Mouth Sores, Low WBC

JanInMN Member Posts: 149
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, everyone. So I went to Chemo on Wed and they said my white blood cell count was extremenly low, and I am to stay away from work and crowds. Neulasta is a possibility but they want to see if those counts bounce back on their own. Anyone else been "quarrantined" for this? (I'm on Herceptin, Carboplantin, Taxotere)

Also, my mouth sores are bad! I got magic mouthwash yesterday. Anything else I can do? Will they eventually go away or am I stuck with this particular side effect for the next 6 months? My nose is running constantly too, so that is sore, plus it makes my throat sore. And one of the greatest injustices....I have horrible acne. Not feeling so pretty, and my hair isn't even scheduled to fall out for another week. will this all get better? I know these aren't horrible side effects, so I'm trying to keep it in perspective, but it is hard to keep that positive attitude when it hurts to talk or smile...


  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Hang in there!
    I can definitely feel your pain! I'm on Adriamycin & Cytoxin and went through a bad bout of acne & mouthsores. A pharmacist told me of a very simple and cheap mouthwash that really works--1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/2 tsp salt + 2 cups of water. Right after I brush my teeth in the morning, I mix it in a 2-cup measure, pour some into a small mug to rinse with, and store the rest in a pint jar. By using it at least four times a day, this saved me from having to buy the expensive stuff, though if the mouthsores get worse again I will.

    The second thing to do is keep a mug of ice water with you all day long and sip FREQUENTLY. It really helps prevent the mouthsores!

    Hope things get better for you soon!

  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471

    Hang in there!
    I can definitely feel your pain! I'm on Adriamycin & Cytoxin and went through a bad bout of acne & mouthsores. A pharmacist told me of a very simple and cheap mouthwash that really works--1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/2 tsp salt + 2 cups of water. Right after I brush my teeth in the morning, I mix it in a 2-cup measure, pour some into a small mug to rinse with, and store the rest in a pint jar. By using it at least four times a day, this saved me from having to buy the expensive stuff, though if the mouthsores get worse again I will.

    The second thing to do is keep a mug of ice water with you all day long and sip FREQUENTLY. It really helps prevent the mouthsores!

    Hope things get better for you soon!


    sucking on ice also helps with mouth sores!

    wishing you the best,,

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jan, to answer your
    Jan, to answer your question, YES, it does get better. I'm sorry you are having so many side effects but just know that there is an end to treatments. It sounds like you have been given some good advice from the ladies that had similar side effects. Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon. Take care!!
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    MyTurnNow said:

    Jan, to answer your
    Jan, to answer your question, YES, it does get better. I'm sorry you are having so many side effects but just know that there is an end to treatments. It sounds like you have been given some good advice from the ladies that had similar side effects. Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon. Take care!!

    During your next treatment...
    chew on ice chips throughout the treatment. It worked for me! The only time I had bad mouth sores was the one treatment I tried without the ice, just to see if it works.
    They will go away, I promise! Tell your onc, there may be some meds you can apply or take.
    I'm glad your onc is letting you fight off the lbc yourself. I hear the Neulasta can be quite a "pain" (literally) and my onc did the same thing for me. My low white cell count always went back up on it's own. How low is it? My lowest was 1.9.
    Good luck and God bless.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Mama G said:

    During your next treatment...
    chew on ice chips throughout the treatment. It worked for me! The only time I had bad mouth sores was the one treatment I tried without the ice, just to see if it works.
    They will go away, I promise! Tell your onc, there may be some meds you can apply or take.
    I'm glad your onc is letting you fight off the lbc yourself. I hear the Neulasta can be quite a "pain" (literally) and my onc did the same thing for me. My low white cell count always went back up on it's own. How low is it? My lowest was 1.9.
    Good luck and God bless.

