Dr. Gerson
Dr. Gerson has a whole new way of eating -- only organic foods and juicing a lot! This way, it will release all of the toxins stored in the body from chemicals and processed foods and such. For people who have had chemotherapy, it has a less rigorous way of eating to release the toxins a bit slower as to not damage the liver. It also calls for 'coffee enemas' about 3-4 times a day - this will help the liver rid of the toxins faster. This whole process takes about 2 years. Dr. Gerson has claimed that he has saved many people that were on their death bed.
Just thought I'd let you all know about this in case anyone is looking for an alternative to the chemo/radiation treatments of cancer. We have personally not tried this, but I do like what the book says and I think I would consider this if I had cancer. I would like my hubby to do this - he's recovered from his cancer/surgery he had in Dec '09, but he's not to keen on the coffee enema's part which I can understand.
Okay, well, let me know if anyone has heard of this and has tried it or know of someone who has.
Thanks ~
what's your opinionunknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
We met briefly i think on this site. Im on the head and neck posts mainly, but have posted here too, though without much response. Ill leave my needs for another time.I know i will need you , so i hope to recontact again.
Anyway, i wonder what your take is on the "China Study". A survivor (head and neck)and avid researcher who goes by the name of SCAMBUSTER has many posts on the nutrician aspect of building immune system etc. I have posted below a very early excerpt of one of his posts.
I was going to wait till I completed reading this book but I am already quite astonished with what I have read so far and have been prompted by some to post the subject.
I recently downloaded and watched a movie/doco called 'Healing Cancer from the inside' I found on a site about 'Green Smoothies'. A Dr. Colin CAMPBELL featured throughout the doco talking about diet, nutrition, cancer and his research. I was intrigued by his claims and went off and quickly found his book. It is based on the largest ever research event involving humans of this kind ever in history. Some of you may have already read it or heard about it.
The teaser that got him interested more in the Cancer side was when he met an Indian researcher who had found remarkable differences in the outcome in his animal experiments where they induced cancer using Aflotoxin. One group were given a diet of 20% Animal Protein (AP) while the other group were given just 5% AP. The result were: 100% of Group A developed the tumors and died. Group B, 100% recovered and lived.
Dr. Campbell is a very esteemed researcher with an impressive resume and was part of the Pro protein lobby and on US Government panels on nutrition and was to lead nutrition programs in developing countries where they were to introduce higher protein diet programs to help the 'natives'. They were even trying to develop higher protein crops (Corn & Peanuts).This chance meeting with the Indian scientist threw a spanner in his works as it went against conventional wisdom and all the beliefs he had grown up with and was working on to 'save the world'- along with all the esteemed other leading doctors and researchers of the time.
In brief, Dr. CAMPBELL went off and ran his own research to verify the results himself (What would the Indians know ?). He found the results were..100% the same and he even varied the research to come up with a bunch of other results to further back the discovery that the Animal Protein did actually cause the initiation and progress of cancer.
A point of note, the Milk protein they used is called Casein. I don't want to cause a stampede but that Ensure most of you are using is full of of Milk protein.
Dr. CAMPBELL went on to conduct a massive study of Chinese populations to find out the relationships of diet and nutrition. The findings are clear and indisputable for me.
His book is immaculately referenced and most of the content is from his own findings over nearly 40 years of research. He is not selling a fad diet. The issue is 'does diet and nutrition affect whether we get cancer or not?'. The answer is yes. While percentages of risk and increased risk vary for differnent types of cancer, gender and age, the basic fact remains that as we increase the amount of Animal Proteins we eat, we increase the chances of getting some type of cancer. The relationship is linear and consistent. This is also the same for other major 'western' killer disease namely heart disease, cardio-vascular disease, and diabetes.
In most cases, it appeared that diet over-rides environmental factors. The fastest example I can think of is that earlier in the Century, Japanese men were (and still are) the heaviest smokers on the planet, yet their incidence of lung cancer was very low. That was until they started consuming meat in greater quantities(Due to affluence, better farming techniques etc). When you can find people doing the same thing one one level (Smoking) and then they change somethig else (Eating more meat), you can draw clear data.
The China study went much much further and found populations with high levels of cancer and then other wiht low levels of cancer and they then studied their diets and other factors (enviromental) and also used blood analysis to further the depth of the study.
While there are many views on diet and nutrition, and I have tried for a long while to figure it all out and I settled in a middle of the road of 'everything in moderation' for quite a while, which is really a lazy or a nervous 'in the middle' approach. I now see things a little differently, mainly because I had Cancer. I know my immune system was compromised even though I was reasonably healthy and ate well, exercised. I have struggled for many years with chronic fatigue and acid reflux issues - all of which my Naturopath brother would try to explain were related to my immune system and digestion. Most could be fixed with diet and certain variations of diet to promote healing of the conditions I had.
Well the light has come on now. While I may try in desperation to shine this same light on many of you, I also have to be realistic and accept many will not follow this path. I do get distressed when I hear of the amount of people who have gone through this horrid treatment we have all been through, only to go back to their old ways, gulping down junk food, bacon, processed everything, start smoking again or slam back into the booze...
Just because the rads and chemo knocked it out for now, doesn't mean we are resistant to a relapse. We are all at higher risk now and hopefully should pay attention and start to right the wrongs we were doing in the first place. They measure our survival as a '5 year rate'. All other diseases are considered 'cured or not'. Not ours, just 5 years. We all have and will have cancer cells in our bodies. Our attack cells should over come them before they get a grip.
The fact that the enzymes and biochemical reaction difference between the Plant Protein we get and the Animal Protein we get - is where the problem starts. The reaction from the AP enzyme in digestion/conversion process of food is prone to produce a byproduct that attaches to the DNA of healthy cells and turns them into Cancer cells. The more AP we eat, the more this happens. The small breakouts of these cells are called Foci. We all have them. It's when the balance is tipped and the bad cells get the chance to divide and multiply out of control that we start heading for big trouble. The studies show this process is either stopped or reversed when the AP is removed from the diet. The converse is also shown where an increase or introduction of AP is made, the cancers return/ spread/increase. The rest is history.
