Hope for Stage iv

JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hello All,
As most of you know, my husband Charlie has been battling stage iv EC since March 09. While I feel bad posting such good news for all of you who are dealing with all the "bumps in the road" we have all endured, I feel I must share this with you.
We got the results of Charlie's PET today and the results are actually better than the one he had last Sept. We prayed things would be the same and God not only answered our prayers, he gave us one better. An improvement! How can you not believe in the power of prayer? In Sept the PET showed he was still in remission but there was some activity in the stomach. Dr wasn't sure what it was, he said he could have been gastritis. Well this PET showed a decrease in that activity. Dr said Charlie's results are off the charts. So for all of you out there battling this deadly beast, please do not give up. There is always hope. If someone had told me we would be at this point 6 months ago, I doubt I would have believed you.
For all the newbies that I haven't "talked" to, if you want to read Charlie's full story, I have updated the "about me" page. I know I haven't welcomed all of you....a lot of you are going through radiation and surgery. I have had no experience with any of that and all I have to offer you are my prayers.
Thanks to all on this site for your support and good wishes....I continue to pray morning and night for all of you.
Stay strong,


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  • Betty in Vegas
    Betty in Vegas Member Posts: 290 Member
    Oh Jane
    I am so happy that you posted that. Sometimes, we only post when things are bad, and there is good...there are great days. And this is one of those days for you and Charlie, and you have shared that sunshine with US.

    I cannot tell you what that means to me. Truly. It is wonderful. Thank you Lord for remissions. We love remissions.

    PS...someone told me the other day prayer does not work on cancer. I nearly laughed in their face--because it has been working since old testament times. Just because the answer is not always YES does not mean it is not working and He is not hearing. Wow, a great PET. I hope he took you to dinner and gave you a nice neck massage!
  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    Jane, I am also glad you
    Jane, I am also glad you posted Charlie's good news! Everyone need's to hear the success as well as get info and support for the hard times. What a report! You have lightened a lot of hearts by sharing your story-thanks
  • emg09
    emg09 Member Posts: 228

    Oh Jane
    I am so happy that you posted that. Sometimes, we only post when things are bad, and there is good...there are great days. And this is one of those days for you and Charlie, and you have shared that sunshine with US.

    I cannot tell you what that means to me. Truly. It is wonderful. Thank you Lord for remissions. We love remissions.

    PS...someone told me the other day prayer does not work on cancer. I nearly laughed in their face--because it has been working since old testament times. Just because the answer is not always YES does not mean it is not working and He is not hearing. Wow, a great PET. I hope he took you to dinner and gave you a nice neck massage!

    The best news!!!

    This is so wonderful. I will be sharing this news with my father, hopefully to help give him the hope he so desparetly needs to hear. He's stage 4 inoperable. At this point, he feels he's not going to make it, but maybe this news will give him a renewed hope. I'm going to print your updated story for him and my mom to read. Don't ever feel bad about sharing wonderful news like this!!

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    great news
    So happy for you and Charlie, what wonderful news and we all need to hear good outcomes and good news for sure!! Thanks for sharing!! prayers for all!!
  • weezie47
    weezie47 Member Posts: 21
    Donna70 said:

    great news
    So happy for you and Charlie, what wonderful news and we all need to hear good outcomes and good news for sure!! Thanks for sharing!! prayers for all!!

    Great hope!Thanks for sharing!
    So glad that you got good news! You are an inspiration for all of us here. Know that your journey gives me hope. My husband is stage IV inoperable. Will start chemo and radiation on Mon. Thanks again! Will keep you and all here in my prayers.
  • mumphy
    mumphy Member Posts: 440
    weezie47 said:

    Great hope!Thanks for sharing!
    So glad that you got good news! You are an inspiration for all of us here. Know that your journey gives me hope. My husband is stage IV inoperable. Will start chemo and radiation on Mon. Thanks again! Will keep you and all here in my prayers.

    Jane Thanks for the Good News!!!!
    You know that I have been following Charlies progress since I first came to this site almost 9 mos ago. WOW THINK ABOUT I COULD HAVE HAD A BABY BY NOW LOL!!!!

    Thank you for the good news it is encouragement to those of us Stage IVs that are still in limbo even with surgery and everything.

    I couldn't be happier to here his about 2 wonderful God loving people. The power of Hope and Prayer is a wonderful thing.

    Keep us posted on Charelies progress as you always do. GO OUT AND CELEBRATE!!!THIS WONDERFUL VICTORY AGAINST THE HORRIBLE DISEASE!!!

  • MAE66
    MAE66 Member Posts: 66
    Thank you for the

    Thank you for the results. I have been thinking about you both, and am so glad you have some good news to share. It does give the rest of us hope.

  • cfight
    cfight Member Posts: 69
    Thank you so much for
    Thank you so much for sharing your great news. My dad was diagnosed with stage iv with mets to the bone in his arm. He started chemo and radiation two weeks ago and is handling it well except for fatique and some stomach upset. He's even swallowing better which we hope means a reduction to the size of the tumor. I think the diagnosis has finally settled in for me and your hopefulness and story helps me tremendously. I'm also getting married in September so I'm determined and I believe he is to fight this!! Thank you again!
  • Dietz
    Dietz Member Posts: 4
    Are you saying you've


    Are you saying you've had no therapy at all?
    No surgery, radiation or chemotherapy?

