Another Update and Another Setback, Kinda!

Sunrae Member Posts: 808
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My hands are clearing up slowly from the skin infection as a side effect of the Taxotere. After seeing the onc this past Tues. it was decided to keep me on Taxotere/Cytoxan but my dose has been reduced again and I'll have 2 chemo treatments on a weekly schedule and then off one week, in hopes that the skin infection doesn't come back. This prolongs my chemo treatments but if it saves me some grief, then it'll be worth it. Just have to play it by ear. Another problem has come up in the last few days. Lymphadema has set in my right arm, same side as my masectomy. I had to go to a specialist yesterday, and she will be starting therapy tomorrow. I have to go be fitted tomorrow for a compression sleeve so I can be wearing that. I think it's going to be very warm to have to wear in the summertime, so I'm not looking forward to it. Anyone have any experience with lymphadema you would share with me. I have 7 more chemo treatments and it seems like it's just dragging out. I'm starting to feel very worn down and hope nothing else comes at me during the meantime. Sorry to be such a pitiful mess and loading on all of you with your problems but you're the only ones who understand what its like to go thru all this. Just feeling bad today but tomorrow should be a better day. Love you all and hope things are going well for you.


  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    Hi Sunrae
    So sorry your chemo treatments are being extended, but hopefully that will clear up the hand issue. It must have been so painful!

    Oh gosh, now lymphedema to boot! You really deserve a break here! My goodness, how much can one person take??

    Hope you do well on your new chemo plan and the lymphedema is manageable. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

    Blessings to you,

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    You are by no means a
    You are by no means a "pitiful mess"~ you are a sister, a warrior, a fighter, but a weary one at the moment! With good cause, I might add!

    I am so happy to know that your hands are clearing up ~ as you said, reduction in dosage does extend the treatment, but it will be so very worth it if it does the trick with no further complications!

    I know some of the Kindred Spirits have experience with lymphedema; I am sure they will give you the advice you need!

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Sunrae, it sounds like a
    Sunrae, it sounds like a good news, bad news situation. But, at least you are continuing on with treatments and getting ever so close to the finish line. I have no experience with lymphadema but I know several of our sisters have posted on this before. I'm wishing for a great day tomorrow and for all the tomorrow's after that!! Take care of yourself and let us know how you are fairing. Sending ((((hugs)))) your way.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    To us you do not sound like
    To us you do not sound like a pitiful mess- you sound like someone showing immense courage in the face of some daunting challenges. Tomorrow WILL be better. You are an inspiration to many of us, newbies and oldies alike. I'm sending warm thoughts and prayers that your lymphedema is easily controlled and that the light at the end of the tunnel shines brightly. (I have a sleeve and now that I'm used to it, my arm feels "safer" when I wear it.) xoxoxox Lynn
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Sunrae -
    So sorry that you are having another problem - you are not pitiful at all - you have good reason to be worn down. As the others said, good news/bad news but I am glad that they have found another option that will hopefully get you through the chemo. I haven't dealt with then lymphadema - just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and hope this new course of treatment is easier for you!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Sunrae -
    So sorry that you are having another problem - you are not pitiful at all - you have good reason to be worn down. As the others said, good news/bad news but I am glad that they have found another option that will hopefully get you through the chemo. I haven't dealt with then lymphadema - just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and hope this new course of treatment is easier for you!


    So sorry Sunrae. But, it is
    So sorry Sunrae. But, it is good that your hands are clearing up. I am happy for that. You have been thru so much already. Here's praying that the rest of your chemo goes easily for you!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Kylez said:

    So sorry Sunrae. But, it is
    So sorry Sunrae. But, it is good that your hands are clearing up. I am happy for that. You have been thru so much already. Here's praying that the rest of your chemo goes easily for you!

    KYLEZ ♥

    I am glad to hear from you. It is good that you feel better and can continue with Chemo. I do have lymphedema and have been wearing sleeve all the time. Sleeve helps if it is a correct size. You can write me a PM with specific question. You need avoid temperature above 85F, no hot tubs as well. i am taking showers only at very moderate temperature. Please keep posted.
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Sending hugs, Sunrae! You
    Sending hugs, Sunrae! You have amazing strength, and I'm cheering you on!
    Love, Jan
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    JanInMN said:

    Sending hugs, Sunrae! You
    Sending hugs, Sunrae! You have amazing strength, and I'm cheering you on!
    Love, Jan

    ♥ Sweet Smiling Sunrae ♥

    You are by no means pitiful, so, just forget that word. Ok? You are our bc sister in pink fighting this horrid disease and having a rough time with the treatments.

    I am so glad to read that your infection has cleared up on your hands. I hope it stays away. I will do a "Stay Away" dance for you. Ok?