I hope many of you take this opportunity to get hold of this book or extracts from it. Your Doctors may not agree - the old 'moderation' argument does hold weight for some, and your hairdresser will know more about it - but this is certainly a wake up call if ever I have seen one.
Many of the Cancer organizations are starting to hint that we should 'maybe' be eating plant based diets and 'reducing' our intake of animal proteins. No one really wants to stick their necks out too far.
If you disagee with all this, that's fine. If you read this study and still disagree, then please contact me.
Wishing all continued recoveries and wellbeing.
Scambuster in China.0 -
William, my orig post: plea for response June 6, 2010 - 8:40pmClearblue said:what's your opinion
We met briefly i think on this site. Im on the head and neck posts mainly, but have posted here too, though without much response. Ill leave my needs for another time.I know i will need you , so i hope to recontact again.
Anyway, i wonder what your take is on the "China Study". A survivor (head and neck)and avid researcher who goes by the name of SCAMBUSTER has many posts on the nutrician aspect of building immune system etc. I have posted below a very early excerpt of one of his posts.
I was going to wait till I completed reading this book but I am already quite astonished with what I have read so far and have been prompted by some to post the subject.
I recently downloaded and watched a movie/doco called 'Healing Cancer from the inside' I found on a site about 'Green Smoothies'. A Dr. Colin CAMPBELL featured throughout the doco talking about diet, nutrition, cancer and his research. I was intrigued by his claims and went off and quickly found his book. It is based on the largest ever research event involving humans of this kind ever in history. Some of you may have already read it or heard about it.
The teaser that got him interested more in the Cancer side was when he met an Indian researcher who had found remarkable differences in the outcome in his animal experiments where they induced cancer using Aflotoxin. One group were given a diet of 20% Animal Protein (AP) while the other group were given just 5% AP. The result were: 100% of Group A developed the tumors and died. Group B, 100% recovered and lived.
Dr. Campbell is a very esteemed researcher with an impressive resume and was part of the Pro protein lobby and on US Government panels on nutrition and was to lead nutrition programs in developing countries where they were to introduce higher protein diet programs to help the 'natives'. They were even trying to develop higher protein crops (Corn & Peanuts).This chance meeting with the Indian scientist threw a spanner in his works as it went against conventional wisdom and all the beliefs he had grown up with and was working on to 'save the world'- along with all the esteemed other leading doctors and researchers of the time.
In brief, Dr. CAMPBELL went off and ran his own research to verify the results himself (What would the Indians know ?). He found the results were..100% the same and he even varied the research to come up with a bunch of other results to further back the discovery that the Animal Protein did actually cause the initiation and progress of cancer.
A point of note, the Milk protein they used is called Casein. I don't want to cause a stampede but that Ensure most of you are using is full of of Milk protein.
Dr. CAMPBELL went on to conduct a massive study of Chinese populations to find out the relationships of diet and nutrition. The findings are clear and indisputable for me.
His book is immaculately referenced and most of the content is from his own findings over nearly 40 years of research. He is not selling a fad diet. The issue is 'does diet and nutrition affect whether we get cancer or not?'. The answer is yes. While percentages of risk and increased risk vary for differnent types of cancer, gender and age, the basic fact remains that as we increase the amount of Animal Proteins we eat, we increase the chances of getting some type of cancer. The relationship is linear and consistent. This is also the same for other major 'western' killer disease namely heart disease, cardio-vascular disease, and diabetes.
In most cases, it appeared that diet over-rides environmental factors. The fastest example I can think of is that earlier in the Century, Japanese men were (and still are) the heaviest smokers on the planet, yet their incidence of lung cancer was very low. That was until they started consuming meat in greater quantities(Due to affluence, better farming techniques etc). When you can find people doing the same thing one one level (Smoking) and then they change somethig else (Eating more meat), you can draw clear data.
The China study went much much further and found populations with high levels of cancer and then other wiht low levels of cancer and they then studied their diets and other factors (enviromental) and also used blood analysis to further the depth of the study.
While there are many views on diet and nutrition, and I have tried for a long while to figure it all out and I settled in a middle of the road of 'everything in moderation' for quite a while, which is really a lazy or a nervous 'in the middle' approach. I now see things a little differently, mainly because I had Cancer. I know my immune system was compromised even though I was reasonably healthy and ate well, exercised. I have struggled for many years with chronic fatigue and acid reflux issues - all of which my Naturopath brother would try to explain were related to my immune system and digestion. Most could be fixed with diet and certain variations of diet to promote healing of the conditions I had.
Well the light has come on now. While I may try in desperation to shine this same light on many of you, I also have to be realistic and accept many will not follow this path. I do get distressed when I hear of the amount of people who have gone through this horrid treatment we have all been through, only to go back to their old ways, gulping down junk food, bacon, processed everything, start smoking again or slam back into the booze...
Just because the rads and chemo knocked it out for now, doesn't mean we are resistant to a relapse. We are all at higher risk now and hopefully should pay attention and start to right the wrongs we were doing in the first place. They measure our survival as a '5 year rate'. All other diseases are considered 'cured or not'. Not ours, just 5 years. We all have and will have cancer cells in our bodies. Our attack cells should over come them before they get a grip.
The fact that the enzymes and biochemical reaction difference between the Plant Protein we get and the Animal Protein we get - is where the problem starts. The reaction from the AP enzyme in digestion/conversion process of food is prone to produce a byproduct that attaches to the DNA of healthy cells and turns them into Cancer cells. The more AP we eat, the more this happens. The small breakouts of these cells are called Foci. We all have them. It's when the balance is tipped and the bad cells get the chance to divide and multiply out of control that we start heading for big trouble. The studies show this process is either stopped or reversed when the AP is removed from the diet. The converse is also shown where an increase or introduction of AP is made, the cancers return/ spread/increase. The rest is history.
