embarrassing, just dont know where else to turn



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    You come first
    You need people around you that put you first. This guy did not do that. Call the Dr office and talk to the nurse. They have heard it all before. Please put your self first. Anyone that would even try to talk you into anything that could hurt you is not worth having around. He don't deserve a lady like you.

    lolad .. You and your body have been thru the ringer -
    please be good to yourself. You are a lovely, strong woman. I know the importance of having someone like and love you, however - do not jeopardize your health, or mental stability for any guy.

    Love is love, and sex is sex. Any woman or man can go to the nearest bar and pick up some yahoo and have sex right there, right then.

    Call the RN when you a a chance.

    Vicki Sam
  • QuiltingMama123
    QuiltingMama123 Member Posts: 124
    lolad said:

    I need to clear some things up
    I did call my dr and i have to see him tomorrow. I broke it off with my boyfriend as well. He was drunk when this occured and i did tell him no and he fought me for it. Im not bleeding anymore, i just have abdominal discomfort especially when i walk. My onc gyn is a wonderful dr and didnt judge me at all. He isnt happy, but said i need to see him because last week when i went the cap on my vagina hadnt healed yet and hes afraid it it may have torn or opened up more. There is also a chance of infection. I have been through too much and value myself and didnt want to go against the drs advice. My ex was just not going to take no for an answer anymore. Im depressed and ashamed about the whole situation. I feel like a big idiot for letting it happen. Thanks everyone for being there for me. It means alot, it really does. I love my sisters here.


    Laura, I'm in the area of
    Laura, I'm in the area of you ever need to talk. (I just read your "where from" post.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    lolad said:

    I need to clear some things up
    I did call my dr and i have to see him tomorrow. I broke it off with my boyfriend as well. He was drunk when this occured and i did tell him no and he fought me for it. Im not bleeding anymore, i just have abdominal discomfort especially when i walk. My onc gyn is a wonderful dr and didnt judge me at all. He isnt happy, but said i need to see him because last week when i went the cap on my vagina hadnt healed yet and hes afraid it it may have torn or opened up more. There is also a chance of infection. I have been through too much and value myself and didnt want to go against the drs advice. My ex was just not going to take no for an answer anymore. Im depressed and ashamed about the whole situation. I feel like a big idiot for letting it happen. Thanks everyone for being there for me. It means alot, it really does. I love my sisters here.


    That makes me so angry
    Honey were I come from that is Rape. It is NOT your fault. Tell your Dr. If you are strong enough call the police. He hurt you, it is all HIS fault. Do you have anyone there with you to talk to?? I wish I could give you a HUG. Please don't blame yourself. You are a great lady, your Strong and brave, but unfortunately now you have this to deal with. You will be OK in time. Maybe all of us ladies can get together and NEUTER him. I use to be a Vet Tech I know how. Please take care I am with you in spirit. I am praying for you.
    {{ HUGS }} Your sister in pink Kay
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670

    That makes me so angry
    Honey were I come from that is Rape. It is NOT your fault. Tell your Dr. If you are strong enough call the police. He hurt you, it is all HIS fault. Do you have anyone there with you to talk to?? I wish I could give you a HUG. Please don't blame yourself. You are a great lady, your Strong and brave, but unfortunately now you have this to deal with. You will be OK in time. Maybe all of us ladies can get together and NEUTER him. I use to be a Vet Tech I know how. Please take care I am with you in spirit. I am praying for you.
    {{ HUGS }} Your sister in pink Kay

    Thank you
    And you gave me a chuckle when you said maybe we can get together and neuter him. Anna, i just sent you a message, i would love to be able to talk to you. That would be awesome. Let me know if you dont get the message. Thank you all for reaching out to me and thinking of me. It is such a blessing to have you guys.

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I think you were very brave to post and I'm so glad you trusted us. I hope you now trust yourself enough to choose relationships that will add to your life, not subtract from it.

    I wish I could put my arms around you and give you a big ((((HUG)))).

    Stay strong, and take care of yourself. You know we are all here for you.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    That makes me so angry
    Honey were I come from that is Rape. It is NOT your fault. Tell your Dr. If you are strong enough call the police. He hurt you, it is all HIS fault. Do you have anyone there with you to talk to?? I wish I could give you a HUG. Please don't blame yourself. You are a great lady, your Strong and brave, but unfortunately now you have this to deal with. You will be OK in time. Maybe all of us ladies can get together and NEUTER him. I use to be a Vet Tech I know how. Please take care I am with you in spirit. I am praying for you.
    {{ HUGS }} Your sister in pink Kay

    I have a bradizo
    I have a a bradizo and plenty of rubber bands I could send. (For those who have never heard of it, a bradizo is used to non surgicially emasculate cattle/sheep.)
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    There IS a reason for no sex and I learned it the hard way. In my 20's I had gyn surgery, but I was so much in love I didn't wait....and I ended up with PID. Pelvic inflamatory disease. Painful with long lasting effects. I learned to listen to Dr, he really does know of which he speaks.

    Don't be embarrassed, we've all done certain things, but this is your health.

  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    sbmly53 said:

    There IS a reason for no sex and I learned it the hard way. In my 20's I had gyn surgery, but I was so much in love I didn't wait....and I ended up with PID. Pelvic inflamatory disease. Painful with long lasting effects. I learned to listen to Dr, he really does know of which he speaks.

    Don't be embarrassed, we've all done certain things, but this is your health.


    im sorry that happened to you. I wont be letting him talk me into anything else ever again. I decided to move on without him. This was the last time he would hurt me. I am so blessed with the wonderful people here and the support im getting on this. Ill heal, it will just take time. Take care

  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    lolad said:

    im sorry that happened to you. I wont be letting him talk me into anything else ever again. I decided to move on without him. This was the last time he would hurt me. I am so blessed with the wonderful people here and the support im getting on this. Ill heal, it will just take time. Take care


    well done Laura in taking
    well done Laura in taking the posistive step to get on with your life WITHOUT this idiot.
    I agree fully,that to be forced into sex when you have clearly said no,is most definatly rape!

    It makes me wonder if he has done this before with other women,or might he do it again?!

    None of it was YOUR fault so don't blame yourself.The onlt thing you're guilty of is trusting him. But that's just human nature to try and see the good in ppl.

    Well done anyway.Go see your doc and pray he didn't do any physical damage to set you back.


  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    m-star said:

    well done Laura in taking
    well done Laura in taking the posistive step to get on with your life WITHOUT this idiot.
    I agree fully,that to be forced into sex when you have clearly said no,is most definatly rape!

    It makes me wonder if he has done this before with other women,or might he do it again?!

    None of it was YOUR fault so don't blame yourself.The onlt thing you're guilty of is trusting him. But that's just human nature to try and see the good in ppl.

    Well done anyway.Go see your doc and pray he didn't do any physical damage to set you back.



    Laura, i am so glad that you
    Laura, i am so glad that you have dumped him, I wish you luck on your recovery. Take care