as we all do just how long this will go on; how long recovery takes.
You are a true inspiration. Your apporach to this is right on; talking to Onc. together can only make it better.
Do you have a family member or church group of young adult volunteers that you could call to do some light housework?
Prayer is powerful and mine are on their way to you..you are one brave warrior!!! "May Jesus keep you in His healing hands".
So sorry to hear of your difficulties--as if getting cancer isn't enough-right?! I think if your husband would agree to go to counseling at your cancer center it would be great. Even though you're bearing the brunt of this horrible ordeal--he's suffering too--in other ways. He does sound like he's shutting down--probably from feeling like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.
When you soon get those nasty expanders out--things will start to change for the better--I'm sure of it. Try not to do too much and impede your recovery. I know the kids need you, but the countertops don't.
Positive energy and good healing thoughts coming your way, sweet Heather.
Hugs, Renee0 -
Ooh this weekend just seems
Ooh this weekend just seems to be all around crappy. Baby's whiny all weekend, oldest one has seemed to develop "selective hearing loss". My husband just really can't handle stress well it seems - he gets cranky with all of us and of course will find a reason that he has to go to the shop. Leaving & shutting down emotionally are his ways of dealing with it - and I don't know how he expects me to better deal with the stresses going on around us when sometimes I can barely keep my personal health stresses under control. I guess I'm just overwhelmed with life in general right now and, I'll admit it, let down by the complete turn around by my husband. He can be so quick to dismiss my feelings -when i was on chemo he'd blame the steroids, now it's the tamoxifen. The drugs are making me feel like he's treating me differently. He wont stop & consider there may be a valid reasoning behind my feelings...I actually wish they would let me stay overnight in the hospital on Tuesday for my exchange surgery - so I could get a break and have a night of peace and quiet, and not have to do anything
Our lines of communication have almost shut down, we definately need to talk to someone about it.
Thank you everyone for listening & for your words of wisdom & advice
Heather0 -
I don't think this is unusualHeatherbelle said:Ooh this weekend just seems
Ooh this weekend just seems to be all around crappy. Baby's whiny all weekend, oldest one has seemed to develop "selective hearing loss". My husband just really can't handle stress well it seems - he gets cranky with all of us and of course will find a reason that he has to go to the shop. Leaving & shutting down emotionally are his ways of dealing with it - and I don't know how he expects me to better deal with the stresses going on around us when sometimes I can barely keep my personal health stresses under control. I guess I'm just overwhelmed with life in general right now and, I'll admit it, let down by the complete turn around by my husband. He can be so quick to dismiss my feelings -when i was on chemo he'd blame the steroids, now it's the tamoxifen. The drugs are making me feel like he's treating me differently. He wont stop & consider there may be a valid reasoning behind my feelings...I actually wish they would let me stay overnight in the hospital on Tuesday for my exchange surgery - so I could get a break and have a night of peace and quiet, and not have to do anything
Our lines of communication have almost shut down, we definately need to talk to someone about it.
Thank you everyone for listening & for your words of wisdom & advice
but I also don't think that makes it any more tolerable. I hope you get some feedback here from others who have faced the same scenario. My husband remains supportive, but we're grandparents, we don't have to deal with children and the guilt you as a mother and a daughter and a wife feel in trying to meet everyone's needs while trying to make it all look easy - even on a good day. I can't imagine having 2 small children, a husband, a sick mom, and a house and yard to worry about while dealing with breast cancer and feeling like crap, both emotionally and physically. You can't do it alone and please don't expect that of yourself. It sounds like your husband wants to focus on what he can control now, and that's making a living and getting caught up financially. He too wants his old life back. I assume he's been unable to focus on those activities because he's needed to take care of you more and he may feel guilty about that, too. This has been a stressful time for your entire family. And you need a break from it all, even if that's only being relieved for an afternoon nap here and there. Can someone take the kids off your hands on a weekday while he's at work so you can rest without being pulled in so many directions?
Your posts are always so positive, just like your picture. It's been a long journey for you and it ain't done yet. Wish I had a solution for you. You sound so discouraged.