    And, very sorry to know that your chemo treatments will be longer, but, there is an end Sunrae... there is an end. Just focus on how far you have come and how proud we all are of you for going thru so much.

    I am sorry about the lymphedema. I was fortunate that I never got it with either of my 2 times of breast cancer. I know so many on here do fight it. And, I know they will chime in with help for you.

    Please know Sweet Sunrae that I am thinking of you and sending you a very big hug that I hope reaches you. I will be holding that flashlight for you at the end with a big bouquet of pink roses to celebrate your finishing chemo.

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    ♥ Sweet Smiling Sunrae ♥

    You are by no means pitiful, so, just forget that word. Ok? You are our bc sister in pink fighting this horrid disease and having a rough time with the treatments.

    I am so glad to read that your infection has cleared up on your hands. I hope it stays away. I will do a "Stay Away" dance for you. Ok?

    And, very sorry to know that your chemo treatments will be longer, but, there is an end Sunrae... there is an end. Just focus on how far you have come and how proud we all are of you for going thru so much.

    I am sorry about the lymphedema. I was fortunate that I never got it with either of my 2 times of breast cancer. I know so many on here do fight it. And, I know they will chime in with help for you.

    Please know Sweet Sunrae that I am thinking of you and sending you a very big hug that I hope reaches you. I will be holding that flashlight for you at the end with a big bouquet of pink roses to celebrate your finishing chemo.

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    awwww Sunrae
    You have so much on your plate, I so wish things could turn around for you, try to find something positive about all of this. I think you're a strong woman that's been through hell and you're finding your way back, you hang on tight, you will get through this!

    Stay strong, Be happy

    Love Ronda
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    awwww Sunrae
    You have so much on your plate, I so wish things could turn around for you, try to find something positive about all of this. I think you're a strong woman that's been through hell and you're finding your way back, you hang on tight, you will get through this!

    Stay strong, Be happy

    Love Ronda

    Sunrae you are never a pain.
    Sunrae you are never a pain. I feel so frustrated for you that this process with all the other health problems is so prolonged. YOU have soldiered on with so much grace and resiliency. We will be surely cheering you on at the end of this cancer therapy road. Like the little engine that could. I think I can , I think I CAN. keep us updated.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    carkris said:

    Sunrae you are never a pain.
    Sunrae you are never a pain. I feel so frustrated for you that this process with all the other health problems is so prolonged. YOU have soldiered on with so much grace and resiliency. We will be surely cheering you on at the end of this cancer therapy road. Like the little engine that could. I think I can , I think I CAN. keep us updated.

    So sorry Sunrae that your
    So sorry Sunrae that your chemo plan has been changed. Good news though about the infection clearing up. I will keep praying for you!

    Hugs, Megan
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Megan M said:

    So sorry Sunrae that your
    So sorry Sunrae that your chemo plan has been changed. Good news though about the infection clearing up. I will keep praying for you!

    Hugs, Megan

    SunraeYou are not a mess,
    You are not a mess, you are one tuff cookie. Geeezzzz lady you have endured so much. You will come thru this. Peace and joy be in you, cus we all know you have the strength and courage.
    One big hug 2 u
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    SunraeYou are not a mess,
    You are not a mess, you are one tuff cookie. Geeezzzz lady you have endured so much. You will come thru this. Peace and joy be in you, cus we all know you have the strength and courage.
    One big hug 2 u

    Jennifer is right, you are
    Jennifer is right, you are one tough cookie! Sending you positive thoughts and strength to endure chemo. The finish line is in sight!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Sunrae, it sounds like a
    Sunrae, it sounds like a good news, bad news situation. But, at least you are continuing on with treatments and getting ever so close to the finish line. I have no experience with lymphadema but I know several of our sisters have posted on this before. I'm wishing for a great day tomorrow and for all the tomorrow's after that!! Take care of yourself and let us know how you are fairing. Sending ((((hugs)))) your way.

    So glad that your hands are
    So glad that your hands are clearing up. I am happy to read that your chemo treatments will continue and I pray that you will tolerate them better. Take care Sunrae!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    lynn1950 said:

    To us you do not sound like
    To us you do not sound like a pitiful mess- you sound like someone showing immense courage in the face of some daunting challenges. Tomorrow WILL be better. You are an inspiration to many of us, newbies and oldies alike. I'm sending warm thoughts and prayers that your lymphedema is easily controlled and that the light at the end of the tunnel shines brightly. (I have a sleeve and now that I'm used to it, my arm feels "safer" when I wear it.) xoxoxox Lynn

    You have had way more to
    You have had way more to deal with than anyone should have to. I am sending you lots of hugs and prayers. I don't know anything about lymphedema, but, so many here do.

