What's the story on port removal?

TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, I was reading the post that Arkansasgirl (which I was born there....ARgirl if you read this I was born in Harrison but grew up in Springdale..wondering where you live)...ok...onto the port issue....I have one and for some reason it seems all wrong for that thing to be in there. I feel it tugging when I lay on my left side, it is just so obvious under my skin, and then someone planted it in my head about what if it gets punched or something. I think about these things. Now I don't go around getting in bar fights waiting for my port to be punched...but things can happen! I have gotten used to it over time, but I wouldn't have my feelings hurt if it was gone this afternoon. I have poked around with my oncologist about having it removed and he told me surgeons who put them in are kinda superstitious about taking them out. Then when I met with the plastic surgeon I was again just asking to see what she'd say and she was all about well the surgeon would have to talk to you about it. Now, I know I should keep it in because I have zero nodes in my right and maybe a dozen or so in my left. The port is an easy way to keep docs and nurses away from my arms (if anyone doesn't know...you aren't suppose to have blood drawn or even bp out of de"noded" arms). I am curious what is the right amount of time to keep a port after BC and has anyone ever heard of this superstition?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Tawney, I did not personally
    Tawney, I did not personally have a port..I have good veins (heard that one before?)...but I have read on this board answers to just that question. My recollection is that it depends on your doctor and possibly your situation, too. I'm sure several of the ladies with ports will post their experience shortly. Good luck.
  • Sharon_D
    Sharon_D Member Posts: 55
    MyTurnNow said:

    Tawney, I did not personally
    Tawney, I did not personally have a port..I have good veins (heard that one before?)...but I have read on this board answers to just that question. My recollection is that it depends on your doctor and possibly your situation, too. I'm sure several of the ladies with ports will post their experience shortly. Good luck.

    Good Question
    I have no nodes on the left side. Finished chemo the end of Nov 2009 and immediately asked about taking the port out. NO, not yet.

    So I waited and asked again. Finally, the oncologist said "OK" and we're set up to remove it Monday. Then I developed some "bowel issues" and I'm having a colonoscopy NEXT Friday.

    So, remove the port now and take the risk of having it put back in or leave it and see what happens? To do or not to do!

    I guess we'll never be 100% sure that we will never need it again, but if I do, it's coming back. Port is the way to go as far as I am concerned!

    That doesn't answer your question, but it didn't answer mine either. ;-)
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Sharon_D said:

    Good Question
    I have no nodes on the left side. Finished chemo the end of Nov 2009 and immediately asked about taking the port out. NO, not yet.

    So I waited and asked again. Finally, the oncologist said "OK" and we're set up to remove it Monday. Then I developed some "bowel issues" and I'm having a colonoscopy NEXT Friday.

    So, remove the port now and take the risk of having it put back in or leave it and see what happens? To do or not to do!

    I guess we'll never be 100% sure that we will never need it again, but if I do, it's coming back. Port is the way to go as far as I am concerned!

    That doesn't answer your question, but it didn't answer mine either. ;-)

    To Port, or Not to Port...
    The port is a real hot button issue on this board. Some love it, some hate it, some don't care. I love my port and hope to keep it as long as I can. Finished chemo in Dec 09, still have blood draws etc. from port as well as it gets flushed every 4 weeks. Put Emla cream on an hour or so before appt. and feel nothing. I have no veins to speak of so this is a blessing. I had 4 surgeries, lots of blood test and a stress test prior to the port and it was agony finding a vein. Now, with only my left arm avail for a draw I'm really sunk cause my best vein for a blood draw is in my right arm!

    I have never heard of any superstitsion regarding the port, maybe if you remove it too soon it will have to be put back in? Some of the girls on this board have the tubes from the port in their necks, mine goes into a big vein by my heart. You can't see it and I can't feel anything. I was hospitalized for 4 days (bowel issues from chemo) and my IV was in my port. What heaven to have my hands free. Again, a colonoscopy (same issue) iv in port.

    My onc has not mentioned it coming out, I am due to see my surgeon for a follow-up and I am going to find out how long I can keep it....I've been told by the chemo nurse that a port is good for 2000 pokes...that's a lot of pokes.

    Check with your surgeon...I think mine say it's ok to keep it as long as it doesn't bother me and I'm not having any problems with it. The alternative for blood draws and IV's if you can't use your arms is your legs, feet, neck etc. I had to have the blood pressure cuff on my leg when I was having a stress test because the IV was in the "good" arm and the pressure from that cuff was very painful. If I had my port, the IV would have been in my port and the blood pressure cuff on my left arm.

    Love my port, but you'll hear from others who feel totally differently about it. Just my opinion and how I feel about it.