    I wish i didnt have the
    I wish i didnt have the neulasta worry about that. your wbc is still low on neulasta just gets "normal" for the next treatment.the nadir is 10 days. My NP had me rinse with peridex. I never had mouth sores. I would try the ice cubes. Mama G knows what she is talking about. I also had the rash. with taxol. felt like sandpaper very red. I found the Lindi line helped, dermatologist gave me a clindamycin cream which i am not so sure about and of course finishing chemo was very helpful. It feels like your body has a life of its own doesnt it? Hugs Penny
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Mama G said:

    During your next treatment...
    chew on ice chips throughout the treatment. It worked for me! The only time I had bad mouth sores was the one treatment I tried without the ice, just to see if it works.
    They will go away, I promise! Tell your onc, there may be some meds you can apply or take.
    I'm glad your onc is letting you fight off the lbc yourself. I hear the Neulasta can be quite a "pain" (literally) and my onc did the same thing for me. My low white cell count always went back up on it's own. How low is it? My lowest was 1.9.
    Good luck and God bless.

    Thanks! I am bringing lots
    Thanks! I am bringing lots of ice next time! I don't know what the count was, exactly, but I noticed on the bottom of the lab report it said "CRITICAL RESULT". That's always fun to see!:-)
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    carkris said:

    I wish i didnt have the
    I wish i didnt have the neulasta worry about that. your wbc is still low on neulasta just gets "normal" for the next treatment.the nadir is 10 days. My NP had me rinse with peridex. I never had mouth sores. I would try the ice cubes. Mama G knows what she is talking about. I also had the rash. with taxol. felt like sandpaper very red. I found the Lindi line helped, dermatologist gave me a clindamycin cream which i am not so sure about and of course finishing chemo was very helpful. It feels like your body has a life of its own doesnt it? Hugs Penny

    Penny, what is nadir?

    Penny, what is nadir?
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149

    Hang in there!
    I can definitely feel your pain! I'm on Adriamycin & Cytoxin and went through a bad bout of acne & mouthsores. A pharmacist told me of a very simple and cheap mouthwash that really works--1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/2 tsp salt + 2 cups of water. Right after I brush my teeth in the morning, I mix it in a 2-cup measure, pour some into a small mug to rinse with, and store the rest in a pint jar. By using it at least four times a day, this saved me from having to buy the expensive stuff, though if the mouthsores get worse again I will.

    The second thing to do is keep a mug of ice water with you all day long and sip FREQUENTLY. It really helps prevent the mouthsores!

    Hope things get better for you soon!


    I'm mixing up the
    I'm mixing up the soda/salt/water solution right now! Thanks!!! :-)
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    JanInMN said:

    Thanks! I am bringing lots
    Thanks! I am bringing lots of ice next time! I don't know what the count was, exactly, but I noticed on the bottom of the lab report it said "CRITICAL RESULT". That's always fun to see!:-)

    the nadir is the lowest
    the nadir is the lowest point of your WBC before it comes up to get the number you see when they draw it on the day of chemo. around 10 days is when it starts to go up. I didnt know this. I thought the neulasta kept it stable. I found out when I was hospitalized for dehydration and my WBC was 1.2. i was in the local hospital (not the one I am treated at) they gave me nupogen and my onc said it would have come up on its own at around 10 days. I guess i didnt ask the right questions.
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    carkris said:

    the nadir is the lowest
    the nadir is the lowest point of your WBC before it comes up to get the number you see when they draw it on the day of chemo. around 10 days is when it starts to go up. I didnt know this. I thought the neulasta kept it stable. I found out when I was hospitalized for dehydration and my WBC was 1.2. i was in the local hospital (not the one I am treated at) they gave me nupogen and my onc said it would have come up on its own at around 10 days. I guess i didnt ask the right questions.

    Mix fresh soda/salt water solution daily
    I forgot to add that you need to mix up the salt/soda solution fresh each day--the soda becomes a gas in water solution and outgasses. I mix one in the morning, use it throughout the day (at least four times), and toss whatever's left at night. Each time, I swish & rinse with it three-four times (three-four mouthfuls), then follow with a clear water rinse. I've been amazed at how much it has helped!

    Keep telling yourself--this is not forever, this too shall pass!

  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    carkris said:

    the nadir is the lowest
    the nadir is the lowest point of your WBC before it comes up to get the number you see when they draw it on the day of chemo. around 10 days is when it starts to go up. I didnt know this. I thought the neulasta kept it stable. I found out when I was hospitalized for dehydration and my WBC was 1.2. i was in the local hospital (not the one I am treated at) they gave me nupogen and my onc said it would have come up on its own at around 10 days. I guess i didnt ask the right questions.