Sending hugs and support,
Suzanne0 -
You are doing the rightDouble Whammy said:I don't think this is unusual
but I also don't think that makes it any more tolerable. I hope you get some feedback here from others who have faced the same scenario. My husband remains supportive, but we're grandparents, we don't have to deal with children and the guilt you as a mother and a daughter and a wife feel in trying to meet everyone's needs while trying to make it all look easy - even on a good day. I can't imagine having 2 small children, a husband, a sick mom, and a house and yard to worry about while dealing with breast cancer and feeling like crap, both emotionally and physically. You can't do it alone and please don't expect that of yourself. It sounds like your husband wants to focus on what he can control now, and that's making a living and getting caught up financially. He too wants his old life back. I assume he's been unable to focus on those activities because he's needed to take care of you more and he may feel guilty about that, too. This has been a stressful time for your entire family. And you need a break from it all, even if that's only being relieved for an afternoon nap here and there. Can someone take the kids off your hands on a weekday while he's at work so you can rest without being pulled in so many directions?
Your posts are always so positive, just like your picture. It's been a long journey for you and it ain't done yet. Wish I had a solution for you. You sound so discouraged.
Sending hugs and support,
You are doing the right thing by venting here and seeking counseling. the first time I went through it, we had an 8 month old and a 3 year old. My husband was very focused on his job. I struggled and ened up resenting it for a long time. It was a conversation we had for years. I think that conversation would have been shorter if we had gone to counseling. I know men are very focused on providing for the family. this time around one was in college and the other in high school. So that was a little easier although i could not drive. He has never been good at listening, but I guess he did as many of the issues we had he corrected. However, we were older and wiser than we were in our early 30's.
this is a hell of a thing to go through at any age, keeping all those balls in the air is very difficult.
However this time when it was over I could see him relaxing a little too much. I had to say very nicely but firmly exactly specifically what my needs were in a non bitchy voice, at a cool 98.6 . This is what I need etc.. It helps that I see a counselor. Heather I really hear you and I have been there. It gets better, it isnt easy, but you guys will come out the other end in good place wondering how the heck you ever did it. This "over" time is another big adjustment too. they just want things back the way it used to be. as we all do but its going to more time. good luck on the surgery that will make a world of difference no more pain. take that out of the equation!!!!! and beautiful new healthy tatas!!!!!!0 -
HeatherbelleDouble Whammy said:I don't think this is unusual
but I also don't think that makes it any more tolerable. I hope you get some feedback here from others who have faced the same scenario. My husband remains supportive, but we're grandparents, we don't have to deal with children and the guilt you as a mother and a daughter and a wife feel in trying to meet everyone's needs while trying to make it all look easy - even on a good day. I can't imagine having 2 small children, a husband, a sick mom, and a house and yard to worry about while dealing with breast cancer and feeling like crap, both emotionally and physically. You can't do it alone and please don't expect that of yourself. It sounds like your husband wants to focus on what he can control now, and that's making a living and getting caught up financially. He too wants his old life back. I assume he's been unable to focus on those activities because he's needed to take care of you more and he may feel guilty about that, too. This has been a stressful time for your entire family. And you need a break from it all, even if that's only being relieved for an afternoon nap here and there. Can someone take the kids off your hands on a weekday while he's at work so you can rest without being pulled in so many directions?
Your posts are always so positive, just like your picture. It's been a long journey for you and it ain't done yet. Wish I had a solution for you. You sound so discouraged.
Sending hugs and support,
Your kids are probably reacting because of his behavior,I don't like the way your husband is acting i wish i was around you and your family he needs some one to tell him something I've been out of work since May,with only one income coming in i know our husbands are dealing with this also but please he needs to get a grip he can't treat you like this at a time like this, how was he before you were diagnosed? there's no excuse to stop being helpful because chemo is over,your older post helped me when i first joined the board your so positive and kind. get own your knees and ask God to help your husband.you made it through surgery and chemo with Gods help,your going to make it through this other surgery with his help but sometimes he wants to here us (ask) I got upset to hear this,your not suppose to have to deal with other stuff like this. love and prayers for you and the fam.
Mplly Z0 -
I don't have any greatHeatherbelle said:Ooh this weekend just seems
Ooh this weekend just seems to be all around crappy. Baby's whiny all weekend, oldest one has seemed to develop "selective hearing loss". My husband just really can't handle stress well it seems - he gets cranky with all of us and of course will find a reason that he has to go to the shop. Leaving & shutting down emotionally are his ways of dealing with it - and I don't know how he expects me to better deal with the stresses going on around us when sometimes I can barely keep my personal health stresses under control. I guess I'm just overwhelmed with life in general right now and, I'll admit it, let down by the complete turn around by my husband. He can be so quick to dismiss my feelings -when i was on chemo he'd blame the steroids, now it's the tamoxifen. The drugs are making me feel like he's treating me differently. He wont stop & consider there may be a valid reasoning behind my feelings...I actually wish they would let me stay overnight in the hospital on Tuesday for my exchange surgery - so I could get a break and have a night of peace and quiet, and not have to do anything
Our lines of communication have almost shut down, we definately need to talk to someone about it.