    Good luck with your colonoscopy, it's true what they say about it not being a big deal.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Tawny, I got my port removed about a month after finishing all major treatments (chemo, radiation). My breast surgeon encouraged me to get it out and my oncologist agreed. Otherwise you do have to get it flushed every month (?) or so. I still have blood draws every 3 months and do a zometa infusion every 6 months, but the doctors didn't think this was reason to keep the port. Are you done with treatment yet? BTW, I was stage 2 with a grade 3 tumor and triple negative. I guess I felt good that the docs thought it was safe for me to remove it, but I do hate having my veins poked at.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Double Post....
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    I still have my port in i have very bad veins and i love having my port for treatment right now i think i am going to have it in for a very long time as long as its need. its no fun getting stuck over and over again.. girl power
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    I had to be clean 2 years befor they would take it out.
    I loved my port. they took my port out in the doctors office.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My port is staying for some time!
    I have no intention of having my port taken out anytime soon - ALL my Dr's agree that's at least a year and probably 5 before we talk again about it coming out. Would I rather have never needed it YES! But I did and though as of now I'm fine - reality is that because of my cancer (IBC) there is a 'fair' chance of needing a port in the future. I have a port now so why would I want it taken out and have to go through surgery to have another one put in? If it is taken out now and has to be 'redone' in the future there will be scar tissue in that area that has to dealt with.

    Yes - blood draws and BP should not be done in the arm(s) affected arm. Not a superstition but fact - Didn't your Drs./Nurses tell you that?

    We are all different so talk to your Drs about what time frame is right for you for port removal.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Rague said:

    My port is staying for some time!
    I have no intention of having my port taken out anytime soon - ALL my Dr's agree that's at least a year and probably 5 before we talk again about it coming out. Would I rather have never needed it YES! But I did and though as of now I'm fine - reality is that because of my cancer (IBC) there is a 'fair' chance of needing a port in the future. I have a port now so why would I want it taken out and have to go through surgery to have another one put in? If it is taken out now and has to be 'redone' in the future there will be scar tissue in that area that has to dealt with.

    Yes - blood draws and BP should not be done in the arm(s) affected arm. Not a superstition but fact - Didn't your Drs./Nurses tell you that?

    We are all different so talk to your Drs about what time frame is right for you for port removal.

    Mine was removed after radiation
    I think medical oncologist is the one who decides weather or not keep or remove port. Ask your oncologist. In my case I had blood biomarker test done twice before we decided to take it out. Some patients do scans to be sure the port is not needed anymore. For some reason my port was removed by different surgeon. It was implanted by vascular specialist and taken out by breast surgeon.
    New Flower
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    Mine was removed after radiation
    I think medical oncologist is the one who decides weather or not keep or remove port. Ask your oncologist. In my case I had blood biomarker test done twice before we decided to take it out. Some patients do scans to be sure the port is not needed anymore. For some reason my port was removed by different surgeon. It was implanted by vascular specialist and taken out by breast surgeon.
    New Flower

    mine was removed after chemo and before radiation
    My onc who is VERY cautious told me I could have it taken out any time I want, so i scheduled it for the next week. outpatient, and no pain. I just HATE the anesthesia
    and the aftereffects. I figure if I have to have it put back in I'll just have to live with that decision.
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    I'm sorry but this really makes me angry.
    It is your body and if you don't want the port to remain in your body, it should be your choice. We lose so much "control" when we are diagnosed with bc without our doctors taking away what little we have left.
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    No I never heard of that superstition. but re. the port... I hated that thing every blessed day it was in. It was god offal ugly, always bothered me, and my little boys would always knock their heads into it when they would sit on my lap and it would hurt like anything when they'd knock into it..

    I had that thing taken out exactly 9 days after my last chemo treatment. (lol, I wanted it out so bad.. i told my surgeon my blood counts where fine, although they were quite low, but not critical) by far, one of my best day since diagnosis. The only 2 things that have topped it were... 1 my clear pet and bone scans.. and 2 having those terribly uncomfortable expanders removed for my silicone implants...

    But I know a woman who was told her port had to stay in for 1 year...

    Guess.. with everything else.... never a clear black and white answer... seems every doctor has their own way of doing things...
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Not only have I heard of the superstition, I was the one to bring it up when my medical oncologist told me I should have the port removed. I finished chemo 10/09 and radiation 1/10. My oncologist told me he was also superstitious but that between having the port flushed and the risk of infection, it was better out. My breast surgeon removed it in her office and I'm so glad it's out. I was also able to feel it when I slept on that side and it kind of made me feel like a character from Star Trek or something.
  • patti anne
    patti anne Member Posts: 101

    Not only have I heard of the superstition, I was the one to bring it up when my medical oncologist told me I should have the port removed. I finished chemo 10/09 and radiation 1/10. My oncologist told me he was also superstitious but that between having the port flushed and the risk of infection, it was better out. My breast surgeon removed it in her office and I'm so glad it's out. I was also able to feel it when I slept on that side and it kind of made me feel like a character from Star Trek or something.

    hated the port
    I have heard of so many that love the port, but I hated the thing. I was done with Chemo May 09 and radiation July 09. I had the port out October 1st!! I was so happy to have it out!!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Tawney, I did not personally
    Tawney, I did not personally have a port..I have good veins (heard that one before?)...but I have read on this board answers to just that question. My recollection is that it depends on your doctor and possibly your situation, too. I'm sure several of the ladies with ports will post their experience shortly. Good luck.

