Did you ever wonder?

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am getting all this advice left and right and I know they mean well, so I shrug it off.
But I couldn't shrug this one off... " make sure you change your outlook, cause you
know the law of attraction". As in I brought this upon myself.

it made me think, is it a certain life style, such as stress that promotes cancer....

Did you ever wonder?


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I wonder about many things,
    I wonder about many things, stress, chemicals, environment, hormones, food, etc. This breast cancer is affecting so many, young, old, women and men, that it seems it has become a part of the certain life style that most of us have and live. I do wonder but the doc told me I didnt cause this, so I'm trying to deal with it the best I can although I do wonder from time to time. It is what it is!!
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    natly15 said:

    I wonder about many things,
    I wonder about many things, stress, chemicals, environment, hormones, food, etc. This breast cancer is affecting so many, young, old, women and men, that it seems it has become a part of the certain life style that most of us have and live. I do wonder but the doc told me I didnt cause this, so I'm trying to deal with it the best I can although I do wonder from time to time. It is what it is!!

    I keep hearing the same thing.
    My sister couldn't have been a better candidate for the "ultimate attitude!" and she succumbed to the disease after 3 1/2 years of battling it. Who knows? But I wonder why all this $$$$ is being pumped into research and not much new has come out of it in the area of C>U>R>E! I know people are going to say so many of us are living longer better lives because of the medications, but where is the cure????
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Mama G said:

    I keep hearing the same thing.
    My sister couldn't have been a better candidate for the "ultimate attitude!" and she succumbed to the disease after 3 1/2 years of battling it. Who knows? But I wonder why all this $$$$ is being pumped into research and not much new has come out of it in the area of C>U>R>E! I know people are going to say so many of us are living longer better lives because of the medications, but where is the cure????

    I have wondered this so many
    I have wondered this so many times. I know I was s tressed and did not tske care of myself well. now I feel I will have to take time to focus on myself more. I am starting to research wellness now. I love the tips i get here.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I certainly don't think
    that there's a direct link as in stress "causing" cancer, however I do believe that positive energy can only help in the healing and recovery process.

    I know it's a flip side of the same coin, but I don't want to believe that me or anybody else caused their cancer through the negative side of things, only that we can all have a positive effect by trying to take good care of ourselves, reduce our stress, etc.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I wondered
    But I got tired of trying to find a reason I got breast cancer. At this point I don't care. I still eat ice cream because I like it. I still haven't lost the extra pounds because I don't want to diet. I have changed my life in other ways tho but it was more for quality of life not to prevent cancer.

    Don't blame yourself.
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    I constantly wonder a million things
    I was always wide open & I have always lived life as if there may not be a tomorrow. I am an extremely "high A personality" & I wonder if that could have attributed to bc. I wonder if it was hereditary because my mom died from bc. I always saw the glass as half full, but I wonder if, in the back of my mind, I was so afraid of following in my mom's shoes that I attracted the wrong vibes. However, my mom & I had totally different lifestyles & attitudes & we both got bc. I wonder if worrying could have attributed to bc. Bottom-line is, I will never know. I do know in the future, I will make a lot of changes(just to be on the safe side.) Even though everyone tells me I have to be positive...it's hard as heck when you are staring cancer in the face.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    You know,wondering about
    You know,wondering about this is one thing that hasn't plagued me...I lived a pretty stress-free life. I came from a loving, nurturing, large family, I was in a long term marriage (27 years) involved in my faith, a non smoker, healthy eater, and was physically active. My husband, his mom and sister are all in the healthcare profession~ we all took good care of ourselves. I was and am known as the peacemaker in the family; my sister calls me Switzerland! Not that I am neutral, per se, but can't stand drama!

    I had ended my marriage about a year before I was diagnosed, but I didn't even gain "outlaws" with the divorce~my former sister in law and her husband vacationed with me and my new guy, I lived with and was the caregiver for my former mother-in-law.

    I have one "troubled" sister who smokes incessantly, drinks too much, is always on the verge of poverty, has been to jail half a dozen times,has had CPS intervene in the lives of her children, etc etc etc...the law of stress and averages should land with her getting Cancer instead of me! Thankfully, I don't assign blame or think ANYONE should get this disease. It just is what it is....

