HI 2BHealed - Juicer Product Question Plus Other...



  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    victory10 said:

    I've had the Jack Lelane juicer but it was too much trouble some years ago. In the past month or so I ordered and received the Healthmaster. Its easy and spinich and vegetable can be put in the blender with the fruits, water and ice...can't even taste the spinich...easy clean up too. fruit seeds, apple peelings, and all are blended in with the drink. its amazing i think.

    I have that one
    My mother gave me the Jack Lelane juicer. It takes up so much space and is time-consuming to clean. But still, I plan to use it again after chemo. Right now I am not eating at all like my normal diet (not as healthy, which bothers me, but just staying hydrated and getting some calories in is the challenge for now).

    The neuropathy in my hands is triggered to an extreme if I get them wet. Washing veggies or cleaning a juicer is not something I can do right now. I wish someone in my family would do it for me on the days I think I could drink the juice, but my husband complained when I even took the juicer from my parents - he'd had one before and hated cleaning it so he got rid of it. No money to get anything more convenient than this one.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    slamb58 said:

    Juicing veggies, blending fruits..
    Hi Craig,
    I bought my Vita Mix right after my diagnosis in 2008 after seeing the Costco demo. I love it. After reading a lot of Emily's posts about the benefits of juicing I decided to buy a juicer too. I got it about a month ago, and have been juicing my vegetables to get the maximum effect of the nutrients. I am also using my Vita Mix mostly for my fruits. I will have a juice a day, then a fruit smoothie in the evening. I really enjoy the strawberry, blueberry and banana smoothie. It sounds like a lot of people on here are getting into the juicing craze. Just since I've bought mine, my sister bought one, and my boss got one. We should start a juicing club called "The Jolly Juicers". Good luck on your juicing!!

    Love my juicer, but it does
    Love my juicer, but it does take a bit to clean it. Jack Le'Lane, power juicer!
    My grand kids even drink the fruit juice. Carrots/apples/cucumber/pineapple is their favorite, next to oranges and apples.

    Tangerines are suppose to be really good for you, and the peels even more so, shred them and put them on salads or simmer them and make a tea.

    Green tea does not get it's full vitamins unless you steep it for at least 10 minutes.
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    2bhealed said:

    Best bang for your buck
    1. I want to give my body the power to ward off disease and not have recurrence of Cancer.

    2. I want to put more natural foods and juices into my system, so that I can have Energy and
    just plain ol’ “feel better.”

    Hi Craig,

    If you can only afford to invest in one of the two items, Vita-Mix or Juicer, I would personally go for the juicer. We're talking cancer healing. If you wanted to go on a raw diet because you wanted to lose weight or feel better, that's one thing; but for cancer healing I would spend my moola on an Omega or a Champion (which is what I have).

    I think I addressed the blending vs juicing in responding to Lisa's post.


    you can also search eBay or freecycle for used juicers. People buy them and then eventually they sit forlorn and forgotten in the back of a cupboard. I've known folks to pick them up at garage sales. Put the word out among your friends that you're looking for a juicer. Maybe a friend has a juicer to loan you. That's how I decided to get my Champ--I borrowed a friend's (she had cured her son's "incurable" cancer--and then wrote a book about it-- by juicing him).

    Have you read A Cancer Battle Plan by Anne Frahm? Her hubby wrote A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook which is the informative "how to" follow up.

    For more info on intestinal health check out www.thedoctorwithin.com

    www.healthquarters.com (or org--I forget)

    Anyway, thank you for the kind words regarding being a Johnny Appleseed. I honestly appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder why I stick around for so long and why bother, but that's only on my bad days. Then somebody starts to "get it" and it's all worth it.

    I love the Semi-colons so something must keep drawing me back. Just when I tell Scouty that I am done on here, it's time to move on....blah blah blah, I find myself coming back to answer another question....

    I have a lot going on in my life that gives me good reason to back off here, but health is my passion so there's no running away from it. :-)

    I hope this helps!

