Sister Still in Hospice Care



  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    skipper85 said:

    Your Sister is very strong

    Fortunately my sister and her family are very involved in their church so they have had help from many members. I think it's emotional stress that's getting to them.

    Our family has been blessed in many ways. These problems are just a bump in the road. We can make it through and be stronger for it.

    My husband was set to have surgery on Monday. He went for pre-op and when we got home the surgeon's office called and said the doctor had to be out of state for 10 days and he didn't want to operate and leave in case there were complications. The nurse said he's very hands on with his patients. He's got great credentials and great recommendations but I have to think he knew he was going to be out of town when he scheduled my husband's surgery. It's for the bset though. My husband needs to gain back some weight. On the other hand my son is coming down this weekend and staying until Wednesday to be with us for moral support during the surgery. He can't change his work schedule or his wife's now (she needs to be home for the kids - she works strange hours at the hospital) and my daughter had given him her travel points for the ticket. He paid extra to get it last minute so we would be sure it wasn't postponed - he had just gotten the tickets the day before and it cost $150 to change them if he could even change his work schedule. He's coming in tomorrow and we'll be happy to see him. I think it's even a better morale booster to have him here while he can spend some quality time with his Dad and me. You just have to go with the flow and be on good meds :-)

    Hope everything is going well with you Kay. Every time I see your picture holding the pooch it reminds me how important my dog Jessie is to me. She is the light of my life (even before the grandkids :0) She just brightens my day every day.



    Sending hugs, positive
    Sending hugs, positive thoughts and prayers.