my boobs just keep giving me problems!!

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Oh my word - this morning I woke up to the WORST pain I have had throughout my whole cancer ordeal - I had a fill on my expanders yesterday, another 100cc. Now I'm at 750 cc's total. I started feelin pain in my back & chest almost immediately after getting my fill yesterday. Last night I soaked in the hot tub (twice!), and took vicodin for the pain, and used the heating pad. This morning I woke up barely able to lift my arms. My chest hurt worse than it did the day after my bi-lat mastectomy. I was getting my daughter, who's 9, ready for school, and the pain ended up bringing me to tears, my poor daughter had to wake up my husband. He's my rock -he called my plastic surgeon's office for me - after trading in the heating pad for ice packs, and adding ibuprofen to the vicodin I'm taking - I FINALLY have some relief. It felt like all of my muscles in my back & chest were pulled, even down my arms to my wrists hurt! So, I'm thinking I might be done with my fills-or at least need to cut them down, I've already had them switch my next one in 2 weeks from 100cc to 50cc -I was planning on going pretty big with my implants but if the pain is going to be like this after each fill it's not going to be worth it for me! I know I'll be very glad to get these rock-like expanders out & new soft implants in.
AND-my mom got her pathology report back today after her lumpectomy. THey found cancer in 1 of her nodes when they did the sentinel node biopsy so they removed 12 at the time of surgery. There was cancer in just the 1 they found at surgery! Her margins were good! She gets her port put in early next week & starts chemo thursday. Shes holding up so well & just wants to get chemo started. And she keeps getting the mose wonderful & encouraging cards in the mail :) I love you all & am so grateful for your kindness!


  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    So sorry and glad
    So sorry to hear about your pain. I had a lumpectomy so can't relate except maybe by feeling that boobs are overrated and it sucks when you're betrayed by them. Hopefully you'll be feeling better really soon.
    I'm glad to her your mom is getting good reports. It was so sweet of you to think of the cards for her, and if a positive attitude and loving family counts, she'll sail through treatments with no problem.
    Take care and keep us posted.

  • hoop77
    hoop77 Member Posts: 84
    My last fill before exchange
    My last fill before exchange surgery was also incredibly painful. I took valium and it really helped! It is a great muscle relaxer and also helped me get to sleep. Ask you PS for a prescription!!! Rest assured the implants are soooo much better than those damn expanders! Hang in there, you're almost at the end of the tunnel!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Hi Heather
    Some of my fills

    Hi Heather
    Some of my fills were that painful too so i know how you feel. I just spread them out more and sometimes it hurt and sometimes it didnt...go unpredictable! The good thing about it is if it gets that painful you do have the option of having them remove some fluid for relief. Either way just pace yourself you have time to get where you want to be!
    Im glad your mom is doing good at this point. I had 12 nodes removed with one being positive...must be the standard number for one positive node?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    jo jo said:

    Hi Heather
    Some of my fills

    Hi Heather
    Some of my fills were that painful too so i know how you feel. I just spread them out more and sometimes it hurt and sometimes it didnt...go unpredictable! The good thing about it is if it gets that painful you do have the option of having them remove some fluid for relief. Either way just pace yourself you have time to get where you want to be!
    Im glad your mom is doing good at this point. I had 12 nodes removed with one being positive...must be the standard number for one positive node?

    Hugs, Love and Prayers for you Miss Heatherbelle and
    your Mom. If time and insurance permitting, maybe take 1 month off from any more fills, get a little better - chemo treatments, Mom .. girls in school or daycare .. and re-group. My Plastic Surgeon stated NO HEAT .. on my expanders or anywhere near them .. please double check. Normally, as a general rule .. 24/48 hours after an expander fill is painful for many of us. Are you sleeping slighty evaluated? this helped me after my fills.

    12 nodes removed on Mom .. poor thing .. she will probably need your help --

    You all know my motto ''Go Big, or Go Home'' ... right, Misty Jo .. I am a solid C cup .. emphasis on solid C .. experience some discomfort after each fill of 120 cc .. yes, I am werid, werid werid ... my expander fills were a day at the beach, compared to my 18 weeks of consective TCH chemo therapy treatments ... so please don't go my min. pain reaction ..Please check with PS regarding the heat ...and take a month off .. if time and insurance permitting ..

    Thinking of you and Mom...

