What is your Hobby?

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
While I was in treatment and long after I finished treatment I found keeping my mind busy was the best way to help me heal. As a kid I always loved models so I got into building model Rockets, Boats, and Air Planes.

This is a picture of my P51 I crashed it twice and had to rebuild it each time, I found because my brain is unable to comprehend more then one task at a time I am unable to fly it, but my Son say no problem Dad I will fly it for you and so the story continues.

Has any one else found a Hobby to do while in treatment or just something you love to do, if so please share it with us.


  • matthewcplourde
    matthewcplourde Member Posts: 32
    I write!
    I've been telling stories my whole life, and some of my short fiction/editorials have been published. Until cancer, I was afraid to live my life outside the box society had created for me. Now, I'm much happier when I'm not trying to fight the artist within!

    For anyone into fiction, feel free to check out my blog:

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    My lifelong hobby has always been art...and fishing, LOL. Both relax me and I always enjoy both.

    The photo that you see in my profile is one that I did of Shelley my wife, and my Mother's Beagle, SweetPea.

    It's done with Prismacolor on Canson Mi-Teintes Paper. Prismacolor is a type of colored pencil that I like to use frequently for portraits.

    I have a few other photos of my art work on my Expressions page. My main interest in subjects is portraits, wildlife, waterfowl, and beachy street scenes with high contrast colorful awnings in bright sunlit backgrounds.

    Looking forward to seeing others here that also have a favorite hobby that they love and relax them.

  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    My Hobby
    I make homemade quilts by hand. I started when I was about 12 years old, my mom taught me how to do them. I have made 6 of them so far. I also cross stitch, but have run out of room for them.

    My dad's hobby is making furniture. He has made 20 pieces of furniture for my hourse and many other things for me when I was little.

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    My hobby when the opportunities happen, I like to watch people. Just hang out downtown, at a market and etc. People are amazing!

    Life is amazing!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    My hobby when the opportunities happen, I like to watch people. Just hang out downtown, at a market and etc. People are amazing!

    Life is amazing!


    My wife and I are people watchers also, airports, malls, etc.....usually it gets us in trouble though. So we have to do it on the sly, LOL...

  • Bigfuzzydoug
    Bigfuzzydoug Member Posts: 154
    All hobbies on hold
    Unfortunately most of my hobbies are pretty intense physical and "on hold" for now:

    triathlons - swimming, biking & running
    catamaran sailing
    mountain biking
    SCUBA diving

    But I still have my family hobbies. I've been playing a bunch of Guitar Hero with my 9-yr-old daughter and losing horribly on the Wii to my 6-yr-old son who is scary-good at Mario Kart.

    And I have my "geek" hobbies. In the thread "Who else gets 'death support responses'?" I said I was the geek-king. Well (and this is for 'sweetblood22') I'm such the geek-king... I now have a little more time to work on my latest robot. Yes, I build robots for fun! What kind of robots? Well, to me, the best kind of robot is the funny kind, which is the kind that will do the most inane task you can possibly think of. So the latest one senses when the toilet paper is out and automatically change the roll for you.

    My contribution to the fine arts! ;-p
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    All hobbies on hold
    Unfortunately most of my hobbies are pretty intense physical and "on hold" for now:

    triathlons - swimming, biking & running
    catamaran sailing
    mountain biking
    SCUBA diving

    But I still have my family hobbies. I've been playing a bunch of Guitar Hero with my 9-yr-old daughter and losing horribly on the Wii to my 6-yr-old son who is scary-good at Mario Kart.

    And I have my "geek" hobbies. In the thread "Who else gets 'death support responses'?" I said I was the geek-king. Well (and this is for 'sweetblood22') I'm such the geek-king... I now have a little more time to work on my latest robot. Yes, I build robots for fun! What kind of robots? Well, to me, the best kind of robot is the funny kind, which is the kind that will do the most inane task you can possibly think of. So the latest one senses when the toilet paper is out and automatically change the roll for you.

    My contribution to the fine arts! ;-p

    The job's not finished until the paperwork is done....

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    My lifelong hobby has always been art...and fishing, LOL. Both relax me and I always enjoy both.

    The photo that you see in my profile is one that I did of Shelley my wife, and my Mother's Beagle, SweetPea.

    It's done with Prismacolor on Canson Mi-Teintes Paper. Prismacolor is a type of colored pencil that I like to use frequently for portraits.

    I have a few other photos of my art work on my Expressions page. My main interest in subjects is portraits, wildlife, waterfowl, and beachy street scenes with high contrast colorful awnings in bright sunlit backgrounds.