    Gotta go skiing now....

    peace, emily

    Hey Em
    I used the

    Hey Em

    I used the discountjuicers.com to buy ( or actually my nice boyfriend bought for me) the Big mouth, per your suggestion. I LOVE the way all the fruits taste. GOing to try a blend of veggies and fruits today. I bought a ton of oranges, apples. etc., trying to get through them.
    Just had a liver resection, so like that the juicing is not so hard on the liver~ So THANK YOU for cluing as in about this :)

    Hapyy Monday!
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    lisa42 said:

    saw the Vitamix demo in Costco yesterday

    I was in Costco yesterday and also saw the Vitamix demo. They had samples of tortilla soup made in it (pretty good). Anyhow, I asked how it differed from a juicer, and the demo lady said "juicers waste so much and the Vitamix grinds everything up so there's no waste". Hmmm... got me thinking, "which method is better for you?"
    What is really the health difference, if any, in juicing your fruits and veggies vs. grinding them up, or even just eating them whole? Is there any health benefits difference? I remember Diane asking this same question awhile back- she wasn't talking about the Vitamix, but asked about health benefits of juicing vs. just eating lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits.
    Emily... Scouty...anyone????


    Tips for the family
    Well, I am from California (northern is different than southern) and it is all organic, zero waste mantra stuff here. It took some getting used to as I moved here about 15 years ago from Southern California (Pacific Palisades where they used to film Baywatch). It was a major adjustment for me, But now, I love it. I go to the local farmers market and buy local, organic as much as possible. I started getting my kids to really like veggies when they were little, pureeing different veggies and sneaking into their foods. Now they love cauliflower, broccoli, edamame and mushrooms. I always start out a meal with cut up fruit and veggies. That way, if they are starving, they can fill up on that before I put out anything else. Lisa, could you try that out first? Try pureeing cauliflower and putting a few tablespoons in mashed potatoes and see if they notice.
    Anyways, I too would love that juicer from Cosco. I have seen the demo many times, but am reluctant to shell out the $. I am going to see if our library has that book. A friend's nephew beat colon cancer at age 29 several years ago, and she swears by the diet she put him on. She only buys her meat from a grass fed farm in her area and follows some food movement that I once looked up.
    Happy juicing.
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    My mother in law gave me a
    My mother in law gave me a Health Master for X-mas. It's the heavy duty blender that Montel Williams hawks on late night infomercials (we named it Montel). It does lots of stuff and my family uses it often. My daughter makes lots of smoothies with frozen organic fruits and Keefir. She even throws in a handful of spinach. But... Emily is right. Juicing is better at delivering the large amounts of nutrition that I need to fight off the band of bastards that has invaded my body. Montel liquifies the veggies, but my system simply can't process the large amount of fiber. Juicing gives me the nutrition of all those veggies, without having to crap my bag every 5 minutes.

    Think of it this way. Cancer forces us to live moment to moment. Life becomes condensed, boiled down, concentrated. The fear is intense. The pain nearly unbearable. What do we do? We "feel it all the way" and then move forward. We cut wood. We sing to our kids. We go to the beach. We make blue wrist bands. We go to Disney Land. We get a puppy. We do what we need to do. Sometimes all we can do is hug the ones we love and go back to bed. But we learn to feel the intensity of that happiness. That is one place where Hope lives - in the intense happiness of a single moment. Making juice with a juicer is the same. For those of us who are into it, it is concentrated health. For me it is concentrated happiness as well.
    Be Happy,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Crow71 said:

    My mother in law gave me a
    My mother in law gave me a Health Master for X-mas. It's the heavy duty blender that Montel Williams hawks on late night infomercials (we named it Montel). It does lots of stuff and my family uses it often. My daughter makes lots of smoothies with frozen organic fruits and Keefir. She even throws in a handful of spinach. But... Emily is right. Juicing is better at delivering the large amounts of nutrition that I need to fight off the band of bastards that has invaded my body. Montel liquifies the veggies, but my system simply can't process the large amount of fiber. Juicing gives me the nutrition of all those veggies, without having to crap my bag every 5 minutes.