I hope many of you take this opportunity to get hold of this book or extracts from it. Your Doctors may not agree - the old 'moderation' argument does hold weight for some, and your hairdresser will know more about it - but this is certainly a wake up call if ever I have seen one.
Many of the Cancer organizations are starting to hint that we should 'maybe' be eating plant based diets and 'reducing' our intake of animal proteins. No one really wants to stick their necks out too far.
If you disagee with all this, that's fine. If you read this study and still disagree, then please contact me.
Wishing all continued recoveries and wellbeing.
Scambuster in China.0 -
My take on Gersons ...
My sister got diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer in mid-April. She is an oncologist herself. She is going through chemo right now.
I did a lot of research when she was diagnosed and urged her to change her diet/lifestyle dramatically to improve her chances of having a few more months. Despite her total disbelief that any of the alternate stuff can help, she has indeed beeing doing the following along with her chemo:
- drink wheatgrass juice in the morning
- do 10-15 minutes of yoga breathing exercise
- take a clove of crushed fresh garlic before dinner
- gulp down about 1 tspn of dry turmeric and 1tsp cinnamon pwdr dissolved in water
- drink about 16 oz of fresh pressed carrot/apple juice
She has been doing much better than can be expected with her aggressive type of cancer. The other partners at her oncology practice are surprised and happy with her health status given that she has this dreaded disease.
I am surprised and dismayed when folks on this forum so violently ridicule and dismiss alternate therapies without having ever tried them. The basic truth is that other than a couple of types of cancers, chemo and radiation DO NOT CURE THE CANCER. They just kill off the cancer cells in a logarithmic fashion (you can't kill all of the cancer cells, EVER!)to reduce the tumor - however, the hardiest cancer cells survive and inevitably grow back.
If a cancer patient believes that chemo/rad will do the trick and they can go back to their SAD (standard American diet) of sugary, overprocessed foods, carbonated drinks, and excess animal proteins, they will surely pay the price.
It almost seems like common sense to understand that your best bet to fight cancer is to strengthen your immune system - any food that detracts from that goal should be avoided completely, while foods (such as raw vegetables and juices) that strengthen the immune system should be embraced.
My two cents ...0 -
This comment has been removed by the Moderatorbidi said:My take on Gersons ...
My sister got diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer in mid-April. She is an oncologist herself. She is going through chemo right now.
I did a lot of research when she was diagnosed and urged her to change her diet/lifestyle dramatically to improve her chances of having a few more months. Despite her total disbelief that any of the alternate stuff can help, she has indeed beeing doing the following along with her chemo:
- drink wheatgrass juice in the morning
- do 10-15 minutes of yoga breathing exercise
- take a clove of crushed fresh garlic before dinner
- gulp down about 1 tspn of dry turmeric and 1tsp cinnamon pwdr dissolved in water
- drink about 16 oz of fresh pressed carrot/apple juice
She has been doing much better than can be expected with her aggressive type of cancer. The other partners at her oncology practice are surprised and happy with her health status given that she has this dreaded disease.
I am surprised and dismayed when folks on this forum so violently ridicule and dismiss alternate therapies without having ever tried them. The basic truth is that other than a couple of types of cancers, chemo and radiation DO NOT CURE THE CANCER. They just kill off the cancer cells in a logarithmic fashion (you can't kill all of the cancer cells, EVER!)to reduce the tumor - however, the hardiest cancer cells survive and inevitably grow back.
If a cancer patient believes that chemo/rad will do the trick and they can go back to their SAD (standard American diet) of sugary, overprocessed foods, carbonated drinks, and excess animal proteins, they will surely pay the price.
It almost seems like common sense to understand that your best bet to fight cancer is to strengthen your immune system - any food that detracts from that goal should be avoided completely, while foods (such as raw vegetables and juices) that strengthen the immune system should be embraced.
My two cents ...0 -
A good source for me is to use wikipedia and then follow up anything on there with their footnotes. You can read the original source documents... if you want to...
Max Gerson (18 October 1881–8 March 1959) was a German physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, an alternative dietary therapy which he claimed could cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases. Gerson described his approach in the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. However, when Gerson's claims were independently evaluated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), it was found that Gerson's records lacked the basic information necessary to systematically evaluate his claims. The NCI concluded that Gerson's data showed no benefit from his treatment.[1] The therapy is considered scientifically unsupported and potentially hazardous.[2][3]
Gerson Therapy
Gerson's therapy required the patient to consume a raw plant based diet and to drink an 8-ounce glass of fresh organic juices every waking hour. Coffee and castor oil enemas were among several types of prescribed enemas, and some patients were given hydrogen peroxide orally and rectally. Rectal ozone was also applied. Dietary supplements include vitamin C and iodine. The diet prohibited the drinking of water and consumption of berries and nuts, as well as use of aluminium vessels or utensils.[5]
Initially, patients were required to drink several glasses of raw calf liver extract daily. Following an outbreak of Campylobacter infection linked to the Gerson clinic's extract, which sickened and killed several of the clinic's patients,[6] carrot juice was substituted.
Animal products and fats and oils were excluded (except for the raw calf liver extract and flax-seed oil), as were supposed sources of toxicity, including tobacco, salt, alcohol, fluorides, pesticides, food additives, and pharmaceuticals. Foods were to be fresh, organically grown and unprocessed. The therapy claimed to reverse any ill effects of exposure to environmental toxins over the course of 6–18 months, and Gerson believed it would be effective against most chronic diseases including tuberculosis, fibromyalgia, most forms of advanced cancer, arthritis (both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), and diabetes.
