DR. appointment went in feeling great left feeling miserable

ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Finished all treatments chemo,surgery, and rads (10 months) went to onc. for a check-up to see now what. I was in positive excitement mood, ready for the thumbs up. Ready to get movin with my life, and get some weight off. Wanting to join a gym, but wanted to get the ok from dr. I have port flushed, blood test all is perfect.

I sat in dr. office waiting for 40 mins. to see her bcus she and others were celebrating an employee b'day, so she was busy eating cake. She enters ask how I am, comments I look good, hair is coming back. Listens to my breathing, and tells me to come back in 3 months (Nov) so she can set me up for a test. Then goes to leave. I say whoa I have questons for you. She breaths loudly says alright what. While asking my question she opens door and leaves, I follow her out into the hall asking away, she is giving me short answers. We are in the area with others around no privacy. I ask her if I can have plastic surgery since I had radiation. She tells me she is not a ps so I would have to ask a ps. I ask who she would recommend. She says I don't know you pick one or ask the surgeon who did your lumpectomy. She then tells me that I didn't need to have surgery because you never know if the cancer will come back then you will have had plastic surgery for nothing.(wth, thanks dr. for the positivity.)
I ask her if she can give me any advice on staying well, she says no do what you need to do. Then opens the next patients door greets Mr. Leonard and enters in while I'm still there. I walk off she sticks her head out and says oh yeah follow the diabetic diet you can read a book or look it up on the web. Closes door.
I had other questions to ask that never got answered. I feel I have no closure. Is my heart ok to start an exercise program? Don't know she never answered. What test or tests will I have done in Nov? No clue. That's not the first time she has walked out while I'm in the middle of asking her questions, and went to see another patient ending her time with me. But it will definitly be the last time.

Her nurse who has always come in , always ask if I needed anything. Didn't even speak to me. She was to busy stuffing her face with cake as I left.

I'm firing that dr. she WILL NOT get another dime from me. I don't need that dr. causing me stress, and making such negative comments. After I left and even now I'm trying to cast that thought down and focus on my wellness and encourage myself.
Thanks for listening


  • winsomebulldog
    winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member
    So sorry
    Wow! What a b**ch your oc sounds like! I'm pretty new to the whole cancer dx (just had lumpectomy & will start chemo @ end of month) but I share your frustration. I've always despised having a Dr. act as though their time was so much more valuable than mine. Drives me nuts. I've "fired" more than one of them through the years because of this attitude.
    Especially in a situation like this, with everything we go through as cancer patients, I expect my health care providers to be not only sympathetic to my feelings & concerns, but to be utterly devoted to me during my time with them. I just don't think that's asking too much.
    Here's hoping you find a better oc to replace this one. And I think I'd send the oc and her superiors (hospital board, oc dept. Director, etc.) a nice letter explaining why you never want to see her again and why you could not recommend them to anyone seeking care.
    Jenn (Jennifer too!)
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Wow ms sunshine you have the
    Wow ms sunshine you have the worst luck with people being mean to you. I would of fired her too and i would of made a scene in that hallway letting her know how unprofessional, incensative and rude she was.
    I went thru something similar...my first follow up after chemo...that day i had chemo brain really bad. I was tryin to talk to him asking him questions and his answers were real short mainly 1 or 2 words short...he couldnt even give me a full sentence. But this wasnt registering with me yet (chemo fog) I asked him about now what do we do, do i take a test to see if its gone like a PET scan i have been hearing about that others are doing...To be honest i dont recall his exact words but he replied that breast cancer patients arent worth testing after chemo. Then he left. I was walking to my car and it hit me like a ton of bricks what he just said and driving home i can just remember how mad i was getting with each block i just got madder, by the time i got home i was fuming mad. That was so insulting that BREAST CANCER patients ARENT WORTH TESTING!
    Thats when i starting looking for a new oncologist.
    Just cuz they are doctors doesnt mean they can treat us like dogs, we are going thru enough, we dont need our doctors treating us badly too. The bad thing about all that was i really liked the staff in the infusion room and i still miss them but its not worth his crap to go back cuz i think i would seriously hurt him if he did that to me again.
    Sorry didnt mean for this to turn into a book but i just know exactly what your going thru.
  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93
    I agree! That doctor needs
    I agree! That doctor needs to be kicked to the curb. That is a horrible way to treat a patient. Patients should be respected and listened to. I would also make sure that everyone I knew, knew to stay away from the doctor. I am so sorry you had to deal with that!
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    I fired my onc right in the
    I fired my onc right in the middle of chemo for not listening to me and not taking good care of me. At least you have finished all of your treatments. I am much happier with my new onc. Both her and her nurse take the time to listen to everything I have to say and they ask me lots of questions about how I am doing. Very, very understanding, not at all like my first onc.