    Vicki Sam
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Ouch.. I remember those days
    Ouch.. I remember those days and I only got 350 cc's total.. the first and the last fill hurt the most... I think you will feel better after a couple of days of ice and meds.. Wow...those are going to be some big tatas!! Mine are so small in comparison...I am worried that I didn't go big enough but the PS promised me an average C... we'll C when its over..

    Give my best to your mom. I sent her a card last week.. so glad to hear about the good path report. Please tell her I think of her everyday...

  • MerleBee
    MerleBee Member Posts: 49
    Pain After Expansion
    I feel ya girl. I hate these expanders. I was at the doctor today to sign paperwork for exchange surgery and hyserectomy (all on the same day!) and threatened to take the expanders out myself!

    I did find that the muscle relaxer Flexaril (sp?) helped me tremendously! I took one before the expansion and then after as well for a day or so. It made a lot of difference. BUT I STILL HATE THE EXPANDERS! I better have best set ever when this is over! Hang in there girl!

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm so sorry you've been in so much pain. It can't be easy when you're unable to even do the simplest things like helping your 9 year old get ready for school. I'm glad you were finally able to get some relief.

    It sounds as if your mom is taking bc well in stride. I'm sure because you're going through it together has made it easier for her. I am sorry that 1 node was found to be cancerous. Does that mean she will have rads too? Will you be getting rads after chemo is done???
    {{hugs}} Char
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    awww :(
    i'm sorry you had such a horrible day! i had a lumpectomy as well, so i don't know the pain you're going through. it's so frustrating when simple things are too painful to do. i don't have children, but there have been times at work when i just wanted to cry and yell! "why can't i just do this?!?"

    hope things get better for you. thinking about you :)


    carrie :)
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Holy cow!
    750 cc's? Are you going for double DD's?
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    linpsu said:

    Holy cow!
    750 cc's? Are you going for double DD's?

    Yikes that sounds awful, I
    Yikes that sounds awful, I go for the muscle relaxers I bet some of the pain is spasm. hope it gets better soon!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I wasn't a candidate for
    I wasn't a candidate for implants, so I never had expanders, but just wanted to let you know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Also, great news about your mom--I hope she is on the road to recovery!
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    linpsu said:

    Holy cow!
    750 cc's? Are you going for double DD's?

    yes, i am, actually :) i've
    yes, i am, actually :) i've always had big, nice boobs, and was a full "D" when I was diagnosed.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    thanks everyone - the ice
    thanks everyone - the ice packs are making SUCH a tremendous difference in the pain. I wonder what cosmic force it is that decides when you don't feel good, that the people around you have to act up husband is so frustrated, works so hard, hardly ever home, some of our bills are getting behind & he's freaking out about that, i know he's getting frustrated with me & my dependence on him for just about everything (believe me im getting frustrated with that too...)..he comes home in a bad mood almost every day & is a freaking bear to be around, snapping at me or the kids....he has lost almost all patience with me and the kids....ugh im glad im almost over with my treatment! i think someone asked in a post if i was having rads too, I'm not, just 2 more chemo treatments left, and maybe 1 small expander fill and i'm all done!
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144

    thanks everyone - the ice
    thanks everyone - the ice packs are making SUCH a tremendous difference in the pain. I wonder what cosmic force it is that decides when you don't feel good, that the people around you have to act up husband is so frustrated, works so hard, hardly ever home, some of our bills are getting behind & he's freaking out about that, i know he's getting frustrated with me & my dependence on him for just about everything (believe me im getting frustrated with that too...)..he comes home in a bad mood almost every day & is a freaking bear to be around, snapping at me or the kids....he has lost almost all patience with me and the kids....ugh im glad im almost over with my treatment! i think someone asked in a post if i was having rads too, I'm not, just 2 more chemo treatments left, and maybe 1 small expander fill and i'm all done!

    ugh. i know that feeling. my
    ugh. i know that feeling. my boyfriend (who may as well be my husband. we've been together for 9 years!) is my rock, but he's not always steady. the day after my 1st treatment, i felt terrible of course. he actually got snippy with me and we got into an argument. i barely had energy to talk, let alone argue! (there's more to it, but you get the idea) he just doesn't totally get it. you can't explain how chemo feels. unless you've been there!

    i know he's stressed, seeing me like that. but, i'm the one that has to FEEL like that!

    anyway, glad you are getting some relief! have a good nights sleep!