Thank you everyone for listening & for your words of wisdom & advice
I don't have any great advice, I just wish I were close enough to give you a big hug with a chance to really vent and get it all out...tears, fists, whatever. I'd also take the girls for a day or overnight so both you and your husband could get a break together.
Instead of the hospital overnight, can you and your husband do a hotel one night together? Maybe some time for the two of you and a little change of scenery would help to get the lines of communication opening again. I'm glad to hear about the counseling, definitely a good step to take.
Perhaps the upcoming surgery is adding some additional stress too. I know you're looking forward to getting the expanders out, but maybe your husband is worried about it on top of everything else.
A big hug for you,
Linda0 -
I was also going to say whatGabe N Abby Mom said:I don't have any great
I don't have any great advice, I just wish I were close enough to give you a big hug with a chance to really vent and get it all out...tears, fists, whatever. I'd also take the girls for a day or overnight so both you and your husband could get a break together.
Instead of the hospital overnight, can you and your husband do a hotel one night together? Maybe some time for the two of you and a little change of scenery would help to get the lines of communication opening again. I'm glad to hear about the counseling, definitely a good step to take.
Perhaps the upcoming surgery is adding some additional stress too. I know you're looking forward to getting the expanders out, but maybe your husband is worried about it on top of everything else.
A big hug for you,
I was also going to say what Linda said, sometimes,its helpful to get away so you can reconnect. I know that is really hard with your mom being sick. another thing I found helpful was to say, "I still need help, its going to be awhile, but I anticipate getting stronger and stronger" Sometimes it seems to us like forever, but it seems that way to them too From your posts he seems like a realy good guy! Trust me while I was posting, I thought ok now that I am saying these things, my husband will really tick me off too. They are men after all, exceptions bare hubby and Aortus right Donna and Moopy?(wink wink)0 -
Heather, You both have so
Heather, You both have so much on your plate right now. You are in my prayers and sending a big cyberhug your way!
It is so hard to deal with a major illness--especially with young children. And men react to stress so very differently than we do. Typically, men become irritable, hostile, work more, become withdrawn, etc. We want to talk it through, cry, and really need more support. Often the different ways that the sexes cope can put a big strain on a marriage.
Counseling is a great idea. Try your best to keep communication open and don't forget to ask other family members and friends for help. Also, you might try contacting
cleaning for a reason and seeing if they could help. See link below:
Cleaning for a Reason
Hope this helps and hope you are feeling better soon.0 -
THANK YOU!!!Heatherbelle said:Ooh this weekend just seems
Ooh this weekend just seems to be all around crappy. Baby's whiny all weekend, oldest one has seemed to develop "selective hearing loss". My husband just really can't handle stress well it seems - he gets cranky with all of us and of course will find a reason that he has to go to the shop. Leaving & shutting down emotionally are his ways of dealing with it - and I don't know how he expects me to better deal with the stresses going on around us when sometimes I can barely keep my personal health stresses under control. I guess I'm just overwhelmed with life in general right now and, I'll admit it, let down by the complete turn around by my husband. He can be so quick to dismiss my feelings -when i was on chemo he'd blame the steroids, now it's the tamoxifen. The drugs are making me feel like he's treating me differently. He wont stop & consider there may be a valid reasoning behind my feelings...I actually wish they would let me stay overnight in the hospital on Tuesday for my exchange surgery - so I could get a break and have a night of peace and quiet, and not have to do anything
Our lines of communication have almost shut down, we definately need to talk to someone about it.
Thank you everyone for listening & for your words of wisdom & advice
You're all so awesomeI am feeling better, emotionally, now, but physically, I woke up with a sore throat this morning, and now I've lost my voice!! Let's see if I can remember some of the questions some of you asked me in your posts.
My husband is a great guy - he really doesn't handle stress well. I'm the calm, collected one and he doesn't know how to deal with stressful situations & gets frustrated at things in life that he can't fix. Also, I do have alone time during the week, my 9 yr old is in school from 8:30-2:30, and the baby goes to daycare Tuesdays-Fridays. Some of you must be reading my mind (sneaky sneaky!) because I've been thinking about us getting away for an evening -i don't think financially that's in the cards but I'm going to see if Grandma (Tim's mom, not mine -although she'd take the girls overnight if she could!) would take them both overnight one of these upcoming weekends. Actually-im going to see if she can take them thanksgiving night & maybe the next - our money is really tight & each year I usually do some "Black Friday" shopping at Toys r Us & Walmart - I bet Tim & I could go out & make a fun time out of it!
