How long have you been on this board?

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I remember when I first found this board. I was anxiety ridden and desperate
to find some guidance from women who went through the same experience
as me. And I found that and so much more.

Just reading over the entries, there's so much caring and bonding on this
board that sometimes I wish I could meet you in person.

I saw myself graduating over time and now I can give newbees some
input. And I know I will still be checking back on this board for years
to come. As I will never forget how much it meant to me during my

So I have been on here now 8 months.



  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    I was so lucky the day I stumbled onto this board. There's a quality, you know? The caring and concern is actually palpable. I was shocked at how emotional I felt when I lit my candles at 7 o'clock last month in unity with all of you. Absolutely burst into tears.

    Anyway, I've been here five months -- I think I found you the week I was diagnosed. I try to respond to posts that I think I've got something to offer.

    Thank you, all, for everything.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Shhhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone! LOL
    Well, if you look under our usernames, you will see when we joined CSN. Of course that does not mean we instantly posted upon joining! I became a member of this family in April 2003, and was exclusively found in the chatroom. In 2006, or maybe early 2007 I was asked to be part of a focus group to help encourage women to actually come to the BC discussion boards and post! Would you believe that there used to be just a few women who came in here and more often than not there were only 3, 4 or 5 responses to any given topic????

    I, and about 6 others started posting in here regularly~ there is another one of that focus group who still comes in and is a regular, encouraging, wonderful part of the BC family...can you guess who she is??? The others have since moved on to other pursuits and don't post here any longer. But they were instrumental in making the boards what they are today!

    But, now that I let you in on that little secret ( and don't tell anyone, ok??? LOL) do you think that the group of 8 sisters was successful in jump-starting these discussion boards????

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    I've only joined last month. I really wished that I would have found this site earlier. It has definitely answered a lot of my questions. I had already gone through a lumpectomy & mastectomy when I found you all. You are all great and I'm glad you are here with me during this journey. Hugs.
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    I've only joined last month. I really wished that I would have found this site earlier. It has definitely answered a lot of my questions. I had already gone through a lumpectomy & mastectomy when I found you all. You are all great and I'm glad you are here with me during this journey. Hugs.

    I joined in May
    About 10 days after I was diagnosed, and I'm very thankful to have found this place. You have all eased away my fears, comforted me when I sat here and cried, reassured me everything is going to be all right.

    Now that a few weeks have come and gone, they were right, I am on my road to recovery, I am handling all this nightmare so much better now, so I thank all of you.

    Love Ronda
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    I found it about 6 wks after
    I found it about 6 wks after I was diagnosed. I was a lurker at first, joined in April of this yr. This site has been a great comfort someone always has a answer to your question no matter how crazy it may seem to you.Someone is there to comfort you and make you feel better. It has been a great asset to me. Thanks to all you wonderful people! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Not Long
    Haven't been here long enough. I wish I had found you all a few years ago. Going through all the mental issues alone has been a test of anti-insanity. After reading all the entries, especially those of you who have lost your breasts and still fighting I really feel guilty for having escaped with a lumpectomy, 4 chemos, and 30 rads. I really feel all are reaching out as best as we all can.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Since May 2010
    But I sure could have used this site in 2005, 2006 & 2007 going through 7 surgeries, 6 chemo treatments with additional Hereptin treatments and 26 rads!

    My strength was my sweet Jesus and my biological sis. Little did I know I was missing out on so many more "sisters!" Well, I'm glad I'm on now and able to share, pray, encourage and be a part of this wonderful family.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Signed up 10 days after DX
    i found the site 2 (or maybe 3 days) after DX but didn't sign up for 10 days Aug, 18, 2009.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I have been here since 2004, I became active in chat near the end of 2007 and will surely be popping in here for many hears to come.

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    I actually joined in Nov 09
    I actually joined in Nov 09 but had been looking and feeling my way around for a couple of months before I joined. My dx was actually in July. My cancerversary is next week on the 14th.


  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    chenheart said:

    Shhhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone! LOL
    Well, if you look under our usernames, you will see when we joined CSN. Of course that does not mean we instantly posted upon joining! I became a member of this family in April 2003, and was exclusively found in the chatroom. In 2006, or maybe early 2007 I was asked to be part of a focus group to help encourage women to actually come to the BC discussion boards and post! Would you believe that there used to be just a few women who came in here and more often than not there were only 3, 4 or 5 responses to any given topic????

    I, and about 6 others started posting in here regularly~ there is another one of that focus group who still comes in and is a regular, encouraging, wonderful part of the BC family...can you guess who she is??? The others have since moved on to other pursuits and don't post here any longer. But they were instrumental in making the boards what they are today!

    But, now that I let you in on that little secret ( and don't tell anyone, ok??? LOL) do you think that the group of 8 sisters was successful in jump-starting these discussion boards????