    Mix fresh soda/salt water solution daily
    oooops! Double post!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I was on TAC (Taxotere,
    I was on TAC (Taxotere, Adriamycin & Cytoxan). I had read on here that someone used salt water w/baking soda so I started gargling with that 2 days before my first treatment. I never got a single mouth sore nor did I lose my taste buds. It also helps with preventing sickness which I later found out also. I got lazy just before my last treatment. I progressively got more and more tired after my 4th treatment and everything seemed to be an effort. I had a total of 6 treatments every 3 weeks. I stopped doing the mouthwashes (and mind you... I only did it once a day right before bed). Low and behold, after this last treatment, which was only last Thursday, I have a mouth full of sores and I lost my taste buds. So my advice would be to use it and don't stop, lol!

    The runny nose and watery eyes I have been successful at controlling by taking "Comtrex Day & Night Flu" meds. Depending on symptoms, I would take it accordingly and it seemed to keep it under control. It also helped (slightly) with the 'flu-like symptoms" I would get a couple days after chemo.

    I'm curious... why is your doc hesitant about the Neulasta shot? I've had it from the very first treatment and my blood was always 'perfect' and I never got sick. I have two boys that seemed to always be bringing something into the house, whether it be a sore throat, cough, cold, and I never got sick. I never heard anything bad about the shot other than possible bone pain side effects, so I am very curious as to why they wouldn't give it to you.

    I broke out a couple times and it always seemed to be in the same spot... and just one. I recently read that putting honey on a pimple and covering it up with a bandaide overnight will get rid of a big pimple so I tried it. Well, either these are different pimples or it doesn't work because it hasn't gone away, but it's something to try. Isn't it very strange how breast cancer seems to take away every feminine part of us... first, our breast, then our hair, then our teeth, complexion and nails??? Like, really???

    Keep posting, Janin. I've found this board helps way more than anything I can ask my oncologist. They seem to give generic answers, but no one knows better than all these wonderful people that have gone through it!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time with the s/e. They do tell you to avoid the public as much as possible to avoid all the germs. While we are on Chemo we are so vulnerable to infections. Neulasta does help tremendously. I also drank alot of Boosts and I managed to keep my counts up between the two (chocolate of course!)I had mouth sores and NO taste buds, so I had a difficult time eating. From what others have said here & my Onc, the Magic Mouthwash is pretty good stuff. I used Biotene, Baking Soda toothpaste, & an aloe liquid which helped me.(My previous Onc would not prescribe the MM.) My new Onc. suggests gargling with salt too. Oh! The drippy nose! It never dawned on me at the time...but this was the sign that my nose hairs were falling out! Then after my hair loss, my eyes started watering like crazy-thus my eyelashes thinning out.
    Hang in there, throughout all this...YES it does get better! Hope you are feeling better real soon!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I was on Taxotere, Cytoxan, and Avastin. I had terrible mouth sores to the point where they were actually open sores. I did use the salt, baking soda, and water mixture but I also had to stay on an antibiotic until I was finished with the cytoxan and taxotere.

    Hang in there. You will get through it.

  • hamish1
    hamish1 Member Posts: 34
    Having similar problems
    JanlnMN, have had 2 chemo treatments so far, and just last Sun. started having problems with my mouth. At first it was a sore very red tongue,went to see the Oncolgist Tues. he gave me RX for Magic mouth wash. By Wed. I had a huge lymph node swollen in my neck, and white spots all over my tongue. He gave me RX for Nystatin mouth swish and swallow. Said I have picked up a fungus infection. White spots are gone today already, but my tongue is still very sore, and coated. Hang in there! That's what I keep telling myself everyday. I'd say you will probably find that Neulasta is going to become the norm 24 hrs. after you recieve your chemo treatments. It is for me. My Oncologist tried to see if I could make it on my own following my first treatment, but found 5 days later, I was in trouble with my white blood count being dangerously low. God bless you!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    hamish1 said:

    Having similar problems
    JanlnMN, have had 2 chemo treatments so far, and just last Sun. started having problems with my mouth. At first it was a sore very red tongue,went to see the Oncolgist Tues. he gave me RX for Magic mouth wash. By Wed. I had a huge lymph node swollen in my neck, and white spots all over my tongue. He gave me RX for Nystatin mouth swish and swallow. Said I have picked up a fungus infection. White spots are gone today already, but my tongue is still very sore, and coated. Hang in there! That's what I keep telling myself everyday. I'd say you will probably find that Neulasta is going to become the norm 24 hrs. after you recieve your chemo treatments. It is for me. My Oncologist tried to see if I could make it on my own following my first treatment, but found 5 days later, I was in trouble with my white blood count being dangerously low. God bless you!

