Can I smack her...can I please?



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I have encountered the very same
    attitude a couple of times and each time it happens I feel like I'm the crazy one. We were all told that we shouldn't ever have blood drawn or even a blood pressure done on that arm right?
    Yeah, I thought so...........
    Why do you think these people give us the attitude? And it is an attitude. They could just say Oh, Okay, sorry I didn't know...but they do the eye roll like we are silly whiners that are just exaggerating.
    Go figure. Thanks for the post Gracie, and thanks for letting me rant a little on the subject.
    God Bless,
    Oh the many joys of our journey! :)

    I am a nurse but I have
    I am a nurse but I have always respected my patients. In the cause of eduacation I would call her/him on the attitude and educate them. We are taught to respect the pt that behavior should not be tolerated. I am bilateral, so I do get blood draws and IV's. I also get BP's too but I ask them to do a manual BP and not to pump too high as I have a low BP. also it can be done on your leg but you need to know in adults it usually runs a bit higher than the arm.
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425

    I agree with what someone else said - she should have just honored your request to use your right arm - it shouldn't have mattered the reason.

    I'm not sure how much the general public (including medical staff) knows about lymphodema. I only had a few lymph nodes removed but most nights I wake up to a swollen and numb right arm. I try to be very careful that I don't cut myself, have bp taken or get blood drawn on my right arm. I don't need more problems than I already have with it.

    Mention this incident to your primary - this young nurse needs to know that what she did was unprofessional so she can correct herself in the future.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Wolfi said:


    I agree with what someone else said - she should have just honored your request to use your right arm - it shouldn't have mattered the reason.

    I'm not sure how much the general public (including medical staff) knows about lymphodema. I only had a few lymph nodes removed but most nights I wake up to a swollen and numb right arm. I try to be very careful that I don't cut myself, have bp taken or get blood drawn on my right arm. I don't need more problems than I already have with it.

    Mention this incident to your primary - this young nurse needs to know that what she did was unprofessional so she can correct herself in the future.

    Butterfly is a small needle used on infants to draw
    blood .. Ask for it next time ...!

    Vicki Sam
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Gracie... I've been in the
    Gracie... I've been in the hospital since Thursday... am crossing my fingers that I can be released tomorrow.... You would be surprised how many times they have come after my left side... first for the IV then for the blood gas test.. every day someone tries to go to my left side for blood tests or blood pressure, and I have to explain it over and over... luckily the last 3 nights I've had the same wonderful RN and I haven't had to remind her, but I have the Respitory therapists, the CNA's, blood draw people.. ugh... Your right they really need to educate some people. When the Respitory therapist went to do the blood gas test, he actually argued with me, because he wouldn't be using a turnakit.... geesshhh.


  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    laurissa said:

    Hi Gracie
    Yes, you may slap her and her rolling eyeballs into the next county. I'd tell the doctor about his helper. Don't let it get to you.

    Yes, SLAP her! You should
    Yes, SLAP her! You should tell your doctor about her attitude. Very uncalled for.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    jo jo said:

    Im not a confertational
    Im not a confertational person but im am becoming one! I dont know how many times i had to educate these people that call themselves medical professional. I cant have BP's or blood draws in either arm. So when they want a BP i put out my leg when they want to draw blood i say use the port thats what its for.
    I was in the ER after my first chemo and to make a long story short i had 5 doctors and 3 nurses and all tryin to figure out how to get a blood draw from me cuz i REFUSED for them to take it from my arms with them telling me it wouldnt hurt nothing and that i was just being uncooperative...UNCOOPERATIVE...I made them call my onc doc and he yelled at them and told them how to do it and i even gave these people the manual to my port...DUH!
    Of course this is not the first or last time i had to deal with this...its been almost everytime. Im stubborn and i wont give in to they can roll their eyes or make rude comments but it wont change anything. Its my health they are putting at risk NOT THEIRS!

    Aw, I wish
    I could've been a fly on the wall :-0 I hope all those drs and techs learned thier lesson, JoJo.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    VickiSam said:

    Butterfly is a small needle used on infants to draw
    blood .. Ask for it next time ...!

    Vicki Sam

    I am considered a hard stick
    and therefore the labs I go to regularly know to use a butterfly on me :-)