Gerson's claims of success attracted some high-profile patients, as well as other alternative medicine practitioners. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continued to promote the therapy, founding the "Gerson Institute" in 1977.
Gerson's therapy has not been independently tested or subjected to randomized controlled trials, and thus is illegal to market in the United States.[1] The Gerson Institute claims that Gerson's observational studies and case reports are anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the treatment.[7] In his book, Gerson cites the "Results of 50 Cases"; however, the U.S. National Cancer Institute reviewed these 50 cases and was unable to find any evidence that Gerson's claims were accurate.[3] Gerson Institute staff published a case series in the alternative medical literature; however, the series suffered from significant methodological flaws, and no independent entity has been able to reproduce the Gerson Institute's claims.[3]
Independent anecdotal evidence suggests that the Gerson Therapy is not effective against cancer. When a group of 13 patients sickened by elements of the Gerson Therapy were evaluated in hospitals in San Diego in the early 1980s, all of them were found to still have active cancer.[6] The Gerson Institute's claimed "cure rates" have been questioned; an investigation by Quackwatch found that the Institute's claims of cure were based not on actual documentation of survival, but on "a combination of the doctor's estimate that the departing patient has a 'reasonable chance of surviving,' plus feelings that the Institute staff have about the status of people who call in."[8] In 1994, a study published in the alternative medical literature described 18 patients treated for cancer with the Gerson Therapy. Their median survival from treatment was 9 months. Five years after receiving the Gerson treatment, 17 of the 18 patients had died of their cancer, while the one surviving patient had active non-Hodgkin lymphoma.[9]
The American Cancer Society reports that "[t]here is no reliable scientific evidence that Gerson therapy is effective in treating cancer, and the principles behind it are not widely accepted by the medical community. It is not approved for use in the United States."[2] In 1947, the National Cancer Institute reviewed 10 "cures" submitted by Gerson; however, all of the patients were receiving standard anticancer treatment simultaneously, making it impossible to determine what effect, if any, was due to Gerson's therapy.[10] A review of the Gerson Therapy by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center concluded: "If proponents of such therapies wish them to be evaluated scientifically and considered valid adjuvant treatments, they must provide extensive records (more than simple survival rates) and conduct controlled, prospective studies as evidence."[3]
Safety concerns
Coffee enemas have contributed to the deaths of at least three people in the United States. Coffee enemas "can cause colitis (inflammation of the bowel), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and in some cases septicaemia."[11] The recommended diet may not be nutritionally adequate.[12] The diet has been blamed for the deaths of patients who substituted it for standard medical care.[13]0 -
agreementbidi said:My take on Gersons ...
My sister got diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer in mid-April. She is an oncologist herself. She is going through chemo right now.
I did a lot of research when she was diagnosed and urged her to change her diet/lifestyle dramatically to improve her chances of having a few more months. Despite her total disbelief that any of the alternate stuff can help, she has indeed beeing doing the following along with her chemo:
- drink wheatgrass juice in the morning
- do 10-15 minutes of yoga breathing exercise
- take a clove of crushed fresh garlic before dinner
- gulp down about 1 tspn of dry turmeric and 1tsp cinnamon pwdr dissolved in water
- drink about 16 oz of fresh pressed carrot/apple juice
She has been doing much better than can be expected with her aggressive type of cancer. The other partners at her oncology practice are surprised and happy with her health status given that she has this dreaded disease.
I am surprised and dismayed when folks on this forum so violently ridicule and dismiss alternate therapies without having ever tried them. The basic truth is that other than a couple of types of cancers, chemo and radiation DO NOT CURE THE CANCER. They just kill off the cancer cells in a logarithmic fashion (you can't kill all of the cancer cells, EVER!)to reduce the tumor - however, the hardiest cancer cells survive and inevitably grow back.
If a cancer patient believes that chemo/rad will do the trick and they can go back to their SAD (standard American diet) of sugary, overprocessed foods, carbonated drinks, and excess animal proteins, they will surely pay the price.
It almost seems like common sense to understand that your best bet to fight cancer is to strengthen your immune system - any food that detracts from that goal should be avoided completely, while foods (such as raw vegetables and juices) that strengthen the immune system should be embraced.
My two cents ...
yes ..my view is that if it can't hurt you why not eat organic foods ..and change your diet?
Everyplace that adapts the western diet from America develops more cases of cancer...
It looks like the mediterranean diet looks the most promising to stop cancer...0 -
Gersons Theory
It makes total sense. Put your faith in our Heavenly Father, not modern medicine which is literally poison to us. Most of us can't believe this could work because we're so glutenous and can't give up the very things that probably caused the cancer in the first place. I am talking of myself as well and hope that I can retrain myself to start eating to live and stop living to eat. Check out how many cancers could have been caused by food. If our poor diet can cause cancer, why not a healthy diet treat it. Food for thoughtPeace and Blessings.
0 -
I Don't "Buy" Into It...
Of course I believe eating well and as natural as possible is always a good thing. But to think it could cure cancer? No, don't believe it. If that were the case there should be a lot more surviors to back up the claim.
I've known too many people who have been vegetarians, vegans, health nuts, you name it, who ended up getting cancer despite their good habits.
My aunt (by marriage) died of breast cancer about 20 years ago after she went through one round of chemo then quit and went on some all natural, raw foods regimen. She got extremely ill and lost her fight about 6 months later.
Sally0 -
Thanks everyone~sal314 said:I Don't "Buy" Into It...
Of course I believe eating well and as natural as possible is always a good thing. But to think it could cure cancer? No, don't believe it. If that were the case there should be a lot more surviors to back up the claim.
I've known too many people who have been vegetarians, vegans, health nuts, you name it, who ended up getting cancer despite their good habits.