    I feel like a Dunce.... Hahaa
    You know I never looked there Chen. And always wondered about how long
    people had been posting here. Well now I KNOW =)

    Amazing tid bit of history there, thanks for sharing.
    You created a haven for tormented bodies and souls.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I joined in 2006 but didn't
    I joined in 2006 but didn't post much till later. I had joined the ACS message board in 2005 (or 2004-I forget when) which at the time was a seperate message board from this. A while back they combined them.

    I didn't find this message board very interesting until they added the avatar feature (I couldn't seem to follow the threads/posts but I was new to message boards-in my defense). That is when I started posting but kept posting on the ACS board till it was combined.
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    Joined in June 2010
    Joined after my mastectomy & radiation treatments. I, also, wish I would have found this site earlier, but I am very glad I found it when I did. I'm at the point where I don't feel like I should keep talking about the emotions and all that linger on . . . and I'm also on Arimidex for the next 5 years, so I don't know if I'll see side effects from that or not. But . . . this is where I can come to talk about all the things that stay with me - emotions & all - and know that all of you have those same issues that you're dealing with . . . just what we've been through, what we're dealing with now (even if it seems to others that, for some of us, we're past the "being sick" part of it all), and not knowing what the future holds . . . and just keeping each other in our thoughts & prayers . . . means SO MUCH!! I know that we're all at different places in this journey - but that doesn't matter - what matters is that, like Ayse said, everyone cares so much about the others - this truly is a wonderful site!

  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    chenheart said:

    Shhhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone! LOL
    Well, if you look under our usernames, you will see when we joined CSN. Of course that does not mean we instantly posted upon joining! I became a member of this family in April 2003, and was exclusively found in the chatroom. In 2006, or maybe early 2007 I was asked to be part of a focus group to help encourage women to actually come to the BC discussion boards and post! Would you believe that there used to be just a few women who came in here and more often than not there were only 3, 4 or 5 responses to any given topic????

    I, and about 6 others started posting in here regularly~ there is another one of that focus group who still comes in and is a regular, encouraging, wonderful part of the BC family...can you guess who she is??? The others have since moved on to other pursuits and don't post here any longer. But they were instrumental in making the boards what they are today!

    But, now that I let you in on that little secret ( and don't tell anyone, ok??? LOL) do you think that the group of 8 sisters was successful in jump-starting these discussion boards????


    Is it RE?
    Shhh another secret, you can click on a persons picture and see who there friends are.

    You must see the whole trajectory; just joining the board and really needing the support, then fading away or possibly needing to get away from the boards; then some people disappear, stick around or just show up once in a blue moon.

    Anyway, great job by the great eight; build it and they will come.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    June, 2005. 5 years. I was a 'guest' for a bit...didn't know if I wanted to join...

    I went thru my first cancer, rectal, almost entirely without you all...but also, like Chen, started in chat mostly...met a gal who made me feel ok about being bald...we are still VERY good friends...she just visited me not too long ago...she doesn't post here much anymore.

    Hugs, Kathi

    GREAT post, BTW!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Hubby said:

    Is it RE?
    Shhh another secret, you can click on a persons picture and see who there friends are.

    You must see the whole trajectory; just joining the board and really needing the support, then fading away or possibly needing to get away from the boards; then some people disappear, stick around or just show up once in a blue moon.

    Anyway, great job by the great eight; build it and they will come.


    It isn't RE, but it sure
    It isn't RE, but it sure could be! Here's a hint...this awesome sister and I met in DC in 2006~ we did the 10,000 person Relay For Life together, and walked at night around the luminarias which surrounded the Reflecting Pool at least 7 deep!!!

    I was honored to represent CSN in Washington DC, and that is where we met!

    I like the Field Of Dreams reference....they did indeed come, didn't they?

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    chenheart said:

    It isn't RE, but it sure
    It isn't RE, but it sure could be! Here's a hint...this awesome sister and I met in DC in 2006~ we did the 10,000 person Relay For Life together, and walked at night around the luminarias which surrounded the Reflecting Pool at least 7 deep!!!

    I was honored to represent CSN in Washington DC, and that is where we met!

    I like the Field Of Dreams reference....they did indeed come, didn't they?


    They RAN
    is more like it!

    WOW I feel so lucky that I have met you all at
    the very beginning of my battle!

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Chen, is it Stef- Fauxma?
    I joined in January - after surgery, before onc visits, chemo decision & rads. I wish I had discovered it a little earlier - but what a Godsend. Thank you all so much!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    sbmly53 said:

    Chen, is it Stef- Fauxma?
    I joined in January - after surgery, before onc visits, chemo decision & rads. I wish I had discovered it a little earlier - but what a Godsend. Thank you all so much!

    Sue isn't Stef~ but she isn't Stef~ but she is indeed someone all of us love and have been encouraged by, and in awe of! Most of us live vicariously through her!

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I know who Chen is taking
    I know who Chen is talking about but I remember the posts where they talked of going to DC so I feel I'm cheating by telling. She has already posted on this thread-a hint. I'm 99% sure I know.