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Oh Heatherbelle...
    I know what your are going through. My last two fills were very painfull (yes i spelled it with two ll, they were
    really full of pain) too. And I didn't go anywhere near as big as you.... I had always a hard time breathing which
    tended to scare the bejezus out of me!

    I used to sleep and still am sitting up, pillows are your best friends.. use and abuse them. Mine are coming out
    Monday WOOOHOOOO I can't wait!!

    Hope you will feel better soon!

    Hugging you,
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Heather, my heart goes out
    Heather, my heart goes out to you too. As if it wasnt enough what you are going thru, now your mom. I feel so selfish, at least Im finally doing better that I can deal with my mom. Im sorry! Sending you hugs and prayers to make you strong.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Heather,
    Hang in there girl. Sending hugs your way. :) Jean
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380

    thanks everyone - the ice
    thanks everyone - the ice packs are making SUCH a tremendous difference in the pain. I wonder what cosmic force it is that decides when you don't feel good, that the people around you have to act up husband is so frustrated, works so hard, hardly ever home, some of our bills are getting behind & he's freaking out about that, i know he's getting frustrated with me & my dependence on him for just about everything (believe me im getting frustrated with that too...)..he comes home in a bad mood almost every day & is a freaking bear to be around, snapping at me or the kids....he has lost almost all patience with me and the kids....ugh im glad im almost over with my treatment! i think someone asked in a post if i was having rads too, I'm not, just 2 more chemo treatments left, and maybe 1 small expander fill and i'm all done!

    Hi Heather
    I haven't met you yet. I just joined last week but have followed all of the ladies for a couple of months at the beginning of my journey. You and a few other ladies especially. I believe I read that you are TN as I am.
    So Sorry about your mom but having you is a comfort to her, I'm sure. Now as far as your husbands frustration, you know men,they want to FIX it and make it better but this time he can't and yes he will be cranky. Perhaps you can write him a little letter and tell him that you understand how he feels and that you appreciate all that he does for you, etc. give it to him at the right time and don't be in the same room when he reads it. I don't know, just a thought. It has worked for me in the past.
    I hope your pain is better soon. It won't be long before you are all done with this. I'm having my 2nd. chemo Oct.4th.
    Nice to meet you Heather.
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I just had my exchange done
    I just had my exchange done 2 weeks ago and what a difference in the way they feel....I wanted to be no bigger than I was which was a full C and I dont feel like I am but I was able to try on bras today and they are close they just look different. I took valium for the pain and I had spasms and it really helped and I still take them at night to help me rest and get some sleep. I am so sorry to hear about your mom, moms are so special! Hugs to you
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member

    Hi Heather
    I haven't met you yet. I just joined last week but have followed all of the ladies for a couple of months at the beginning of my journey. You and a few other ladies especially. I believe I read that you are TN as I am.
    So Sorry about your mom but having you is a comfort to her, I'm sure. Now as far as your husbands frustration, you know men,they want to FIX it and make it better but this time he can't and yes he will be cranky. Perhaps you can write him a little letter and tell him that you understand how he feels and that you appreciate all that he does for you, etc. give it to him at the right time and don't be in the same room when he reads it. I don't know, just a thought. It has worked for me in the past.
    I hope your pain is better soon. It won't be long before you are all done with this. I'm having my 2nd. chemo Oct.4th.
    Nice to meet you Heather.

    Thanks for chiming in
    Thanks for chiming in Annette & nice to meet you :) And I am feeling better! I'm taking painkillers and using ice packs but the pain in my arms are gone, and my chest, just my back still hurts but I've gotten back shoulder pain as a side effect since my 1st chemo. Good luck with your chemos, I'm close to the end, 2 left! Mom & I are having ours together (her first one) this coming thursday - now THERE'S a picture for the husband and I had a nice date tonight -i got all done up, wore my new skinny jeans, a big sexy off shoulder sweater, some high heel boots, and my platinum blonde bob wig (im naturally dark brunette, so this is a change!), and lOTS of eyeliner & lipgloss! We had such a great time, nice dinner, then picked our girls up at a birthday party & watched my oldest sing her little heart out at karaoke there.
    Thank you for your kind words & advice, and again it's nice to meet you too!