    It's not an easy thing to do but if you are serious then it can be done. These people work for us not the other way around. We pay them for their time at least they should give us the respect that we deserve.

    Sending Prayers and Hugs

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey ms. sunshine,
    That's is ridiculous the way you were treated. I think I would have had to put up a scene before I left. Definitely time for a new oncologist, but I wouldn't let this go. If this doctor is part of a practice or associated with a certain hospital, I'd be sure to write letters or make phone calls or both. Luckily, I have a wonderful oncologist and she will give me as much time as I need. Hugs, Jean
  • lillith
    lillith Member Posts: 29
    mail it
    Wow, what a terrible story. I think you should print it out and mail it to that onc and her nurse. Then get on the web and find a really good new oncologist. Best of luck, L.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lillith said:

    mail it
    Wow, what a terrible story. I think you should print it out and mail it to that onc and her nurse. Then get on the web and find a really good new oncologist. Best of luck, L.

    I wonder if they got paid
    I wonder if they got paid for the way they treat their patients according to patient reviews they would smarten up!
    I am withyou in changing your onc, this is inexusable!!! being a nurse, I am embarrassed. If a doc acts like that I call them on it(for my patients) I had a few docs like that, I was too weak to call them on it though. but I fired them. You definately should write a letter, it will help some other patient. Sometimes, I tell my docs things, in hope that it will benefit someone else, as I had such a rough time. You deserve to have every question answered, as long as an explanation that you need, you are a person dealing with a serious illness who needs this. Ugh this makes me so mad.
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    carkris said:

    I wonder if they got paid
    I wonder if they got paid for the way they treat their patients according to patient reviews they would smarten up!
    I am withyou in changing your onc, this is inexusable!!! being a nurse, I am embarrassed. If a doc acts like that I call them on it(for my patients) I had a few docs like that, I was too weak to call them on it though. but I fired them. You definately should write a letter, it will help some other patient. Sometimes, I tell my docs things, in hope that it will benefit someone else, as I had such a rough time. You deserve to have every question answered, as long as an explanation that you need, you are a person dealing with a serious illness who needs this. Ugh this makes me so mad.

    This is awful!!!!! No one
    This is awful!!!!! No one deserves to be treated like that. I don't have problems with my docs, but the staff in the office is always acting like it's party central. I can understand trying to keep things cheerful in a place where people are feeling so frightened, but they only party amongst themselves and act like we are interrupting them when we come in. I have reported this to both the onc and the rads dr. and they said they would speak to the staff, but it hasn't done any good. I'm so sorry you had this experience.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Fire her a$$!
    And write a letter explaining why. Then bad mouth her to EVERYONE you know. You must be #1 with every physician you have. They must treat you as if you were their only patient. This is not unreasonable. They took an oath and they take your money - they need to take care of you, each and every time. Whether it's a birthday party, bad hair day, or they are sick - they need to give you the appropriate time and consideration - or reschedule asap.

    I had the (deep) satisfaction of firing my PCP a few years back, hubby still goes to him (and for him, he's great). There were 2 Drs I never went back to, and wish I had been brave enough to tell them why - They were terrible and horrible, respectively.

    Take care,

  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    GayleMc said:

    This is awful!!!!! No one
    This is awful!!!!! No one deserves to be treated like that. I don't have problems with my docs, but the staff in the office is always acting like it's party central. I can understand trying to keep things cheerful in a place where people are feeling so frightened, but they only party amongst themselves and act like we are interrupting them when we come in. I have reported this to both the onc and the rads dr. and they said they would speak to the staff, but it hasn't done any good. I'm so sorry you had this experience.

    Must be the moon!
    Wow!! Glad you ridded yourself of her! My onc. was snippy like that, and I told hubby that I'm considering dropping her, too. My insurance may be beating me to the punch...will know at the end of the month.

    There are plenty of compassionate doctors out there, and certainly, you are entitled to the best!

    Good luck in finding one that suits you.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    That's the last thing you need
    We all really rely on our oncologist to not only give us the best care they know how but to be there for us emotionally and answer questions.

    You definitely need a new doctor! Keep up your encouragement and fighting spirit.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    sea60 said:

    That's the last thing you need
    We all really rely on our oncologist to not only give us the best care they know how but to be there for us emotionally and answer questions.

    You definitely need a new doctor! Keep up your encouragement and fighting spirit.

    I agree 100% .. firing your oncologist is the thing to
    do .. why we are treated like 'doctor's' are doing us a favor, is beyond my mental scope. I get so ANGRY when I hear how people are treated.. I am sorry you experienced this shiX, I would of spoken up .. ask that I be given professionalism, and 1 on 1 time - as my time is as vaulable as anyone's.. and I am paying for this appointment - I am the client, and nothing at this office is FREE, including your services. I've waited for you to attend the office birthday party, now its my turn to have your undivided attention.!!!! XXDkdslsl

    I can not tolerate .. Rude behavior, given out by anyone! I am a nice and kind person, but I encountered so many rude, moronic healthcare staff during my breast cancer journey -- .