    Wishing you good luck!
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    DebbyM said:

    Jennifer is right, you are
    Jennifer is right, you are one tough cookie! Sending you positive thoughts and strength to endure chemo. The finish line is in sight!


    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and support. Most of the time I do think of myself as one tough cookie but today after lymphadema treatment I feel like the cookie has crumbled. There's so much to learn on what to do myself as far as lymphadema treatment and I'm still fighting the effects of the chemo treatment this week. It just has me all wrung out and I don't feel like I have much left at this point. I will have to go 3 times a week for the lymphadema treatments, one day for chemo, and do all the massage and exercises each day and wear the compression sleeve every day. I hate it when I whine like this, I sound like such a baby. I know each of you have fought your battles bravely and are winning them each day and that's what inspires me to continue on. You are all so courageous and supportive and I know with your help we can all get thru this. I just feel so bad that I'm not the cheerleader that I want to be but I hope that soon I can get past this feeling and get back out there cheering all of you along your journey. Please know that I care about each one of you and hope to be back posting and keeping up with all of you. Looking toward the finish line for each one of us. Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure will be running tomorrow here in St. Louis with about 70,000 strong beautiful people out there running for each one of us. Now that's inspiring and I hope to be able to do that next year. Thanks to all of you who have been able to participate in events all around the country. You're making a difference.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and support. Most of the time I do think of myself as one tough cookie but today after lymphadema treatment I feel like the cookie has crumbled. There's so much to learn on what to do myself as far as lymphadema treatment and I'm still fighting the effects of the chemo treatment this week. It just has me all wrung out and I don't feel like I have much left at this point. I will have to go 3 times a week for the lymphadema treatments, one day for chemo, and do all the massage and exercises each day and wear the compression sleeve every day. I hate it when I whine like this, I sound like such a baby. I know each of you have fought your battles bravely and are winning them each day and that's what inspires me to continue on. You are all so courageous and supportive and I know with your help we can all get thru this. I just feel so bad that I'm not the cheerleader that I want to be but I hope that soon I can get past this feeling and get back out there cheering all of you along your journey. Please know that I care about each one of you and hope to be back posting and keeping up with all of you. Looking toward the finish line for each one of us. Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure will be running tomorrow here in St. Louis with about 70,000 strong beautiful people out there running for each one of us. Now that's inspiring and I hope to be able to do that next year. Thanks to all of you who have been able to participate in events all around the country. You're making a difference.

    Hoping that you get along ok
    Hoping that you get along ok with lymphedema Sunrae. There are a lot of bc survivors on here that have so much info that can help you. I am glad to see you updating us. We worry about you.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and support. Most of the time I do think of myself as one tough cookie but today after lymphadema treatment I feel like the cookie has crumbled. There's so much to learn on what to do myself as far as lymphadema treatment and I'm still fighting the effects of the chemo treatment this week. It just has me all wrung out and I don't feel like I have much left at this point. I will have to go 3 times a week for the lymphadema treatments, one day for chemo, and do all the massage and exercises each day and wear the compression sleeve every day. I hate it when I whine like this, I sound like such a baby. I know each of you have fought your battles bravely and are winning them each day and that's what inspires me to continue on. You are all so courageous and supportive and I know with your help we can all get thru this. I just feel so bad that I'm not the cheerleader that I want to be but I hope that soon I can get past this feeling and get back out there cheering all of you along your journey. Please know that I care about each one of you and hope to be back posting and keeping up with all of you. Looking toward the finish line for each one of us. Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure will be running tomorrow here in St. Louis with about 70,000 strong beautiful people out there running for each one of us. Now that's inspiring and I hope to be able to do that next year. Thanks to all of you who have been able to participate in events all around the country. You're making a difference.

    Dear Sunrae
    do not worry, you will learn how to take care of arm and hand and keep lymphedema under control. Yes, sounds like a full-time job. I spend on average 1.5 hours a day for lymphedema. I guess I accepted it and still hope it will normalized. Just keep trying. As for Chemo, I am sure you will be able to complete treatments.
    Wishing you minimal side effects and easy Chemo treatment.
    New Flower
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    awwww Sunrae
    You have so much on your plate, I so wish things could turn around for you, try to find something positive about all of this. I think you're a strong woman that's been through hell and you're finding your way back, you hang on tight, you will get through this!

    Stay strong, Be happy

    Love Ronda

    You are not to be pitied and
    You are not to be pitied and you are not a mess. You are a woman fighting for her life with bc. This board is for you to vent. It is for you to get support and help if you need it. So, please continue to tell us how you are doing and what you are doing Sunrae. You will get thru chemo and rads, with all of us holding your hand.

    Sue :)