Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
C'mon Semi Colons.......I think we need a "We Are The World" sing along also...We all have or are fighting a battle all over this world..We should start finding a way to make us heard louder than ever before...Colonpalooza is great, how about a rendevous at a state capital bldg. or in front of a National Prime Time Television Station. Or best of all a "Million Cancer Survivors Walk" for Cancer Awareness....Relays for Life are the utmost, but still there is not the PUSH-SHOVE attitude taken by government to wipe out this horrible disease. We even through this site are a strong, bunch, a dedicated crew. We show it through pain , suffering, and the not so simple act of survival. We need desperately to rise to the occasion. Can we not make this happen in 1 calendar year. That gives us ample time to spread the word throughout this Nation and it can be done. We are cancer survivors, we can do anything we want, we have fought and won larger battles than this would be. Pessimist or Optimist when you feel like something of this magnitude would be an overwhelming task to accomplish, think of Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Neil Armstrong, how do you think these people got not only national attention, but world-wide attention. People listen and follow the masses and the Greats. All it took for any of these Great men to be leaders and to do the things and accomplish the goals they have was 1 tiny microscopic little sperm that decided that nothing could stop it from accomplishing its goal.its simple when you put it in the right perspective...We can do the same if you think its worth the time....I certainly do......If you feel the same have a shirt or some type of logo made up and wear it when you can...and lets set a date for the "Million Cancer Survivors Walk" and make it a dream come true......Love Hope and may 2010 be the year of "The Cure"


  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    I went online and bought a colon cancer blue ribon magnet that I have on my car I share my story every where I can tell people about this cancer I will do what ever I can if I can afford to attend ...
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    lcarper2 said:

    I went online and bought a colon cancer blue ribon magnet that I have on my car I share my story every where I can tell people about this cancer I will do what ever I can if I can afford to attend ...

    Great idea!
    Count me in!
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    lcarper2 said:

    I went online and bought a colon cancer blue ribon magnet that I have on my car I share my story every where I can tell people about this cancer I will do what ever I can if I can afford to attend ...

    Great idea!
    Count me in!
  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    I'm game. Count me in too.
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    LOVE IT BUZZARD!!! I just
    LOVE IT BUZZARD!!! I just had a liver rescetion for an anal cancer that spread there after 2 years! I am now a 3X survivor! Would love to show it off!!!!
  • SandyL
    SandyL Member Posts: 218
    SueRelays said:

    LOVE IT BUZZARD!!! I just
    LOVE IT BUZZARD!!! I just had a liver rescetion for an anal cancer that spread there after 2 years! I am now a 3X survivor! Would love to show it off!!!!

    Sounds great
    to me too. Would love to be a part of it.
  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438
    SandyL said:

    Sounds great
    to me too. Would love to be a part of it.

    I want to enlist!
    I had just decided this week that I am going to have my dear friend that makes blingy T-shirts create one for me that says:

    CURE: My Favorite 4-letter Word!!!

    I plan to wear it proudly with intentions of it initiating dialogue that will allow me to spread my story and the word about the importance of early detection of all colon related cancers.

    There is power in numbers and we are an awesome sum of survivors and fighters. Consider me recruited!!!

  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    I got 4 Cancer shirts
    Let me know what I can do to help. You can always count me in Buzz!!

    1) I have one PINK shirt that says "I support the girls" "Breast Cancer"

    2) "I hate Cancer"

    3) "Kill VAL" my brother had 10 of them made after I named my cancer Val

    4) "Colorectal Cancer" "It's a pain in the butt"

    5) "Hug your Cancer Nurse"

  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member

    I got 4 Cancer shirts
    Let me know what I can do to help. You can always count me in Buzz!!

    1) I have one PINK shirt that says "I support the girls" "Breast Cancer"

    2) "I hate Cancer"

    3) "Kill VAL" my brother had 10 of them made after I named my cancer Val

    4) "Colorectal Cancer" "It's a pain in the butt"

    5) "Hug your Cancer Nurse"


    " I named my cancer Val"
    So funny because I named my newly resected colon Larry after one of the three stooges. Larry was a total mess for awhile until he got the hang of things.

  • WinneyPooh
    WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
    Jaylo969 said:

    " I named my cancer Val"
    So funny because I named my newly resected colon Larry after one of the three stooges. Larry was a total mess for awhile until he got the hang of things.


    I agree
    this cancer needs to come out of the bathroom, the other day i got some new ostomy supplies and i retreated my bedroom, my heart raced would these be the fix i needed i told my family not to bother me for atleast 40 mins and i meant it ( with the knock on my door and die voice) i opened all my supplies, beathed deep, cleaned the area, prepped got angry cause there was no good place to stick it, prepared more and then when i finally got the fix all i wanted to do way lay in the dark and enjoy the temp high, i felt like a drug addict, hiding my fix, like a heriun addict, thiss cancer has consumed me and changed me in ways i do not like. i feel trapped and scared people i don't know will see me and know i have a pooh bag, it is not how i want to feel but i do.
    i know if this cancer was not so taboo too talk about i would have been DX alot sooner cause i would have been more aware that my symptoms were pointing towards cancer.

    awareness of the signs will help so many people we have to get the word out.

    i talk to everyone about this cancer i can,

    any i have educated my kids on what to look for something i was not made aware of.

    early signs are any change in bowel movements that last more than a week and seem to reoccure often.

