Can I smack her...can I please?

m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yesterday I went to my primary for physical. Overall it was a good visit, and she was very thorough with my history, and making sure all the bases were covered. Reviewing my shots history, she said I needed to get the pneumonia shot, and the shingles vaccine. These will help protect my immune system. I'm good with that...anything that might ward off illness is okay with me. The exam is over, and in comes this young nurse, (maybe just out of school?) all efficient and business-like, ready to give me the P-shot. She declares, "We'll do this in your left arm." I replied, "we have to use my right arm", and she says in a very snotty manner "Just out of curiosity, WHY?". So I show her my bracelet, and explain that I'd had lymph nodes removed. She rolled her eyes, like this was just nonsense to her, and proceded to my right side. I seriously considered stabbing her with her own needle! I didn't mind so much that she asked why, but her attitude after I answered really got to me.
Where do these people come from? Don't they teach them anything? Am I expecting too much?
Sisters, we have to protect ourselves even from our "professional" caregivers...don't ever let your guard down! Hugs to you all & God bless. Gracie


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  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I would tell on her.
    You really should let your primary know about her attitude. That's terrible.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I would have refused to let
    I would have refused to let her give me the shot. She might not know how to do that properly also. The most skilled hurts less.
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Those Mental Smackdowns just feel soooooo good ;D
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    You have my permission to
    You have my permission to SMACK her! Despite it all, have a good weekend. Forget about her, she's not worth your time.

  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    sparkle1 said:

    You have my permission to
    You have my permission to SMACK her! Despite it all, have a good weekend. Forget about her, she's not worth your time.


    Smack away!!
    Then let's go after the medical schools. Unfortunately, there are even doctors out there who don't understand, nor do they WANT to, lymphedemia. I just don't think there is enough information being put out there for them. Why do we have to teach them?

    Case in point...rammed a splinter under my nail bed on my affected side. Wonderful. Went to the ER at the local hospital because....of course, I did this at night, and it was the weekend. So, no choice. Doctor had to cut the skin to get the splinter, heightening my alarm even more. When I asked for a tetinous shot, and explained that I had lost nodes on that side, he looked at me and said, (and I'll NEVER forget) "Dear woman, you have two lymph systems. On each side....on under your arm, one in your hand. See how tough it is around your fingernails? You will be fine. You don't need a tetenous about some vicadine?" I argued with this idiot for ten minutes. Did not get either the shot, nor the vicadine. Come on! Called my pcp the following Monday, and she said to keep it clean, and keep an eye on it....she thought I'd be fine but the moment it turned red, to come in. Of course, it was all good, but see? Stupid nurses....stupider doctors.

    I'm with the this nurse. Obviously, she knows nothing about the lymph system nor what can happen when it is impaired.

    Didn't mean to hijack thread....trying to make a point!
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    what is wrong with these people?
    Yes it is awful that we have to protect ourselves from our medical staff! She sounds very unprofessional and uncaring. I'm sorry to hear you were treated that way. I had a lumpectomy a year after having my lymphnodes removed and I woke up to discover that my blood pressure was being taken on the "bad" side! This was the same surgeon, too! I wondered why she didn't seem to think anything was wrong with it but she was long gone before I woke up and I forgot to ask at my follow up visit.
  • bakerette
    bakerette Member Posts: 74
    You know, When I woke up
    You know, When I woke up from mastectomy with the lymph node biopsy, there was a nurse getting ready to draw blood from my lymph node removed side. I had to stop her. she asked why, I had to explain it to her. I thought, geeze don't these people talk to each other? And yes I had the arm bands on as well! Bright orange arm band that said clearly draw blood and do blood pressure on other arm only!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Sorry for your unfortunate inexperienced nurse
    who should have been most pleasant in the first place! While I was recuperating from bilateral mastectomy the nurse placed the band on my right arm for no blood pressure (that's the side with cancer). The few lymph nodes I had removed were all negative so when I saw my surgeon next I asked him if I had to be cautious about lymphodema. He said I can have my bp and blood drawn on either side but until I heard it from him I wasn't taking any chances. When you asked the nurse to give the shot on the right arm she shouldn't have even had to ask why in the first place! It was your request. I would mention her attitude to your PCP in a helpful way just to let her know. {{Hugs}}
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    elm3544 said:

    what is wrong with these people?
    Yes it is awful that we have to protect ourselves from our medical staff! She sounds very unprofessional and uncaring. I'm sorry to hear you were treated that way. I had a lumpectomy a year after having my lymphnodes removed and I woke up to discover that my blood pressure was being taken on the "bad" side! This was the same surgeon, too! I wondered why she didn't seem to think anything was wrong with it but she was long gone before I woke up and I forgot to ask at my follow up visit.

