1 year later in the lymph nodes.

DEwill Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone had this happen.

Last May 11, I had mastectomy, left side, and reconstruction.
Had 4 months of chemo. No radiation.

Thought a year later I would be ok, had started to feel normal at times.

May 5, this year, went for annual with Breast Cancer Specialist and she found unusual lymph nodes on the left side under the arm. Did biopsy and it was cancer.

They Said when mastectomy was completed there was no cancer in the nodes.

I am so confused about this and losing my mind, what little I have left.


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  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Wow - scary
    This is a super scary thought - to have it come back in the nodes after all of the treatments. This is what we all fear might happen... I've just finished up treatments 3 months ago and remaining positive is so important - so of course, we all squash those nagging fears of recurrence as soon as they pop up into our heads. I guess your situation again warns us all to be vigilant with our health and be thankful for every day that we're given - and for the fine medical community out there that are moving further along with research toward finding a cure! Please keep us posted on what you find out. My prayers are with you.
  • sweetgeorgia
    sweetgeorgia Member Posts: 10
    I haven't gone through it,
    I haven't gone through it, but it has been about a year of recovery for me too. I just got done with an ultrasound due to some pain above old scars...was scared, but relieved that my BCS doctor found nothing and explained how my body is still healing. Sounds like you have made it through one tall hurdle, and now you might have another one - you can do it! Noone knows why this happens to us, but we have to be strong for ourselves and others that love us. Keep the faith!
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Gosh, that is kind of scary.
    Gosh, that is kind of scary. I am sorry this has happened to you. I had a mastectomy on the left back in January, had 11 nodes removed, 4 were positive with a mass. They told me they got it all however they still recommend radiation in the armpit after chemo.

    I guess sometimes it is not always conclusive, there just needs to be a few lone cells to start something however one would think that they would have got it with the chemo. Hang in there and take care.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Dewill my hopes and prayers
    Dewill my hopes and prayers are with you. That news is a bummer, but you got thru it before and doggone it you can and will get thru it again!!! You are not going crazy you are once again fighting a beast called BC. Hugs to you. Please keep your chin up high and know you can beat this beast.

    I'm still in treatment from my diagnosis last June. I'm praying that they wipe out all of those bad cells for you this time around.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I am so sorry that your news wasn't as good as you hoped this year. I have not had this happen to me (my doctors felt very strongly that I would not have lymph node involvement but I had 2 positive nodes at surgery) but I did do a lot of reading about the sentinel node biopsies after that and did see that it could happen. I agree that it is scary that the chemo doesn't just take care of those nasty little cells wherever they are but at least you still have the option of radiation to help wipe it out this time. I know it has got to be discouraging but know that we are all here behnd you - many hugs from here!

  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    so sorry
    Dewill ... so sorry to hear about your recurrence.. its all of our biggest fear.. good luck
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    e_hope said:

    so sorry
    Dewill ... so sorry to hear about your recurrence.. its all of our biggest fear.. good luck

    I'm just guessing on this, but
    I think this puts you with the rest of us who were determined to have cancer Stage 2 in the breast and lymph nodes. I'm very sorry for you, but it sort of helps explain why they treat us with such aggressive therapy. The radiologist told me that the first 3 places breast cancer comes back are: the lymph nodes under the arm, the lymph nodes on the upper chest/lower neck, and the scar/surgery area, so that's why they chose to radiate those areas. Hopefully they'll remove it and radiate that area and you'll be done. I wonder if they will want you to redo the chemo. Please keep us updated, and know my prayers are with you.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I know that this was horrible, frightening news for you. It would be for anyone.
    I just want you to know that I will be praying for your treatment to go quickly and for you to be cancer-free, when all is said and done.

    And now, I will be your cheerleader, because EVERYONE needs to know that there are people in their corner....rooting them on and encouraging them when they are down.
    You made it through treatment once, and you have the courage and will to do it again, whatever it may be.
    Some on this board have been there two and three different times. And they continue fighting and living their lives.

    Sending you positive thoughts and gentle hugs...

