Ugh...who knew radiation would suck so bad?

Sam726 Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Wow..which is worse? Chemo or rads? lol...Im not sure. I have 5 more treatments..did #28 yesterday, which was the last one to the entire breast. Last 5 are to my lymphnode area..Im hoping my breast starts healing soon. Im in extreme burn pain. Having to wear NU Gel Pads daily..hydrocodone to sleep, Ibuprofen during the day. Ouch...this sucks girls:(


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Sam, you're almost at the
    Sam, you're almost at the finish line. Now that you are not being radiated in those areas, it will begin to heal up. Just keep your chin up and you be crossing the line in just a few more days. None of this is any fun but slaying the beast is the prize. Keep fighting!!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had a hard time with it
    I had a hard time with it too. They finally decided I needed a break and I lay off for two weeks. Then finished. Make sure the doc is looking at the burn. Hugs!!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Who knew radiation would suck so bad?
    You nailed it, Sam -- I think my rads oncologist should have those words needlepointed on a pillow in his office.

    Now that you're on to boosters, you really will be surprised how fast the non-booster areas start to heal. I burned really badly in a couple of places, and the gel pads really helped me, so keep using them.

    Hang in there, Sam -- only 5 more to go! I was so miserable and in so much pain for the last week or so of rads, but you really will start to feel so much better as soon as they stop "nuking" you!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Who knew radiation would suck so bad?
    You nailed it, Sam -- I think my rads oncologist should have those words needlepointed on a pillow in his office.

    Now that you're on to boosters, you really will be surprised how fast the non-booster areas start to heal. I burned really badly in a couple of places, and the gel pads really helped me, so keep using them.

    Hang in there, Sam -- only 5 more to go! I was so miserable and in so much pain for the last week or so of rads, but you really will start to feel so much better as soon as they stop "nuking" you!


    Traci is right, you

    Traci is right, you should see improvement with the breast area. It might get a little worse before it gets better. It varies from person to person. Mine didn't seem to get any worse after I finished the regular rads and was healing by the time my boosters ended and those did not give me any worse problems. Hoping the same for you.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Congrats, you're almost done
    You can see the finish line. Like someone else said, now that the radiation spot changes you'll begin healing, and believe it or not, you'll heal quickly. During mine I had no idea my skin could become that color, all traces of radiation are gone. It does suck, but it'll soon be over. Congratulations again on completing the toughest journey of your life.
    By the way, love your bike.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    I am sorry you have the burns.Hang in their,your almost done.use the cream often it will help.Take care.
  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    ppurdin said:

    I am sorry you have the burns.Hang in their,your almost done.use the cream often it will help.Take care.

    Thanks everyone
    Its so tough..but 4 more after today. Wish I could just sleep, get nuked and eat until Im done..LOL!!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I thought it would be a
    I thought it would be a breeze but I was SO wrong! I was in the same boat just a few weeks ago, but let me assure you, you will start to heal in the areas they are not zapping almost immediately. 5 more to go, then one more week of still cooking, but healing. I was raw and oozing when I finished rads on 3/5, but started wearing my regular bra on 3/15.
    This, too, shall pass!

    Gentle hugs,

  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Yup...Rads suck!
    I used those gel pads too...oh, they really made a huge difference. Hang in there...just get thru the boosts! Keep using your lotions/gel pads and whatever else they give you to get thru. I didn't get back into my bra for about 3 or 4 weeks, as my boost area included 1/2 my was ultratender.

    God Bless...
  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    I have 9 treatments left (4 to whole breast area and then 5 boosters). My rad tech told me it was going to get worse before it gets better!! I think each stage of this is the worst, but then I either forget or things just keep getting worse!! Chemo sucked, surgery was awful and now rads(which everyone said would be a breeze) sucks the worst!! OH WELL . . . there is light at the end of the tunnel (My husbands says it is a train getting ready to run us over ha, ha)!!
    Good luck with your last few Sam!!
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75
    Sharon40 said:

    I have 9 treatments left (4 to whole breast area and then 5 boosters). My rad tech told me it was going to get worse before it gets better!! I think each stage of this is the worst, but then I either forget or things just keep getting worse!! Chemo sucked, surgery was awful and now rads(which everyone said would be a breeze) sucks the worst!! OH WELL . . . there is light at the end of the tunnel (My husbands says it is a train getting ready to run us over ha, ha)!!
    Good luck with your last few Sam!!