  • tat2granny
    tat2granny Member Posts: 77
    chenheart said:

    You know,wondering about
    You know,wondering about this is one thing that hasn't plagued me...I lived a pretty stress-free life. I came from a loving, nurturing, large family, I was in a long term marriage (27 years) involved in my faith, a non smoker, healthy eater, and was physically active. My husband, his mom and sister are all in the healthcare profession~ we all took good care of ourselves. I was and am known as the peacemaker in the family; my sister calls me Switzerland! Not that I am neutral, per se, but can't stand drama!

    I had ended my marriage about a year before I was diagnosed, but I didn't even gain "outlaws" with the divorce~my former sister in law and her husband vacationed with me and my new guy, I lived with and was the caregiver for my former mother-in-law.

    I have one "troubled" sister who smokes incessantly, drinks too much, is always on the verge of poverty, has been to jail half a dozen times,has had CPS intervene in the lives of her children, etc etc etc...the law of stress and averages should land with her getting Cancer instead of me! Thankfully, I don't assign blame or think ANYONE should get this disease. It just is what it is....


    The think positive
    Is driving me Crazy! I am always hearing that! But you know I can't always think positive! There are times when all I want to do is go to bed and pull the covers over my head and cry. If I hear one more person tell me "Now Denise, you have to think positive" I am gonna ring there neck! Why do some people think that, if you have a bad day and just want to sit on your pitty pot, you aren't fighting?
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    I wonder
    I wonder why things happen all the time, why good things happen and why bad things happen, then i say why question god, then i pray about it and move on..girl power
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    I wonder
    I wonder why things happen all the time, why good things happen and why bad things happen, then i say why question god, then i pray about it and move on..girl power

    Never ask why, right?
    At least that's what kept me sane. But I am a logical person who likes to understand things
    and all this, be positive, stay positive.. made me think if I wasn't positive enough in the
    past. But reading your post made me understand there's really no rhyme or reason it
    seems on who gets effected. I wonder what it is we have in common.

    And it blows my mind that we still don't have a cure but conquered space = }
    I find it very disturbing that so many women and younger and younger in age are
    getting effected. I want to get involved and bring more awareness to them. If you
    leave it to main stream media they won't get a mammo till they are 50. Does
    anyone here participate in awareness programs?

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    You know I have found myself
    You know I have found myself wondering, and it brings me to a bad place. I think, did I smoke too much, did I party to hard in my day, boy I was a big drinker once upon a time, did all those processed foods I ate do it, was it all the warm bottles of water in my car that I drank, was it my extremely stressful lifestyle, was it all the vitamins I took.....I could go on and on and on with all the things I put my body through that in my mind I could blame the cancer on but all in all we have no answer, we have no cure, we just have good doctors and great treatment programs. I'm anxious to change my lifestyle drastically. First I have to get through this battle. I really want to join a gym, any advice on how to cover your bald sweaty head in a gym, I sweat really bad and I'm looking into a gym with a sauna, hot tub, pool, etc. Do they make something that will stay on our heads? Just wondering? See how this crazy chemo has ran me from talking about what may have caused my cancer to joining a gym, I'm all over the map lol!! Good morning all and have a blessed weekend :)
  • aysemari said:

    Never ask why, right?
    At least that's what kept me sane. But I am a logical person who likes to understand things
    and all this, be positive, stay positive.. made me think if I wasn't positive enough in the
    past. But reading your post made me understand there's really no rhyme or reason it
    seems on who gets effected. I wonder what it is we have in common.

    And it blows my mind that we still don't have a cure but conquered space = }
    I find it very disturbing that so many women and younger and younger in age are
    getting effected. I want to get involved and bring more awareness to them. If you
    leave it to main stream media they won't get a mammo till they are 50. Does
    anyone here participate in awareness programs?


    There is No Answer
    I believe I am the most positive person in this world and I am extremely healthy except for the cancer. I have been and still am a very happy person. I started taking vitamins (quality vitamins - there is a difference) when I became 40. Everything I cook is from scratch. I am a very healthy cook. I don't microwave. No one is as fussy as I am when it comes to the quality of food. I love life and people, etc., etc., etc. And yet, at age 65 I ended having a calcification that was 0 Stage DCIS. How is that possible? It makes no difference what we do, if the cancer wants us, it is going to get us.

    We like to think that we have control over our bodies and what happens to our bodies, but apparently we have no control over cancer.

    I, too, wonder why so many young women are getting cancer. I also wonder why women over 65 get cancer. Look to the wives of our presidents who got cancer. They were beyond menopause years. Doesn't make sense!!

