My cancer is back......been here so long



  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Meena the Great
    Hi Meena,

    Man oh man, cancer is like a bad house guest that just keeps coming back. You cook, you clean, you even take a break after its gone but it just doesn't get the message! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this all over again. Plain and simple-it stinks.

    This time around though you know your way around. You won't feel like you're at everyone's mercy because you have no idea what you're doing and who to trust.

    Please keep posting so we can keep sending love and thoughts your way.

    I couldn't have gotten through this without my wonderful Invisible Sisters!

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you again for such
    Thank you again for such kind words! I am on disability from work, and yesterday was wonderful! I feel better knowing that i do not have to deal with that everyday is a relief. Thinking of the song "I don't have to work, i just want to bang on my drum all day"! Yeah. I guess i will be here with all my chemo woes. I love you ladies, stay strong.

    "I don't wanna work, I just want to bang on me drum all day"
    Good for you, Meena -- I know you're all-too-familiar with the difficulties of treatment that are coming up, but make sure not to forget to enjoy life -- bang on that drum all day, and, when you get tired of that, have some pizza and Ben & Jerry's!

    Let us know how we can help you though this -- you know we're all here for you.

  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393

    Meena the Great
    Hi Meena,

    Man oh man, cancer is like a bad house guest that just keeps coming back. You cook, you clean, you even take a break after its gone but it just doesn't get the message! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this all over again. Plain and simple-it stinks.

    This time around though you know your way around. You won't feel like you're at everyone's mercy because you have no idea what you're doing and who to trust.

    Please keep posting so we can keep sending love and thoughts your way.

    I couldn't have gotten through this without my wonderful Invisible Sisters!


    Meena you are in my prayers
    I am so sorry to hear of this recurrence but as so many others have said you are a very strong and courageous woman and you will get through this. Know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for all of us pink sisters on this network every night and know that God is present in all of our lives to carry us through this and heal our bodies from this disease. There is not one of us who does not worry about a recurrence and cannot imagine going through this all over again but to get through it we have to lean on God for His strength and peace because we do not have the strength alone within ourselves to deal with all that goes along with it. I hope and pray that the treatments will go well and that you will not have any of the bitter side effects from the chemo drugs. How many treatments did they say you need and what kind of chemo drugs are they going to use? Hang in there Meena and know we are here holding you up in prayer. God bless and heal your body In Jesus Name!!
    Love and warm hugs,
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    Balentine said:

    Meena you are in my prayers
    I am so sorry to hear of this recurrence but as so many others have said you are a very strong and courageous woman and you will get through this. Know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for all of us pink sisters on this network every night and know that God is present in all of our lives to carry us through this and heal our bodies from this disease. There is not one of us who does not worry about a recurrence and cannot imagine going through this all over again but to get through it we have to lean on God for His strength and peace because we do not have the strength alone within ourselves to deal with all that goes along with it. I hope and pray that the treatments will go well and that you will not have any of the bitter side effects from the chemo drugs. How many treatments did they say you need and what kind of chemo drugs are they going to use? Hang in there Meena and know we are here holding you up in prayer. God bless and heal your body In Jesus Name!!
    Love and warm hugs,

    I have not been around much lately, so don't know you well...but you will be in my heart for all the treatments to come. You are brave and knowledgable...and you know that a good outcome is VERy possible. I may not be on here much....but you will not be forgotten.
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Meena my heart is breaking....
    I am so sorry to hear the news. You are such a brave woman and your words are so encouraging to all the newbies as well as everyone on this board. Please know I'll be praying for you.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Don't know what to say.
    Don't know what to say. Sometimes stuff happens. In the end it will be ok. Hope they can get the pain under control soon. Sending big hugs.
  • marcine60
    marcine60 Member Posts: 3
    The return of cancer
    This is my first time on and you are the first person that I have emailed or read their post. I got on this because my daughter is fighting cancer. She is 38 with a 3.5 year old. I know she will beat it like a lot of my other friends over the year. But, my concern was the amount of chemo that they are giving her. It will not be in a vein but her chest cavity for more aggressiveness therapy.
    Regardless of this, I know you can beat it again. You beat it once, so why can't you do it again. You know the routine, as you said. It is just bothersome, huh? I have one friend particular, Kathy O., that got it twice and both times she beat it. Technology today is so outstanding then even a year ago. I am new at this, so please forgive me. Good luck to you. Sincerely
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    marcine60 said:

    The return of cancer
    This is my first time on and you are the first person that I have emailed or read their post. I got on this because my daughter is fighting cancer. She is 38 with a 3.5 year old. I know she will beat it like a lot of my other friends over the year. But, my concern was the amount of chemo that they are giving her. It will not be in a vein but her chest cavity for more aggressiveness therapy.
    Regardless of this, I know you can beat it again. You beat it once, so why can't you do it again. You know the routine, as you said. It is just bothersome, huh? I have one friend particular, Kathy O., that got it twice and both times she beat it. Technology today is so outstanding then even a year ago. I am new at this, so please forgive me. Good luck to you. Sincerely

    Meena my prayers are with you,
    I will pray for your strength and your courage, dear lady just give it all you've got, don't give up hope, you can conquer this and marcine60 your daughter will too!

    Love Ronda
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member

    Meena my prayers are with you,
    I will pray for your strength and your courage, dear lady just give it all you've got, don't give up hope, you can conquer this and marcine60 your daughter will too!

    Love Ronda

    Meena....I wish I had wonderful words of comfort,
    but really there are none. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.

    Pleasse keep us posted on your progress.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Skeezie said:

    Meena....I wish I had wonderful words of comfort,
    but really there are none. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.

