Preparing for Chemo

Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm scheduled to start 1st of 4, every three weeks, chemo on July 1. Going to chemo school on 6/24.

Trying to get my ducks in a row to prepare myself. Emotionally A-OK...just want to get started.

Got my wig ready, had a problem tooth pulled yesterday, and am making a list of foods you ladies recommended. Gonna clean my bedroom and get a really nice set of sheets. Anything else you can think of to get ready?

Anything else?

I love this guys are the best.



  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    What a great attitude you have!
    and the attitude is 90% of the preparation. Soft jammies and slippers were nice, since I stayed in them quite a bit. A couple good old movies to watch. I hated company, so you might want to warn your friends and family. I kicked my mother in law and nephew out one day because I just wanted to lay in agony all alone and they held a grudge for a while.
    You might want to have someone to help you in keeping people away.
    Good luck and God bless.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hi Cindy!
    You've certainly got one thing you'll need...a positive attitude!

    I was really active during Chemo. I worked through it scheduling my "every 3 week session" on a Tuesday since my bad days were Friday/Saturday. Apparently, it takes about 2-3 days for the effects to settle in so plan on those days just chilling out and resting. Come Sunday, I was feeling better and back to work on Monday.

    You'll get your groove learning how your body adjusts and reacts.

    Food will not taste like the tastes you're used to but it'll go back to normal when you're finished.

    Get yourself Biotene mouth wash and funny moves to laugh...random stuff but helpful.

    You'll do fine...just keep that positive attitude!

    Blessings and hugs your way...

  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    I jsut had my 1st treatment last Friday ****
    and this is how it went for me. That Friday afternoon and evening I felt great. I cleaned and was feeling normal. Saturday I felt the same - great! no side effects nothing. Sunday came and so did the exhaustion. I felt like doing nothing. It was Fathers day and I felt so sad that I didn't participate in the BBQ and stuff. But my family was great. I just sat at the pool all day with the family. Monday - I did manage to get to work - still very tired - not sleepy not just exhausted. Walking to the bathroom took all I had. I went home after work and went to bed. My wonderful hubby cooked and cleaned for me. Today, still exhaused but feeling better as this day is passing. My Dr. said I should feel better each day. Friday I see him for blood test. Everyone tells me that the first treatment isn't so bad and for me, they are right. My next treatment is July 9th - we shall see how that goes. Good luck to you - I will be praying for you. :)

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    new2me said:

    I jsut had my 1st treatment last Friday ****
    and this is how it went for me. That Friday afternoon and evening I felt great. I cleaned and was feeling normal. Saturday I felt the same - great! no side effects nothing. Sunday came and so did the exhaustion. I felt like doing nothing. It was Fathers day and I felt so sad that I didn't participate in the BBQ and stuff. But my family was great. I just sat at the pool all day with the family. Monday - I did manage to get to work - still very tired - not sleepy not just exhausted. Walking to the bathroom took all I had. I went home after work and went to bed. My wonderful hubby cooked and cleaned for me. Today, still exhaused but feeling better as this day is passing. My Dr. said I should feel better each day. Friday I see him for blood test. Everyone tells me that the first treatment isn't so bad and for me, they are right. My next treatment is July 9th - we shall see how that goes. Good luck to you - I will be praying for you. :)


    I didn't have chemo Snow
    I didn't have chemo Snow kitty, but, want to wish you good luck with chemo.

    So many on here have and will post info for you!

    Hugs, Debby
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Chemo Bag
    Pack a bag, with a blanket, you get really cold during treatment.
    I was surprised how long I was there 11 till 3.30 pm, so be prepared.
    And take gum or lemon drops, you get a really bad taste in your mouth.
    One last thing of course - Entertainment. Books, music, cards - good
    way to meet other patients.

    My bag is always ready so I just grab it and go.

    Oh Yeah, short hair cut - it really is less traumatic when you loose
    your short hair!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    sea60 said:

    Hi Cindy!
    You've certainly got one thing you'll need...a positive attitude!

    I was really active during Chemo. I worked through it scheduling my "every 3 week session" on a Tuesday since my bad days were Friday/Saturday. Apparently, it takes about 2-3 days for the effects to settle in so plan on those days just chilling out and resting. Come Sunday, I was feeling better and back to work on Monday.

    You'll get your groove learning how your body adjusts and reacts.