I admit I was a bit overboard with the housework this weekend - only because of my surgery coming up on Tuesday, I know I won't be able to do much (not for 10 days my plastic surgeon said) - so i wanted to get laundry caught up, basics cleaned up around the house. My husband & my oldest daughter made out a list this afternoon & divided jobs up & they did alot of cleaning. I did look up Cleaning for a Reason a while back, but they don't have any services that participate in my area.
I did sound pretty negative in my posts, I'm overwhelmed with everything cancer has thrown at me, and feeling sick all day too doesn't help any. I'm also dealing with depression & trying to keep that at bay. I know it's because of my situation & that it will get better. Having all this pain from my expanders & being SO filled doesn't help, either.
I feel all your hugs & am grateful to have you all in my life. I haven't really talked to my friends here about my crappy weekend - they would not understand like you all do.
*hugs hugs*
Heather0 -
Heather you dont soundCypressCynthia said:Heather, You both have so
Heather, You both have so much on your plate right now. You are in my prayers and sending a big cyberhug your way!
It is so hard to deal with a major illness--especially with young children. And men react to stress so very differently than we do. Typically, men become irritable, hostile, work more, become withdrawn, etc. We want to talk it through, cry, and really need more support. Often the different ways that the sexes cope can put a big strain on a marriage.
Counseling is a great idea. Try your best to keep communication open and don't forget to ask other family members and friends for help. Also, you might try contacting
cleaning for a reason and seeing if they could help. See link below:
Cleaning for a Reason
Hope this helps and hope you are feeling better soon.
Heather you dont sound negative, you sound NORMAL. this is a life crisis, and it takes a toll on everyone. We are all human and we dont do everything perfectly. I think one reason you have so many responses is we are all there at one time or another. this stretches us to the limit and I think you have done a great job. CC describes the guys perfectly. Besides it is really nerve wracking to have surgery no matter how much you want the desired effect no one wants the actual surgery. My husband now tells me how much he hated it when I had surgery and (I have been there so many times I know alot of the OR nurses and its a good sized hospital.)0 -
Hi Heather,
Sorry I'm just reading your posts. Hopefully, today is a better today. Just look ahead to tomorrow!!!! WOO HOO!!!! New boobs. I am so excited for you.
I can't say anything else that everyone else hasn't said. You are one strong cookie and I definitely admire you for that. Sometimes it helps just to vent.
If you can't afford a "night out", maybe if your in-laws could keep the kids and you and Tim do something together for the day. Spend the whole day together, just the two of you, no kids, no shop, no nothing. Then wrap it up with a nice dinner, even if it's just take out at home and an evening of just you two. Hang in there! Hugs, Jean0 -
Just read this todayJean 0609 said:Hi Heather,
Sorry I'm just reading your posts. Hopefully, today is a better today. Just look ahead to tomorrow!!!! WOO HOO!!!! New boobs. I am so excited for you.
I can't say anything else that everyone else hasn't said. You are one strong cookie and I definitely admire you for that. Sometimes it helps just to vent.
If you can't afford a "night out", maybe if your in-laws could keep the kids and you and Tim do something together for the day. Spend the whole day together, just the two of you, no kids, no shop, no nothing. Then wrap it up with a nice dinner, even if it's just take out at home and an evening of just you two. Hang in there! Hugs, Jean
It amazes me how my husband can help run a million, perhaps billion, $ corp. He works for a shipyard. He deals with contracts, deadlines, blueprints, billions worth of equipment, gov'ts, clients, bosses, employees, etc.. Yet when he comes home and has to make himself dinner he falls apart. Go figure
Hang in there. You two will be ok, just a bump, and crook in the road.0
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- 4.1K Lung Cancer
- 5.1K Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
- 239 Multiple Myeloma
- 7.2K Ovarian Cancer
- 65 Pancreatic Cancer
- 490 Peritoneal Cancer
- 5.5K Prostate Cancer
- 1.2K Rare and Other Cancers
- 543 Sarcoma
- 738 Skin Cancer
- 658 Stomach Cancer
- 192 Testicular Cancer
- 1.5K Thyroid Cancer
- 5.9K Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
- 6.3K Lifestyle Discussion Boards