    Looking forward to seeing others here that also have a favorite hobby that they love and relax them.


    A wonderful talent that you have there. Semper Fidelis
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Great Post Hondo

    Great post, myself, I enjoy Genealogy. It has led me to several trips to other countries to visit cousins that I found.

    Each person is a book as well. I remember working with a guy many years ago. He always acted inmature for his age and I along with many of my co-workers had nicknamed him Goofy like the Disney character. He was big and clumsy as well. One day he over heard me state that I wanted to tile my kitchen. He said he would help and show me how to do it. I thought, right, he has a rough time at work, what will this look like with him helping.

    He invited me over to his house and to meet his wife, have coffee and see what his handy worked at home looked like. Turns out his father was a tile layer and he had helped his dad for years. He did beautiful work and I said yes, I could use your help. But that wasn't the kicker. While walking around his house, I noticed these beautiful paintings on the walls and asked where they bought them. His wife said, we didn't buy them, Al painted them. I about fell over. So, I learned a valueable lesson that day. Do not judge a book by it's cover. He ended up helping do my kitchen, but to my surprise, he had painted me a beautiful picture of an old Sail boat on the high seas and framed it with stained drift wood. Amazing.

    My Best to Everyone Here
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    MarineE5 said:

    Great Post Hondo

    Great post, myself, I enjoy Genealogy. It has led me to several trips to other countries to visit cousins that I found.

    Each person is a book as well. I remember working with a guy many years ago. He always acted inmature for his age and I along with many of my co-workers had nicknamed him Goofy like the Disney character. He was big and clumsy as well. One day he over heard me state that I wanted to tile my kitchen. He said he would help and show me how to do it. I thought, right, he has a rough time at work, what will this look like with him helping.

    He invited me over to his house and to meet his wife, have coffee and see what his handy worked at home looked like. Turns out his father was a tile layer and he had helped his dad for years. He did beautiful work and I said yes, I could use your help. But that wasn't the kicker. While walking around his house, I noticed these beautiful paintings on the walls and asked where they bought them. His wife said, we didn't buy them, Al painted them. I about fell over. So, I learned a valueable lesson that day. Do not judge a book by it's cover. He ended up helping do my kitchen, but to my surprise, he had painted me a beautiful picture of an old Sail boat on the high seas and framed it with stained drift wood. Amazing.

    My Best to Everyone Here

    Are you saying that I'm goofy...LOL, just teasing.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    MarineE5 said:

    A wonderful talent that you have there. Semper Fidelis

    Thanks Brother
    Thanks bro....

    Everyday's a Holiday and every meal's a feast.... Marine Corps!!

  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    I play lead guitar in a rock band but I want to branch into Americana and folk so I can get my mandolin chops down. I have an accordion too and would like to play it better. Music is the only thing in my life that allows me to think about nothing else but the moment. It's meditative in that way and I don't do enough of it.


  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member

    I play lead guitar in a rock band but I want to branch into Americana and folk so I can get my mandolin chops down. I have an accordion too and would like to play it better. Music is the only thing in my life that allows me to think about nothing else but the moment. It's meditative in that way and I don't do enough of it.



    Well said and so true for me as well, especially the part about not doing enough of it. I used to sing well enough to be invited on stage with local bands, but since surgeries to the tongue, throat, and lungs, that aspect of my 'hobby' (I would probably call it a passion, instead) has taken a hit.

    Take care,

  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228

    Well said and so true for me as well, especially the part about not doing enough of it. I used to sing well enough to be invited on stage with local bands, but since surgeries to the tongue, throat, and lungs, that aspect of my 'hobby' (I would probably call it a passion, instead) has taken a hit.

    Take care,


    Double post
    Double post.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228

    Well said and so true for me as well, especially the part about not doing enough of it. I used to sing well enough to be invited on stage with local bands, but since surgeries to the tongue, throat, and lungs, that aspect of my 'hobby' (I would probably call it a passion, instead) has taken a hit.

    Take care,


    All hail King Geek Doug!!!!
    Long live the King!

    Really? Robots?? Really?? You win! :) That is really cool.

