I am so disappointed

jendrey Member Posts: 377
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
and tired of being lied to. 6:30 Monday is when surgery is scheduled to replace the tissue expander with an implant. At pre-op I learned that I'd be going home after 3 hours for surgery and 'up to 2 hours' for recovery. I called the nurse and asked if this was true whereupon she smugly informed me the only reason I wouldn't be staying overnight is because my 'insurance doesn't cover it.'

It covered an overnight stay for the far less involved lumpectomy. So, I called my insurance and learned otherwise. What I found out is that the doctor/nurse needs to make a request and receive prior approval for an overnight stay. A request wasn't made so therefore no, I wouldn't be staying overnight. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Now, if it's the hospital's practice such surgery is outpatient or maybe from experience they know a request will be denied and so don't bother making a request -- well to me, that's entirely different than saying out of hand that the only reason I'm won't be staying overnight is because it's 'not covered.'

Really, it was just her attitude about it when she told me and later that she whined to the doctor that I'd called and said what I learned. I've put up with a lot of things a lot of times but lying to me by ommission of fact at this point isn't one of those things nor one of those times. I'm seriously thinking of just ignoring everything and everybody from here on out including the surgery on Monday. Since my aunt died about 3 weeks ago from 4th stage breast cancer I find I just don't have a tolerance level for much of anything.

The bizarre thing is I don't even think that I want to stay any longer than absolutely necessary in hospital; the last time I spent a few hours there I caught a nasty cold. Yeah, I realize it's just a simple miscommunication, but the culmination of everything...

Any ideas on how to cope with everything?

Thanks for reading through my extra long rant! =)


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    The straw that broke the
    The straw that broke the camel's back. You've hit your limit and one more thing is going to put you over the edge...right? Understandable. I would hate to think you might forgo your surgery, your life, because that nurse was incompetent and insensitive. Easy to do in the moment but later when you're feeling much calmer you might regret it. Perhaps your doc could prescribe something to help keep you in a place where you can make well thought out decisions. This journey isn't easy and asking for help along the way does not convey weakness but strength in knowing how much we can put up with. The key is getting to the other side of treatment by however and whatever it takes. Know you can come back here and vent again if you need, that's what we're here for,
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    HOPE things are going more smoothly now