My cancer is back......been here so long



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Megan M said:

    I posted above, but, I doubt
    I posted above, but, I doubt you could find it in all of these wonderful posts to you.

    How are you doing on chemo Meena? Are you doing ok or is it harder this time?

    How many do you have to have?

    Update us so that we know as we all are praying for you!

    Hugs, Megan

    I believe meena posted and
    I believe meena posted and she went on a little vacation. so she might not post right away.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    carkris said:

    I believe meena posted and
    I believe meena posted and she went on a little vacation. so she might not post right away.

    A vacation? Meena! Hope
    A vacation? Meena! Hope you got to relax and get your mind off of everything but having a good time.

    Let us know when you are back to let us know how your vacation was, and, how you are doing.

    Praying for you!

    Sue :)
  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84
    Hi Meena1

    Sorry to hear this but I have a rare type also. I had a pet scan on Feb 1 and I was
    cancer free but in April I had a CT scan because of some pain and I have a 2cm mass
    sitting at the right side of my liver. The doctor says it probably a cyst. Well from Feb to April that is a fast growing cyst if you ask me. My blood work is good but I'm still
    worried. I will be having a MRI in few weeks or so. I was dx in Mar 2009 and took 6 treatments of chemo.

    I will be praying for both of us. We can not give up so here's my motto:
    Cancer won the first battle and I won the second but the war is not over for I will not
    give up. Do your best to stay positive - and get an attitude with this beast that
    you will win this battle and the war.

    God bless you

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Hi Meena1

    Sorry to hear this but I have a rare type also. I had a pet scan on Feb 1 and I was
    cancer free but in April I had a CT scan because of some pain and I have a 2cm mass
    sitting at the right side of my liver. The doctor says it probably a cyst. Well from Feb to April that is a fast growing cyst if you ask me. My blood work is good but I'm still
    worried. I will be having a MRI in few weeks or so. I was dx in Mar 2009 and took 6 treatments of chemo.

    I will be praying for both of us. We can not give up so here's my motto:
    Cancer won the first battle and I won the second but the war is not over for I will not
    give up. Do your best to stay positive - and get an attitude with this beast that
    you will win this battle and the war.

    God bless you


    You are in my prayers always
    You are in my prayers always Meena!

    I am so sorry that you had this recurrence, but, we all know that you can win!

    Forgot to say how beautiful you look in your picture! Glad you put one up!

    You are an inspiration on this site!

    Love, Kylez
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Adding my prayers to all the others
    Dear Meena:

    I'm relatively new to this group and have not known you through your journey. Nonetheless, I'm adding my prayers and well wishes to the rest of the ones you've received and are still receiving.


    My thoughts and prayers are
    My thoughts and prayers are with you Meena!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Kylez said:

    You are in my prayers always
    You are in my prayers always Meena!

    I am so sorry that you had this recurrence, but, we all know that you can win!

    Forgot to say how beautiful you look in your picture! Glad you put one up!

    You are an inspiration on this site!

    Love, Kylez

    Meena .. As so many others have stated - you ARE in my
    prayers. I am sick that you have a recurrence - if cancer has taught me anything -- there is HOPE.

    I wish I had a magic wane and I could tap you so all the cancer goes away .. I know that is what I am asking our Lord to do for you, Meena.

    God's Blessing and strength for you.

    Vicki Sam
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    Meena, so sorry to hear of
    Meena, so sorry to hear of your recurrence. Hugs & prayers sent your way...
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Tux said:

    Meena, so sorry to hear of
    Meena, so sorry to hear of your recurrence. Hugs & prayers sent your way...

    Meena, I am hoping and
    Meena, I am hoping and praying that all is well with you and that you are fighting the beast as hard as you can. I still can't believe you had a recurrence. Cancer sure sucks!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Meena the Great
    Hi Meena,

    Man oh man, cancer is like a bad house guest that just keeps coming back. You cook, you clean, you even take a break after its gone but it just doesn't get the message! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this all over again. Plain and simple-it stinks.

    This time around though you know your way around. You won't feel like you're at everyone's mercy because you have no idea what you're doing and who to trust.

    Please keep posting so we can keep sending love and thoughts your way.

    I couldn't have gotten through this without my wonderful Invisible Sisters!


    Bumping for those that might
    Bumping for those that might not remember Meena having a recurrence.

    She needs our prayers!