    I didn't have a port, as I
    I didn't have a port, as I didn't have chemo. Just want to say hi and looks like you have some good advice from those that did! Good luck!
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    hated the port
    I have heard of so many that love the port, but I hated the thing. I was done with Chemo May 09 and radiation July 09. I had the port out October 1st!! I was so happy to have it out!!

    I'll be done with my port in
    I'll be done with my port in Oct.2010 and plan on having it out ASAP after that. 90% of the time it doesn't bother me but it's really ugly looking. My oncol. said it's up to me when I feel comfortable to have it out.
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Sher43009 said:

    I'll be done with my port in
    I'll be done with my port in Oct.2010 and plan on having it out ASAP after that. 90% of the time it doesn't bother me but it's really ugly looking. My oncol. said it's up to me when I feel comfortable to have it out.

    In my case, the port was a
    In my case, the port was a pain in my side (literally)., and I wanted it out as soon as possible. One week after completing chemo, my breast surgeon removed it in his office. No anesthesia was needed, and there was no pain. A local shot in the area, and it was out in no time. Glad to have the port removed, and more relieved that so far I haven't had to have it reinstalled. Each of us has tolerence levels of our own, and mine was breached with the port. So glad it is gone, and would do it the same way again if needed. Good luck. Hugs, Judy
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    My surgeon wanted me to keep it in a full year after treatment, but I wanted it out. It was uncomfortable - I have good veins and felt as long as it was in I would be waiting for the cancer to come back. Take it out, and the cancer was gone. All mental on my part. He reluctantly scheduled me to have it removed so I had it out between chemo and rads. I haven't regretted it being out at all.
    Hugs - Pat
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    padee6339 said:

    My surgeon wanted me to keep it in a full year after treatment, but I wanted it out. It was uncomfortable - I have good veins and felt as long as it was in I would be waiting for the cancer to come back. Take it out, and the cancer was gone. All mental on my part. He reluctantly scheduled me to have it removed so I had it out between chemo and rads. I haven't regretted it being out at all.
    Hugs - Pat

    My port
    My port was place on Jan. 14th and I began chemo on Jan. 18 for 6 rounds of TAC for every 3 weeks. I asked my oncologist and she said I have to wait 2 weeks after I finish chemo, I will also have radiation after chemo. She also said my port was required for the adriamyacin, because they don't like to transfuse that directlty into your veins. So, every 3 week blood draws are still through my vein. Also, I asked my breast specialist who did the surgery and she said I'll need to wait 10 days after chemo. Oh, well after May 7th, some 10-14 days later I'll be in surgery!

  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84
    Hi TawnyS

    Arkansas is where I was born and grew up till I got married. I was born in Morrilton,
    but lived in North Little Rock. I have family in Harrison now. I currently live in
    Dallas Texas - Boo Longhorns LOL!!! I've not lived in ARK for about 20 years or so. For the
    last 13 years we've been in Pittsburgh, PA. We had a chance to move south to retire in a
    few years so we jumped on it. I told my husband we have made a full circle now and it's time to go home. So we got as close as we could to GOD'S country. lol
    We started out in Ark then to Alaska - Illinois - Louisiana - Ohio then Pittsburgh and now
    Texas. And yes I fly those RAZORBACK FLAGS every where down here. LOL
    Well I've been off the boards for a while and trying to get some rest. This whole port
    thing was okay with me till they told me how they were going to take it out.
    It made me so crazy and stressed out - my left eye became so red, it hurt, and blurred vision, I could not imagine what was going on till I went to the eye doctor. I have
    herpes simplex which is due to stress and it hit my eye. I know this was when I had this
    port taken out in the surgeon's office. I was freaking out. It was not that bad at all,
    but just the thought of it. You had to be in the OR to have it put in. Well anyway this
    thing just kept me thinking about cancer and effecting my life and since I'm cancer
    free right now the onocologist said take it out. If the cancer comes back we'll just
    put it back in and I said THANK YOU - THANK YOU AND THANK YOU. I had the stitches removed
    and it's healing good other than I still have a lot of soreness.
    So I had 3 nodes removed which was all negative in the right arm and everything has to be
    done in the left, but let me tell you those veins have run deep. LOL
    I'm doing okay now, looking forward to summer and just enjoying life now.
    My picture was taken on Pettie Jean Mtn if you know where that is at.

    So take care and God Bless You,