    Yikes! elm...
    I would have totally freaked! After my lumpectomy/node removal, I went to have the port installed. Before leaving home, I wrote NO SHOTS, NO BP THIS ARM in bold black letters with a felt pen. The staff in the O R thought I was smart to not leave it to chance. I knew that the port was being put in on the opposite side from the affected arm, and I also knew that the IV and the BP monitor would be in the way...but, hey...they are trained professionals, so get over it. LOL
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Sorry for your unfortunate inexperienced nurse
    who should have been most pleasant in the first place! While I was recuperating from bilateral mastectomy the nurse placed the band on my right arm for no blood pressure (that's the side with cancer). The few lymph nodes I had removed were all negative so when I saw my surgeon next I asked him if I had to be cautious about lymphodema. He said I can have my bp and blood drawn on either side but until I heard it from him I wasn't taking any chances. When you asked the nurse to give the shot on the right arm she shouldn't have even had to ask why in the first place! It was your request. I would mention her attitude to your PCP in a helpful way just to let her know. {{Hugs}}

    I'm the nicest person in the world...
    until somebody gives me attitude for no reason! There's just no reason to be that way with another human being. If I'm so inclined, I give it right back to 'em. And that "rolling of the eyes" makes me crazy. Sorry you had to encounter this pipsqueak. Unfortunately, I'm finding that more and more we have to be our own advocates.

    Hang in there,
    Hugs, Renee
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Congratulations on controlling your emotions. If I was at one of Donna's appointments and that had happened I don't think I would have held it together as well as you did. She should have known before she walked into the room that your left side was off limits and an attitude on top of that...!!!! I would have lost it.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Rude! Rude! Rude!
    I would not simply give the mental smack down I would contact the office and report her less than professional manner, she is dealing with humans now not cadavers shame on her! Part of her life training is going to be being reprimanded might as well start now. I had a similar situation with a new gal in my doctors office, she was giving me attitude so I asked what her medical status was and she was not even an LVN or she was a glorified paper pusher. I kindly yet sternly told her she needed to listen to the patient and their concerns because they know themselves far better than she does. Since then she has treated me with a bit more respect. I also let the doctor know the new assistant could use a bit of polish.

    Sorry this happened to you, you are correct we need to stand up for ourselves because if not us then who.

    ❤ RE ❤
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    RE said:

    Rude! Rude! Rude!
    I would not simply give the mental smack down I would contact the office and report her less than professional manner, she is dealing with humans now not cadavers shame on her! Part of her life training is going to be being reprimanded might as well start now. I had a similar situation with a new gal in my doctors office, she was giving me attitude so I asked what her medical status was and she was not even an LVN or she was a glorified paper pusher. I kindly yet sternly told her she needed to listen to the patient and their concerns because they know themselves far better than she does. Since then she has treated me with a bit more respect. I also let the doctor know the new assistant could use a bit of polish.

    Sorry this happened to you, you are correct we need to stand up for ourselves because if not us then who.

    ❤ RE ❤

    Smack her a good one. When she asks "why," roll your eyes and say "whatever."

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Gracie
    Yes, you may slap her and her rolling eyeballs into the next county. I'd tell the doctor about his helper. Don't let it get to you.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Ms. Snot nose needs to go
    Ms. Snot nose needs to go back to school, first to learn about a bedside manner and 2nd to learn more about medicine. I would have been angry and definitely said something to the doctor. Hope you did. Yes we need to be on the ball at all times, because you never know what these professionals really know.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    natly15 said:

    Ms. Snot nose needs to go
    Ms. Snot nose needs to go back to school, first to learn about a bedside manner and 2nd to learn more about medicine. I would have been angry and definitely said something to the doctor. Hope you did. Yes we need to be on the ball at all times, because you never know what these professionals really know.

    Gee, I thought I was the only one who encounter these
    snotty, moronic bimbo's. I must add a few male RN's to this mix, sorry to the male gentlemen associate with our board. Know to well, this story ... What I've learned to do .. Refuse to have that person prick or poke me -- I immediate ask for a supervisor. I do this very calmly in a soft voice, otherwise - I would leap across the examine table and lunge for her throat. No slapping, just your everyday .. strangle.

