Faithful companion



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    In October 2009, my mom was hospitalized for two weeks. My cat, then nineteen years old, took a turn for the worse, stopped eating, and I thought I would have to help him pass away. He seemed to be in no pain, though, so his vet and I decided to wait until the issue with my mom was resolved. Well, my mom died, my cat (Rufus Dufus Roughouser Studmuffin) started eating again and is now twenty years old and doing really great. Still jumping up on furniture, insisting on having whatever he wants and acting like a true cat. During recovery from surgery and through chemo I spent a lot of time on my sofa, and so did he! It seems he just can't get enough of me - and no matter what I do, he loves me. My son came to visit (he lives in another state) last week, and he couldn't believe how great Rufus looks and acts!!

    Sometimes I wonder if God knew what I was about to go through, and saved him to comfort me.

    That is amazing! Rufus
    That is amazing! Rufus looks beautiful.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    chenheart said:

    I have a ridgeback mix with
    I have a ridgeback mix with the tell-tale "houndy" bark...or should I say howl?? When he looks at me with the most pitiful and pitiable face imaginable,obviously trying to get me to do something for him against my better judgenment~ I invariably say "You ain't nothing but a hound-dog!" That's the only Elvis story I have...

    Well, not exactly! When the Lord Of The Rings movie trilogy played, and the Elf played by Liv Tyler made her exit, of course I leaned into Reggie and said "Elf-ish has left the building!" Whaaaaaat? You expected something else from me??? I didn't think so!


    Chen, you are so crazy--you
    Chen, you are so crazy--you just crack me up!
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    my husband gets out of bed whether the middle of the night or early in the morning Bear jumps up in his spot. I'm convinced that Bear knows my husband is the "alpha dog" but when he leaves me, Bear is in charge of protecting me. As soon as my husband comes back Bear quietly steps off the bed, even if we beg him to stay. Through the night we hear him making rounds of the bedrooms making sure we're all where we should be and safe.
  • Giant Poodles
    Giant Poodles Member Posts: 79

    my husband gets out of bed whether the middle of the night or early in the morning Bear jumps up in his spot. I'm convinced that Bear knows my husband is the "alpha dog" but when he leaves me, Bear is in charge of protecting me. As soon as my husband comes back Bear quietly steps off the bed, even if we beg him to stay. Through the night we hear him making rounds of the bedrooms making sure we're all where we should be and safe.

    Kirby, Hallie and Kibbles
    Kirby, Hallie and Kibbles are my furbabies. Kirby and Hallie are standard poodles. Kibbles is a maltese. They sleep in our or the kids bed everynight. They are smart, funny and loving. There are pictures of them in my profile. They relax me and takes my mind off my problems and they always love me.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My little B.J.
    I have a little 9 lbs poodle his name is B.J. (aka Wee-wee ) I adopted Wee, from the last grooming place I worked. They boarded also and Wee had been going there for grooming and boarding since he was 8 weeks old anyway Wee, was left there while his dad went on Vacation, but His dad died before he got home. He was a paraplegic ( paralyzed from the neck down )So this little dog had never been petted or held close because dad couldn't do that. the first time I seen Wee, I fell in love. every one told me He was mean would bite at the drop of a hat no reason needed. Hated being groomed. Well know body ever touched him because he would bite. I didn't care I went in there opened his cage door ( he hates cages )and picked him up no hesitation. I held him petted him groomed him that day with no problems!! I brought him home that night. He was 9 then. Now he is 15 blind deaf. He never tried to bit after that. Unless he thought some one was a threat to me LOL. He loves being held while he sleeps or for any reason. he is the best dog on earth. He is my little love. He is the little poodle I am holding in my picture. Kay
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    faithfull companion
    Mine is also a chihuahua, he is very very loved. His name is binx and was my most faithfull companion during treatment. After I had bilat. mast. he was very carefull not to lay his head on my chest for a long time. He'd just look at me as if to say, "where are they". He's the best dog in the whole wide world!!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Kirby, Hallie and Kibbles
    Kirby, Hallie and Kibbles are my furbabies. Kirby and Hallie are standard poodles. Kibbles is a maltese. They sleep in our or the kids bed everynight. They are smart, funny and loving. There are pictures of them in my profile. They relax me and takes my mind off my problems and they always love me.

