My cancer is back......been here so long



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    susie09 said:

    So many recurrences lately
    So many recurrences lately on the board. It is so sad and so disheartening. I pray for all of you! I didn't know Janelle that you had one too. Praying that you are doing well now. How are you doing with Weight Watcher's Janelle? I must have missed your latest post.

    I am thinking of you today
    I am thinking of you today and prayed for you last night. It seems so much to ask for lately.... anyway praying for your strength to fight the disease and the insurance company!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Pattyb1 said:

    Hi Meena
    Meena, I just signed on for the first time ever and your post caught my eye.
    I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March of '09. i
    In april had a complete mascectomy, including 23 lymph nodes, did chemo from may thru october, chose not to do radiation and was just told i have the start of breast cancer in my other breast! I don't know who I am more upset with, my Dr or myself for not Demanding follow up tests! To this day I have never had a CAT Scan. No more blood work since October.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you only the very best! To Great Health! Patty

    I am so sorry Pattyb1.
    I am so sorry Pattyb1. Praying for you!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Wolfi said:


    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this again. You are strong and I hope you feel better after starting your chemo next week.

    I know what you mean when you say we know our bodies better than anyone. I went to the ER last Friday night for numbness and swelling in both arms and both legs. It was REALLY noticable and I was afraid of what it may be. They did all the tests - blood/urine/EKG and everything came back normal. This week I have seen my regular doctor for a follow up and a neurologist today to see if they could figure anything out. Nothing. I am in pain, don't feel right and no one can tell me why. It is very frustrating. I am now on 6 different medications each day and just wonder what is coming next.

    Take care of yourself and keep us posted on how your treatment is going.


    Keep us posted on you too
    Keep us posted on you too Wolfi. I hope your medications work.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    carkris said:

    I am thinking of you today
    I am thinking of you today and prayed for you last night. It seems so much to ask for lately.... anyway praying for your strength to fight the disease and the insurance company!

    Thinking of you and praying
    Thinking of you and praying for you too Meena!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Hello Meena,
    I am so sorry to hear that your cancer has come back. I have Inflammatory breast cancer. You are a very strong lady. You have beat this beast once you will do it again. I also agree with you that we all know our own bodies and should listen to them. You are a inspiration, a very courageous lady. You have lit the way for many including me.
    Take care You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Please let us know how you are doing..

    Meena, I will be praying for
    Meena, I will be praying for you at church tomorrow. Wanted you to know that!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    meena1 said:

    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...

    So glad that the posts make
    So glad that the posts make you feel better as they should! We all love you Meena and are with you thru this next fight with cancer.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    meena1 said:

    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...

    So glad that the posts make
    So glad that the posts make you feel better as they should! We all love you Meena and are with you thru this next fight with cancer.

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    I am so sorry, Meena. My heart sank to see your post. Your voice has been one of the first to offer encouragement and comfort and knowledge to so many women.

    You have affirmed over and over that there is life and happiness after bc, and after ibc in particular. You are a strong person, and you can stand up to this new fight, too. On fighting for the Abraxane/Avastin chemo, I do recall that one woman received unexpected aid from a pharmaceutical rep. The rep happened to be visiting the doctor on the same day the woman was in the office. Between the rep and the woman's doctor, the chemo was somehow arranged at little or no cost to the patient. So, your oncologist or his/her office staff may be of help there.

    You are in my prayers, Meena.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Moopy23 said:

    I am so sorry, Meena. My heart sank to see your post. Your voice has been one of the first to offer encouragement and comfort and knowledge to so many women.

    You have affirmed over and over that there is life and happiness after bc, and after ibc in particular. You are a strong person, and you can stand up to this new fight, too. On fighting for the Abraxane/Avastin chemo, I do recall that one woman received unexpected aid from a pharmaceutical rep. The rep happened to be visiting the doctor on the same day the woman was in the office. Between the rep and the woman's doctor, the chemo was somehow arranged at little or no cost to the patient. So, your oncologist or his/her office staff may be of help there.

    You are in my prayers, Meena.

    Meena Also so sorry. Sending

    Also so sorry. Sending lots of prayers your way.


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Keep Fighting
    Good words to remember: insist on more testing if you do not feel comfortable. I am so sorry to hear about your recurrence. I pray that your treatments are successful and that you will continue to fight the cancer. (I also had a recurrence 3 years later.) Stay with us and post your feelings, both the positive and the negative.

    I am sending you my strength, warmth, love, hugs, and kisses.