    Pleasse keep us posted on your progress.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    We're with you, Meena
    Just close your eyes and feel all the cyber hands reaching out to you. Yes, we all fear what you are going through, but we all can be there for each other. My prayers will be with you through this 2nd battle. God, please watch over our dear Meena!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Meena I'm sooo sorry to hear
    Meena I'm sooo sorry to hear you are having to deal with this again. Yes you know the routine, we all know it, just wish you didnt have to revisit it. I'll keep you in my prayers and ask that you keep us updated. May God bless you, protect and keep you in His precious hands as you take this journey once again. Hugs and prayers to you dear Pink sister.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    So sorry
    It is all our fear, the return! I will say prayers for you and your family. I, too have an aggressive cancer. Just wondering, Did/do you have a port or did you have it removed? I know this is a stupid question at your time of trouble. People ask me when I'm geting rid of it and I tell them I'm keeping mine for a least 5 yrs.
    Good luck with your chemo and treatments. Please try not to be discouraged. You have been an inspiration to me and everyone else.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Katz77 said:

    So sorry
    It is all our fear, the return! I will say prayers for you and your family. I, too have an aggressive cancer. Just wondering, Did/do you have a port or did you have it removed? I know this is a stupid question at your time of trouble. People ask me when I'm geting rid of it and I tell them I'm keeping mine for a least 5 yrs.
    Good luck with your chemo and treatments. Please try not to be discouraged. You have been an inspiration to me and everyone else.

    Katz I'm keeping my port for as long as I can.
    My surgeon said there is no time limit as to when they have to come out. As long as nothing happens like infection, my port is here to stay. I have no veins to speak of and all my blood draws etc. go thru my port.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Skeezie said:

    Katz I'm keeping my port for as long as I can.
    My surgeon said there is no time limit as to when they have to come out. As long as nothing happens like infection, my port is here to stay. I have no veins to speak of and all my blood draws etc. go thru my port.

    I still have my port. I
    I still have my port. I have it for blood draws and i still get a treatment called Zometa through my port. Thank you all for your prayers.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Dear Meena,
    I was diagnose

    Dear Meena,

    I was diagnose with widespread pulmonary and pleural metastasis in July 2008 and I am still here. My CT and PET scan showed my lungs and pleura totally lighted up. They could have been neon signs for an advertisement. It also showed celiac nodes too.

    There are many women living well with metastasize breast cancer. So many cancers are not as fortunate as those with breast cancer, those with lung, pancreatic and etc. I knew a woman who was dx from the get go with lung, bone and liver and she lived 11 years with the disease. Lived well until a few years ago, when she finally retired as fatigue became a problem. 30% of women diagnose with breast cancer will have their cancer metastasize. I am not certain why you were afraid to post on cancer site. It's my first post on here and I needed to answer your post. To give you hope that there is life after hearing those words. "Your cancer has spread".

    I still work and though have slowed down, I am still alive, just now living with me metastatic breast cancer.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    meena1 said:

    I still have my port. I
    I still have my port. I have it for blood draws and i still get a treatment called Zometa through my port. Thank you all for your prayers.

    medical leave
    I am glad to hear that you have been taking medical leave from work and focus on your treatment and recovery.
    try to do something pleasant and enjoyable every day.
    sending positive thoughts and prayers to your way.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    meena1 said:

    I still have my port. I
    I still have my port. I have it for blood draws and i still get a treatment called Zometa through my port. Thank you all for your prayers.

    medical leave
    I am glad to hear that you have been taking medical leave from work and focus on your treatment and recovery.
    try to do something pleasant and enjoyable every day.
    sending positive thoughts and prayers to your way.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    SIROD said:

    Dear Meena,
    I was diagnose

    Dear Meena,

    I was diagnose with widespread pulmonary and pleural metastasis in July 2008 and I am still here. My CT and PET scan showed my lungs and pleura totally lighted up. They could have been neon signs for an advertisement. It also showed celiac nodes too.

    There are many women living well with metastasize breast cancer. So many cancers are not as fortunate as those with breast cancer, those with lung, pancreatic and etc. I knew a woman who was dx from the get go with lung, bone and liver and she lived 11 years with the disease. Lived well until a few years ago, when she finally retired as fatigue became a problem. 30% of women diagnose with breast cancer will have their cancer metastasize. I am not certain why you were afraid to post on cancer site. It's my first post on here and I needed to answer your post. To give you hope that there is life after hearing those words. "Your cancer has spread".

    I still work and though have slowed down, I am still alive, just now living with me metastatic breast cancer.



    I feel better just reading
    I feel better just reading everyone's posts. I will be sure to be on with updates and my usual "wah wah". I keep thinking "i need new underwear". You think about the strangest things, must be a leftover from my mom telling me to wear clean underwear in case i had to go to the hospital. You all have been so strong, so brave to go through this, some of you 2x. oh, i hate it. My mantra today is "i am not scared". take care everyone...
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Hello Meena,
    I am so sorry to hear that your cancer has come back. I have Inflammatory breast cancer. You are a very strong lady. You have beat this beast once you will do it again. I also agree with you that we all know our own bodies and should listen to them. You are a inspiration, a very courageous lady. You have lit the way for many including me.
    Take care You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Please let us know how you are doing..

    I am so very sorry Meena
    I am so very sorry Meena that you have a recurrence. I certainly send you prayers and hugs!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Hello Meena,
    I am so sorry to hear that your cancer has come back. I have Inflammatory breast cancer. You are a very strong lady. You have beat this beast once you will do it again. I also agree with you that we all know our own bodies and should listen to them. You are a inspiration, a very courageous lady. You have lit the way for many including me.
    Take care You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Please let us know how you are doing..

    I am so sorry to read this
    I am so sorry to read this Meena. I will pray for you!

    Hugs, Leeza