My aunt (by marriage) died of breast cancer about 20 years ago after she went through one round of chemo then quit and went on some all natural, raw foods regimen. She got extremely ill and lost her fight about 6 months later.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I just wanted to know if anyone has followed Dr. Gerson and was successful or not. A family friend wants my hubby to try it out and I wasn't sure about it.
Interesting discussions. I can see how food directly relates to the body's overall health, but then I see how healthy people can get cancer as well (i.e., Sally's aunt, Lance Armstrong). I do think coffee enemas sound very strange, and if people have died from doing that then it is definitely not safe!
God is ultimately the one who is in control of everything, and putting our faith and trust in Him is the best thing we can do.
Shelly0 -
Modified GersonHope_Faith said:Thanks everyone~
Thanks everyone for your replies. I just wanted to know if anyone has followed Dr. Gerson and was successful or not. A family friend wants my hubby to try it out and I wasn't sure about it.
Interesting discussions. I can see how food directly relates to the body's overall health, but then I see how healthy people can get cancer as well (i.e., Sally's aunt, Lance Armstrong). I do think coffee enemas sound very strange, and if people have died from doing that then it is definitely not safe!
God is ultimately the one who is in control of everything, and putting our faith and trust in Him is the best thing we can do.
Hi Shelly, nice to see you again. I think if your husband wants to use the Gerson therapy - good on him but he has to be 100% committed. I think if it becomes a matter of 'try and then give up' (too hard) or take a slower approach with the idea to build up small successes and then the results will drive him to take another step in the right direction.
I have gone Vegan, I juice (not as frequently as I should but every other day). I have removed all crap from my diet and that means all processed foods, sugars (unless they are in fruit or veges), all animal products, all fried stuff. I rarely eat breads now, pasta or white rice.
My body has gone from Acidic to Alkaline, I have high energy all day, every day, all my previous ailments of: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, headaches, and chronic GERD have all vanished ! I take a bunch of supplements to rebuild and boost my immune system, remove all traces of any inflammation, and boost my vital organ function. I think the Synergy of all the good foods, the supplements etc are working wonders.
I am still adding new foods and supplements as my knowledge increases. the idea idea is to get the body working properly (all functions -immune, digestion, elimination etc) and inhibit the formation and progress of cancer.
if you can get your husband started on diet and juicing and supplements and he notices a positive change, then keep moving in that direction and never stop improving.
As for the Enemas, I have had them. If not done but a qualified person, you can perforate the bowel = serious problem and even death. Doctors and hospitals kill 400,000 people a year in the USA due to mistakes so keep things in perspective.
The colon and bowel trap loads of toxic waste and if not cleaned out properly, it does lots of bad things to our health. My little story to hit home is when I was in hospital for surgery (12 days) I was full of : anesthetics, pain medications (many), proton pump inhibitors (for reflux) anti-emetics etc you get the picture. I could feel I was totally poisoned and blocked up. i pleaded with my doctors and nurses to arrange an enema. They all scoffed at the idea. I was a very sick boy. I tracked down a Colonics Clinic in HK on the net and when I was released, I got a cab straight to the clinic. I had my 2 brothers with me, one on each shoulder to keep me up. I had an open colonic irrigation for 40 minutes. Basically warm distilled water pumped gently into the bowel to fill into the colon - then evacuate and repeat many times. The effect and result was remarkable. When I was finished, my head felt light and clear and so did my body. I was weak but I walked out of the clinic unassisted feeling like someone had breathed life back into me. Within 3 hours I was bouncing around like a kid. Basically the toxic waste that was trapped was recycling in my body and not allowing proper absorption of water - that often why we get dehydrated when on all these medications. Using coffee enemas have a different effect of stimulating the liver and helping to detox as well. bottom line is they work and I would recommend people coming out of hospital to get one to clear all the poison out. Just make sure it's a certified clinic.
To dismiss alternative therapies is basically ignorant and foolish. The information is out there, the studies have been done, even though hampered by lack of focus and funding as there is generally no money to be made as natural substances can't be patented.
When someone thinks paying $15 for a book about natural healing is a heist, whilst not questioning the astronomic charges for Chemo and rads & I know my Chemo was $3000 USD a bag, is ..... well simple put - ludicrous.
I say hit it from all sides.
Scambuster0 -
Hi ScambusterScambuster said:Modified Gerson
Hi Shelly, nice to see you again. I think if your husband wants to use the Gerson therapy - good on him but he has to be 100% committed. I think if it becomes a matter of 'try and then give up' (too hard) or take a slower approach with the idea to build up small successes and then the results will drive him to take another step in the right direction.
I have gone Vegan, I juice (not as frequently as I should but every other day). I have removed all crap from my diet and that means all processed foods, sugars (unless they are in fruit or veges), all animal products, all fried stuff. I rarely eat breads now, pasta or white rice.
My body has gone from Acidic to Alkaline, I have high energy all day, every day, all my previous ailments of: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, headaches, and chronic GERD have all vanished ! I take a bunch of supplements to rebuild and boost my immune system, remove all traces of any inflammation, and boost my vital organ function. I think the Synergy of all the good foods, the supplements etc are working wonders.
I am still adding new foods and supplements as my knowledge increases. the idea idea is to get the body working properly (all functions -immune, digestion, elimination etc) and inhibit the formation and progress of cancer.
if you can get your husband started on diet and juicing and supplements and he notices a positive change, then keep moving in that direction and never stop improving.
As for the Enemas, I have had them. If not done but a qualified person, you can perforate the bowel = serious problem and even death. Doctors and hospitals kill 400,000 people a year in the USA due to mistakes so keep things in perspective.