    I have owned 3 standard
    I have owned 3 standard poodles in my life: Mr. Bleu, Willie, and Gabbie. They are sweet and intelligent companions. Two of my sisters still have standards: one named Kona and one named Rufus.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    My little B.J.
    I have a little 9 lbs poodle his name is B.J. (aka Wee-wee ) I adopted Wee, from the last grooming place I worked. They boarded also and Wee had been going there for grooming and boarding since he was 8 weeks old anyway Wee, was left there while his dad went on Vacation, but His dad died before he got home. He was a paraplegic ( paralyzed from the neck down )So this little dog had never been petted or held close because dad couldn't do that. the first time I seen Wee, I fell in love. every one told me He was mean would bite at the drop of a hat no reason needed. Hated being groomed. Well know body ever touched him because he would bite. I didn't care I went in there opened his cage door ( he hates cages )and picked him up no hesitation. I held him petted him groomed him that day with no problems!! I brought him home that night. He was 9 then. Now he is 15 blind deaf. He never tried to bit after that. Unless he thought some one was a threat to me LOL. He loves being held while he sleeps or for any reason. he is the best dog on earth. He is my little love. He is the little poodle I am holding in my picture. Kay

    OMG I am in tears reading
    OMG I am in tears reading your post. You are the most wonderful person for saving Wee and he knows you are!
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    My cat,Jack, has been
    My cat,Jack, has been especially affectionate towards me since I started treatment for breast cancer. I remember the first night i had shaved my head, Jack actually curled his fluffy body around my head while i was falling asleep & stayed that way most of the night. He sleeps next to me every night, and wakes with me in the mornings, curling up in my lap while i have my coffee. He knows :)
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613

    My cat,Jack, has been
    My cat,Jack, has been especially affectionate towards me since I started treatment for breast cancer. I remember the first night i had shaved my head, Jack actually curled his fluffy body around my head while i was falling asleep & stayed that way most of the night. He sleeps next to me every night, and wakes with me in the mornings, curling up in my lap while i have my coffee. He knows :)

    All these pet stories are so moving
    I loved reading about them. My favorite part of "Funniest Home Videos" is always the pets...they're just so funny!

    They sure make life sweeter with their unconditional love, affection, protection and unique personalities.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    sea60 said:

    All these pet stories are so moving
    I loved reading about them. My favorite part of "Funniest Home Videos" is always the pets...they're just so funny!

    They sure make life sweeter with their unconditional love, affection, protection and unique personalities.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories!

    Okay ... I'm looking over my shoulder - as my family is
    so sick of me and my girl stories .. Bailey Storm is 3 years of age, Hybid dog - 1/2 Yorkie Terrie, and 1/2 Maltese - eyelashes that go on for days .. so I trim them .. Yokie coloring - but curled up tail like a Maltese. She follows me, up an down stairs to the bathroom, into the garage -- where I am, she is. Sad thing is when I was going for chemo, long days 6 to 7 hours .. Bailey Storm would sit in the garage and wait for me - never leaving the garage until my husband and I pulled in.

    When i arrive home from my surgeries ... we all know how many there have been - 8 counting tomorrow's .. Bailey will lay at the foot of my bed for days - only leaving to go outside and potty .. Seriously .. my daughter brings Bailey her food upstair to our room - so she can eat ..

    Bailey will only walk with me - Bailey refuses to leave my side, which is sad now that I am getting a little stronger - and leaving the house more. My dog understands me more than my children -- haha My husband and kids always stated .. if something happened to me, Bailey would die. Harse statement, I realize .. but true. So I am gingerly, and softly trying to leave the house - and closing the garage door to the outside - so Bailey re-adjusts herself to staying in the den when I am away. I also try and leave 10 to 20 minutes .. several times a day, so Bailey gets the idea - that I always come back to her.

