Juicing versus eating veggies and fruits????

dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I eat fresh fruit and drink a huge glass of OJ for breakfast, afternoon snack and after supper snack. I eat fresh veggies for lunch and several veggies for supper. Way more than the MDR. Raisins, grapes, bananas, different types of red, green and golden apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, blueberries, black berries, raspberries, watermelon, cantaloupe....

My lunch salad generally will contain five lettuces (No iceberg), purple cabbage, green, red, yellow and orange peppers, tomato, cucumber (usually half of a large w/ rind), green and black olives, garbanzo beans or black beans, scallions, sometimes carrots, mushrooms and other goodies. I top it with EVOO and red wine vinegar.

Supper veggies will be different green beans, okra, spinach, turnip greens or collard greens, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

I'm afraid any more fruits and veggies and I'd spend my day in the bathroom.

Do I still need to juice?


  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    Looking forward to replies
    Looking forward to replies on this. I'm doing the SAME thing!!!!!
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Steak juice?
    I think it's more of a matter of opinion regarding the merits,
    rather than actual biological proof....Keeping in mind, that you
    take in more apples drinking apple juice, than eating the apples.

    One important thing to consider, is how you're juicing the products.
    There are juicing machines that simply spin the juice from the item,
    and tosses the pulp away.... And there's the best machines that
    squish the hell out of the products to actually give you juice that
    contains the best of all the items. The "Champion' brand is highly
    recommended. If I remember correctly, it takes one and one half
    apples to make one cup of apple juice; How many times has anyone
    eaten 1-1/2 apples?

    The body gets benefits from eating the pulp, and although the
    "Champion" brand juices manages to keep the pulp and other
    important ingredients in the juice, the other types of juicing
    machines don't.

    For people like myself, who don't generally eat veggies and fruit,
    having a cup of juice or three during the day would be easier.

    But alas, I haven't yet juiced. And I really don't care for juice.
    Well, maybe with a shot of Bourbon I might, and after three or so,
    I probably wouldn't give a damn what I stuck in the juicer.
    Buffalo wing juice?

    I have an ileostomy, so fruits, veggies, and everything else,
    goes through rapidly, keeping my delightful bod from getting
    all the nutrients from what I eat. And for me, the juice probably
    would probably be better, since it may be easier for my bod
    to take in what's already been liquefied. Also the plus side, is
    the added amount of hydration that ileostomates need!

    But for "normal" digestive tracts? I doubt there's much difference to
    be had, provided you get the equal amount of the product.

    Regardless of the "proof", it can't hurt you, and can only help
    you.... Eat, juice, and be merry!
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Juicing vs. whole veggies
    Hi Diane! I've read different things on the benefits of juicing vs. the fibrous veggies. Like John said, you are getting much more of a concentration of the veggie/fruit by juicing it. Instead of eating three apples, you simply drink a cup of the juice, and you're good to go. Also, juices are easier for the body to assimilate, and therefore, your digestive tract doesn't have to work as hard, or strain itself in digesting the material. This is believed to be helpful when the body is trying to heal itself. Digestion takes a lot of energy and resources from the body that could be put to use elsewhere if allowed to. Another benefit to juicing, as John mentioned, is that you can put all kinds of things in the juice that you wouldn't normally enjoy eating, and the sweetness of fruit can mask their otherwise nasty flavors. When i juice, i put all sorts of things in it that i don't like to eat, but are necessary for optimum health (such as kale and celery).

    I'm with John about the Champion juicer. Granted it isn't the best on the market (the best home juicer is the Greenstar press which costs about $450!!). The Champion is very affordable, and gets the job done.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Another good question Diane
    In my opinion juicing is not really about eating fruits and veggies per se. Juicing is about drinking freshly prepared juice with loads of live enzymes from foods. In a 10 oz glass of carrot juice you get the juice of 6 or 7 carrots. It would be very hard to eat that many carrots in one sitting, who would want to!!! The key is to drink it right away and always make it fresh.

    It is also all about giving your digestive tract a break. While your stomach does most of your food digestion, your liver and kidneys gets stressed processing solid foods too. Juicing allows the body to get all the same nutrients without having to work so durn hard for it. I always juice before a meal so my bod gets as much of the good stuff as fast as it can with no dilution.

    I've never had the same "bathroom" issues with juicing that I can have with fresh veggies since there is no pulp. It also helps that it has been years since my resection.

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Digestive Energy
    Juicing is about 4 things:

    1) Live Enzymes
    2) pH alkalizing
    3) lessening digestive energy
    4) gaining optimal nutrition in an easily assimilated fashion

    Raw foods = live enzymes. Cooked foods = dead enzymes. Enzymes = restoring health to diseased organs.

    When we're dealing with cancer we need to have the optimal nutrition taking the least amount of energy to do it. The juicer does the work of the digestive system separating the juice (nutrients) from the fiber. This frees up your body to continue to work on healing the diseased organs. It really wants to. The body is an amazing thing.

    You cannot sit down and eat 5 carrots, 2 kale leaves, 5 romaine leaves, a large wedge of cabbage, 1 apple, handful of parsley, handful of spinach, a chunk of ginger.....you get the idea....three times a day. Yet when you juice all those items you are getting all the nutrition from all that produce. According to the JuiceMan Jay Kordich you only get a small percentage of the nutrients that are locked in the fiber when you eat the produce. The juicer unlocks the nutrients.