    Please do keep fighting
    Please do keep fighting Meena! Hearing about your recurrence has been horrible, but, you can do this. Please try to stay positive!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Pattyb1 said:

    Hi Meena
    Meena, I just signed on for the first time ever and your post caught my eye.
    I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March of '09. i
    In april had a complete mascectomy, including 23 lymph nodes, did chemo from may thru october, chose not to do radiation and was just told i have the start of breast cancer in my other breast! I don't know who I am more upset with, my Dr or myself for not Demanding follow up tests! To this day I have never had a CAT Scan. No more blood work since October.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you only the very best! To Great Health! Patty

    I will keep you in my
    I will keep you in my prayers Pattyb1!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you for you responses.
    Thank you for you responses. I will fight! I will keep you posted, ugh! I hate to come here with bad news, but that is what cancer is. Take care. I am still reading all the posts, so i am prepared

    If you can't come here with
    If you can't come here with bad news Meena, then why does this board exist? It isn't just for congrats or information. It is for us to share the good and the bad, both of them. I am so glad that you posted so that our prayers can reach out to you. But, so sorry that your cancer is back. I can't imagine hearing those words again. Just know that we want you to keep posting and keep us up to date on how you are doing.

    Love, Leeza
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    meena1 said:

    Thank you for you responses.
    Thank you for you responses. I will fight! I will keep you posted, ugh! I hate to come here with bad news, but that is what cancer is. Take care. I am still reading all the posts, so i am prepared

    So Sorry
    So sorry to hear of your news. It makes me mad that you were feeling bad for so long and now they catch it. Guess you can't do anything about that but you can go forward and fight this thing. I am here for you whatever you need. All my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    roseann4 said:

    Meena, please don't give up hope...
    There is so much going on with breast cancer treatment. I go to a support group with a well known author and retired surgeon, Dr. Bernie Siegel. One of the members was recently diagnosed with Stage IV BC. Her doctor is the head of bc research at Yale New Haven Hospital as well as a well known oncologist. She said that there are several new treatments ready to be released and more to be released in the next few years. She said that it is a chronic disease and that gave her great hope. Please keep your spirits up. This is a setback that many of us will face. Don't be afraid to write in because of scaring us. We've already been there and we all know the potential of a recurrence. We want to be here for you. Hugs.


    I have added you Meena to
    I have added you Meena to our prayer list at church. I hope that is ok with you.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Forums Dealing with Mets
    You need to go to forums dealing with metastasis breast cancer. The women there are dealing and living with the disease daily and forever more.

    This website deals with the newly diagnose and that is very good and useful when you hear the words "You have cancer".

    When you hear those other words "your cancer has spread to another organ", you need a place to learn and share with women who are the same.

    Here are the web forums that gave me hope.


  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    SIROD said:

    Forums Dealing with Mets
    You need to go to forums dealing with metastasis breast cancer. The women there are dealing and living with the disease daily and forever more.

    This website deals with the newly diagnose and that is very good and useful when you hear the words "You have cancer".

    When you hear those other words "your cancer has spread to another organ", you need a place to learn and share with women who are the same.

    Here are the web forums that gave me hope.



    oh Meena i am so sorry to
    oh Meena i am so sorry to hear this. Talk about being kicked while you're down. You sound a strong woman and i will send healing prayers your way.

    warm hugs

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    RE said:

    Oh Meena my heart goes out to you as I too have had recurrences it is just a possible reality once we have had cancer. I know you are discouraged, frustrated and probably a bit angry, but don't give up there is always hope. My cancer returned just 6 months after treatment ended and I had to undergo much more stringent therapy for another year, that was in 1999 I tell you this in hopes of giving you hope. Stay strong and let us know how things go. You are in my positive thoughts and prayers.

    ♥ RE ♥

    Prayed for you today in
    Prayed for you today in church!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Mama G said:

    We're with you, Meena
    Just close your eyes and feel all the cyber hands reaching out to you. Yes, we all fear what you are going through, but we all can be there for each other. My prayers will be with you through this 2nd battle. God, please watch over our dear Meena!

    Praying that your insurance
    Praying that your insurance will cover your chemo Meena!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Katz77 said:

    So sorry
    It is all our fear, the return! I will say prayers for you and your family. I, too have an aggressive cancer. Just wondering, Did/do you have a port or did you have it removed? I know this is a stupid question at your time of trouble. People ask me when I'm geting rid of it and I tell them I'm keeping mine for a least 5 yrs.
    Good luck with your chemo and treatments. Please try not to be discouraged. You have been an inspiration to me and everyone else.

    So sorry Katz to read of
    So sorry Katz to read of your cancer. Praying for you too!
  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    SIROD said:

    Forums Dealing with Mets
    You need to go to forums dealing with metastasis breast cancer. The women there are dealing and living with the disease daily and forever more.

    This website deals with the newly diagnose and that is very good and useful when you hear the words "You have cancer".

    When you hear those other words "your cancer has spread to another organ", you need a place to learn and share with women who are the same.

    Here are the web forums that gave me hope.



    Im sure the other BC sites
    Im sure the other BC sites listed are excellent and focus on recurring BC. I also know there are many women here on CSN that have had one or more BC recurrences and have been members for here for years. The CSN site goes back almost 10 years with thousands of posts on BC board from those with every type of BC and in all stages from dx BC members as well as those with recurring BC.