    Some of you may have read some of my hobbies on the other thread. I am just feeling well enough to pick my hobbies back up. So I love to star gaze. I have three telescopes. I used to sing second soprano in two choirs. I have gone back to rehearsal for one of them, The West Branch Chorale, but my voice has taken a beating and my mouth is so dry I am not having much luck trying to sing. I also used to do mixed media art. I had a few pieces published in magazines and I did get a couple of my rubber stamp art materials out of my storage shed. I also did scrapbooking. My problem is very limited space. Trying to get an area to work on some rubber stamp art. Love to read. Got a couple of sci fi fantasy books and Ancient Alien theory books to read. Love fashion. Just read two books on style. I am also working on sewing a few new skirts and bags for my Renaissance Faire costumes. It's a challenge cause I don't know how to sew. I am doing it by hand and making it up as I go. So far so good.

    Another hobby was cooking. Which I am getting back to now too. Eating and cooking is taking up like six hrs of my day. I'm not complaining I am thrilled to be eating!

    Also love books and programs on Medieval History, Renaissance, Egyptology, ancient cites like the pyramids, ankgor wat, Stone Henge etc, and Gordon Ramsay.
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652

    All hail King Geek Doug!!!!
    Long live the King!

    Really? Robots?? Really?? You win! :) That is really cool.

    Some of you may have read some of my hobbies on the other thread. I am just feeling well enough to pick my hobbies back up. So I love to star gaze. I have three telescopes. I used to sing second soprano in two choirs. I have gone back to rehearsal for one of them, The West Branch Chorale, but my voice has taken a beating and my mouth is so dry I am not having much luck trying to sing. I also used to do mixed media art. I had a few pieces published in magazines and I did get a couple of my rubber stamp art materials out of my storage shed. I also did scrapbooking. My problem is very limited space. Trying to get an area to work on some rubber stamp art. Love to read. Got a couple of sci fi fantasy books and Ancient Alien theory books to read. Love fashion. Just read two books on style. I am also working on sewing a few new skirts and bags for my Renaissance Faire costumes. It's a challenge cause I don't know how to sew. I am doing it by hand and making it up as I go. So far so good.

    Another hobby was cooking. Which I am getting back to now too. Eating and cooking is taking up like six hrs of my day. I'm not complaining I am thrilled to be eating!

    Also love books and programs on Medieval History, Renaissance, Egyptology, ancient cites like the pyramids, ankgor wat, Stone Henge etc, and Gordon Ramsay.

    I love Medieval Stuff
    My mom has made me a Medieval dress before. She also made me a civil war era dress. It was a lot of work. I am impressed that you are taking on that kind of project. My mom keeps suggesting that I learn to sew something other then quilts. I have not gotten that brave. I would love to see a picture when you are done.

  • timreichhart
    timreichhart Member Posts: 194

    Double post
    Double post.

    about my hobby's
    I like to do:
    work on computers
    do networking
    work on cars
    or anything that I can use my hands to build stuff or fix things.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Pumakitty said:

    I love Medieval Stuff
    My mom has made me a Medieval dress before. She also made me a civil war era dress. It was a lot of work. I am impressed that you are taking on that kind of project. My mom keeps suggesting that I learn to sew something other then quilts. I have not gotten that brave. I would love to see a picture when you are done.


    Now that I am using my iPhone I can't upload pictures to this site. I have pictures on my facebook. Any one who wants my FB real name you can PM me and I will send it to you. If you send me a friend request put ur screen name in there if you can so I can accept it. I want to change my picture on here so maybe if I get to my friends house next weekend I can use her wireless connection And my lap top to change my pic and post a few new photos to my expressions page.

    I love hand made quilts. I love to look at the ones at the county fair every year. Also sometimes they have antique quilt shows in the area. I had one my grandmother made and my ex husband put it outside in the dog-gloo. It was ruined. Grrr.
  • rmkbrad
    rmkbrad Member Posts: 176
    We do stuff as a family
    We built our own house, 4300 feet of blood and sweat. Also snowmobiling, boating, fishing, crabbing, riding ATV's. Anything outdoors, my thoughts what a better place to have a church service than in the middle of gods country. I always say a little prayer to say thanks for the moment and the beutiful country he has provided us with. We live in the sierra mountain range.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    My lifelong hobby has always been art...and fishing, LOL. Both relax me and I always enjoy both.

    The photo that you see in my profile is one that I did of Shelley my wife, and my Mother's Beagle, SweetPea.

    It's done with Prismacolor on Canson Mi-Teintes Paper. Prismacolor is a type of colored pencil that I like to use frequently for portraits.

    I have a few other photos of my art work on my Expressions page. My main interest in subjects is portraits, wildlife, waterfowl, and beachy street scenes with high contrast colorful awnings in bright sunlit backgrounds.

    Looking forward to seeing others here that also have a favorite hobby that they love and relax them.



    I am amazed at your talent