    B4 my exchange surgery on 7/21 -- I had to have blood drawn, and because I was across the street from my surgerial center -- I went over to the lab ..oh course, no one there could access my port, so this you guy called me back and prep me for a blood draw -- I explanined my bilateral and port situation and that blood could only be drawned from the veins on my hands or ankles .. well needless to say, he knew better and attempted to draw blood - 1 told him he had 1 chance - and suggested we use a butterfly needle -- he didn't listen .. poked the top of my hand - missed the vein then proceeded to poke another vein .. Oouch I stated and riped the needle out of my hand ...(I'll never forget the look on his face --) I asked very calmly to see his supervisor .. who come in .. used a butterfly and I felt NO pain.

    Manners are a lost form.

    Vicki Sam
  • NDY2010
    NDY2010 Member Posts: 13 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Gee, I thought I was the only one who encounter these
    snotty, moronic bimbo's. I must add a few male RN's to this mix, sorry to the male gentlemen associate with our board. Know to well, this story ... What I've learned to do .. Refuse to have that person prick or poke me -- I immediate ask for a supervisor. I do this very calmly in a soft voice, otherwise - I would leap across the examine table and lunge for her throat. No slapping, just your everyday .. strangle.

    B4 my exchange surgery on 7/21 -- I had to have blood drawn, and because I was across the street from my surgerial center -- I went over to the lab ..oh course, no one there could access my port, so this you guy called me back and prep me for a blood draw -- I explanined my bilateral and port situation and that blood could only be drawned from the veins on my hands or ankles .. well needless to say, he knew better and attempted to draw blood - 1 told him he had 1 chance - and suggested we use a butterfly needle -- he didn't listen .. poked the top of my hand - missed the vein then proceeded to poke another vein .. Oouch I stated and riped the needle out of my hand ...(I'll never forget the look on his face --) I asked very calmly to see his supervisor .. who come in .. used a butterfly and I felt NO pain.

    Manners are a lost form.

    Vicki Sam

    Butterfly Needle Technique
    Vicki Sam

    Can you explain the term: Butterfly method? No Pain---that sounds great!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Im not a confertational
    Im not a confertational person but im am becoming one! I dont know how many times i had to educate these people that call themselves medical professional. I cant have BP's or blood draws in either arm. So when they want a BP i put out my leg when they want to draw blood i say use the port thats what its for.
    I was in the ER after my first chemo and to make a long story short i had 5 doctors and 3 nurses and all tryin to figure out how to get a blood draw from me cuz i REFUSED for them to take it from my arms with them telling me it wouldnt hurt nothing and that i was just being uncooperative...UNCOOPERATIVE...I made them call my onc doc and he yelled at them and told them how to do it and i even gave these people the manual to my port...DUH!
    Of course this is not the first or last time i had to deal with this...its been almost everytime. Im stubborn and i wont give in to they can roll their eyes or make rude comments but it wont change anything. Its my health they are putting at risk NOT THEIRS!
  • jo jo said:

    Im not a confertational
    Im not a confertational person but im am becoming one! I dont know how many times i had to educate these people that call themselves medical professional. I cant have BP's or blood draws in either arm. So when they want a BP i put out my leg when they want to draw blood i say use the port thats what its for.
    I was in the ER after my first chemo and to make a long story short i had 5 doctors and 3 nurses and all tryin to figure out how to get a blood draw from me cuz i REFUSED for them to take it from my arms with them telling me it wouldnt hurt nothing and that i was just being uncooperative...UNCOOPERATIVE...I made them call my onc doc and he yelled at them and told them how to do it and i even gave these people the manual to my port...DUH!
    Of course this is not the first or last time i had to deal with this...its been almost everytime. Im stubborn and i wont give in to they can roll their eyes or make rude comments but it wont change anything. Its my health they are putting at risk NOT THEIRS!

    To paraphrase Mel Gibson in Signs..."Swing away, Grace. Grace, swing away."

    Physicians can be such aliens.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I have encountered the very same
    attitude a couple of times and each time it happens I feel like I'm the crazy one. We were all told that we shouldn't ever have blood drawn or even a blood pressure done on that arm right?
    Yeah, I thought so...........
    Why do you think these people give us the attitude? And it is an attitude. They could just say Oh, Okay, sorry I didn't know...but they do the eye roll like we are silly whiners that are just exaggerating.
    Go figure. Thanks for the post Gracie, and thanks for letting me rant a little on the subject.
    God Bless,
    Oh the many joys of our journey! :)


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