My cancer is back......been here so long



  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    meena1 said:

    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...

    My Heart Aches for You

    My heart is acheing for you and tears are whelling up. If I could reach out and relieve your pain I would. When you feel a soft breaze touch your face it will be the waves of prayers coming you way from all of us. Please keep us up dated. Kathryn
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    carkris said:

    Meena, sorry about this turn
    Meena, sorry about this turn of events. yes you know the score and you can fight! and you will, we will hold your hand and never be afraid to ask for help, you have helped so many others and deserve support. prayers!

    Meena, I am so sorry to read
    Meena, I am so sorry to read this news. You can and will fight the beast again! And, we will all help and support you.

    Praying for you, Megan
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so sorry to hear what
    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Do not worry about scaring others. This board is here for all of us, especially you! Also, I think it is very helpful to encourage others to trust their instincts and push for follow up. My cancer metastasis was diagnosed 2009 after me already knowing something was very wrong with my ribs since 2005. Finally, a biopsy confirmed what I already knew--my original tumor had metastasized and was the cause of the broken ribs in 2005. I am praying and sending healing vibes your way. Please keep in touch and thank you so much for sharing.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi meena
    I'm sure it's scary and devastating to go through more treatment. Prayers are with you.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    "I don't wanna work, I just want to bang on me drum all day"
    Good for you, Meena -- I know you're all-too-familiar with the difficulties of treatment that are coming up, but make sure not to forget to enjoy life -- bang on that drum all day, and, when you get tired of that, have some pizza and Ben & Jerry's!

    Let us know how we can help you though this -- you know we're all here for you.


    Traci, you always have a way
    Traci, you always have a way to make everything seem ok.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hi meena
    I'm sure it's scary and devastating to go through more treatment. Prayers are with you.

    So sorry Meena
    Being scared, unfortunately, goes with getting the diagnosis of bc. Hearing that news twice is unimaginable. But Meena, there are so many on here that have fought it more than once, Re, Jeanne D, carkris and others. You blast the beast with everything you can and you will slay it again! Praying for you and sending you positive thoughts!

    ♥ Noel
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    lynn1950 said:

    Meena, Your name feels like
    Meena, Your name feels like an old friend to me and I am so sorry for your news. I know you are very disappointed and that you have a fight ahead of you. We are here for you all the way. You can do it! xoxoxo Lynn

    Big hugs and lots of prayers
    Big hugs and lots of prayers coming your way Meena from me!

    Hugs, Angie
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Sunrae said:

    Dear Meena, I too am sorry
    Dear Meena, I too am sorry to hear your latest news. You have been such a positive influence for me and helped me by your comments during some of my rough times. I think you are so strong and courageous and I know you will find the strength to battle this beast once again and this time once and for all get it out of your system. Pain can make us lose our focus and takes our strength so my prayer is that you get relief from the pain quickly and then you can marshall the forces you need to beat this beast. We're here for you and hope you feel the love coming thru our posts to you. Our thoughts and prayers are being lifted up for you. Take care, brave heart.

    So sorry Meena. This is
    So sorry Meena. This is just so not right. You are always so strong and positive that I pray you will continue that determined attitude. Take care and I will be praying for you!

  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    Meena, im so sorry to hear
    Meena, im so sorry to hear of your recurrence of breast cancer and will be here for you along with all of your supporters here in the CSN comminity. The outpour of support from so many caring members here over the last 3 days is very moving and I know all this compassion will provide you with strength and unconditional support. Your message to others reading your post is important as the power of sharing experiences and information can only benefit someone to listen to their body. We will walk along side of you every step of the way. Your a fighter, smart, and your energy is contagious. Hugs Meena

    Heart of Soul
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Meena, im so sorry to hear
    Meena, im so sorry to hear of your recurrence of breast cancer and will be here for you along with all of your supporters here in the CSN comminity. The outpour of support from so many caring members here over the last 3 days is very moving and I know all this compassion will provide you with strength and unconditional support. Your message to others reading your post is important as the power of sharing experiences and information can only benefit someone to listen to their body. We will walk along side of you every step of the way. Your a fighter, smart, and your energy is contagious. Hugs Meena

    Heart of Soul

    I am sorry Meena that you
    I am sorry Meena that you have had this recurrence. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I am sending you prayers and know that I, along with the others here, are here to support you thru this.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    meena1 said:

    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...

    So glad that reading all of
    So glad that reading all of the support and encouraging posts make you feel better Meena.