    Food will not taste like the tastes you're used to but it'll go back to normal when you're finished.

    Get yourself Biotene mouth wash and funny moves to laugh...random stuff but helpful.

    You'll do fine...just keep that positive attitude!

    Blessings and hugs your way...


    You really do have a great
    You really do have a great attitude! That is so important in fighting bc with any treatment.

    Good luck to you and stay positive!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Mama G said:

    What a great attitude you have!
    and the attitude is 90% of the preparation. Soft jammies and slippers were nice, since I stayed in them quite a bit. A couple good old movies to watch. I hated company, so you might want to warn your friends and family. I kicked my mother in law and nephew out one day because I just wanted to lay in agony all alone and they held a grudge for a while.
    You might want to have someone to help you in keeping people away.
    Good luck and God bless.

    Good luck to you on chemo!

    Good luck to you on chemo!
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Good luck
    The worst part for me was the hair loss. I wasn't afraid to start chemo, I wanted it over with, too. There were some bad days, but just rest, it will pass. As for housework, it was only the basics.
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    laurissa said:

    Good luck
    The worst part for me was the hair loss. I wasn't afraid to start chemo, I wanted it over with, too. There were some bad days, but just rest, it will pass. As for housework, it was only the basics.

    I'm amazed at how many of
    I'm amazed at how many of you continued to work during chemotherapy. I have my first cycle next Monday, but my onc suggested I be 'very flexible' during this time, at least until we see how well I tolerate the cocktail. She took me off work.

    Were any of you unable to work? Just wondering what to expect. At this point I haven't returned to work since my BLM.


  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member

    I'm amazed at how many of
    I'm amazed at how many of you continued to work during chemotherapy. I have my first cycle next Monday, but my onc suggested I be 'very flexible' during this time, at least until we see how well I tolerate the cocktail. She took me off work.

    Were any of you unable to work? Just wondering what to expect. At this point I haven't returned to work since my BLM.



    Same Schedule
    I had the same type of schedule you have mentioned. The first chemo I slumped on the 3rd day but got it together and went to work on Monday. My legs is what gave me the most problem. I had all my chemo's on Fri. so I could go back to work on Mondays. What a mistake that was. I really needed to take a few days off after each chemo but didn't. By the 4th chemo I was off my feet for about 4 days. Each one catches up with you quicker and lasts a bit longer. Let folks know in advance you would be up to much company. One person checking on you, keeping cold food supplies handy, etc. You have the can do attitude which is great. Hang in there, making love to the toilet isn't too awfully bad, on occasion.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Same Schedule
    I had the same type of schedule you have mentioned. The first chemo I slumped on the 3rd day but got it together and went to work on Monday. My legs is what gave me the most problem. I had all my chemo's on Fri. so I could go back to work on Mondays. What a mistake that was. I really needed to take a few days off after each chemo but didn't. By the 4th chemo I was off my feet for about 4 days. Each one catches up with you quicker and lasts a bit longer. Let folks know in advance you would be up to much company. One person checking on you, keeping cold food supplies handy, etc. You have the can do attitude which is great. Hang in there, making love to the toilet isn't too awfully bad, on occasion.