    Vicki Sam
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Write a letter
    It isn't enough to just walk we need to start holding doctors accountable just as we are held accountable at our jobs. Get on that site and rate your doctor, write a letter to the Doctors Association because not much has changed in 14 years since my own diagnosis. Instead almost gotten worse since more GP's want to be special doctors not just help menopausal women or geriatrics.
    The cancer clinic use to be an amazing place but it too has changed and is that because they just believe in the CURE? As allot of us have found out there isn't that much to the cure except an extention of life and one I am grateful for but it isn't the be all end all of our health issues and doctors have to get back to listening though I don't know many have been too good at that trying to get their quotas for the day. Sounds harsh but listening to my friends and family and dealing with Medical community myself it is getting to the point I am not going to unless I am deathly ill. Your right it is nothing but stress and I always get bad vibes though I have proven time and time again that there are definitely physical diseases that have caused me my problems but if you don't look you will NOT find just like my own cancer fight.
    I write letter all the time because I do not want to think about the issue. I write politicians including my Prime Minister if that what it takes to give me closure. People don't vote and I am sure won't write letters but nothing changes unless we do something about our own situation. Believe you me I was treated allot better after writing a letter complaining of my treatment after surgery when next I had a stay in my hospital and you know what I was glad that someone told them that they are nurses for a reason and sitting at the desk leaving the sick people to themselves wasn't it. I battled royal with one group of nurses because they were trying to make a point to the doctors and wouldn't do things if the doctor didn't write in the right box though they could read his instructions. I suffered 24 hours because they wouldn't give me the dermeral he had perscribed and wouldn't change my dressing though I was told I could have a shower. Everyday I was there I wondered why they were getting paid? I found an advocate and she told me to write that letter I was considering because that is how things change. I had been writing for years taking my citizenship seriously because my people and country matter to me and still do. Why most of us are still here!!!!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Jennifer had it not
    already happened, I would have stated exactly what VickiSam said. No dr has the right to treat a patient like that. Now that it's done, I would definitely write a letter and state exactly why you are seeking a new oncologist! Good luck, you deserve it.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Jennifer had it not
    already happened, I would have stated exactly what VickiSam said. No dr has the right to treat a patient like that. Now that it's done, I would definitely write a letter and state exactly why you are seeking a new oncologist! Good luck, you deserve it.

    all good advice
    just want to say how sorry how I am for your experience. I can just picture you waltzing in all excited about things going well, you've got your list of questions, and then you're treated like -- well, just horribly. Nobody deserves that.

    Get a nice doctor who listens to you.

  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    I'm so sorry you were treated so badly!
    I don't understand why that onc even has a job. If my onc had treated me that way I would have cried all the way home and probably would have gone back to only seeing a doctor when something hurts. I feel fortunate that my onc took the time to examine me and check for lumps. She explained the most likely places the cancer could spread to and what kind of symptoms to watch for. She ordered a bone density test for me and when I mentioned needing a primary care doc, she made suggestions and even had her staff make an appointment for me. She ended the visit with a sincere hug. Even my dog's veterinarian is more considerate than your onc. You deserve so much better than that so don't allow yourself to be treated that way ever again.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I have no words. but I guarantee I would have in her office. She would have already known she was fired. In the hall in-front of everyone..How unprofessional. I am so sorry this happened to you. {{HUGS}} Kay
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I have no words. but I guarantee I would have in her office. She would have already known she was fired. In the hall in-front of everyone..How unprofessional. I am so sorry this happened to you. {{HUGS}} Kay

    I am sorry.
    I have answered to your other post. My advice look for another one and get 2-nd, 3-d ... opinions until you find a right one. It is better to do it now when you with NED and do not have invasive treatment. Good luck
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    mssunshine don't let that negative, uncaring, selfcentered, money grabbing, dark cloud, Im a doctor and your just a patient bit#h cloud your sunshine. I would also make a report on her to the "suits" at the cancer center. Was she a good dr before? Arggg! I hate that kind of treatment. May a rainbow follow you now and forever. Katz
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I am sorry.
    I have answered to your other post. My advice look for another one and get 2-nd, 3-d ... opinions until you find a right one. It is better to do it now when you with NED and do not have invasive treatment. Good luck

    Thanks everyone
    I thought about getting mad, then I thought no I WILL NOT allow this woman to ruin my happy achievement. I do not have the energy to spend on anger. I will get another dr. and move on.

    Funny that I'm the one dx with cancer and I'm cheerful happy. She is healthy and is hateful sad. I thought about what that comedian Ron White says, "you can't fix stupid."

    live well,laugh often,love much