Growing my hair back since chemo -- have fun with it!

I went to Sally's beauty supply store yesterday, and discovered they were having a big sale -- so I bought FIVE (yep, five) hair goos: Demented, Deranged, Mad Mud, Wax it Up, and Spike It (I swear I'm not making up these names). I'm having a ball playing with them!
And Spike It is actually a PINK hair cement that promises to give me "cosmic color" -- I thought it would be fun to do pink spikes for my upcoming 1-year cancerversary party, and for the Making Strides walk later this year.
Here's to making fun, funky (pink, spikey) lemonade out of our lemons wherever we can!
You go girl! On my birthday
You go girl! On my birthday (51) my neice wanted to spike my hair. My hair use to be poker straight, where some perms wouldn't even curl it. Drove my hair stylist crazy. Now I have a little wave. Well she put sooo much gel and goop in my hair to get it to stand up (which it didn't) it took me 3 shampoos to get it all out. We all had a great laugh at it. She's the same neice that said to me after my head was shaved "You look soo pretty". Cried like a baby over that one.0 -
I Plan on having fun too,Sher43009 said:You go girl! On my birthday
You go girl! On my birthday (51) my neice wanted to spike my hair. My hair use to be poker straight, where some perms wouldn't even curl it. Drove my hair stylist crazy. Now I have a little wave. Well she put sooo much gel and goop in my hair to get it to stand up (which it didn't) it took me 3 shampoos to get it all out. We all had a great laugh at it. She's the same neice that said to me after my head was shaved "You look soo pretty". Cried like a baby over that one.
Finished chemo 12-09 and hair is anywhere from just breaking thru to half inch except for those hairs that never came out that are about 2 inches. What a hoot. But I've got sideburns that show a little under a hat! Whoo Hoo! Anyway, like you Traci, I plan on having fun with this new do, when it's get long enough. I love getting out of the shower and puting on make-up and just plopping a hat or wig if going out or going bare if I'm staying home. I don't ever want to go back to the blow dryer, curling iron etc. again. Planning on a soft spike type hair do but first am going to try some of those products you mentioned and go wild!
I thought the hair would all start to grow in at once, was really surprised that it comes in spotty. It gives me something to look forward to everyday, see where the new hair is...I really need to get a life huh?
Thanks for the fun post.
Judy :-)0 -
traci, you sound like such a
traci, you sound like such a fun person to be around. i'm just at the start of treatment. in fact i start chemo tomorrow. since i will lose my hair toward the end of the first round, my hairdresser and i decided to cut my hair shorter than it has been since i was an infant. always been at least passed my ears usually way passed my shoulders. we thought that if it was short, when i lose it, i wouldn't have quite the shock. well i absolutely hate it. so much so that i have started to wear scarves and hats now rather than wait till later. i have decided that when it grows back, except maybe for bangs, i will never ever cut it again. and i may try out your idea with using colored hair gels. maybe i'll even start now rather than wear scarves waiting for it to fall out. since i have never been a pink person i'll go with purples and blues!0 -
Oh Susan, that's too bad...susanleeann said:traci, you sound like such a
traci, you sound like such a fun person to be around. i'm just at the start of treatment. in fact i start chemo tomorrow. since i will lose my hair toward the end of the first round, my hairdresser and i decided to cut my hair shorter than it has been since i was an infant. always been at least passed my ears usually way passed my shoulders. we thought that if it was short, when i lose it, i wouldn't have quite the shock. well i absolutely hate it. so much so that i have started to wear scarves and hats now rather than wait till later. i have decided that when it grows back, except maybe for bangs, i will never ever cut it again. and i may try out your idea with using colored hair gels. maybe i'll even start now rather than wear scarves waiting for it to fall out. since i have never been a pink person i'll go with purples and blues!
But you aren't used to "doing" a short hair style so that makes it even worse! Get yourself some cool hats, scarves and a nice wig for dress-up type of functions and it will help get you thru this ordeal. And it actually does come to an end and then you'll be playing with all the fun stuff until your hair grows back long again. Don't forget, while it's growing back, we can play the quiz of what color? Curly or Not? What's so fun is that chemo is over and hair coming back is a real tangible sign that we are going to become ourselves again...maybe a little changed, but at least our hair will be there!
Good luck tomorrow with your first chemo and keep us posted on how you're doing. The first one is the scary one but really it will be ok...