    IBC, Crones, UC, Diarrea, Constapation, Blood in stools, this needs to be on a billboard some where, and check up way before 40 for anyone with a family history of any of these sysptms and colon/rectal cancer

    listen to people and pay attention if some one you know has bathroom issues insist they get checked. take them if you have to

    we can't loose this battle

    Live laugh play


    by they way my ile is monsterileo
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member

    I agree
    this cancer needs to come out of the bathroom, the other day i got some new ostomy supplies and i retreated my bedroom, my heart raced would these be the fix i needed i told my family not to bother me for atleast 40 mins and i meant it ( with the knock on my door and die voice) i opened all my supplies, beathed deep, cleaned the area, prepped got angry cause there was no good place to stick it, prepared more and then when i finally got the fix all i wanted to do way lay in the dark and enjoy the temp high, i felt like a drug addict, hiding my fix, like a heriun addict, thiss cancer has consumed me and changed me in ways i do not like. i feel trapped and scared people i don't know will see me and know i have a pooh bag, it is not how i want to feel but i do.
    i know if this cancer was not so taboo too talk about i would have been DX alot sooner cause i would have been more aware that my symptoms were pointing towards cancer.

    awareness of the signs will help so many people we have to get the word out.

    i talk to everyone about this cancer i can,

    any i have educated my kids on what to look for something i was not made aware of.

    early signs are any change in bowel movements that last more than a week and seem to reoccure often.

    IBC, Crones, UC, Diarrea, Constapation, Blood in stools, this needs to be on a billboard some where, and check up way before 40 for anyone with a family history of any of these sysptms and colon/rectal cancer

    listen to people and pay attention if some one you know has bathroom issues insist they get checked. take them if you have to

    we can't loose this battle

    Live laugh play


    by they way my ile is monsterileo

    Never ever be ashamed Winney.......
  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member

    I got 4 Cancer shirts
    Let me know what I can do to help. You can always count me in Buzz!!

    1) I have one PINK shirt that says "I support the girls" "Breast Cancer"

    2) "I hate Cancer"

    3) "Kill VAL" my brother had 10 of them made after I named my cancer Val

    4) "Colorectal Cancer" "It's a pain in the butt"

    5) "Hug your Cancer Nurse"


    I named mine Henry. Henry
    I named mine Henry. Henry got cremated with my colon. Not sure he deserved so much attention.
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Jaylo969 said:

    " I named my cancer Val"
    So funny because I named my newly resected colon Larry after one of the three stooges. Larry was a total mess for awhile until he got the hang of things.


    Maybe that's what I should name my semi-colon. It's a mess too and hasn't gotten the hang of things. LOL
  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    Is anyone else a member of ACS CAN? It stands for American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. This is the advocacy (lobbying) arm of ACS. Membership dues are NOT tax deductible (I'm retired from IRS - sorry, can't help doling out tax advice). The dues are a minimum of $10 per year, but you can donate any amount above that. Their web site is

    This sounds like what Buzzard is talking about. Last year I participated in ACS CAN's state lobbying day. We met with our state senators and representatives to urge their support of legislation that ACS was supporting.

    Here is an excerpt from the renewal notice that I just received from ACS CAN:

    "Your membership in the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is about to lapse. Please renew your membership so that you can continue to be part of the growing movement that is putting cancer at the top of the nation's agenda. With your help, laws that further the fight against cancer can be passed. Renew your membership today so that we CAN build on the achievements of the past year, such as
    Increasing cancer research funding
    Regulating tobacco
    Fighting for health care reform
    Building a smoke-free nation

    If one American can battle cancer, a nation CAN defeat it. With your help we can build upon our successes and accomplish more than ever. In the year to come, ACS CAN will pursue its goal of increasing federal cancer research funding that can save hundreds of thousands of lives. We will continue to support state-level campaigns to enact more smoke-free laws and put America on track to be a smoke-free nation by 2015. Finally, ACS CAN will conduct a comprehensive electoral program for 2010 elections, alerting voters like you to their elected officials' and candidates' positions on cancer-related issues.

    When you renew your ACS CAN membership, we'll send you a new membership card and a legislative toolkit, your guide to being heard in Congress. The toolkit includes a personal legislator profile, a guide to taking action, and refrigerator magnet. In addition you will receive email actin alerts when Congress or state legislatures debate critical cancer legislation.

    Your membership is vital to fund issue campaigns and voter education; it can help us to reach out to lawmakers and candidates as we seek their support for the laws and funding that help people fight cancer."