    I could not work have been
    I could not work have been on disability. I also got very cold, I thought aboout bring a snuggy in, I bought myself a pretty chemo bag, and put my stuff in it. Mostly I just listened to my Ipod it helped to block out was going on around me(people didnt talk to each other)and slept. My husband read. We just wanted to chill.
    I waited to see what was going to affect me, and what food I would like, and then we stocked up on them. but make sure you have varied froms of things to keep you hydrated.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    I love your positive
    I love your positive attitude too! I think I have kept a positive one also. My treatment schedule has been the same as yours. My last treatment is July 2nd. All the suggestions you have recieved have been great, reading material, movies etc. I have a bag that I keep packed too and I take my laptop with me to each trt. and some snacks. Remember to drink lots and lots of water. I have not been sick at all just tired but I have also managed to keep working. My trt. are on Fridays with the 1st one Sun. was the worst day the last 2 it has been Mon. or Tues. I was also anxious to get started because then you are one step closer to being done!! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    I love your positive
    I love your positive attitude too! I think I have kept a positive one also. My treatment schedule has been the same as yours. My last treatment is July 2nd. All the suggestions you have recieved have been great, reading material, movies etc. I have a bag that I keep packed too and I take my laptop with me to each trt. and some snacks. Remember to drink lots and lots of water. I have not been sick at all just tired but I have also managed to keep working. My trt. are on Fridays with the 1st one Sun. was the worst day the last 2 it has been Mon. or Tues. I was also anxious to get started because then you are one step closer to being done!! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I did not work
    I was on disability and believe it was right decision for me. My occupation related to potential bacterial infection and my doc advised me stay off .
    Good luck with Chemo. Wishing you minimal side effects
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I haven't
    I haven't started chemo yet. Like before surgery I'm gathering all the info I can. All of you have so much information and suggestions. It's wonderful. I'm feeling prepared. I'm 61 and have been post menopausal for 11 years. I'm always warm and continue to get hot flashes. I don't remember my sister getting cold but I do remember my sister-in-law wearing long johns, tights, flannel shirts, etc when it was 90 deg outside. I'm wondering whether I'll get cold at all???????
  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    Everyone has given you great advice. I would add drink plenty of water. I'm trying to drink a gallon a day especially the day before and 2-3 days after. This helps flush the drugs out of your kidneys. Also in addition to the biotene mouthwash I use the toothpaste too. I'm good til the 3rd-4th day. After I get the Neulasta(for white blood count) shot I'm down for 3-4 days. I did work but I took those days after the shot to recooperate. You do what is right for you but don't push yourself. If you can work then work but if not don't. Your taste will improve and be almost back to normal in time for your next treatmen. I hate that part. I hope all goes well and it will be over soon. My last chemo is July 16th and I can't wait. I thought it would take forever but it is faster than I thought it would be. Nice not having hair this summer much cooler. Keep a sense of humor too. I told some friend that now I could get a rose bud tattoo on my new boobs because it won't turn into a long stem rose.
  • The front door to my house has a wreath...
    and in that I placed a nicely framed, and apparently quite noticeable, "Do not disturb" sign that includes a picture of a person in bed. I have had it up since my first day of chemotherapy and it works.

    I'm leaving it up until I have decided I want realtors, tree trimmers, and magazine salesmen to shatter my calm again.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295

    The front door to my house has a wreath...
    and in that I placed a nicely framed, and apparently quite noticeable, "Do not disturb" sign that includes a picture of a person in bed. I have had it up since my first day of chemotherapy and it works.

    I'm leaving it up until I have decided I want realtors, tree trimmers, and magazine salesmen to shatter my calm again.

    That is a great idea. Every
    That is a great idea. Every day after work I try to take a little nap while watching the news and 95% of the time, somebody is knocking, trying to sell windows, candy, etc.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    I had my first chemo this past Wednesday
    And to be honest with you all, it wasn't so bad. I did feel sick on Friday around noon but it passed within 15 minutes. I sat in front of a cool fan with a wet washcloth to my face and that took care of it, when I stood up I felt fine, then I brushed my teeth and I am really doing okay for the most part. I am getting Cytoxan and Taxotere, 1 every 3 weeks. My legs do ache from that neuropathy stuff but all n all it's not so bad.

    Love Ronda
  • I remembered something today...
    after thinking back all those many months ago when I started my TAC every 3 weeks regiment.

    1. Sleep. I had a difficult time relaxing after chemo treatments although my body was absolutely beat. My oncologist suggested over the counter Benadryl as they had given that to me during the first two courses to avoid any allergic reactions. It helped considerably. I recall after my second chemo being on my patio to water plants and a couple of hours later I had pressure washed the patio furniture. The nurses assured me the steroids caused that.

    2. The "push". The final infusion during each of my chemo sessions included some damned red chemo drug be manually pushed into my port by the nurse whilst sucking on ice chips...the ice chips were to prevent me from developing mouth sores during the process, but I was to be aware that mouth sores could develop after...and they seem to if I indulged myself with something sweet. These were easily treated with my swabbing the area with a hydrogen peroxide Q-tip and by the end of 6 TAC treatments I just learned to stay away from the sweet stuff and I no longer had to deal with sores.

    Best wishes
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Snowkitty said:

    That is a great idea. Every
    That is a great idea. Every day after work I try to take a little nap while watching the news and 95% of the time, somebody is knocking, trying to sell windows, candy, etc.


    Sending you good wishes and
    Sending you good wishes and good luck with your chemo snowkitty!

    Sue :)