The colon and bowel trap loads of toxic waste and if not cleaned out properly, it does lots of bad things to our health. My little story to hit home is when I was in hospital for surgery (12 days) I was full of : anesthetics, pain medications (many), proton pump inhibitors (for reflux) anti-emetics etc you get the picture. I could feel I was totally poisoned and blocked up. i pleaded with my doctors and nurses to arrange an enema. They all scoffed at the idea. I was a very sick boy. I tracked down a Colonics Clinic in HK on the net and when I was released, I got a cab straight to the clinic. I had my 2 brothers with me, one on each shoulder to keep me up. I had an open colonic irrigation for 40 minutes. Basically warm distilled water pumped gently into the bowel to fill into the colon - then evacuate and repeat many times. The effect and result was remarkable. When I was finished, my head felt light and clear and so did my body. I was weak but I walked out of the clinic unassisted feeling like someone had breathed life back into me. Within 3 hours I was bouncing around like a kid. Basically the toxic waste that was trapped was recycling in my body and not allowing proper absorption of water - that often why we get dehydrated when on all these medications. Using coffee enemas have a different effect of stimulating the liver and helping to detox as well. bottom line is they work and I would recommend people coming out of hospital to get one to clear all the poison out. Just make sure it's a certified clinic.
To dismiss alternative therapies is basically ignorant and foolish. The information is out there, the studies have been done, even though hampered by lack of focus and funding as there is generally no money to be made as natural substances can't be patented.
When someone thinks paying $15 for a book about natural healing is a heist, whilst not questioning the astronomic charges for Chemo and rads & I know my Chemo was $3000 USD a bag, is ..... well simple put - ludicrous.
I say hit it from all sides.
Hi,Thanks for writing. My hubby does not want to try out the Gerson therapy. He is not wanting to do the enemas. I think that we do need to change the way we eat though and do more like what you are doing. Can you give me examples of what you eat? We do love chicken and sometimes beef. I don't juice but have thought of doing this. There is a place in town that we can buy fresh juice and they're like a meal in a cup. So good and so healthy
I really believe food has a direct effect on the body -- good and bad.
Have you heard of MMS? (Miracle Mineral Solution) My hubby is taking this now. We heard about it from a friend who had colon cancer and started taking this. He had surgery to have the cancer removed and then started taking the MMS. He has had no cancer recurrence so far. His sister passed away from colon cancer several years ago -- before he heard of the MMS. Here's the web site if you want to look into it ~
http://jimhumble.biz/0 -
More what I don't eat ...Hope_Faith said:Hi Scambuster
Hi,Thanks for writing. My hubby does not want to try out the Gerson therapy. He is not wanting to do the enemas. I think that we do need to change the way we eat though and do more like what you are doing. Can you give me examples of what you eat? We do love chicken and sometimes beef. I don't juice but have thought of doing this. There is a place in town that we can buy fresh juice and they're like a meal in a cup. So good and so healthy
I really believe food has a direct effect on the body -- good and bad.
Have you heard of MMS? (Miracle Mineral Solution) My hubby is taking this now. We heard about it from a friend who had colon cancer and started taking this. He had surgery to have the cancer removed and then started taking the MMS. He has had no cancer recurrence so far. His sister passed away from colon cancer several years ago -- before he heard of the MMS. Here's the web site if you want to look into it ~
Hi Hope_Faith,
As I mentioned earlier, it is easier for me to tell you what I don't eat which is basically: Animal Proteins (Incl Dairy), Processed foods, Sugars, fried foods. Pretty much everything else is fine though i do avoid simple carbohydrates though these actually fall under the 'Processed foods' category i.e. White Rice, Bread and white pastas. If you are serious, you really need to apply the majority of these ideas. I do on occasion, have a small piece of Salmon maybe every fortnight, Maybe some Mozzarella (Buffalo) with tomato & olive oil every 2 weeks and an egg every once in a while. I am not fanatical, I just make the decision not to risk these foods for now. You definitely need to avoid all sugars, red meats and all processed meats (bacons sausage, salami, hot dogs, burgers). Like I said try the new eating habits for 3 months (make a pact) and see how you both feel.
I start my day with a very large bowl with about a cup of good quality cereal or muesli, about 2-3 cups of fresh Papaya (1 whole smaller papaya & yes every day), maybe a banana if I reduce the papaya. I make a health shake with a vegetable based nutrition powder (Vitashake), add some L-Glutamine powder, Acidophilus and MCP Powder, mix is it in a shake using one of :rice milk, hazelnut milk, Oat milk, Soy Milk, Hemp milk or almond milk (I rotate them) and pour that over the fruit and cereal. That is a large meal, is very satisfying and can last all day.
For lunch, though not too hungry, I usually have maybe a vegetable soup, salad and or veges like asparagus, avocado, artichokes tomatoes (the list goes on >>>All fruits and veges).
I usually have a handful of nuts in the afternoon. I never crave snacks now. (used to be a cookie monster)
For Dinner it's usually a mixed salad with all or a variation of : Baby Spinach, various lettuce varieties, red, yellow and orange bell peppers, sprouts (various), fresh cooked beetroot, tomatoes, asparagus, avocado and occasionally some pulses like chick peas or lentils tossed on. I usually have a few cooked veges in addition with the family : beans, mushrooms, lotus root, taro, carrots, whatever.
On the salad I usually have about 1/3 cup of good Olive Oil (drench that salad baby), sometimes a Newman's Dressing (never the crap dressings / Mayos you buy in the supermarket) , a pinch of himalayan salt and occasionally a dash of soy sauce and sesame oil to mix up the flavors a bit.
The bright colored veges are loaded with Lycopenes and other antioxidants. Avocado is a great source of healthy fat as is olive oil. Most of the above are on the list of foods that promote 'Anti-Angiogenesis' (See my blog or google that one). Papaya is also a wonderful healing fruit and in fact the seeds, skin and the leaves of this fruit are all of great healing and curing value.