Hugs, Judy :-)
P.S. Don't we all wish we could have a party at Traci's house?0 -
hair growth
Hi Traci,
I guess I did not know that it actually takes that long for your hair to grow back. I had my first treatment on 3/15 so I am trying to brace myself for my hair to fall out probably next weekend. Some people have told me that their hair actually started growing back after their second treatment so I was surprised to see that your hair is just now growing back so long after you finished your 4 treatments. I was blessed to have the cosmotology school here in town who has a foundation, purchased 3 wigs for me and I have also bought some scarves and caps to wear under the scarves so I am ready. I am very apprehensive though of how I will feel when it happens. I think I dealt with losing my breast easier than the thought of losing my hair for some reason. I guess because you can hide the fact that you lost your breast with a prosthesis but you cannot hide your head. When people see you with a wig or scarf on, they know that you are bald and it is very hard to deal with. I work at an elementary school and have wondered what I will tell the kids when they ask. I have prayed about it and decided to tell them the truth in a nice way that they can understand. There is no sense in lying to them about it. I am so glad that you are doing well. How is your energy level now after being done for several months?
Lorrie0 -
Good for you, Traci!
You always seem to be making lemonade out of lemons, so I'm not at all surprised that you're having fun with your new short style!
I can't wait to join you!
Cindy0 -
Party at Traci's!cindycflynn said:Good for you, Traci!
You always seem to be making lemonade out of lemons, so I'm not at all surprised that you're having fun with your new short style!
I can't wait to join you!
If I could invite all of you to my 1-year cancerversary party in May, I would! I'm now having a terrible time, however, deciding between pink spikes or a bejeweled tiara for the occasion! :-)
Susan, if you've always had longer hair, then I know short hair is a shock, but PLEASE know you did the right thing, cutting it shorter ahead of time. Even with short hair, it's such a mess when it starts to fall out (hair in my food!), and I personally believe it's important that WE take control of our hair loss, and do it as much as possible on OUR terms, not on cancer's terms!
Lorrie, yes, my hair actually did start to grow again around my 3rd round in September, just very slowly. I just stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a ruler on my head (the THINGS I DO for you ladies!), and it's about 2 or 2 1/2 inches now.
As for my energy...well, I have enough energy to stand in my bathroom and play with hair products, if that tells you anything. My oncologist says it will be 6 months to a year before I really have my energy back. I'm now okay getting through a full workday, and I'm even taking a lunchtime yoga class once a week, but I'm not able to do anything after work or in the evenings, and I run out of steam by about 6 or 7 every evening.
But it's so important to remember that everyone reacts differently. Some of the women on this board, some of whom are mphfpth years older than me (MyTurnNow, I'm talking to you), did the exact same chemo cocktail I did, and and didn't have anywhere near the same fatigue issues. I know they did it just to make me look bad...
...but hey, I have great hair!
:-) Traci0 -
Way to go
you are such an inspiration! I had my 1st chemo (TAC) on 3/10, so far my hair has not started to come out. I too cut it short in preparation for the dreaded day and also got a wig (which I thought I would like better than I do), some hats and scarves. I have this feeling that this week will not be so good. I hope I have as much fun as you when it is my turn to play with my new hair!
Karen0 -
It's all about the hair products!kms3566 said:Way to go
you are such an inspiration! I had my 1st chemo (TAC) on 3/10, so far my hair has not started to come out. I too cut it short in preparation for the dreaded day and also got a wig (which I thought I would like better than I do), some hats and scarves. I have this feeling that this week will not be so good. I hope I have as much fun as you when it is my turn to play with my new hair!
So I just got back from the gym -- while I was checking in at the front desk, the (very, very) young woman working there, who I don't know, said to me out of the blue, "You know, a lot of people can't do hair short like that, but you really rock it."
I'm telling ya, it's all about the hair products -- magic goo in a bottle!
Traci0 -
Hey thanks for measuring!kms3566 said:Way to go
you are such an inspiration! I had my 1st chemo (TAC) on 3/10, so far my hair has not started to come out. I too cut it short in preparation for the dreaded day and also got a wig (which I thought I would like better than I do), some hats and scarves. I have this feeling that this week will not be so good. I hope I have as much fun as you when it is my turn to play with my new hair!
Two and a half inches is a lot! If I go by that (and I know we're all different), then by May I should be able to be pink spiked and bare headed! Yay!
One more question and then I'll shut up (for now), when exactly do you count your cancerversary? The day you found the lump? Day of biopsy? Dx? Any day I choose? I think I'll have a party too.
Girls, one of the hardest things is the hair coming out, it's just not fair. But it does end and when it does, the hair grows back and you have a feeling of really accomplishing something. And I'm telling you, it's fun checking in that mirror every day. Even shaved the dreaded legs... Try and keep that in mind when you look in the mirror and can't believe it's you without hair looking back. I lost my hair in Oct and I still surprise myself sometimes (that I'm almost like a hairless cat).