    Sea60 hit the nail on the head ... unconditional love, protection, affection and personalities .. I have been blessed - no question.

    I love and Adore my Bailey - Girl! I would be lost without her!

    Vicki Sam
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My son found our dog that
    My son found our dog that someone had abandoned at his apartment building. She was only about 8 to 10 weeks old. He called us and convinced us we should take her so she wouldn't end up in the pound. We were looking for someone to adopt her when we decided to keep her. She is almost 11 years old now.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    My son found our dog that
    My son found our dog that someone had abandoned at his apartment building. She was only about 8 to 10 weeks old. He called us and convinced us we should take her so she wouldn't end up in the pound. We were looking for someone to adopt her when we decided to keep her. She is almost 11 years old now.

    mY golden also gives me
    mY golden also gives me hugs, and thinks he is either a human or a lap dog. he hates the car and has to sit on my daughter or be very close to her.
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    They are my joy!!
    I have a miniature poodle who is now 14, but never leaves my side and sleeps right next to me at night. When I came home from my double mastectomy, all he wanted to do was sleep at my feet, as though he knew not to come close to the incision. And, then my two rescue kitties. Never have been a cat person.....but Lizzie always know when I am feeling poorly, or having a worse than usual day. She is so loving and makes me feel so loved.
    And then there is Sammie, he is also about 3 years old....he knows when I need quiet time.
    Sounds weird talking about them like little humans, but they help heal me each and every day!!
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    my animals are my life :) i
    my animals are my life :) i love them more than words. brings tears to my eyes thinking about them :) my dog, Franco (min pin/chihuahua mix) is always right next to me on the couch, when i'm not feeling well. i have 3 cats, Miles, Meena and Klaus. usually, 3 out of 4 is surrounding me at all time. i love it :)
  • Giant Poodles
    Giant Poodles Member Posts: 79

    I have owned 3 standard
    I have owned 3 standard poodles in my life: Mr. Bleu, Willie, and Gabbie. They are sweet and intelligent companions. Two of my sisters still have standards: one named Kona and one named Rufus.

    Go Poodles
    Go Poodles!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member

    my animals are my life :) i
    my animals are my life :) i love them more than words. brings tears to my eyes thinking about them :) my dog, Franco (min pin/chihuahua mix) is always right next to me on the couch, when i'm not feeling well. i have 3 cats, Miles, Meena and Klaus. usually, 3 out of 4 is surrounding me at all time. i love it :)

    I have a chihuahua too. Her name is Martha and she has been much comfort to me. Normally she is not allowed in the bedrooms but during chemo when I would be in bed for days she threw such a fit that MIke had to let her in to shut her up! She stayed on the bed with me the whole time.

    After my mastectomy she smelled me then went up under my shirt to take a sniff. For weeks she wouldn't let our WEstie up in the recliner with me. Then I guess she finally decided I was healed and would let Bonnie up in the recliner with us.
  • JoMama54
    JoMama54 Member Posts: 78

    I have a chihuahua too. Her name is Martha and she has been much comfort to me. Normally she is not allowed in the bedrooms but during chemo when I would be in bed for days she threw such a fit that MIke had to let her in to shut her up! She stayed on the bed with me the whole time.

    After my mastectomy she smelled me then went up under my shirt to take a sniff. For weeks she wouldn't let our WEstie up in the recliner with me. Then I guess she finally decided I was healed and would let Bonnie up in the recliner with us.

    I have a white persian named Lillucy who only likes me! She is a big hairball, but I love her. My grandkids often say "Grandma why can't you get a nice kitty" they call her Lucifer!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    How could I not join in? (see Papillons in pic!)
    Our Howie just turned 6 and my little Honey is 9 months old. I got her smack in the middle of radiation. She got me off the couch. She has brought me so much joy!. Just this morning, as I awoke with a major hot flash, tossing off covers, she laid down beside me - practically on me - and I thought with a chuckle - hot flashes ARE good for something....they make the puppy feel snuggily.

    We also have a cat, Buddy, who used to be the office cat at my old job. When my bosses retired, Bud was homeless, but not for long.
