Did you have a feeling?



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    ppurdin said:

    I would like to add that I had turned the same age my Mother was when she passed at 52yrs. old of Cancer.I did have a strange feeling about turning 52.That was the hardest year of my life.

    Meena - great topic
    Thanks for the opportunity to share it.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    No, I felt fine
    If I didn't do my monthly shave under my arms, I wouldn't have noticed anything. I hate shaving. I say if God didn't want us to have hair there he wouldn't have put it there. Anyway, I noticed a bulge, nothing painful. My GYN (doctors assistant) said it wasn't anything bad and put me on antibiotics. In 3 weeks it doubled in size and then became very painful. She sent me to a surgeon to have it lanced, thinking it was a bad boil. He did the biopsy then.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    laurissa said:

    No, I felt fine
    If I didn't do my monthly shave under my arms, I wouldn't have noticed anything. I hate shaving. I say if God didn't want us to have hair there he wouldn't have put it there. Anyway, I noticed a bulge, nothing painful. My GYN (doctors assistant) said it wasn't anything bad and put me on antibiotics. In 3 weeks it doubled in size and then became very painful. She sent me to a surgeon to have it lanced, thinking it was a bad boil. He did the biopsy then.

    My husband was calling me
    My husband was calling me "doom and gloom", because i was so sure that something bad was going to happen. Also, i am from a very superstititious family, (my grandmother read tea leaves!), and they really believed in being psychic. so just maybe..
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    new2me said:

    Not me - Life was perfect
    I had not a clue - I had no problems, my life was great - I was in perfect health, I just turned 50 - felt better than I've ever felt in my life. My husband and i were participating in 5K - I went to the gym regularly - I had just found out my daughter was pregnant with our first grandchild. I was praising the Lord all over the place for a such a wonderful life. I had no problems. I even told my co-worker that this is gonna be the best year ever. - Then BAm !!!!!! It hit me like a ton of bricks. As close as my family was and didn't think we could get any closer, my breast cancer has brought us even closer. I have this different Love for my husband that I never had before. And he for me. But I promised God I wouldn't play the pitty game or blame Him. I promised to Praise Him through it all. That doesn't mean I don't have my days, oh I do and I have cried and so has my family. But I have a peace that God is in control and I will be ok. Yes, sometimes I get scared - heck, I'm only human but I will keep my eyes on Him. Satan wanted to ruin my wonderful life and rob me of my joy of being a grandmother but I won't let him. God wins !!!!

    thank you for letting me share..


    Never had a clue. Found out
    Never had a clue. Found out thru my yearly mammo. However, I had noticed a few months prior to my diagnosis that my face looked a bit sallow and no amount of makeup seemed to improve it. I simply brushed it off and gave it no thought.

    Kelly love your post. God IS in control and God does not bring cancer on us. You will be ok and go on to truly experience the joy of a grandchild. I can attest to the fact that grandbabies make our hearts happy. My grandbabies helped me keep up my spirits all thru my treatment.
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    After I was first married (about 28 years ago) I would randomly get the thought that one day I would have breast cancer. Never did I imagine the surgery that came with it though. The year I was diagnosed, 2 mammograms, a biopsy and an MRI, I have to admit I was shocked!! Invasive, and pretty widespread, and agressive cell. It has been 24 months and sometimes I am still shocked. You all are so strong, thanks for sharing your stories.
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    lizzie17 said:

    After I was first married (about 28 years ago) I would randomly get the thought that one day I would have breast cancer. Never did I imagine the surgery that came with it though. The year I was diagnosed, 2 mammograms, a biopsy and an MRI, I have to admit I was shocked!! Invasive, and pretty widespread, and agressive cell. It has been 24 months and sometimes I am still shocked. You all are so strong, thanks for sharing your stories.

    I had been having mamos for nearly twenty years and never, ever gave them a second thought......I had my yearly one in Jan of 2008. I was sitting in the room waiting for the all clear to leave and I had this terrible feeling just wash over me that something was terribly wrong - it was just plain weird and I had that feeling in the weeks ahead till I was dx. My husband kept telling me I was fine but I just knew I wasn't. I think the only thing that keeps me going when I have my yearly mamos now is that if I don't get the "feeling" I had, then it will be OK.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    I had been having mamos for nearly twenty years and never, ever gave them a second thought......I had my yearly one in Jan of 2008. I was sitting in the room waiting for the all clear to leave and I had this terrible feeling just wash over me that something was terribly wrong - it was just plain weird and I had that feeling in the weeks ahead till I was dx. My husband kept telling me I was fine but I just knew I wasn't. I think the only thing that keeps me going when I have my yearly mamos now is that if I don't get the "feeling" I had, then it will be OK.

    well, yes and no
    My mother died of breast cancer so it was always on my mind, but here's the real story: Three years ago my friend died of breast cancer and before she did we decided on a predetermined sign, something for her to send me from heaven so that I'd know it was her. She said she'd send me a dove. I said, well, how will I know it's you? She said, fine, I'll send you a butt load of doves. For two years, nothing. Last fall, I kid you not, a veritable butt load of doves!!!! On Summit Avenue, no less. I mean, hundreds and hundreds of doves as my husband and I took our morning walk. Two months later, my diagnosis. I kinda think she was preparing me.

    Now when I see a dove, I tell her hey, not yet:)

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    aisling8 said:

    well, yes and no
    My mother died of breast cancer so it was always on my mind, but here's the real story: Three years ago my friend died of breast cancer and before she did we decided on a predetermined sign, something for her to send me from heaven so that I'd know it was her. She said she'd send me a dove. I said, well, how will I know it's you? She said, fine, I'll send you a butt load of doves. For two years, nothing. Last fall, I kid you not, a veritable butt load of doves!!!! On Summit Avenue, no less. I mean, hundreds and hundreds of doves as my husband and I took our morning walk. Two months later, my diagnosis. I kinda think she was preparing me.

    Now when I see a dove, I tell her hey, not yet:)


    wow, Victoria..gave me the
    wow, Victoria..gave me the goosebumps.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    aisling8 said:

    well, yes and no
    My mother died of breast cancer so it was always on my mind, but here's the real story: Three years ago my friend died of breast cancer and before she did we decided on a predetermined sign, something for her to send me from heaven so that I'd know it was her. She said she'd send me a dove. I said, well, how will I know it's you? She said, fine, I'll send you a butt load of doves. For two years, nothing. Last fall, I kid you not, a veritable butt load of doves!!!! On Summit Avenue, no less. I mean, hundreds and hundreds of doves as my husband and I took our morning walk. Two months later, my diagnosis. I kinda think she was preparing me.

    Now when I see a dove, I tell her hey, not yet:)


    wow, Victoria..gave me the
    wow, Victoria..gave me the goosebumps.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    meena1 said:

    wow, Victoria..gave me the
    wow, Victoria..gave me the goosebumps.

    I went thru physical
    I went thru physical changes. My hair was dry and brittle, skin very dry, my bottom tooth started to turn brown. I felt like I wasn't getting enough nutrition in my body. I became very tired as if something was zapping my energy. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking,"if I didn't know better I would think I had cancer." A few weeks later I started to feel really good. I had so much energy. Then a knot popped up on my breast, and now I'm here. I knew something was wrong, but never would have thought cancer.

    What little hair I have is soft, skin is moist, and my tooth is white again.