Chemo not working, results in.



  • winsomebulldog
    winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member
    So very sorry to hear about
    So very sorry to hear about this setback. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to learn 3 months of chemo was wasted, more or less. I know it must be disheartening. I will keep you in my prayers, both for your new chemo regimen to work and for you to have the strength to keep going.


  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    carkris said:

    Well that is a bummer, glad
    Well that is a bummer, glad they will try something new. I think its encouraging that you feel better and have reported less pain and its not advancing. Just have to find the right combo for you . I am sure you are glad you changed oncologists. I am always thinking of you as so many here do, and you are in my prayers. You are a special lady.

    Dear Meena
    My thoughts and prayers remain with you! As you know, we have the same diagnosis. BC with mets to lymph nodes, liver, bones, and skin. I saw on another post that you had a mastectomy upon original diagnosis, that's where we're different. I've had no surgery because mine is not a recurrence. I got all the news in less than 2 weeks time in February, surgery was even possible with what they already knew was going on in the liver. (This is why I question those whose doctors do surgery first and then find out that there are mets.)

    Aren't you receiving the Herceptin for HER2+ instead of for IBC? That's why I'm getting it. I too started out with Taxol, Herceptin, and Zometa. Are you going to continue Zometa? I had very good results with this combo right away, as you said in my recent post, I should have stayed on it longer. But, my onc said (after ten straight weeks) it was time to try the H & Z alone without T. It's now obvious that it didn't work because of the recent growth in the tumors in the breast. So I've been on Taxotere, H, & Z for the past 3 weeks and see my doc this Friday. Hopefully he'll order a Pet Scan or MRI.

    I've never had Carboplatin but have heard good things about it. Hope that's the key for you!
    Taxol and Taxotere are like first cousins in the drug world and are supposed to offer similar results, but Taxotere is supposed to have less severe side effects, I hope so for both of us!

    You and I are in the same age group, have the same diagnosis', and have been through the same treatments - a lot in common. I was wondering what you would learn from your new onc and the tests. The silver lining is the good news about no metastasis to the brain. I must confess, that's one of my biggest fears.

    At our age, I know we're not going to stop fighting. We just have to muster-up all the courage, strength, hope, faith, and love that we can. I know my hopes were that I (along with treatments) could hold the cancer at bay for a lot longer than just a couple of months. didn't work out that way. Likewise, your cancer was not responding as well to chemo as you had hoped. SOOO, we have to dig deeper, use our inner strength, and NEVER LOSE HOPE!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. May the regimen you are about to embark on be the straw that "breaks the cancer's back".

  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    So Sorry!
    That just plain out sucks! But you are a fighter. You can do it!!

    I'll be praying for you and for the next chemo cocktail to work!!

    Prayers and a BIG cyber hug to ya!

  • Prayers for you

    I'm sorry that your news wasn't what you expected. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers and hope that this new regimen will work and kill those cancer cells. Keep your thoughts positive and keep fighting.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    carkris said:

    Well that is a bummer, glad
    Well that is a bummer, glad they will try something new. I think its encouraging that you feel better and have reported less pain and its not advancing. Just have to find the right combo for you . I am sure you are glad you changed oncologists. I am always thinking of you as so many here do, and you are in my prayers. You are a special lady.

    Hello Meena,
    Sorry that Chemo did not work as it was thought. The new combination should work and you will feel improvement pretty soon. I was on similar combination without Herceptin. Taxotere has side effects but it is a very effective drug in combination with Cytoxan (another name ) it provide synergy and will beat C.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Everybody on this board care and thinking about you.
    New Flower
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Prayers for you

    I'm sorry that your news wasn't what you expected. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers and hope that this new regimen will work and kill those cancer cells. Keep your thoughts positive and keep fighting.


    Praying Meena for you.
    Praying Meena for you. Please stay positive. We are all trying to encourage you and to help you as we can.

