mother of all strictures

micktissue Member Posts: 430
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Howdy friends.

The ENT Dr G and GI Dr Hewett sent me back to surgeon Dr G (no relation, not the same Dr) to deal with the esophageal stricture that prevents *anything* from going down. I cannot swallow my own spit. I cannot burp. It's bad. The trapped Chilean coal miners have a better chance than my stomach to ever see the light of day.

The good Dr G (he really is good) gave me the bad news no one else (apparently) wanted to. After a thorough exam he concluded that the stricture is so bad that it unlikely that food will ever pass. That's just the way it is. However Dr G is determined to open it and wants to give it a try. He says even though these cases usually do not work out, he thinks due to the soft quality of my mucosa, my general good health, and my attitude, I am an excellent candidate for dilation(s). He thinks I have a good chance at "having the cup of coffee, but probably not the steak".

The procedure will happen in October and I'll keep you posted.

I'm a bit bummed but I'm alive and can do the time while stuff heals. If it does mean I'll live on smoothies the rest of my life maybe I'll write a smoothie cookbook.




  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Sorry to hear the bad news but with your attitude I know you will make it through this also.

    If you write the smoothie cookbook please let me know and I will order one ;-)

    Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way.
  • wifeforlife
    wifeforlife Member Posts: 189
    Glenna M said:

    Sorry to hear the bad news but with your attitude I know you will make it through this also.

    If you write the smoothie cookbook please let me know and I will order one ;-)

    Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way.

    your'e a sweet smoothie!
    Not the best news... but your attitude is awesome!. Life is still good!.. go, live, enjoy!.. Take care, wfl
  • Clearblue
    Clearblue Member Posts: 186

    your'e a sweet smoothie!
    Not the best news... but your attitude is awesome!. Life is still good!.. go, live, enjoy!.. Take care, wfl

    Hey Mick
    sorry i might have missed previouse posts.
    Can u fill me in on the stricture; type, causes etc and on yr present situation.
    Your gonna be fine- youl find the way - youll see.
  • Irishgypsie
    Irishgypsie Member Posts: 333
    Clearblue said:

    Hey Mick
    sorry i might have missed previouse posts.
    Can u fill me in on the stricture; type, causes etc and on yr present situation.
    Your gonna be fine- youl find the way - youll see.

    Attitude is everything!
    Mic, I have always admired your attitude. I'm sorry about the stricture. Check out the oral cancer foundation blog; there is some good people on that site that had stricture issues and had successful dilation's!! God Bless Brother!! Big Huggs!

  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    Clearblue said:

    Hey Mick
    sorry i might have missed previouse posts.
    Can u fill me in on the stricture; type, causes etc and on yr present situation.
    Your gonna be fine- youl find the way - youll see.

    type of stricture
    The stricture is a bad type - completely closed. It's bad mainly because now my chances for pneumonia have just gone up by an order of magnitude. It as caused by radiation although the esophagus received less than other areas in the mucosa. My present situation is 5+ months post-treatment and doing very well. June PET was NED.

    I'll be fine one way or another. It's whether or not I'll be fine with wine, or beer, or a burger, that is in question. Fingers crossed!


  • RushFan
    RushFan Member Posts: 224 Member

    type of stricture
    The stricture is a bad type - completely closed. It's bad mainly because now my chances for pneumonia have just gone up by an order of magnitude. It as caused by radiation although the esophagus received less than other areas in the mucosa. My present situation is 5+ months post-treatment and doing very well. June PET was NED.

    I'll be fine one way or another. It's whether or not I'll be fine with wine, or beer, or a burger, that is in question. Fingers crossed!



    I'm pulling for you Mick!
    I'm pulling for you Mick! You are an inspiration.

  • JUDYV5
    JUDYV5 Member Posts: 392
    Love that attitude
    I love how you can see the positive in everything. You can make a smoothie out of anything.
  • charles55
    charles55 Member Posts: 87
    good swallowing
    Mick, I have good feelings about this. The esophagus is tissue, and tissue, even scar tissue, should be able to be stretched given time and force. You want it bad enought that I just know this is going to happen for you. I can't wait to hear the good stories after this is all over.
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Triple AAA
    Attitude Attitude Attitude

    Mick I have believed for 14 plus years that attitude is everything. You certainly have a Great Positive Mental Attitude.