    Since I've been a member, I have sent emails to my senators and representatives on both the state and federal level. I even received a survey from Senator McCaskill's office the other day. ACS CAN sends out a monthly e-newsletter with items of interest on both the federal and state levels.

    Because ACS CAN is a part of ACS, I wanted to make sure that each of you was aware of this organization and what it does. For those who want to take an active role in advocating for cancer survivors, this may be something you want to check out.

  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    let's keep the momentum and ideas flowing....
    great one Buzzard...

    When I had me ileostomy, I called myself Peggy adn the Magical Poo Pouch and my Stoma was called "Stumpy; We'll do relay for life this spring and my team will be Peggy's Pooper Troopers!

    winney - never ever be ashamed...EVER...repeat...

    See my blog, there is a great Cancer Awareness Logo I found at another site....wonder if we can import it here.....i'll try and change my profile pic to that so you all can see it

    One of the big things we should push is colonoscopies BEFORE age 50, there are too many of us her that were DX'd earlier than 50 (me, at 46)

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    pluckey said:

    let's keep the momentum and ideas flowing....
    great one Buzzard...

    When I had me ileostomy, I called myself Peggy adn the Magical Poo Pouch and my Stoma was called "Stumpy; We'll do relay for life this spring and my team will be Peggy's Pooper Troopers!

    winney - never ever be ashamed...EVER...repeat...

    See my blog, there is a great Cancer Awareness Logo I found at another site....wonder if we can import it here.....i'll try and change my profile pic to that so you all can see it

    One of the big things we should push is colonoscopies BEFORE age 50, there are too many of us her that were DX'd earlier than 50 (me, at 46)


    I just turned 50 a few weeks
    I just turned 50 a few weeks ago, almost a year after finding out I had cancer. BUT almost my entire family over the age of 30 had colonoscopies because of it.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member

    I just turned 50 a few weeks
    I just turned 50 a few weeks ago, almost a year after finding out I had cancer. BUT almost my entire family over the age of 30 had colonoscopies because of it.

    Colonoscopies are the key...We just need ......
    to really brainstorm this......We need to get the word out to the unknowing that early detection is the key to survival....Period...We need a logo and I really liked the "Colon Cancer is a Pain in the Butt" on the back and either SURVIVOR or CAREGIVER on the front....I really like that, it gets the word across and causes people to notice, then maybe they will either ask or know someone that has been diagnosed with it and just maybe it will sink in...either way its public advertisement in the free market. ACS-CAN sounds like another route to advocate for cancer...I still like the "Million Person March" idea I am gonna pursue it more......

    If anyone knows a screen painter that does shirts and can give us a great price on specific logo and shirt on a volume of shirts, pm me please and maybe we can get some made to order. I have one down the road here and I will contact him to check out a price.....

    Love to all of you.......Buzz
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    JDuke said:

    I want to enlist!
    I had just decided this week that I am going to have my dear friend that makes blingy T-shirts create one for me that says:

    CURE: My Favorite 4-letter Word!!!

    I plan to wear it proudly with intentions of it initiating dialogue that will allow me to spread my story and the word about the importance of early detection of all colon related cancers.

    There is power in numbers and we are an awesome sum of survivors and fighters. Consider me recruited!!!


    I want one
    Can I order one too? IF I can please PM me with the details...

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    I am IN
    I think its a great Idea. Maybe we all can do something in our respective areas. This will be fun..

  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member

    I agree
    this cancer needs to come out of the bathroom, the other day i got some new ostomy supplies and i retreated my bedroom, my heart raced would these be the fix i needed i told my family not to bother me for atleast 40 mins and i meant it ( with the knock on my door and die voice) i opened all my supplies, beathed deep, cleaned the area, prepped got angry cause there was no good place to stick it, prepared more and then when i finally got the fix all i wanted to do way lay in the dark and enjoy the temp high, i felt like a drug addict, hiding my fix, like a heriun addict, thiss cancer has consumed me and changed me in ways i do not like. i feel trapped and scared people i don't know will see me and know i have a pooh bag, it is not how i want to feel but i do.
    i know if this cancer was not so taboo too talk about i would have been DX alot sooner cause i would have been more aware that my symptoms were pointing towards cancer.

    awareness of the signs will help so many people we have to get the word out.

    i talk to everyone about this cancer i can,

    any i have educated my kids on what to look for something i was not made aware of.

    early signs are any change in bowel movements that last more than a week and seem to reoccure often.

    IBC, Crones, UC, Diarrea, Constapation, Blood in stools, this needs to be on a billboard some where, and check up way before 40 for anyone with a family history of any of these sysptms and colon/rectal cancer

    listen to people and pay attention if some one you know has bathroom issues insist they get checked. take them if you have to

    we can't loose this battle

    Live laugh play


    by they way my ile is monsterileo

    The only symptom I had for stage iv was weight loss for no reason.