I think this diet and the supplements I use to boost the immune system, gut function and vital organs, has done wonders for me. You can PM me for more info. All I can say, I am the healthiest I've ever been. Oh and I had my full PET/CT last Tuesday *(Late Oct 2010), a week shy of one year out of treatment (Oct 6th) and it was absolutely positively 100% ALL CLEAR !!! Yahoooooooo !
I know the diet thing can be a challenge at first, but as you get results, it gets easier. Do the 3 month challenge. Life is worth it.
PS Have heard of MMS. Many of these things have value, but I don't treat any one thing as the Magic Bullet. I take the Shot Gun approach, loading more pellets into my big gun as I learn more. Others in the same category are Colloidal Silver, Laetrile and many more. If used as a stand alone treatment, then it is the in the same way people rely on just chemo and rads. i believe in helping the body to help itself.0 -
The Gerson Therapy
Yes. The Gerson Therapy does cure cancer. Dr. Gerson's therapy is Legal, Available, and curing cancer in every single country in the world except for one. Can you guess which country it is illegal in? Yes the USA. Unfortunately, the big pharm companies have lobbied and spent big $$ to keep this therapy illegal in the USA.
Dr. Gerson was Murdered by poison in an attempt to keep his cancer therapy a secret.
Thankfully, his daughter Charlotte helped published his work before he died and before it was lost forever. His book: A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases, has been published in many lanquages and distributed around the world.
There are 3 documenaries that will shed the truth about this therapy that I wish everyone knew about;
-The Gerson Miracle
-The Beautiful Truth
-Dying to have Known
Be informed and knowledgable about your treatment options! If you have cancer please please watch these videos. They will give you truth about cancer and a true cure.
Don't buy the lie that chemo and surgery are effective cancer treatments - In my opinion these methods will kill you!0 -
The Gerson Therapy
Yes. The Gerson Therapy does cure cancer. Dr. Gerson's therapy is Legal, Available, and curing cancer in every single country in the world except for one. Can you guess which country it is illegal in? Yes the USA. Unfortunately, the big pharm companies have lobbied and spent big $$ to keep this therapy illegal in the USA.
Dr. Gerson was Murdered by poison in an attempt to keep his cancer therapy a secret.
Thankfully, his daughter Charlotte helped published his work before he died and before it was lost forever. His book: A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases, has been published in many lanquages and distributed around the world.
There are 3 documenaries that will shed the truth about this therapy that I wish everyone knew about;
-The Gerson Miracle
-The Beautiful Truth
-Dying to have Known
Be informed and knowledgable about your treatment options! If you have cancer please please watch these videos. They will give you truth about cancer and a true cure.
Don't buy the lie that chemo and surgery are effective cancer treatments - In my opinion these methods will kill you!0 -
I totally agree with youbidi said:My take on Gersons ...
My sister got diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer in mid-April. She is an oncologist herself. She is going through chemo right now.
I did a lot of research when she was diagnosed and urged her to change her diet/lifestyle dramatically to improve her chances of having a few more months. Despite her total disbelief that any of the alternate stuff can help, she has indeed beeing doing the following along with her chemo:
- drink wheatgrass juice in the morning
- do 10-15 minutes of yoga breathing exercise
- take a clove of crushed fresh garlic before dinner
- gulp down about 1 tspn of dry turmeric and 1tsp cinnamon pwdr dissolved in water
- drink about 16 oz of fresh pressed carrot/apple juice
She has been doing much better than can be expected with her aggressive type of cancer. The other partners at her oncology practice are surprised and happy with her health status given that she has this dreaded disease.
I am surprised and dismayed when folks on this forum so violently ridicule and dismiss alternate therapies without having ever tried them. The basic truth is that other than a couple of types of cancers, chemo and radiation DO NOT CURE THE CANCER. They just kill off the cancer cells in a logarithmic fashion (you can't kill all of the cancer cells, EVER!)to reduce the tumor - however, the hardiest cancer cells survive and inevitably grow back.
If a cancer patient believes that chemo/rad will do the trick and they can go back to their SAD (standard American diet) of sugary, overprocessed foods, carbonated drinks, and excess animal proteins, they will surely pay the price.
It almost seems like common sense to understand that your best bet to fight cancer is to strengthen your immune system - any food that detracts from that goal should be avoided completely, while foods (such as raw vegetables and juices) that strengthen the immune system should be embraced.
My two cents ...
I totally agree with you bidi, my husband is doing the same thing. He has done a complete lifestyle change and is now in complete remission. As I always mention on this board about low dose naltrexone (LDN), I would suggest your sister look into this. My husband gets it compounded from Irmat Pharmacy in New York City. Dr. Bihari had done clinical trials in his private practice and had a 60% response on this drug for most cancers. It does not cure cancer but it stops it from growing. And also high dose vitamin c IV. I personally know someone who was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and he did high dose vitamin c and he lived for 29 years, he died 3 years ago of a heart attack at 80 years old.
My two cents too... oops I just noticed the posting date0 -
prostate cancerScambuster said:More what I don't eat ...
Hi Hope_Faith,
As I mentioned earlier, it is easier for me to tell you what I don't eat which is basically: Animal Proteins (Incl Dairy), Processed foods, Sugars, fried foods. Pretty much everything else is fine though i do avoid simple carbohydrates though these actually fall under the 'Processed foods' category i.e. White Rice, Bread and white pastas. If you are serious, you really need to apply the majority of these ideas. I do on occasion, have a small piece of Salmon maybe every fortnight, Maybe some Mozzarella (Buffalo) with tomato & olive oil every 2 weeks and an egg every once in a while. I am not fanatical, I just make the decision not to risk these foods for now. You definitely need to avoid all sugars, red meats and all processed meats (bacons sausage, salami, hot dogs, burgers). Like I said try the new eating habits for 3 months (make a pact) and see how you both feel.