    Hugs, Debby
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Dear Meena,
    I'm so very sorry to hear that the chemo didn't work. I am on the same drugs that you will be starting. Herceptin, carboplatin, Toxatere. This will work I just know it. I keep you in my prayers every day and night. You are one of the Matriarch's here. We are all on your team. You are a true inspiration to me. Love Kay
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Meena, I was really hoping
    Meena, I was really hoping for better news than you received. All I can say is that I'm so glad that we are in 2010 because the arsenal of tools to fight this disease is greater than previous years. I sinceely hope that the "new" combo is the one to kick this cancer to the curb. I think of you often and will continue to send healing vibes your way. You are a special sister and I know you have it within yourself to beat this beast!! Take care and I'm sending a great big hug your way!!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Dear Meena
    My thoughts and prayers remain with you! As you know, we have the same diagnosis. BC with mets to lymph nodes, liver, bones, and skin. I saw on another post that you had a mastectomy upon original diagnosis, that's where we're different. I've had no surgery because mine is not a recurrence. I got all the news in less than 2 weeks time in February, surgery was even possible with what they already knew was going on in the liver. (This is why I question those whose doctors do surgery first and then find out that there are mets.)

    Aren't you receiving the Herceptin for HER2+ instead of for IBC? That's why I'm getting it. I too started out with Taxol, Herceptin, and Zometa. Are you going to continue Zometa? I had very good results with this combo right away, as you said in my recent post, I should have stayed on it longer. But, my onc said (after ten straight weeks) it was time to try the H & Z alone without T. It's now obvious that it didn't work because of the recent growth in the tumors in the breast. So I've been on Taxotere, H, & Z for the past 3 weeks and see my doc this Friday. Hopefully he'll order a Pet Scan or MRI.

    I've never had Carboplatin but have heard good things about it. Hope that's the key for you!
    Taxol and Taxotere are like first cousins in the drug world and are supposed to offer similar results, but Taxotere is supposed to have less severe side effects, I hope so for both of us!

    You and I are in the same age group, have the same diagnosis', and have been through the same treatments - a lot in common. I was wondering what you would learn from your new onc and the tests. The silver lining is the good news about no metastasis to the brain. I must confess, that's one of my biggest fears.

    At our age, I know we're not going to stop fighting. We just have to muster-up all the courage, strength, hope, faith, and love that we can. I know my hopes were that I (along with treatments) could hold the cancer at bay for a lot longer than just a couple of months. didn't work out that way. Likewise, your cancer was not responding as well to chemo as you had hoped. SOOO, we have to dig deeper, use our inner strength, and NEVER LOSE HOPE!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. May the regimen you are about to embark on be the straw that "breaks the cancer's back".


    Yes, marsha, our dx are so
    Yes, marsha, our dx are so similar. He did not list Zometa on my drugs for today, but i am going to check on that. I am Her2 that is why i am getting the herceptin. My new doctor said that I should not have had a masectomy because of the mets. How many tumors do you have in your liver? My tumor is 11 cm, which is very large. I hate to whine, but i am so tired. I also have pain in my back from the bone mets. I guess that they have to see what drugs will work. Are the mets in your liver and bones getting better on this treatment? We were both on the same treatment so it would appear that the taxol, H and z are standard treatments. Let me know how you make out on Friday. maybe he will add the Carboplatin to your cocktail. Ask him for a double shot!! hahaha. I will PM you also later
  • SDickerson
    SDickerson Member Posts: 44
    My Prayers
    I am happy to hear the cancer did not spread to the brain. I two started one chemo, AC and the tumor continued to grow. They then switch to Carboplitin and it shrunk the tumor within days it seemed.

    I hope you have the same results. You are in my prayers.

    God Bless!!
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    Sorry the chemo isn't
    Sorry the chemo isn't woprking for you. You are in my prayers. Hang in there, hopefully things will get better real soon!!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I am so glad that you have a
    I am so glad that you have a new oncologist who is working to help you fight with everything you can. Hang in there, sweetie. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    I am so glad that you have a
    I am so glad that you have a new oncologist who is working to help you fight with everything you can. Hang in there, sweetie. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Not what any of us wanted to hear
    but I still have hope and sincerely hope you do, too. Please fight. I'm sending you some positive thoughts.

