having a hard time and need prayers



  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    I will be praying for you and your mom
    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. My father is very ill and I had always promised to be there for him and now I cant be there the way I want to. I cant imagine what you are going through. It's so hard just going through BC without loosing your Mom. You are amazing. It's okay to cry and to be angry. I wont tell you things will get better in time. I will say they will be different and you will find once again strength you never knew you had. God will get you through. I like you want my father here, I want to be able to be there with him while he is going through this. I dont have words to make you feel better right now, but I will say allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. You will get through this. I will be praying for you shortcake.

    sending hugs and prayers.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Marlene_K said:

    Moms never leave us
    I'm crying with you as I recall that dreadful day that we needed to take my mom off of life support 5 years ago. I miss her terribly but I do feel her presence. God has a plan for each & every one of us and though we feel we'd like to keep our moms around forever, it isn't in the cards. I'm sure you can imagine the way you love your mom and wouldn't want her to crumble, she doesn't want the same for you. She told you she would be there to help you fight the battle, and she will be. Don't let her down! We cry tears because we will miss them, but we know that is not what they want us to do. They want us to be strong, successful and happy for the rest of our lives. When my mom was taken off of life support, I prayed that her soul would enter mine. The minute she died, I felt shivers throughout my whole body and something make me smile... NO LIE! Of course, I cried at her funeral, but I was no where near as bad as I thought I'd be. I never thought I could live without my mom... she was my best friend and I was very close to her. I believe she helped me through it and continues to help me through many obstacles in my life. You CAN go on, shortscake... let your mom continue to help you!

    Big hugs & prayers, Mar

    There is nothing i can say
    There is nothing i can say that others have not said and much more eloquently than I can. You are one of the nicest sweetest girls. I am so so sorry you are going through this on top of the breast cancer. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers
  • bgant
    bgant Member Posts: 10
    God has already started the process, u r n my prayers. please tell me u believe in the Lord. times may be hard for u but trust in him, i know this may b hard to do but jus try, i did and i kno it was my faith that got me thru the hard times.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    I'm so sorry! I don't have any words to ease that pain...i'll be praying for you.

    God Bless...
  • hamish1
    hamish1 Member Posts: 34
    Oh Shortscake, I am sorry to know you are having to face this grief, along with facing your own battle with cancer.I too was diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov. 09, and just facing that, is hard enough. I just can't imagine what you must be going through. But I can tell you, if it wasn't for prayers, somedays I couldn't make it. I promise you, I will be praying for you and your Mama and the rest of the family. God bless you always.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I will pray
    Dear Shortscake,

    Others have offered some good advice; take it! There is nothing I can say to make it better or make it go away. I was dx in August and lost my mom to bc in November. It is difficult; there is no way getting around it, but I want you to know that you can make it. Don't give up. Cry, lament, do what you need to do but don't dig a hole and give up ... that was my temptation. Continue to reach out to others and know that the strength that you are going to need will be there.

    Bless you dear sister,

    I am sending you hugs and
    I am sending you hugs and prayers! I can't imagine what you are going thru. I am so sorry Shortscake.

  • cindysuetoyou
    cindysuetoyou Member Posts: 513
    I am praying for you, that
    I am praying for you, that God can give you the strength to face life just one day at a time. Your mom must be a wonderful person and she must love you so very much, like you love her. I am so sorry for your pain. So many others here on this board have said such good things that I really don't know what I can add. Please believe that the sun will shine again for you and there will come a time when the pain won't be so fresh and deep. It takes a long time, but it will happen. My mom was my best friend, my support, and my strength. She passed away 18 years ago and I still miss her terribly. But the pain isn't sharp like a knife any more...it's more like a dull ache.
    Blessings, peace, and grace and strength to you.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    OF COURSE you can

    please don't give up. You have a whole army of pink warriors behind you.
    I personally looked up to you and your feisty nature. If you need someone
    to call contact me, I will give you my number. I am here if you want.
    Sometimes you just need someone to hold your hand through the rough patch.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    You, your Mom and


    You, your Mom and family are in my prayers. I am so sorry for all that you have to endure. At times like these, I will read my Bible - 2Corinthians 1:2; 121st Psalm, Rev 21:4 and, I guess,the one that always helps Psalm 34:10 "God is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves."

  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    sbmly53 said:

    You, your Mom and


    You, your Mom and family are in my prayers. I am so sorry for all that you have to endure. At times like these, I will read my Bible - 2Corinthians 1:2; 121st Psalm, Rev 21:4 and, I guess,the one that always helps Psalm 34:10 "God is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves."


    sending prayers
    sending prayers ! god will give you strength!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    I am so sorry.
    I have tears in my eyes as I am reading this post.I lost my mom to Cancer when I was 22yrs. old.I had my two children then and was in a very abusive relationship with their dad.I had had a hysterectomy.And it was so hard not to have my Mom.It is never easy letting go.but for my moms benifit I knew I had to.My Prayers are with you.I am sending you a BIG BIG HUG right now. Your mom would want you to be ok.Love and Prayers.
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Oh Shortscakes - There are no words for your incredible pain. I also had to discontinue life support on my mother. She was 62, I was 26. That part is difficult enough, but with her being your source of strength through your battle with cancer is absolutely devastating. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and let you cry. But I will have to settle with hearfelt prayers that God will give you the strength to carry on. After my mother passed away and I was missing her, I would just ask myself "What would Mom say about this?" I am still asking myself that question when I need a word of advice. Your mother must be an incredible woman. I can tell by the daughter she raised and loved so dearly. I asm crying with you and for you Shortscakes.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Oh Shortscakes - There are no words for your incredible pain. I also had to discontinue life support on my mother. She was 62, I was 26. That part is difficult enough, but with her being your source of strength through your battle with cancer is absolutely devastating. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and let you cry. But I will have to settle with hearfelt prayers that God will give you the strength to carry on. After my mother passed away and I was missing her, I would just ask myself "What would Mom say about this?" I am still asking myself that question when I need a word of advice. Your mother must be an incredible woman. I can tell by the daughter she raised and loved so dearly. I asm crying with you and for you Shortscakes.

