How long have you been on this board?



  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I know who Chen is taking
    I know who Chen is talking about but I remember the posts where they talked of going to DC so I feel I'm cheating by telling. She has already posted on this thread-a hint. I'm 99% sure I know.

    Is is 24242 Tara or
    Is is 24242 Tara or Inkblot??
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I know who Chen is taking
    I know who Chen is talking about but I remember the posts where they talked of going to DC so I feel I'm cheating by telling. She has already posted on this thread-a hint. I'm 99% sure I know.

    Chen is it our world traveler, Kathi?
    I'm taking the "hint" from Marcia. Just a guess because I didn't join until august of last year. I was just starting chemo at the time. I, like the rest of you, are so, so happy that I found you all. You really do help get us through our journey!! Thank you!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I've been
    I've been here since June 2010. I was dx in May and was researching the American Cancer Society website and found this wonderful message boards before my surgery. I felt so prepared for both my mastectomy, chemo and rads. Just reading real life experiences in what might happen meant more to me than I can express. These women and some husbands share so much and I for one am eternally grateful. It's also a great sounding board just to vent when you need to because we are warriors in pink!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    MyTurnNow said:

    Chen is it our world traveler, Kathi?
    I'm taking the "hint" from Marcia. Just a guess because I didn't join until august of last year. I was just starting chemo at the time. I, like the rest of you, are so, so happy that I found you all. You really do help get us through our journey!! Thank you!

    Bingo! You win! It is indeed
    Bingo! You win! It is indeed our world traveler KathiM! In her "other life" she is a Californian, as am I~ and whereas she represented the state of Calif in DC as a legislative ambassador at what was aptly called Celebration On The Hill, I was there representing the online community of the ACS, namely CSN! The COOLEST thing? Greta had huge plaques made with the ACS logo and our usernames on them! So, when I was with the CSN group, carrying my ChenHeart name as I did Relay laps, I had Kindred Spirits from across the country come up and scream ( in a good way!) because they recognized the Username!

    It was a wonderful, wonderful experience~ and I will always remember Kathi in a mad rush to get to the capital building to give the Calif representative what-for regarding health care!

    And, we went to a meet and greet~ and one of the keynote speakers was a guy with an odd name...what was it again? I dunno, he was a Jr Senator from Chicago and he had lost his mom to the Beast and was incredibly involved in maintaining health care. oh yeah~ Barak Obama! LOL I wonder if he ever made anything of himself~ he was so impassioned and seemed like a really down to earth guy.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    chenheart said:

    Bingo! You win! It is indeed
    Bingo! You win! It is indeed our world traveler KathiM! In her "other life" she is a Californian, as am I~ and whereas she represented the state of Calif in DC as a legislative ambassador at what was aptly called Celebration On The Hill, I was there representing the online community of the ACS, namely CSN! The COOLEST thing? Greta had huge plaques made with the ACS logo and our usernames on them! So, when I was with the CSN group, carrying my ChenHeart name as I did Relay laps, I had Kindred Spirits from across the country come up and scream ( in a good way!) because they recognized the Username!

    It was a wonderful, wonderful experience~ and I will always remember Kathi in a mad rush to get to the capital building to give the Calif representative what-for regarding health care!

    And, we went to a meet and greet~ and one of the keynote speakers was a guy with an odd name...what was it again? I dunno, he was a Jr Senator from Chicago and he had lost his mom to the Beast and was incredibly involved in maintaining health care. oh yeah~ Barak Obama! LOL I wonder if he ever made anything of himself~ he was so impassioned and seemed like a really down to earth guy.


    I am laughing sooooo hard!!!
    Barak who?????

    I, too, remember meeting you 'in person', dear soul! It was so much fun! And walking down to the area where all of the banners were from all over the country...that I will always remember!

    And, yes, the end of the story, if you remember, was I was late for my meeting (stopped to help a friend who was not well), and had all my stuff on, and set off the metal detector in the office building. I got so frustrated, I burst into tears (hummmm, did that alot, on!) and they felt so sorry for me, they let me thru...

    I'm so glad that the efforts of our small committee made a difference. I was a small part of that, you and New and Coug had much more to say...but remember, we each made up a topic for a new post each week???

    Special Hugs to you my dear friend!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    KathiM said:

    I am laughing sooooo hard!!!
    Barak who?????

    I, too, remember meeting you 'in person', dear soul! It was so much fun! And walking down to the area where all of the banners were from all over the country...that I will always remember!

    And, yes, the end of the story, if you remember, was I was late for my meeting (stopped to help a friend who was not well), and had all my stuff on, and set off the metal detector in the office building. I got so frustrated, I burst into tears (hummmm, did that alot, on!) and they felt so sorry for me, they let me thru...