    Watch out...
    Watch out for that train...I do believe he might be right. LOL
  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79
    Jacque101 said:

    Watch out...
    Watch out for that train...I do believe he might be right. LOL

    Oh yeah...
    my onc told me I'd breeze thru rads because I bounced back from each round of chemo. I managed to keep my skin intact, even though it was real red, but the fatigue those last two weeks plus the two weeks after was awful. I thought rad was worse than chemo because there was no letup.
    You're almost done, hang in there and get back on that beautiful bike!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Sam726 said:

    Thanks everyone
    Its so tough..but 4 more after today. Wish I could just sleep, get nuked and eat until Im done..LOL!!

    I Hear Ya
    I hear ya. My little chi-chi was burned to a crisp. I mean it was black. But you will get through this and after it's done, you will be on the mend. Hang in there.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Oh yeah...
    my onc told me I'd breeze thru rads because I bounced back from each round of chemo. I managed to keep my skin intact, even though it was real red, but the fatigue those last two weeks plus the two weeks after was awful. I thought rad was worse than chemo because there was no letup.
    You're almost done, hang in there and get back on that beautiful bike!

    Sam, I'm sorry that rads is
    Sam, I'm sorry that rads is causing you so much trouble. That's still in my future and I was under the impression that rads would be the easiest part of the treatment. After reading your post and the others now I know its not going to be a piece of cake. I thought I would get a nice tan (burn), get tired but basically breeze thru. Hope you get the next few rads done, heal up completely, get your energy back, and take a long cool ride.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Ok Little Engine That Could!
    Ok Little Engine That Could! Keep repeating: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

    So sorry that rads is causing you such pain~ and of course I hope that the last 5 go quickly and effortlessly for you and that you can get on with complete healing! Ouch, indeed!

    Really, really gentle hugs!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Ok Little Engine That Could!
    double post
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Sam
    I'm glad you're almost done but sorry you're in pain. Thanks for the warning, I start next week. Feel better soon.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    chenheart said:

    Ok Little Engine That Could!
    Ok Little Engine That Could! Keep repeating: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

    So sorry that rads is causing you such pain~ and of course I hope that the last 5 go quickly and effortlessly for you and that you can get on with complete healing! Ouch, indeed!

    Really, really gentle hugs!

    Happy that you will soon be
    Happy that you will soon be done. I always hated to see people post that rads are a piece of cake, because they aren't, as so many others have written here. Be sure and keep using your creams after you are done and be very gentle with your skin.
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Hang in there Sam! You will
    Hang in there Sam! You will make it and soon it will be just a memory. (or a mammary)

    I am only two weeks into rads. So far so good. I am constantly lotioning and sleep with the poor girl hanging out and uncovered. It is turning darker, but doesn't hurt ... yet. I have four more weeks on the boob, and then they will nuke the node area.

    Just a minute ... do you hear that? I sounds like a fast moving train!

    I will be thinking of you next week.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    Hang in there Sam! You will
    Hang in there Sam! You will make it and soon it will be just a memory. (or a mammary)

    I am only two weeks into rads. So far so good. I am constantly lotioning and sleep with the poor girl hanging out and uncovered. It is turning darker, but doesn't hurt ... yet. I have four more weeks on the boob, and then they will nuke the node area.

    Just a minute ... do you hear that? I sounds like a fast moving train!

    I will be thinking of you next week.


    Hey Sam. Sorry you're going
    Hey Sam. Sorry you're going through a tough time with rads but glad you're almost done. Every step of this journey has it's own set of side effects. When you're in the middle of one treatment it's hard to remember the last one. A friend of mine that's 3 years bc clean told me "you'll be amazed on how much you will forget". Here's to a short memory!