Decision making time

melch Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi! I was just diagnosed with stage 3A breast cancer. The doctor told me that since my tumor was quite large at 6.7cm, I need to undergo chemo first to shrink the tumor. I'm seeing an oncologist tomorrow and will soon have to decide. The lymph nodes in my right armpit are really swollen and the ultrasound shows the lymph nodes under my clavicle may have also been affected. I'm just beginning on this road and am encouraged by all of you, and your willinness to put up a good fight.

The thing that makes it hard to decide is a number of friends are encouraging me to go to the FUDA Cancer hospital in Guangzhou, China because of their new approach to cancer. But a doctor friend told me if I go to FUDA I could miss the opportunity to be cured. So I guess I'm staying put and try to convince myself that this is the best thing to do.


  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Good Morning melch.....I'm
    Good Morning melch.....I'm not sure about that hospital in China, are you currently in the states? I have stage 3c triple negative BC and it's in my "supraclavicular node" that's the one near your collar bone, along with in my inner mammory node in my chest wall. So far I've had chemo, in order to shrink the large tumor, on 2-11 I had a double mastectomy, both ovaries and immediate reconstruction, next is radiation to those two nodes that are un-removable along with the original tumor site. I have lot of faith in all of my doctors here and believe I'm in good hands. I want to wish you the best of luck with your decision and know that there are many wonderful people on this board here for you 24/7
    Big Hugs,
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Have faith in your doctor
    I had stage 3 breast cancer. My tumor was thought to be 3cm when I was first diagnosed in June of 09. I ended up going for 3 different opinions and all 3 were different. One of them believed that my tumor was attached to a muscle which would have put me in a whole different scenario. My final visit was to the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA, where I was told that it was no way attached. I had a mastectomy on Aug. 27th. When all was said & done, the tumor turned out to be 7cm and I had 4 out of 21 lymph nodes positive. I've finished 6 rounds of chemo and will be starting radiation soon. There are all different opinions, but the main thing is to have trust in the doctor that you chose. I was very confident with my choice and no matter the outcome, I believe I was treated in the best place possible... for me.

    I wish you the best in whatever you decide and please let us know how things go.

    Hugs, Mar
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    What to do?
    Course it is up to you and your docs. I had/have stage3, everything positive in a negative way. lol 18/20 nodes positive. I,too, thought about alternative meds. Was not real convinced on the stats. Went w western meds for the "cure", and now looking a little closer on conservative alternative meds. Taking milk thistle now to purge my liver. I look to the NHI for some guididence. Course at this stage u don't want powerful antioxidnts, cause they block treatment. I have finished all treatments. yeahhh. Good luck with your "cure". That's really the focus right now. research! People do come to America for our treatmnts too. Mmmmm
    Take care, Katz
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    This is what I have to say about Chinese healthcare.......My neighbor's family have been living in China now for 14 months, due to the husband's business......they have had, unfortunely, situations that required Chinese healthcare......16 year old daughter had to have an appendectomy......her pain relief meds after surgery......2 tylenol....try 2 tylenol for post surgical pain......this went on for 3 was a nightmare, they said...I wouldn't even consider, going there for ANY sort of treatment. As someone said......People come here for medical care from all over the world.........
    Peace be with you in making your decison
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I answered your other thread
    I answered your other thread so won't repeat it. Just wanted to say good luck with whatever you choose. Hindsight is 20/20. Just make the best choice you can and when looking back on it, remember the reasons you made the choice you did. This always comforts me even if things don't turn out the way I wanted.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Well, I'm not sure if you're talking about traditional chinese medicine (TCM) or modern healthcare in China, or a combination. That said, I don't agree that medicine in China is necessarily inadequate or that the U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world. It clearly is not. I do think, however, that with stage 3 bc, you need to approach your care in a studied manner. The first time you are treated for cancer is your best shot for a cure. So you want to hit it hard initially. If it were me I would throw everything at it (chemo, rads, bisphosphenates, etc.) from the get-go. However, I am a strong believer in complimentary medicine as well, including TCM. This I would do after your conventional treatments are over. I don't think you need travel to China to receive this kind of after-care either. Read up on nutrition, exercise, herbs, accupuncture, massage, etc. You can visit a certified TCM practitioner to get more advice and recommendations as well. There are even integrative oncologists out there who take a more holistic approach to cancer treatment. It may be worth it to seek one out. I know these decisions are not easy. I wish you luck.

  • melch
    melch Member Posts: 5
    mimivac said:

    Well, I'm not sure if you're talking about traditional chinese medicine (TCM) or modern healthcare in China, or a combination. That said, I don't agree that medicine in China is necessarily inadequate or that the U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world. It clearly is not. I do think, however, that with stage 3 bc, you need to approach your care in a studied manner. The first time you are treated for cancer is your best shot for a cure. So you want to hit it hard initially. If it were me I would throw everything at it (chemo, rads, bisphosphenates, etc.) from the get-go. However, I am a strong believer in complimentary medicine as well, including TCM. This I would do after your conventional treatments are over. I don't think you need travel to China to receive this kind of after-care either. Read up on nutrition, exercise, herbs, accupuncture, massage, etc. You can visit a certified TCM practitioner to get more advice and recommendations as well. There are even integrative oncologists out there who take a more holistic approach to cancer treatment. It may be worth it to seek one out. I know these decisions are not easy. I wish you luck.


    Thank you for your valued input! It's great to hear from all of you on the discussion board. I will follow your advice. Thanks once again!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    melch said:

    Thank you for your valued input! It's great to hear from all of you on the discussion board. I will follow your advice. Thanks once again!

    Please do not go to China
    I just came back from appointment and have not read what others have suggested, Please do not go to China. I do not want to scary you, but unfortunately you need to star treatment ASP and not experimenting with alternative medicine at unknown places.
    I was diagnosed with stage III C in June of 2998, had surgery first, then Chemo, radiation.
    Good Luck with your treatment,
    New Flower
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Good Morning melch.....I'm
    Good Morning melch.....I'm not sure about that hospital in China, are you currently in the states? I have stage 3c triple negative BC and it's in my "supraclavicular node" that's the one near your collar bone, along with in my inner mammory node in my chest wall. So far I've had chemo, in order to shrink the large tumor, on 2-11 I had a double mastectomy, both ovaries and immediate reconstruction, next is radiation to those two nodes that are un-removable along with the original tumor site. I have lot of faith in all of my doctors here and believe I'm in good hands. I want to wish you the best of luck with your decision and know that there are many wonderful people on this board here for you 24/7
    Big Hugs,

    Just wishing you good luck!
    Just wishing you good luck!
  • melch
    melch Member Posts: 5

    Please do not go to China
    I just came back from appointment and have not read what others have suggested, Please do not go to China. I do not want to scary you, but unfortunately you need to star treatment ASP and not experimenting with alternative medicine at unknown places.
    I was diagnosed with stage III C in June of 2998, had surgery first, then Chemo, radiation.
    Good Luck with your treatment,
    New Flower

    Decision made-not going to China
    Thanks to all of your valued input, I have decided to begin chemo on March 8. The doctors have explained how I should respond to friends who are encouraging me to go to China. I am comfident in what my doctors have advised me.
    Thank you wonderful ladies!