    I forgot I had thrush all
    I forgot I had thrush all four AC treatments and used nystatin. didint have it with taxol. tongue always seemed sore getting better now.
  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84

    I had the mouth sores but the miracle mouthwash worked wonders. The first chemo treatment
    landed me in the hospital with my WBC went down to 0.4. I started running fever got put
    in the hospital for a week in isolation. I took 6 treatments of chemo every 3 weeks and
    when the last chemo was due I begged my husband and onocologist not to make me take the
    last treatment. I was to the point I could not hear, or think, see place I took Chemo
    or it made me sick. Well I went ahead and took the last treatment and guess what? I started
    running fever of 102.5 went to the hospital and the admitted me with my WBC at 1.4. So you
    know what I told the Dr and my husband - I told you not to make me go!!lol I'm doing okay
    now. I have a very rare type of BC. Chemo and radiation has no effect. But I had a pet
    scan last week and it was all negative. No hot spots. Thank God. I had a tumor that went
    from 2cm to 5cm in about 4 weeks so I had both breast removed. I started losing my hair
    by the 2nd treatment so I just heled it and shaved my head instead of looking like a dog
    with the mange if you know what I mean.
    Well as of today I have a full head of hair but it's short. My daughter bought me some
    Tea Tree Oil shampoo and conditioner by Paul Mitchell (generic) and it has really helped my hair grow back. You would be surprised. I hope I've gave you some Hope that their is
    life after chemo. Hang in there and just remember this-
    The cancer might have won the battle but the war is not over. Well now that I'm cancer free
    I have a new saying - The cancer might have won the 1st battle but I won the 2nd and this
    war is far from over for I will not give up.

    God bless you

  • Angel_4_James
    Angel_4_James Member Posts: 73
    Salt and Soda...
    I do what Sandy said, soda and salt mixture. The only difference is I mix the soda and salt in a small container and just add some to a little bit of water as I am ready to ues it. Some days I use it more than others => It has done great for me. I have had a "tender" mouth, but no sores. Praise God!!!

    Hope this does the job for you too!
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149

    Salt and Soda...
    I do what Sandy said, soda and salt mixture. The only difference is I mix the soda and salt in a small container and just add some to a little bit of water as I am ready to ues it. Some days I use it more than others => It has done great for me. I have had a "tender" mouth, but no sores. Praise God!!!

    Hope this does the job for you too!

    The salt water soda solution
    The salt water soda solution has worked wonders! I also got a prescription Lidocaine gel to put on the sores. Magic mouthwash helps too. I appreciate all the help and encouragement. Love to all!
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    mouth sores
    I didn't get mouth sores, but I got like a burned tongue and roof of my mouth. Only with the taxotere, not the AC. It's like a drank a scalding hot cup of coffee or soup.

    My first time was the worst... my tongue swelled up like 3 times it's size. I called and they got me the magic swizzle stuff, that helped. I also did the salt rinse... didn't help me all that much.

    All my taste buds were blown out. I ate a hamburger and it tasted like a meat patty between 2 donuts, it was gross!

    It took about a week (Saturday-Saturday, after my Wed. Chemo) to get normal for me.

    The next time I went to chemo, I went armed with raspberry sorbet. It tends to melt slow in your mouth, so I'd scoop some up and hold it on my tongue and roof of my mouth. Do this as soon as they start the chemo bag. That seemed to help a lot. I didn't have the tongue swelling. I still had the burned feeling, but not as bad, and it didn't last as long... by about Wednesday I could start to taste again.

    I'm going to try the method listed above and use the baking soda/salt swish prior to my next chemo. I'll try anything!!

    Today is Monday, and had my 3rd taxotere chemo last Wednesday, and things are looking up! I'm starting to get my taste buds back. Yeah... can't wait to taste my coffee again.

    good luck. try the ice and or sorbet, or even a nice cold iced coffee or something.