    Explain to me how I got the recurrence at age 68. I became even more positive after tje first cancer (if that is possible), and did the all the right things. I guess one cell got away and landed on my scar - now invasive carcinoma.

    So...second time around, I am actively seeking wisdom and knowledge from my sisters who have experienced far more than I have with their cancer and my heart goes out to them. Is the reason that we have the cancer is to be in each other's life because if we did not have the cancer, we never would have met.

    Lots of Love,
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209

    There is No Answer
    I believe I am the most positive person in this world and I am extremely healthy except for the cancer. I have been and still am a very happy person. I started taking vitamins (quality vitamins - there is a difference) when I became 40. Everything I cook is from scratch. I am a very healthy cook. I don't microwave. No one is as fussy as I am when it comes to the quality of food. I love life and people, etc., etc., etc. And yet, at age 65 I ended having a calcification that was 0 Stage DCIS. How is that possible? It makes no difference what we do, if the cancer wants us, it is going to get us.

    We like to think that we have control over our bodies and what happens to our bodies, but apparently we have no control over cancer.

    I, too, wonder why so many young women are getting cancer. I also wonder why women over 65 get cancer. Look to the wives of our presidents who got cancer. They were beyond menopause years. Doesn't make sense!!

    Explain to me how I got the recurrence at age 68. I became even more positive after tje first cancer (if that is possible), and did the all the right things. I guess one cell got away and landed on my scar - now invasive carcinoma.

    So...second time around, I am actively seeking wisdom and knowledge from my sisters who have experienced far more than I have with their cancer and my heart goes out to them. Is the reason that we have the cancer is to be in each other's life because if we did not have the cancer, we never would have met.

    Lots of Love,

    No Answer
    Yes, I wonder that too. I sometimes think I am being punished for something, but I think I have always been a good person. I have an 85 year old mother and a 90 year old aunt living and there has never been any breast cancer in any of their siblings, and there were 10 of them. I never drank or smoke. I did not have kids late in life.....so why me at the age of 64 ?? Is it because I am overweight? Well my sister in law just got bc and she weighs 110 pounds! Sometimes I wonder if its the mammograms ? I guess there is no true answer and that's why there has been no "cure" yet.

    And yes there are times when people say "you have to stay positive" and "you are so strong" and "radiation will be easy" that I want to scream ...

    That is why I so enjoy this site.... everyone here knows what its all about.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    You know I have found myself
    You know I have found myself wondering, and it brings me to a bad place. I think, did I smoke too much, did I party to hard in my day, boy I was a big drinker once upon a time, did all those processed foods I ate do it, was it all the warm bottles of water in my car that I drank, was it my extremely stressful lifestyle, was it all the vitamins I took.....I could go on and on and on with all the things I put my body through that in my mind I could blame the cancer on but all in all we have no answer, we have no cure, we just have good doctors and great treatment programs. I'm anxious to change my lifestyle drastically. First I have to get through this battle. I really want to join a gym, any advice on how to cover your bald sweaty head in a gym, I sweat really bad and I'm looking into a gym with a sauna, hot tub, pool, etc. Do they make something that will stay on our heads? Just wondering? See how this crazy chemo has ran me from talking about what may have caused my cancer to joining a gym, I'm all over the map lol!! Good morning all and have a blessed weekend :)

    Yeah, The evidence seems to
    Yeah, The evidence seems to indicate that stress can be a factor along with poor diet, obesity, lack of excercise. Things we need to fix anyway. Hard to do though sometimes.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My sisters liked to tell
    My sisters liked to tell themselves that I got cancer because of XY or Z. After 2 more sisters got it, they didn't have a thing to say. Who knows? I am sure my cancer is genetic but, so far, all of us have tested negative for the known breast cancer genes. My doctor thinks they will find our gene one day. I just keep hoping for a cure so that my daughter doesn't have to deal with this.
  • Victoria63
    Victoria63 Member Posts: 8

    The think positive
    Is driving me Crazy! I am always hearing that! But you know I can't always think positive! There are times when all I want to do is go to bed and pull the covers over my head and cry. If I hear one more person tell me "Now Denise, you have to think positive" I am gonna ring there neck! Why do some people think that, if you have a bad day and just want to sit on your pitty pot, you aren't fighting?

    Amen to that!
    Occasionally you need that weak moment to enjoy your own pity party. With all we are going through we absolutely deserve it and as long as we don't wallow in it for days a pity party in our honor can be beneficial to our mental health....
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    This is my take on is that

    This is my take on is that cancer is such a personal thing, really personal.