  • knitterjan
    knitterjan Member Posts: 20
    aisling8 said:

    Not what any of us wanted to hear
    but I still have hope and sincerely hope you do, too. Please fight. I'm sending you some positive thoughts.


    Sorry to hear your news
    I'm so sorry to hear your latest news. You can be thankful that the cancer is not in the brain and be hopeful that the new regime will work for you. (Think shrink.) I'm stageIV mets with tumors in the liver, lungs, and bones. Feel good right now though. We can just take things one day at a time and take lots of pleasure where we find it.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Meena -
    I have been thinking about you and praying for you while I have been away the last couple of months. I am so sorry to hear that your last regimen didn't work for you. As the others said, you are a true warrior and an inspiration to all of us. I will continue sending you all of my positive thoughts and prayers that there will be a great result with this new round of therapy.

    Hugs - Chris
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Meena -
    I have been thinking about you and praying for you while I have been away the last couple of months. I am so sorry to hear that your last regimen didn't work for you. As the others said, you are a true warrior and an inspiration to all of us. I will continue sending you all of my positive thoughts and prayers that there will be a great result with this new round of therapy.

    Hugs - Chris

    Keep warring Meena
    Stay strong. I pray that this chemo cocktail will be the one, that the 11cm. tumor will die and be gone forever.
    As much as I hate chemo if I could take a round for you I would, but it doesn't work that way. I know you will find that strength way down deep, and keep going. You will come thru. We are all here cheering you on,and praying for you and husband.
    Take care
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437

    Keep warring Meena
    Stay strong. I pray that this chemo cocktail will be the one, that the 11cm. tumor will die and be gone forever.
    As much as I hate chemo if I could take a round for you I would, but it doesn't work that way. I know you will find that strength way down deep, and keep going. You will come thru. We are all here cheering you on,and praying for you and husband.
    Take care

    Hi Meena, I dont know what
    Hi Meena, I dont know what else I can say that everyone else has not already said. I too am glad for the silver linning of not having the Cancer spreed any further. I know you are tire Meena, but hang in there, dont loss your faith and positive attitude. I pray the new treatment will work and in 3 months we will have better news. Sending you my love, hugs and prayers.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    I am so glad that you have a
    I am so glad that you have a new oncologist who is working to help you fight with everything you can. Hang in there, sweetie. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Praying this new chemo will
    Praying this new chemo will work for you and that you continue to feel well. Keep fighting Meena!

    Hugs, Jan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Prayers for you

    I'm sorry that your news wasn't what you expected. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers and hope that this new regimen will work and kill those cancer cells. Keep your thoughts positive and keep fighting.


    I am so glad that you went
    I am so glad that you went with your new oncologist. It sounds like he will and is really on top of everything. Sorry the chemo didn't work, but, praying the new chemo will. Sending you positive thoughts, hugs and love!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    meena1 said:

    Yes, marsha, our dx are so
    Yes, marsha, our dx are so similar. He did not list Zometa on my drugs for today, but i am going to check on that. I am Her2 that is why i am getting the herceptin. My new doctor said that I should not have had a masectomy because of the mets. How many tumors do you have in your liver? My tumor is 11 cm, which is very large. I hate to whine, but i am so tired. I also have pain in my back from the bone mets. I guess that they have to see what drugs will work. Are the mets in your liver and bones getting better on this treatment? We were both on the same treatment so it would appear that the taxol, H and z are standard treatments. Let me know how you make out on Friday. maybe he will add the Carboplatin to your cocktail. Ask him for a double shot!! hahaha. I will PM you also later

    You are not whining. You
    You are not whining. You (and Marsha) an awesome, courageous and amazing women. Please fight on. I am praying for you guys.