    Sue :)
  • Pattyb1
    Pattyb1 Member Posts: 1
    DebbyM said:

    I am sorry Meena that you
    I am sorry Meena that you have had this recurrence. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I am sending you prayers and know that I, along with the others here, are here to support you thru this.

    Hugs, Debby

    Hi Meena
    Meena, I just signed on for the first time ever and your post caught my eye.
    I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March of '09. i
    In april had a complete mascectomy, including 23 lymph nodes, did chemo from may thru october, chose not to do radiation and was just told i have the start of breast cancer in my other breast! I don't know who I am more upset with, my Dr or myself for not Demanding follow up tests! To this day I have never had a CAT Scan. No more blood work since October.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you only the very best! To Great Health! Patty
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Pattyb1 said:

    Hi Meena
    Meena, I just signed on for the first time ever and your post caught my eye.
    I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March of '09. i
    In april had a complete mascectomy, including 23 lymph nodes, did chemo from may thru october, chose not to do radiation and was just told i have the start of breast cancer in my other breast! I don't know who I am more upset with, my Dr or myself for not Demanding follow up tests! To this day I have never had a CAT Scan. No more blood work since October.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you only the very best! To Great Health! Patty

    Pattyb1, I am so sorry that
    Pattyb1, I am so sorry that you have breast cancer in your other breast. Maybe this would not have been caught earlier. There are so many "what ifs" with cancer. Oh, I am so sorry you have to go thru this again. Do you know what your treatment plan will be? I will be starting chemo again tomorrow. I am not scared this time, I did not do too bad last time. I see this was your firs post, keep reading and posting. I have been here for awhile, i am tired this time. take care and insist on testing.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    meena1 said:

    Pattyb1, I am so sorry that
    Pattyb1, I am so sorry that you have breast cancer in your other breast. Maybe this would not have been caught earlier. There are so many "what ifs" with cancer. Oh, I am so sorry you have to go thru this again. Do you know what your treatment plan will be? I will be starting chemo again tomorrow. I am not scared this time, I did not do too bad last time. I see this was your firs post, keep reading and posting. I have been here for awhile, i am tired this time. take care and insist on testing.

    Good luck with chemo
    Good luck with chemo tomorrow meena!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you again for such
    Thank you again for such kind words! I am on disability from work, and yesterday was wonderful! I feel better knowing that i do not have to deal with that everyday is a relief. Thinking of the song "I don't have to work, i just want to bang on my drum all day"! Yeah. I guess i will be here with all my chemo woes. I love you ladies, stay strong.

    I am so glad that you are on
    I am so glad that you are on disability now Meena. You need to just concentrate on your treatments and getting well!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    meena1 said:

    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...

    Praying and sending you
    Praying and sending you hugs!
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Keep Fighting
    Good words to remember: insist on more testing if you do not feel comfortable. I am so sorry to hear about your recurrence. I pray that your treatments are successful and that you will continue to fight the cancer. (I also had a recurrence 3 years later.) Stay with us and post your feelings, both the positive and the negative.

    I am sending you my strength, warmth, love, hugs, and kisses.

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    ladybug22 said:

    Hugs love and prayers comming your way MY SISTER IN PINK.

    I just read your other post
    I just read your other post Meena about your insurance. From one bc sister to another, you fight the beast with everything you have inside of you. There has to be a solution for your insurance to pay for your chemo. Please keep us updated on you!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    GenieM27 said:

    An Inspiration!
    Meena, so sorry to hear this news. I haven't been on this board for very long, but just that fact that your still posting is in inspiration to us all. Know that all of us on here for you supporting and loving you. You can do this! Remember we can only live a lives one day at a time. Hugs! Genie

    Meena, we are all here to
    Meena, we are all here to support you! Praying and sending you hugs!
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Keep Fighting
    Good words to remember: insist on more testing if you do not feel comfortable. I am so sorry to hear about your recurrence. I pray that your treatments are successful and that you will continue to fight the cancer. (I also had a recurrence 3 years later.) Stay with us and post your feelings, both the positive and the negative.

    I am sending you my strength, warmth, love, hugs, and kisses.


    So many recurrences lately
    So many recurrences lately on the board. It is so sad and so disheartening. I pray for all of you! I didn't know Janelle that you had one too. Praying that you are doing well now. How are you doing with Weight Watcher's Janelle? I must have missed your latest post.