  • JaneE2366
    JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member
    Dietz said:

    Are you saying you've


    Are you saying you've had no therapy at all?
    No surgery, radiation or chemotherapy?


    had chemo
    Charlie had 4 rounds of chemo in the hospital. Each round consisted of Taxotere, Cisplatin, and 120 continuous hours of 5-FU. That was in Apr, May, June, and July of last year. Aug he started oral chemo.....Xeloda. He just finished his 8th round of that. Started Herceptin in Oct and has 5 rounds of that. No radiation...no surgery.
  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375

    Oh Jane
    I am so happy that you posted that. Sometimes, we only post when things are bad, and there is good...there are great days. And this is one of those days for you and Charlie, and you have shared that sunshine with US.

    I cannot tell you what that means to me. Truly. It is wonderful. Thank you Lord for remissions. We love remissions.

    PS...someone told me the other day prayer does not work on cancer. I nearly laughed in their face--because it has been working since old testament times. Just because the answer is not always YES does not mean it is not working and He is not hearing. Wow, a great PET. I hope he took you to dinner and gave you a nice neck massage!

    Prayer works for everything
    Prayer works for everything we need it for. True the answer may not be what we want but it works. It puts us in God's light and it takes away some of the pain and sorrow we all feel. I found it is a blessing to give up my problems to the Lord even though I had a hard time with doing that...seems like I want to keep them...and does no good at all...I pray for everyone here every night and hope better days are ahead for everyone. Hope is all we have that and God's love for us.

  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375

    Oh Jane
    I am so happy that you posted that. Sometimes, we only post when things are bad, and there is good...there are great days. And this is one of those days for you and Charlie, and you have shared that sunshine with US.

    I cannot tell you what that means to me. Truly. It is wonderful. Thank you Lord for remissions. We love remissions.

    PS...someone told me the other day prayer does not work on cancer. I nearly laughed in their face--because it has been working since old testament times. Just because the answer is not always YES does not mean it is not working and He is not hearing. Wow, a great PET. I hope he took you to dinner and gave you a nice neck massage!

    Prayer works for everything
    Prayer works for everything we need it for. True the answer may not be what we want but it works. It puts us in God's light and it takes away some of the pain and sorrow we all feel. I found it is a blessing to give up my problems to the Lord even though I had a hard time with doing that...seems like I want to keep them...and does no good at all...I pray for everyone here every night and hope better days are ahead for everyone. Hope is all we have that and God's love for us.

  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    JaneE2366 said:

    had chemo
    Charlie had 4 rounds of chemo in the hospital. Each round consisted of Taxotere, Cisplatin, and 120 continuous hours of 5-FU. That was in Apr, May, June, and July of last year. Aug he started oral chemo.....Xeloda. He just finished his 8th round of that. Started Herceptin in Oct and has 5 rounds of that. No radiation...no surgery.

    Hello Jane and Charlie,
    So glad to hear your wonderful news. I too will be printing your last post so my dad can read it. He too, was inoperable. He has recieved 6 weeks of radiation and chemo for the ec. Now has mets to his liver. He will start the Xeloda chemo next week for the liver. Great success story, thanks for posting!! I do believe in the power of prayer!!
  • Ellie_E
    Ellie_E Member Posts: 50
    You gave us hope!
    Thanks, Jane for reporting your great news! You have given my husband Jim and I some hope. Jim was diagnosed last September with Stage IV EC with liver and lymph mets. Surgery is not an option, he is only getting chemo.He had 4 rounds of EOX and 1round so far of CPT11 and cisplatin. His last PET was 2 weeks ago and everything has stayed the same with some shrinkage in the liver. We like his dr. very much, she seems to be up on the latest stuff, but when do you say ok let's go somewhere else. She is in contact with a gastro oncologist at Massachusetts General and one at Sloan Kettering. I've done a lot of research, but it all seems so overwhelming. This site has been a God send! It is such a comfort to know there are others who are fighting and winning!

    God bless you and your husband. You are all in my prayers,

  • downtown1
    downtown1 Member Posts: 9
    good news
    there is hope for stage 4 i was told i had stage 4 feb 20th 09 been back to work now 6 months driving truck over the road last cat scan doctors said looked remarkable.
  • downtown1
    downtown1 Member Posts: 9
    good news
    there is hope for stage 4 i was told i had stage 4 feb 20th 09 been back to work now 6 months driving truck over the road last cat scan doctors said looked remarkable.
  • downtown1 said:

    good news
    there is hope for stage 4 i was told i had stage 4 feb 20th 09 been back to work now 6 months driving truck over the road last cat scan doctors said looked remarkable.

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  • JaneE2366
    JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member
    unknown said:

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    Charlie is on Xeloda and the dr did say that you can build up a resistance to it.....but we have no idea how long that will take. The dr's answer to that is...."then we try something else." I asked the dr about how many treatments of Herceptin Charlie will have and he just plans to continue it for as long as the drug company supplies it. I know a couple of breast cancer survivors and they each had 17 treatments of Herceptin. So it will be interesting to see if the drug company cuts it off at some point. Charlie goes for his 8th treatment in a couple of weeks so I figure we have at least 9 more to go. Trying not to think of the "what thens."
    Stay strong,
  • JaneE2366 said:

    Charlie is on Xeloda and the dr did say that you can build up a resistance to it.....but we have no idea how long that will take. The dr's answer to that is...."then we try something else." I asked the dr about how many treatments of Herceptin Charlie will have and he just plans to continue it for as long as the drug company supplies it. I know a couple of breast cancer survivors and they each had 17 treatments of Herceptin. So it will be interesting to see if the drug company cuts it off at some point. Charlie goes for his 8th treatment in a couple of weeks so I figure we have at least 9 more to go. Trying not to think of the "what thens."
    Stay strong,

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