    Think of it this way. Cancer forces us to live moment to moment. Life becomes condensed, boiled down, concentrated. The fear is intense. The pain nearly unbearable. What do we do? We "feel it all the way" and then move forward. We cut wood. We sing to our kids. We go to the beach. We make blue wrist bands. We go to Disney Land. We get a puppy. We do what we need to do. Sometimes all we can do is hug the ones we love and go back to bed. But we learn to feel the intensity of that happiness. That is one place where Hope lives - in the intense happiness of a single moment. Making juice with a juicer is the same. For those of us who are into it, it is concentrated health. For me it is concentrated happiness as well.
    Be Happy,

    Without wanting it to sound too much like hyperbole, this is one of the most beautiful posts I think I have ever read on these boards, Roger. I think I just may have to save this one to quote you if that's ok.

    peace, emily
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Without wanting it to sound too much like hyperbole, this is one of the most beautiful posts I think I have ever read on these boards, Roger. I think I just may have to save this one to quote you if that's ok.

    peace, emily

    Thanks Em. I'd be honored to
    Thanks Em. I'd be honored to have you quote me. I quote you all the time. The other day a friend of mine called me. Her brother had just been diagnosed with cc, and she was going through all the emotions that have become so familiar to us. She had already been looking into nutrition and juicing. I was able to give her a little helpful information. Most of what I know I learned from your posts. I have read a lot and visited many web sites, but I haven't really learned from the books yet. It's all been too much, and my brain simply hasn't been able to process the info. Mostly I just drink the juice that my dad brings and try to stay focussed. That's why you and others who know so much are so important to us. You boil down the confusing info into pieces that are relevant and easy to understand. Chemo has just melted my brain. I know you haven't experienced this, but I know you understand from us - and your sister - how hard it is to fight this and learn at the same time. Thank you for continuing to share with us and be with us.
    I hope you feel good about how much some of us look to you for help, but I suspect that it must feel like a burden to you sometimes. So I wanted to say thanks and offer you a promise that when I get on the other side of this I'll work hard to be someone who can answer the questions with you.

    Peace indeed,
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Crow71 said:

    Thanks Em. I'd be honored to
    Thanks Em. I'd be honored to have you quote me. I quote you all the time. The other day a friend of mine called me. Her brother had just been diagnosed with cc, and she was going through all the emotions that have become so familiar to us. She had already been looking into nutrition and juicing. I was able to give her a little helpful information. Most of what I know I learned from your posts. I have read a lot and visited many web sites, but I haven't really learned from the books yet. It's all been too much, and my brain simply hasn't been able to process the info. Mostly I just drink the juice that my dad brings and try to stay focussed. That's why you and others who know so much are so important to us. You boil down the confusing info into pieces that are relevant and easy to understand. Chemo has just melted my brain. I know you haven't experienced this, but I know you understand from us - and your sister - how hard it is to fight this and learn at the same time. Thank you for continuing to share with us and be with us.
    I hope you feel good about how much some of us look to you for help, but I suspect that it must feel like a burden to you sometimes. So I wanted to say thanks and offer you a promise that when I get on the other side of this I'll work hard to be someone who can answer the questions with you.

    Peace indeed,

    I really love my Omega 8005!
    Just a few pieces to clean, very easy, with a filter, but, I kind of like a little chew to my juice. I may be going to Meijers which has a nice fruit and produce section, and fruits so hybrod, that I can't pronoince them, but just throw then on in, I have to cut em up in chuncks, which is ok anyway, and juices greens beautifully, cucumbers, kale, celery, now, I don't get if I'm supposed to cut the beets raw or cook them soft before, that alway gets me, but I'm now juicing 2 times a day, and eating lots of apples and bananas too :)

    I want to make some nachos or something tonight with a good salsa too while I watch my APollo skate!

    Will talk soon, and I'm with you Roger, I look forward to Emily;s posts, I learm something new all the time! She has inspired to me do this, even looking for gluten free products!