Hugs, Judy, semi-hairless cat :-)0 -
hairTraciInLA said:Party at Traci's!
If I could invite all of you to my 1-year cancerversary party in May, I would! I'm now having a terrible time, however, deciding between pink spikes or a bejeweled tiara for the occasion! :-)
Susan, if you've always had longer hair, then I know short hair is a shock, but PLEASE know you did the right thing, cutting it shorter ahead of time. Even with short hair, it's such a mess when it starts to fall out (hair in my food!), and I personally believe it's important that WE take control of our hair loss, and do it as much as possible on OUR terms, not on cancer's terms!
Lorrie, yes, my hair actually did start to grow again around my 3rd round in September, just very slowly. I just stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a ruler on my head (the THINGS I DO for you ladies!), and it's about 2 or 2 1/2 inches now.
As for my energy...well, I have enough energy to stand in my bathroom and play with hair products, if that tells you anything. My oncologist says it will be 6 months to a year before I really have my energy back. I'm now okay getting through a full workday, and I'm even taking a lunchtime yoga class once a week, but I'm not able to do anything after work or in the evenings, and I run out of steam by about 6 or 7 every evening.
But it's so important to remember that everyone reacts differently. Some of the women on this board, some of whom are mphfpth years older than me (MyTurnNow, I'm talking to you), did the exact same chemo cocktail I did, and and didn't have anywhere near the same fatigue issues. I know they did it just to make me look bad...
...but hey, I have great hair!
:-) Traci
Hi Traci,
I guess it just grows back very slowly then. I guess I should cut my hair shorter then sometime this week since you say that will help some. Hey! maybe you should take a picture of yourself with your new hairstyle and post it on your profile picture so we can get some pointers on how to style our hair when it comes in!
Lorrie0 -
JudySkeezie said:Hey thanks for measuring!
Two and a half inches is a lot! If I go by that (and I know we're all different), then by May I should be able to be pink spiked and bare headed! Yay!
One more question and then I'll shut up (for now), when exactly do you count your cancerversary? The day you found the lump? Day of biopsy? Dx? Any day I choose? I think I'll have a party too.
Girls, one of the hardest things is the hair coming out, it's just not fair. But it does end and when it does, the hair grows back and you have a feeling of really accomplishing something. And I'm telling you, it's fun checking in that mirror every day. Even shaved the dreaded legs... Try and keep that in mind when you look in the mirror and can't believe it's you without hair looking back. I lost my hair in Oct and I still surprise myself sometimes (that I'm almost like a hairless cat).
Hugs, Judy, semi-hairless cat :-)
There are definitely no "rules" about your cancerversary date -- everyone has different ideas about what's meaningful to them (and of course, there's nothing to say you have to honor any particular "cancerversary" at all).
The date I feel my life changed forever is the day my doctor told me I had cancer -- May 4, 2009. To me, it's meaningful to celebrate making it through the past year since then -- the theme of my party is "It's Been a Yere, and I'm Still Here!"
Some women instead celebrate the date of their surgery, because they feel that's the date the cancer left their body. I've also heard of others who celebrate the date they finished treatment. It's definitely all about what feels right to you -- whether you choose pink spikes, or a bejeweled tiara, or...?
:-) Traci0 -
Same Cancerversary dateTraciInLA said:Judy
There are definitely no "rules" about your cancerversary date -- everyone has different ideas about what's meaningful to them (and of course, there's nothing to say you have to honor any particular "cancerversary" at all).
The date I feel my life changed forever is the day my doctor told me I had cancer -- May 4, 2009. To me, it's meaningful to celebrate making it through the past year since then -- the theme of my party is "It's Been a Yere, and I'm Still Here!"
Some women instead celebrate the date of their surgery, because they feel that's the date the cancer left their body. I've also heard of others who celebrate the date they finished treatment. It's definitely all about what feels right to you -- whether you choose pink spikes, or a bejeweled tiara, or...?
:-) Traci
Hi Traci
You and I have the same cancerversary date and had similar treatments, at least until the end of the chemo (end of Sept). I didn't have radiation as you did, but had a double mast. instead (December).
My only complaint to my surgeon back in January was that I didn't have my 'pep' back. She said that I'd need to wait until at least May to get my energy back. So you if you are feeling wiped out at the end of the day, you are not alone!!
For those of you in treatment, hang in there! Things DO get better and we get on with our lives and play with our short hair, and plan cancerversary celebrations!