    I have always been conscious of what I ate and excercise regularly etc when I told my brother I had bc he was utterly shocked! I said when one looks at diet and diet is not a problem, it is good to look deep within at the emotional and spiritual. Over the last 3 months since my diagnosis it has become increasing clear as to what is at the heart of this cancer. It is a certain energetic pattern of behaviour that I subscribe to that leaves me feeling like a pack horse, putting other people first and feeling like I don't count which results in an intense depression (lasting sometimes only minutes) and anger such that I feel my only way out is death. How convenient to get cancer!

    The night I came out of surgery I was put in a room with a woman who hollered and screamed for the nurse when she wasn't there and cried and begged for the my nurse to help her when my nurse was taking care of me (the whole night). It was here that it became so clear how I had been surrounded by very demanding women in my family, where I just gave in to all of them and on some level just disassociated.

    For me, this is a spiritual journey, in a way a relief because I get that I need to change this dynamic and pattern otherwise I will be dealing with bc for the rest of my life. And even if it doesn't cure the cancer at least I have dealt with something that cripples me in other ways.

    I admit I don't like the glib abd superficial statements like bad diet causes cancer or stress causes cancer or anger causes cancer or whatever because I do feel it is very personal, the cause is well .... maybe it is about feeling okay with not really knowing.

    Lastly, what I have found that helps me is not seeing cancer as good or bad because that seems to colour my experience. If I just see it as something I need to deal with then I deal with it and any emotions that arise when they do.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member

    This is my take on is that

    This is my take on is that cancer is such a personal thing, really personal.

    I have always been conscious of what I ate and excercise regularly etc when I told my brother I had bc he was utterly shocked! I said when one looks at diet and diet is not a problem, it is good to look deep within at the emotional and spiritual. Over the last 3 months since my diagnosis it has become increasing clear as to what is at the heart of this cancer. It is a certain energetic pattern of behaviour that I subscribe to that leaves me feeling like a pack horse, putting other people first and feeling like I don't count which results in an intense depression (lasting sometimes only minutes) and anger such that I feel my only way out is death. How convenient to get cancer!

    The night I came out of surgery I was put in a room with a woman who hollered and screamed for the nurse when she wasn't there and cried and begged for the my nurse to help her when my nurse was taking care of me (the whole night). It was here that it became so clear how I had been surrounded by very demanding women in my family, where I just gave in to all of them and on some level just disassociated.

    For me, this is a spiritual journey, in a way a relief because I get that I need to change this dynamic and pattern otherwise I will be dealing with bc for the rest of my life. And even if it doesn't cure the cancer at least I have dealt with something that cripples me in other ways.

    I admit I don't like the glib abd superficial statements like bad diet causes cancer or stress causes cancer or anger causes cancer or whatever because I do feel it is very personal, the cause is well .... maybe it is about feeling okay with not really knowing.

    Lastly, what I have found that helps me is not seeing cancer as good or bad because that seems to colour my experience. If I just see it as something I need to deal with then I deal with it and any emotions that arise when they do.

    Ladies I absolutely refuse to believe
    that I did anything to bring this on myself. I too partied very hardy in my day, smoked, ate the wrong things, still do, have been overweight for at least 20 years (they say that is a problem with being susceptible with bc) but I just happen to have the genes that can have cancer. My Mom died from colon cancer.

    We suffer enough thru the dx, the treatment and then the thought that maybe someday.... I don't think we should let anyone or anything make us now feel guilty tht we brought this on ourselves. I truly don't believe we did. But I do believe stress can be hard on us, our blood pressure etc. but does not cause cancer. I may be wrong, but I'm not going to beat myself up in the meantime.

    We have enough to deal with.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member

    The think positive
    Is driving me Crazy! I am always hearing that! But you know I can't always think positive! There are times when all I want to do is go to bed and pull the covers over my head and cry. If I hear one more person tell me "Now Denise, you have to think positive" I am gonna ring there neck! Why do some people think that, if you have a bad day and just want to sit on your pitty pot, you aren't fighting?

    That is when I tell them to
    That is when I tell them to bite me and when they have BC or any kind of cancer I will remind them to think positive.

    Actually I am a positive peron and it cracks me up that now everyone talks about what a good attitude I have. Before BC I use to get in trouble for my attitude since I am usually quite frank with my opinion.
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    that was a ridulous comment
    that was a ridulous comment for someone to make to you. Please shrug it off and don't give it any creedance.