I start my day with a very large bowl with about a cup of good quality cereal or muesli, about 2-3 cups of fresh Papaya (1 whole smaller papaya & yes every day), maybe a banana if I reduce the papaya. I make a health shake with a vegetable based nutrition powder (Vitashake), add some L-Glutamine powder, Acidophilus and MCP Powder, mix is it in a shake using one of :rice milk, hazelnut milk, Oat milk, Soy Milk, Hemp milk or almond milk (I rotate them) and pour that over the fruit and cereal. That is a large meal, is very satisfying and can last all day.
For lunch, though not too hungry, I usually have maybe a vegetable soup, salad and or veges like asparagus, avocado, artichokes tomatoes (the list goes on >>>All fruits and veges).
I usually have a handful of nuts in the afternoon. I never crave snacks now. (used to be a cookie monster)
For Dinner it's usually a mixed salad with all or a variation of : Baby Spinach, various lettuce varieties, red, yellow and orange bell peppers, sprouts (various), fresh cooked beetroot, tomatoes, asparagus, avocado and occasionally some pulses like chick peas or lentils tossed on. I usually have a few cooked veges in addition with the family : beans, mushrooms, lotus root, taro, carrots, whatever.
On the salad I usually have about 1/3 cup of good Olive Oil (drench that salad baby), sometimes a Newman's Dressing (never the crap dressings / Mayos you buy in the supermarket) , a pinch of himalayan salt and occasionally a dash of soy sauce and sesame oil to mix up the flavors a bit.
The bright colored veges are loaded with Lycopenes and other antioxidants. Avocado is a great source of healthy fat as is olive oil. Most of the above are on the list of foods that promote 'Anti-Angiogenesis' (See my blog or google that one). Papaya is also a wonderful healing fruit and in fact the seeds, skin and the leaves of this fruit are all of great healing and curing value.
I think this diet and the supplements I use to boost the immune system, gut function and vital organs, has done wonders for me. You can PM me for more info. All I can say, I am the healthiest I've ever been. Oh and I had my full PET/CT last Tuesday *(Late Oct 2010), a week shy of one year out of treatment (Oct 6th) and it was absolutely positively 100% ALL CLEAR !!! Yahoooooooo !
I know the diet thing can be a challenge at first, but as you get results, it gets easier. Do the 3 month challenge. Life is worth it.
PS Have heard of MMS. Many of these things have value, but I don't treat any one thing as the Magic Bullet. I take the Shot Gun approach, loading more pellets into my big gun as I learn more. Others in the same category are Colloidal Silver, Laetrile and many more. If used as a stand alone treatment, then it is the in the same way people rely on just chemo and rads. i believe in helping the body to help itself.
I agree with most of your diet. You eat salmon so it is not vegetarian. Why not eat more salmon and shell fish. I have lived on shellfish and I believe it is most healthful. Many studies support this. I eat salmon three times a week. And shellfish (crabs and shrimp) 4-5 times a week. Papaya you should eat every day if possible according to a famous nutritionist. I juice a papaya with a cup of pomegranate juice and some shredded carrots.
Tony0 -
Gerson TherapyBretAlanMason said:The Gerson Therapy
Yes. The Gerson Therapy does cure cancer. Dr. Gerson's therapy is Legal, Available, and curing cancer in every single country in the world except for one. Can you guess which country it is illegal in? Yes the USA. Unfortunately, the big pharm companies have lobbied and spent big $$ to keep this therapy illegal in the USA.
Dr. Gerson was Murdered by poison in an attempt to keep his cancer therapy a secret.
Thankfully, his daughter Charlotte helped published his work before he died and before it was lost forever. His book: A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases, has been published in many lanquages and distributed around the world.
There are 3 documenaries that will shed the truth about this therapy that I wish everyone knew about;
-The Gerson Miracle
-The Beautiful Truth
-Dying to have Known
Be informed and knowledgable about your treatment options! If you have cancer please please watch these videos. They will give you truth about cancer and a true cure.
Don't buy the lie that chemo and surgery are effective cancer treatments - In my opinion these methods will kill you!
I agree that the Gerson Therapy is a real cancer treatment option. When I was diagnosed at stage 3 EC I was told I had an 11% chance of survival. When I went to stage 4 I was told 1 year. When you hear something like that while doing traditional medicine why wouldn't a intelligent person try other options. I did all of the chemo and radiation that my oncologist recommended.
I have been juicing carrots and apples for quite a while now and I have had clean scans for 7 months now. I don't do enemas but I juice several times a day and limit red meat and dairy products. I have read the Gerson Therapy book and agree with 90% of whats in it. If the EC comes back I will most likely follow the therapy 100%0 -
EC Stage III (Gerson diet)ebawa said:Gerson Therapy
I agree that the Gerson Therapy is a real cancer treatment option. When I was diagnosed at stage 3 EC I was told I had an 11% chance of survival. When I went to stage 4 I was told 1 year. When you hear something like that while doing traditional medicine why wouldn't a intelligent person try other options. I did all of the chemo and radiation that my oncologist recommended.
I have been juicing carrots and apples for quite a while now and I have had clean scans for 7 months now. I don't do enemas but I juice several times a day and limit red meat and dairy products. I have read the Gerson Therapy book and agree with 90% of whats in it. If the EC comes back I will most likely follow the therapy 100%
I'm so glad that the gerson has worked for you. My dad was diagnosed with EC stage III this past January and he also went in for an esophagectomy this past August. So far he's not doing so well post surgery and a recent Ultrasound indicated that a "pin Point" of cancer was found. considering these results I am very optomistic about his fight with this terrible disease. I recently researched the affects of the gerson diet I Know in my heart that this will work. So my questions to you is, how many cups a day of apples and carrots did you go through? I just wanted to get an Idea. I am really am deperate here and I know my Father can beat this. thank you so much. God Bless, and again I'm so happy that it has worked for you.0
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