  • cbcardb12
    cbcardb12 Member Posts: 84
    Shayenne said:

    I really love my Omega 8005!
    Just a few pieces to clean, very easy, with a filter, but, I kind of like a little chew to my juice. I may be going to Meijers which has a nice fruit and produce section, and fruits so hybrod, that I can't pronoince them, but just throw then on in, I have to cut em up in chuncks, which is ok anyway, and juices greens beautifully, cucumbers, kale, celery, now, I don't get if I'm supposed to cut the beets raw or cook them soft before, that alway gets me, but I'm now juicing 2 times a day, and eating lots of apples and bananas too :)

    I want to make some nachos or something tonight with a good salsa too while I watch my APollo skate!

    Will talk soon, and I'm with you Roger, I look forward to Emily;s posts, I learm something new all the time! She has inspired to me do this, even looking for gluten free products!


    Hey Everybody
    I bought a juicer some time back, and it has been sort of a trial trying to get it together. I have no real idea of how much of whatever to put with the other whatever. My question is where can I get "recipes" for mix and matching the fruits and veggies together? Is it possible to get good taste and nutrition? My husband has been having a few days of loose bowels, and I don't want to make it worse. Should I wait until that settles down before really picking up the pace, or are there combinations that will work during these times?

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    cbcardb12 said:

    Hey Everybody
    I bought a juicer some time back, and it has been sort of a trial trying to get it together. I have no real idea of how much of whatever to put with the other whatever. My question is where can I get "recipes" for mix and matching the fruits and veggies together? Is it possible to get good taste and nutrition? My husband has been having a few days of loose bowels, and I don't want to make it worse. Should I wait until that settles down before really picking up the pace, or are there combinations that will work during these times?


    Hey Carolyn. I'll post some
    Hey Carolyn. I'll post some recipes later. I think there is a fairly recent thread that has some from Em and others. It may take a little bit of time for the stomach to get used to the concentrated juice. Take it slow. You may want to make a keefir or yogurt smoothie. It's great for restoring the stomach. Also stay away from beets for now, or at least know that beat juice can stain your poop blood red. It's not the kind of flashback any of us need. Take it slow. I did.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    cbcardb12 said:

    Hey Everybody
    I bought a juicer some time back, and it has been sort of a trial trying to get it together. I have no real idea of how much of whatever to put with the other whatever. My question is where can I get "recipes" for mix and matching the fruits and veggies together? Is it possible to get good taste and nutrition? My husband has been having a few days of loose bowels, and I don't want to make it worse. Should I wait until that settles down before really picking up the pace, or are there combinations that will work during these times?


    Hey Carolyn!
    I started out with using Emily's recipe of

    2 Apples (cut up}
    2 Carrots (peeled and cut up)
    1 Handful of baby spinach
    1 Handful of Romaine Lettuce)
    1 Handful of Cilantro
    1 small slice of ginger
    Scoop of green powder :)

    And it made a couple glasses of juices, sometimes more!

    I also been supplemeting my diet with grilled down Flaxseed oil, some Vitamin D3, Probiotocs, which replaces the bacteria that is killed by the chemo, with the good bacteria!

    Also, my daughter who likes tomatoes juiced, with celery, amd some lettuce, with lemon juice, trying to maker own version of V-8 juice, sometimes it comes out really good!

    Just throw in what you have left working....I think you'll like Apples, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, and pineapples and bananas! Bananas don't make alot of juices, but it's so strong, and tastes soooo goood! even kiwis! Yummmm! the flavoring of veggies and fruits together are good, so experiment :}

    Have fun!

  • cbcardb12
    cbcardb12 Member Posts: 84
    Crow71 said:

    Hey Carolyn. I'll post some
    Hey Carolyn. I'll post some recipes later. I think there is a fairly recent thread that has some from Em and others. It may take a little bit of time for the stomach to get used to the concentrated juice. Take it slow. You may want to make a keefir or yogurt smoothie. It's great for restoring the stomach. Also stay away from beets for now, or at least know that beat juice can stain your poop blood red. It's not the kind of flashback any of us need. Take it slow. I did.

    I'll be looking for the recipes, and will definitely stay away from the beets! The visual is almost more than I can take. LOL

  • Wenchie
    Wenchie Member Posts: 88
    I LOVE mine and try to have a smoothie loaded with blueberries every morning. In reality, I want the fiber as opposed to just juice. Ahhh, a good poop can put a smile on your face everytime!