Be well~ jane0 -
Jane, this gives me chillsBunnyJane said:Same Cancerversary date
Hi Traci
You and I have the same cancerversary date and had similar treatments, at least until the end of the chemo (end of Sept). I didn't have radiation as you did, but had a double mast. instead (December).
My only complaint to my surgeon back in January was that I didn't have my 'pep' back. She said that I'd need to wait until at least May to get my energy back. So you if you are feeling wiped out at the end of the day, you are not alone!!
For those of you in treatment, hang in there! Things DO get better and we get on with our lives and play with our short hair, and plan cancerversary celebrations!
Be well~ jane
I can't believe we were diagnosed on the same date -- it gives me chills to think that you were getting the frightening, life-changing news the same day I was.
It makes me sad to think -- if you and I just randomly ended up on the same message board, how many other women must there have been who got the news that same day?
Traci0 -
Hi Tracy.I two have been having fun with my hair.Isn,t it nice to have it back again.Its so nice not to wear the hats and wigs.You have some great Ideals.I will probly always wear mine short.It is so easy.I have promised myself not to complain about a bad hair day again.We have come along way girl.Wear that hair proudly like I know you are.You have a great personality.I have always enjoyed reading your post. Pat.0 -
I'm sitting here at my deskTraciInLA said:Party at Traci's!
If I could invite all of you to my 1-year cancerversary party in May, I would! I'm now having a terrible time, however, deciding between pink spikes or a bejeweled tiara for the occasion! :-)
Susan, if you've always had longer hair, then I know short hair is a shock, but PLEASE know you did the right thing, cutting it shorter ahead of time. Even with short hair, it's such a mess when it starts to fall out (hair in my food!), and I personally believe it's important that WE take control of our hair loss, and do it as much as possible on OUR terms, not on cancer's terms!
Lorrie, yes, my hair actually did start to grow again around my 3rd round in September, just very slowly. I just stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a ruler on my head (the THINGS I DO for you ladies!), and it's about 2 or 2 1/2 inches now.
As for my energy...well, I have enough energy to stand in my bathroom and play with hair products, if that tells you anything. My oncologist says it will be 6 months to a year before I really have my energy back. I'm now okay getting through a full workday, and I'm even taking a lunchtime yoga class once a week, but I'm not able to do anything after work or in the evenings, and I run out of steam by about 6 or 7 every evening.
But it's so important to remember that everyone reacts differently. Some of the women on this board, some of whom are mphfpth years older than me (MyTurnNow, I'm talking to you), did the exact same chemo cocktail I did, and and didn't have anywhere near the same fatigue issues. I know they did it just to make me look bad...
...but hey, I have great hair!
:-) Traci
I'm sitting here at my desk this morning reading this thread and dying from laughter. Traci, you are certainly an entertainer. I wish we lived closer so I could come over and play with your hair products. I am a pretty conservative individual when it comes to hair color. LOL!! I do have one question though.....what is "mphfpth"? I'm just making sure you're not calling me names. Ha-ha.0 -
I agree with everybodyppurdin said:Hair
Hi Tracy.I two have been having fun with my hair.Isn,t it nice to have it back again.Its so nice not to wear the hats and wigs.You have some great Ideals.I will probly always wear mine short.It is so easy.I have promised myself not to complain about a bad hair day again.We have come along way girl.Wear that hair proudly like I know you are.You have a great personality.I have always enjoyed reading your post. Pat.
Traci, you are a hoot! Enjoy that new hair. I check myself out in the mirror every day now too thinking I'm seeing little sprouts on my head. I've been trimming the hair that remained behind so I don't have any really long strands. I have to confess, though, that my mother always cut my hair super short when I was a kid - and didn't do that great of a job of it either. I was always self conscious. When I got on my own, I grew my hair shoulder length and have had more medium length hairstyles ever since. Maybe now I'll get over my short hair dislike and actually try some hair products to give myself a whole new look. Why not have fun with all of this? It's a new day - a new normal - a new life!!!
Beth0 -
Sally's huh?BethInAz said:I agree with everybody
Traci, you are a hoot! Enjoy that new hair. I check myself out in the mirror every day now too thinking I'm seeing little sprouts on my head. I've been trimming the hair that remained behind so I don't have any really long strands. I have to confess, though, that my mother always cut my hair super short when I was a kid - and didn't do that great of a job of it either. I was always self conscious. When I got on my own, I grew my hair shoulder length and have had more medium length hairstyles ever since. Maybe now I'll get over my short hair dislike and actually try some hair products to give myself a whole new look. Why not have fun with all of this? It's a new day - a new normal - a new life!!!
We have a Sally's too. Sounds like fun! Thanks for the idea.0
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