    Will all of us and so many others sending prayers your way soon you will be drinking more that smoothie's.

    God Bless You!

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    charles55 said:

    good swallowing
    Mick, I have good feelings about this. The esophagus is tissue, and tissue, even scar tissue, should be able to be stretched given time and force. You want it bad enought that I just know this is going to happen for you. I can't wait to hear the good stories after this is all over.

    Ah, I didn't know about this. Goes without saying, Mick, that I am sorry to learn of this. I know if anyone can overcome this obstacle it is you. And you must know that you are in all of our thoughts and Prayers. Ain't a one of us who've been here since you joined that's gonna let a day go by without thinking of you, and this battle you're in. Hope you'll find a way to keep us informed on what's what post-surgery, because we're all gonna be kinda anxious about how things went, and how you're doing. Know that we're all here to help as best we can, brother.


  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    Kent Cass said:

    Ah, I didn't know about this. Goes without saying, Mick, that I am sorry to learn of this. I know if anyone can overcome this obstacle it is you. And you must know that you are in all of our thoughts and Prayers. Ain't a one of us who've been here since you joined that's gonna let a day go by without thinking of you, and this battle you're in. Hope you'll find a way to keep us informed on what's what post-surgery, because we're all gonna be kinda anxious about how things went, and how you're doing. Know that we're all here to help as best we can, brother.



    Thanks Kent
    You know Kent this is just another bump in the road. I'm setting my expectations rather low in this case - I hope that I'll be able to swallow my spit to avoid the increased likelihood of pneumonia. If I never eat another In-N-Out Burger (sigh) that would be just fine as long as I can avoid an infection in my lung(s) by keeping the sputum out of there.

    LOL - we sure post a lot of TMI here don't we?

    I very much appreciate your best wishes and thoughts and prayers.


  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557
    fisrpotpe said:

    Triple AAA
    Attitude Attitude Attitude

    Mick I have believed for 14 plus years that attitude is everything. You certainly have a Great Positive Mental Attitude.

    Will all of us and so many others sending prayers your way soon you will be drinking more that smoothie's.

    God Bless You!


    Making quality of life.
    There is a condition that babies are born with where their esophagus is blocked and no food can get to their stomach (esophageal atresia) 50 years ago they used to open up the baby's body from back almost to front under the armpit to repair the blockage. I understand this extreme surgery is no longer needed, and there is a less invasive way to correct the problem.
    I wonder if how they treat this condition in newborns can somehow be helpful to your stricture situation.

    Regardless what I hear you writing is that whatever comes you will embrace life and make the best of it. You will define your own quality of life, and it may not be based on a burger and fries but something much bigger. Your positive attitdue is clear!!

    Good Luck with surgeon who is willing to try.
  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    mother of all strictures

    Sorry to hear about this but love your attitude. That is so important. Charlie always kept a great attitude no matter what. God Bless and you're in my prayers.

    Jan Trinks
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Keep that positive attitude, Mick
    You WILL be able to accomplish miracles.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Go, Dr. G!
    Hoping for the best possible outcome. Hope you can do the dilations, and they work. Hoping you write a smoothie recipe book anyway.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Double Post
    really really hoping all goes well
  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    Hey Mick, so sorry to hear about this. Hope the good Dr G can work some magic for you. Cheers buddy

  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Jimbo55 said:

    Hey Mick, so sorry to hear about this. Hope the good Dr G can work some magic for you. Cheers buddy


    Good Luck
    Hey Mick,

    Wishing the best for you.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Mick

    I too am sorry to hear this, but as you know never give up hope. I am glad to see you have a doctor who is willing to help.

    You will be in my thought my friend.
  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Hondo said:

    Hi Mick

    I too am sorry to hear this, but as you know never give up hope. I am glad to see you have a doctor who is willing to help.

    You will be in my thought my friend.

    You da Man !! You're gonna make it, and get rid of that dang tube. I found out yesterday that radiation somehow made a small hole in my voice box area, which formerly had been hidden by scar tissue. Doc seems to think it's no big deal, as long as it doesn't get larger. Ah yes.....radiation, the gift that keeps on giving. So, I've got an extra hole in my throat if you wanna borrow it. :) Hang in there, man.