    I'm so glad that the efforts of our small committee made a difference. I was a small part of that, you and New and Coug had much more to say...but remember, we each made up a topic for a new post each week???

    Special Hugs to you my dear friend!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Ya know, Kathi~ those women
    Ya know, Kathi~ those women on The View are sooooo late to the party~ we were absolutely the originators of Hot Topics! Recall having a list of things we might or might not want to bring up??? I also remember the gentle competition we had with the Colon Boards~ which wasn't exactly fair~ you were posting on BOTH! lol

    Good times...Do you remember that every Relay For Life all across the country had the participants sign banners, they were sent to DC and you could find your own state with your signature on it from the Relay you went to before arriving in DC???
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    chenheart said:

    Ya know, Kathi~ those women
    Ya know, Kathi~ those women on The View are sooooo late to the party~ we were absolutely the originators of Hot Topics! Recall having a list of things we might or might not want to bring up??? I also remember the gentle competition we had with the Colon Boards~ which wasn't exactly fair~ you were posting on BOTH! lol

    Good times...Do you remember that every Relay For Life all across the country had the participants sign banners, they were sent to DC and you could find your own state with your signature on it from the Relay you went to before arriving in DC???

    I do....
    Did you walk down with us to see the display?

    And remember the purple light that shot up into the sky from the center of it?....I'm tearing up right now, just thinking back...

    And the bagpipes that night to start the luminaria walk?

    And Jose getting picked up by the police?

    And then Jose getting stuck in the subway because he couldn't find his ticket, and so he jumped the turnstile, which got him a BIG lecture from the transit authority....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    KathiM said:

    I do....
    Did you walk down with us to see the display?

    And remember the purple light that shot up into the sky from the center of it?....I'm tearing up right now, just thinking back...

    And the bagpipes that night to start the luminaria walk?

    And Jose getting picked up by the police?

    And then Jose getting stuck in the subway because he couldn't find his ticket, and so he jumped the turnstile, which got him a BIG lecture from the transit authority....

    Hugs, Kathi

    Yes, I did walk with you to
    Yes, I did walk with you to see the display! And funny was that? We didn't let him live it down for such a long time. And Dana was the sweetest thing, wasn't she? I am sad that they are "all grown up" and not working for ACS anymore,but happy that our Greta still is! She and New try and get together for lunch now and again.

    My funniest experience was the first day, when we were manning booths in the convention center and giving out literature and having people sign up to be part of CSN. Newboobs, who remembered that I used to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses said, "Wow Chen, you have this down! I guess you never forget how to hand out literature while trying to get people to join something!" LOL LOL
    I laughed soooo hard!

    The morning Newboobs and her husband were checking out of the hotel, Reggie called their room, disguised his voice as some "foreigner" and was seemingly frustrated asking Ken if he wanted the room service delivered to his room or packed to go!!! They hadn't ordered any room service, and it was hilarious listening to Reggie trying to convince him he had! hahahahaha

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I've been
    I've been here since June 2010. I was dx in May and was researching the American Cancer Society website and found this wonderful message boards before my surgery. I felt so prepared for both my mastectomy, chemo and rads. Just reading real life experiences in what might happen meant more to me than I can express. These women and some husbands share so much and I for one am eternally grateful. It's also a great sounding board just to vent when you need to because we are warriors in pink!

    well the ripples move out.
    well the ripples move out. thank you for starting this forum. you have helped too many people to count! Bless you . I joined in Aug 2010 after my second breast went south literally!
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    carkris said:

    well the ripples move out.
    well the ripples move out. thank you for starting this forum. you have helped too many people to count! Bless you . I joined in Aug 2010 after my second breast went south literally!

    I have you all beat! I joined in Oct. 2000. I was alot more active back then. I have met many amazing ladies,and men, thru this site. I actually write privately to a few ladies from back then. I have met a few in person. This IS an amazing site! I don't chime in often anymore but I am on reading posts everyday! Hang in everyone! HUGS!!!! Cathy
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    cruf said:

    I have you all beat! I joined in Oct. 2000. I was alot more active back then. I have met many amazing ladies,and men, thru this site. I actually write privately to a few ladies from back then. I have met a few in person. This IS an amazing site! I don't chime in often anymore but I am on reading posts everyday! Hang in everyone! HUGS!!!! Cathy

    Woot! Woot! You win the
    Woot! Woot! You win the all-time, long-time Crown! What an achievement! Thanks for chiming in~ you get champagne, balloons , and a diamond encrusted sceptor too!