    My prayers are with you, be
    My prayers are with you, be brave and strong. I miss my mom so much so my heart aches for you
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    meena1 said:

    My prayers are with you, be
    My prayers are with you, be brave and strong. I miss my mom so much so my heart aches for you

    thinking of you today.

    thinking of you today.
  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84
    Hi Shortscake

    My heart and prayers goes out to you. There are no words that I can say that can make your
    pain go away right now. My mom and I became so close after my dad past away which was in
    1993. So for 10 years we were together everyday. I was with her the moment God called her home. That was the hardest day of my life. So I know and can feel your pain. She has been gone for 6 years and it seems like today. I got BC in March 2009. It's so rare the Chemo and Radiation has no effect. It broke my heart for her not to be here with me going thru both breast being removed and most of all Chemo. As of today I'M CANCER FREE. All the glory
    to God. There is one thing that I do that helps me get through my day. I carry a picture
    of my mom and dad with me everyday. I look at them everyday and I know they are with me.
    Only God can help give you the strenght you need and to get thru this most difficult time in your life. Just know that he and your mom are with you.
    Again I'm sorry for what you are going thru.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Am Crying Too
    Take a break from crying and let me do it for you for awhile. I feel so bad for you. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes. I do know that I nearly lost my mom in June. I told her I could not go through this journey alone. She told me, that even if she left me, she would never really leave me. She said that she would always be with me. She also made me promise to keep fighting and go on. Even if your mother hasn't said so, she would want you to keep fighting and keep going. I know it's hard and it looks like you won't be able to do it. So just hold out your hand and imagine that we are all holding it. We will pull you through this.

    All my prayers.

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Shortscake I am so sorry to
    Shortscake I am so sorry to hear what you are going through right now. I really feel compassion for you. I cannot imagine what I would do right now if something were to happen to my mom. I understand you needing her here right now and the grief at the loss of her departing. It is in these moments of such deep grief and despair that we reach deep within us and surrender to God because we don't know how to go on.

    I shall pray for you, pray that you can touch the strength within you and feel the courage to keep going.
  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    sharing your pain..
    I do not have an answer for you, but I too share in the "lost" feelings you are having. I was caregiver for my husband for 5 years and he passed away 9/25/09. I was diagnosed 1/28 with breast cancer. My husband and my mom were my best friends. My mom had a stroke 9/20/08 and has been in a nursing home. She is unable to communicate and we are not sure what she may still be understanding of what we say. I am grieving her loss and my husband's when I so badly need their strength to help me find my way.

    I have been told too that they are always with us. I do believe that, but still would love to have them here in person. As I am struggling to find my "footing" in this new world of mine - I must believe and have faith in God's plan. ...that is my only hope to keep going on with my journey. I feel like it is being in the ocean...I have a moment of calm and peace and know I can do this and then this "sunomi wave" comes along and drags me under and I struggle to keep going. My new friends on this board are a big source of my comfort. I hold onto my family and friends that are doing their best to encourage me. I especially try to hold onto the present moment and embrace it. Looking too far ahead is too overwhelming. I am just concentrating on "NOW"...it is all any of us trully have.

    You will be in my prayers and thoughts. And I know in my heart, you are a strong woman that will find your way and your mother is so proud of you even if she cannot put it in words for you to hear-she is and always will be a part of you.
    Write anytime you need a friendly ear to listen.
    Hugs to you,
    Mary Kay
  • The Phone Number to Heaven
    I lost my mom two years ago to Melanoma. Now I have breast cancer. I'm mad at her for not being here and I miss her so much. I'm mad at her for not giving me the phone number to heaven! But I know I have to fight this. My mom did not fight hard enough for her survival & she pretended nothing was as bad as it was; I'm not doing that. You have to find the strength in you to go on. If you cry every day get up and wipe the tears off when you are done. I cry every day too. You are not alone even if it feels that way. I know there's nothing that can be said to really make this easy but you will fight & win. Know that your mother would want that for you. Try not to blame her for not being there; life is a big struggle & we can't always have things the way we want them. We just need to learn to adapt. I'm learning this every day. You have to believe that you will find the strength in something & that you can fight the cancer even without your mother there with you. You can do it. I'm trying to practice Qigong, an ancient Chinese healing system. It's calming & might help you too. Look into it, maybe it will be helpful. If you ever need to talk I know I'm not your mother but I'm going through the same thing as you & without my mom, so feel free to contact me. Peace.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    I'm so sorry.
    I lost my mom in November while I was going through chemo. You would think that I should have some magic words or insights to give to you that would help, but I don't. I'm so sorry for this added stress during a time when you should be able to rely on everyone else to help heal you. Allow yourself time to grieve as you need to; be kind to yourself; and just breathe. My prayers are with you, Pitt