Rectal Cancer



  • khl8
    khl8 Member Posts: 807

    That's great!
    That's great! I can only hope that I do as well as you have. Enjoy Jamaica and congratulations on your son's marriage. Thanks, Kathy!

    any questions? please ask,
    any questions? please ask, my treatment and recovery are an open book!
  • wifeandmom
    wifeandmom Member Posts: 31
    khl8 said:

    any questions? please ask,
    any questions? please ask, my treatment and recovery are an open book!

    If you don't mind.....
    If you don't mind, I would be curious to know how similar our anastomatic connections are. My tumor was quite low in the rectum (about 2cm from the anal verge). I am having a repeat coloanal anastomosis in order to treat a fistula and clear alot of scar tissue. So the surgeon (a different one from the one who did the first 2 surgeries) is planning a pull-through procedure and may be able to create a pouch 'depending on how much colon he has to work with'. Is your situation similar or quite different? Thank you so much for allowing me to ask such personal questions. That's very generous of you!
    Warm regards,
  • iHope2012
    iHope2012 Member Posts: 2

    New to this site, but over a year into treatment
    Hi and thank you all for the opportunity to join this great site!

    I was diagnosed 14 months ago (at age 49) with T2/T3 N0 M0 low lying rectal cancer (about 2 cm from the anal verge). I did the neo-adjuvant 6 weeks of Oxaliplatin/Xeloda/radiation (with about a 95% response), followed by LAR.

    I really struggled with the transanal excision option. Wish I'd gotten a second opinion just so I could have avoided this long year of questioning if I did the right thing. I developed a recto-vaginal fistula which necessitated giving me a second temporary ileostomy so that I could get through the six months of adjuvant chemo. Finally finished the chemo last week and will have my PET/CT on Tuesday, and get my results the following week. I keep wondering if I'd had the TAE, maybe I wouldn't have developed the fistula. I've also developed alot of scar tissue at the anastomatic connection, so in September I will have surgery to fix both that and the fistula. Then, the plan is to try for another reversal three months later.

    Because I was considered "young" and I have 3 relatively young children (19,16, and 11), my first surgeon advised the LAR as the risk for recurrance was relatively high. He said that if I was elderly (e.g., shorter life expectancy) he might be more likely to advise TAE.

    I keep telling myself that it's too late now for second guessing; what's gone is gone. But the fistula really threw me for a loop and so unexpectedly changed what I thought would be my course of recovery.

    I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience with this kind of fistula, as well as ileostomy reversal. My current surgeon (head of colorectal surgery at Johns Hopkins) seems very confident in his ability to fix the fistula and take care of the scar tissue (though he isn't sure what kind of connection he'll be able to make; he said it depends on how much colon I have to work with in terms of being able to create a colonic j-pouch or not). I have alot of confidence in this surgeon, but I'm still apprehensive especially because he was much more cautious regarding future bowel functioning (not pessimistic, just more cautious).

    Anyway, thank you all for the chance to vent a little, and hopefully get some advice.
    Best wishes to all of you!

    I had a low tumor as well... T2, no chemo or radiation. Cancer removed with surgery in Nov 2010 along with gaining a temporary ielostomy. Ielo reversed Jan 2011, but had to be brought back 3 weeks later due to the development of the recto-vaginal fistula. To date I still have the ielo and the fistula. My surgeon has tried several repairs like stitches, mesh, and using a fold of colon tissue to create a "flap" to repair. We were hoping these "lesser" repairs would work, but It doesn't seem so. Now my cancer surgeon has scheduled me an appt. to consult with a reconstructive surgeon. Looks like I'm headed for a more invasive repair, but whatever it takes. I so want to move forward in life "whole" again. My prayers go out for you all and gracious thanks to our Lord for His countless blessings :-)
  • Annie_777
    Annie_777 Member Posts: 2 Member
    Newbie with same dx - RC T2N0M0

    I'm Annie - 35 y/o full-time working single mom of 5 & 10 y/o boys.  I just got diagnosed with stage 1 rectal cancer (T2N0M0).  My tumor was 2.5cm in diameter and 10cm above anal verge.  Because I also had a fair number of precancerous colon polyps excised from colonoscopy and my "young age", I received recommendation for LAR w/TME.  I went for it w/o any chemo/radiation therapy.  In fact, I was having uncontrolled artery bleeding at the biopsy site that makes an emergency surgery a clear path with no other options.  I am experiencing a lot of difficulties with bowel functions right now - 2 weeks after my LAR surgery.  It's always hard to balance the quality of life and risk of treatments against the risk of cancer recurrence.  But for my kids, I'd do anything to ensure that my risk of recurrence is at the lowest.  My 5 y/o wants to become a doctor (actually a "pediatric dermatologist" in his words) when he grows up.  And I am looking forward to seeing that day when his dream comes true!

  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Annie_777 said:

    Newbie with same dx - RC T2N0M0

    I'm Annie - 35 y/o full-time working single mom of 5 & 10 y/o boys.  I just got diagnosed with stage 1 rectal cancer (T2N0M0).  My tumor was 2.5cm in diameter and 10cm above anal verge.  Because I also had a fair number of precancerous colon polyps excised from colonoscopy and my "young age", I received recommendation for LAR w/TME.  I went for it w/o any chemo/radiation therapy.  In fact, I was having uncontrolled artery bleeding at the biopsy site that makes an emergency surgery a clear path with no other options.  I am experiencing a lot of difficulties with bowel functions right now - 2 weeks after my LAR surgery.  It's always hard to balance the quality of life and risk of treatments against the risk of cancer recurrence.  But for my kids, I'd do anything to ensure that my risk of recurrence is at the lowest.  My 5 y/o wants to become a doctor (actually a "pediatric dermatologist" in his words) when he grows up.  And I am looking forward to seeing that day when his dream comes true!


    Welcome Annie. Just thought I would point out that you have posted this on an old fthread that has beenresurrected so may not be seen by many and get the replies you arelooking  for.


     It sounds like a rough journey for you so far but youto young age and good attitude will bode well. I hope your situation settles with your bowel habits as it is early days yet. Give yourself time to heAl andrest.


    All the best,




  • Frog lady
    Frog lady Member Posts: 1

    I had my rectum removed followed by an ileostomy, but had a reversal. Never heard of that. My cancer was very low too, but surgeon was able to do temporary.



    I've been researching and looking for advice. I have surgery to reverse my ileostomy after having my rectum removed. I haven't read many positive things about it but I know they're out there. Is this what you had find? Any advice?


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Frog lady said:


    I've been researching and looking for advice. I have surgery to reverse my ileostomy after having my rectum removed. I haven't read many positive things about it but I know they're out there. Is this what you had find? Any advice?


    New post

    Hello Frog Lady.

    This is a very old thread, 2010. May I suggest you start a new thread on the forum so that those who are posting now, can reply to your concern. 

    I have been on the forum three years, and only recognise a few names in this thread. 

    Here is the link to the forum  Just hit the Post New Forum Topic link at the top left under Colorectal Cancer. 

    Sue - Trubrit