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    DEwill, please know that I,
    DEwill, please know that I, too, am in your corner and rooting for a NED outcome for you. Continue to post and let us know your treatment plan. You can do it and we'll be here supporting you along the way. Take care and stay strong!!
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Good Luck
    Best of luck to you DEwill,
    I had 17 nodes removed with 8 having cancer in them.
    Now I know why they radiated me for 7 weeks, I thought the chemo would have killed enough
    but they insisted.
    I am very surprised that they didn't test some nodes when you had the mastectomy but we are not doctors and
    shouldn't second guess.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    I am sooo very sorry. I'm
    I am sooo very sorry. I'm like Lighthouse, I had 17 removed and 8 were cancer. My tumor was super aggressive, so they put me on Xeloda, as she put it, to get any little cell that might be thinking of setting up shop somewhere in my body. Then I'll get radiation.

    Think of the positive, trust me I know it's hard, but it's good that they found it now and not later.

    Good luck. I'll say prayers for you.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    I am so sorry. This is what
    I am so sorry. This is what we all fear. Wishing you good luck and praying for you!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    So sorry
    So sorry this is happening to you......I have been told by 3 specialists' that even with a mastectomy, it is impossible to remove ALL breast tissue...that our breast tissue extends under the arm to where it meets your back......I was radiated under my arm all the way to my back for that reason, I had a lumpectomy....
    I wish you well
    Peace be with you
  • camsgram
    camsgram Member Posts: 106
    I am so sorry this happened
    I am so sorry this happened to you. I am curious what kind of chemo you had and your dx?
    what have your doctors said th enext step will be?
    take care of yourself.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    e_hope said:

    so sorry
    Dewill ... so sorry to hear about your recurrence.. its all of our biggest fear.. good luck

    Sending you prayers Dewill!
    Sending you prayers Dewill! Very sorry about the recurrence.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    DEwill, please know that I,
    DEwill, please know that I, too, am in your corner and rooting for a NED outcome for you. Continue to post and let us know your treatment plan. You can do it and we'll be here supporting you along the way. Take care and stay strong!!

    Just know that I am praying
    Just know that I am praying for you and sending you lots of positive thoughts to get you thru this. We will all support and help you as best we can!

    Sue :)
  • Whytshawl
    Whytshawl Member Posts: 5
    lymph nodes
    Sorry this happened to you. I'll be keeping you in Prayer. I think that this is what we are all afraid of. I had a double mastectomy, Chemo and Radiation. Still have a few more TXTs left. Then I can look forward to the reconstructive surgery. One day at a time. Hang in there and you'll get through this too.
    Good Luck and God Bless
  • angel143
    angel143 Member Posts: 41
    You are not alone
    I am so sorry for this. You are not alone. I have the same situation. I had lumpectomy and axillary lypmnode dissection last July 09 and later after 1 1/2 months decided to have mastectomy. This is the option the doctor told me so that I will not undergo radiation. Then, I had 8 rounds of chemo. After finishing chemo, I repeated the pet scan and there is a 1.3 lypmnode (during the first pet scan the size was 2.3- this shrunk already). So, I am having another surgery on June 3. And I will have 6 1/2 weeks ofradiation therapy, ( I thought I won't have this).
    It is hard to accept at first because everything matters. Everyone in the family and friends are though they are supportive and showing emphaty but they are also affected, I am thinking specially my 3 ( ages 13, 12 and 8) kids and my husband who does everything ( cleaning, cooking, washing, bringing and picking up kids to/form school,and his jobwork all these things he does himself alone with the help of my kids.
    I also wanted to share my experiences and undergoings.
    But anyway, best of luck to both of us. I believe we will get through with all these, I also believe things happen for a reason and I believe that we are such a strong person that's why we can handle these things. Take care of yourself.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    You have gotten such
    You have gotten such supportive and informative advice from the sisterhood! I simply wanted to weigh in with a cyber hug~ I can only imagine the sinking feeling you must have experienced at the lymphnode news. I hope that you get this next phase (hopefully your LAST phase) of treatment completed soon,so that you can get on with living a full Life After Cancer.
    We surround you with all of the courage and hugs you might need~ we are with you, sweet sister!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Gosh, that is kind of scary.
    Gosh, that is kind of scary. I am sorry this has happened to you. I had a mastectomy on the left back in January, had 11 nodes removed, 4 were positive with a mass. They told me they got it all however they still recommend radiation in the armpit after chemo.

    I guess sometimes it is not always conclusive, there just needs to be a few lone cells to start something however one would think that they would have got it with the chemo. Hang in there and take care.

    So very sorry. I wonder if
    So very sorry. I wonder if you would have had rads, if it still would have come back. Praying for you! Keep us updated on how you do.


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