    So keep eating all your wonderful foods and add the juice to your diet and you will be flooding your system with cancer healing nutrition.

    Try adding some probiotics to your regime and see if that helps to regulate your output (it restores intestinal flora balance). Juicing removes the fiber so you won't be pooping it all out. We should be pooping for every meal eaten anyway.

    Hope this sheds some light. Usually I'd be charging you to attend my juicing workshop! ;-) HA!

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    scouty said:

    Another good question Diane
    In my opinion juicing is not really about eating fruits and veggies per se. Juicing is about drinking freshly prepared juice with loads of live enzymes from foods. In a 10 oz glass of carrot juice you get the juice of 6 or 7 carrots. It would be very hard to eat that many carrots in one sitting, who would want to!!! The key is to drink it right away and always make it fresh.

    It is also all about giving your digestive tract a break. While your stomach does most of your food digestion, your liver and kidneys gets stressed processing solid foods too. Juicing allows the body to get all the same nutrients without having to work so durn hard for it. I always juice before a meal so my bod gets as much of the good stuff as fast as it can with no dilution.

    I've never had the same "bathroom" issues with juicing that I can have with fresh veggies since there is no pulp. It also helps that it has been years since my resection.

    Lisa P.

    Hey girl!
    We posted at the same time saying the same thing! :-)
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    scouty said:

    Another good question Diane
    In my opinion juicing is not really about eating fruits and veggies per se. Juicing is about drinking freshly prepared juice with loads of live enzymes from foods. In a 10 oz glass of carrot juice you get the juice of 6 or 7 carrots. It would be very hard to eat that many carrots in one sitting, who would want to!!! The key is to drink it right away and always make it fresh.

    It is also all about giving your digestive tract a break. While your stomach does most of your food digestion, your liver and kidneys gets stressed processing solid foods too. Juicing allows the body to get all the same nutrients without having to work so durn hard for it. I always juice before a meal so my bod gets as much of the good stuff as fast as it can with no dilution.

    I've never had the same "bathroom" issues with juicing that I can have with fresh veggies since there is no pulp. It also helps that it has been years since my resection.

    Lisa P.

    This all makes so much
    This all makes so much sense....about being easier on your system. I will be on the quest for a Champion juicer. any idea who has the best prices??
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    SueRelays said:

    This all makes so much
    This all makes so much sense....about being easier on your system. I will be on the quest for a Champion juicer. any idea who has the best prices??


    this is where I got mine. If you get a Champion they are a nice company to deal with when you need replacement parts. Just a thought. :-)

    People really like the Omega juicers too.

    www.mercola.com has some opinions on juicers.

    happy juicing!

    peace, emily
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    I'm going to report you John! You said the 'S' word! No steak in MY vocabulary ever again! :o)

    Okay, that sure makes sense guys. I'm 13 months out from surgery and have not had any digestive issues other than gas when I eat too much high fiber foods for several days in a row but that does make loads of sense. Now to go check out juicers. Our income tax money is to be deposited tomorrow. :o)

    Thanks guys!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    I'm going to report you John! You said the 'S' word! No steak in MY vocabulary ever again! :o)

    Okay, that sure makes sense guys. I'm 13 months out from surgery and have not had any digestive issues other than gas when I eat too much high fiber foods for several days in a row but that does make loads of sense. Now to go check out juicers. Our income tax money is to be deposited tomorrow. :o)

    Thanks guys!

    I've been told and have read that drinking OJ that is not freshly juiced is equivalent to drinking any other sugary item. Apparently it depresses the immune system for up to 6 hours.

    Just passing that along for what it's worth....
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    2bhealed said:


    this is where I got mine. If you get a Champion they are a nice company to deal with when you need replacement parts. Just a thought. :-)

    People really like the Omega juicers too.

    www.mercola.com has some opinions on juicers.

    happy juicing!

    peace, emily


  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    SueRelays said:



    Free shipping
    make sure you get free shipping, these bad boys are VERY heavy cuz they are heavy duty and last years and years.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Hey girl!
    We posted at the same time saying the same thing! :-)

    Krista was replying
    with us too...........very funny.

    forgot the whole ph stuff.................

    Lisa Rose and I are starting the master cleanse tomorrow..........talk about ph balancing!!!

    Mucho love honey
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    scouty said:

    Free shipping
    make sure you get free shipping, these bad boys are VERY heavy cuz they are heavy duty and last years and years.

    Yikes, cheapest shipping on the Champion was over $30.00! Thanks Lisa
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    2bhealed said:

    I've been told and have read that drinking OJ that is not freshly juiced is equivalent to drinking any other sugary item. Apparently it depresses the immune system for up to 6 hours.

    Just passing that along for what it's worth....

    Another question
    I was attracted to the Omega Big Mouth because of the style and opening. The Champion spout looks awfully close to the cabinet top.

    Mastication style?

    I'm going to say I can spend around $225.00. Which would you buy if you knew them what you know now?

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    Another question
    I was attracted to the Omega Big Mouth because of the style and opening. The Champion spout looks awfully close to the cabinet top.

    Mastication style?

    I'm going to say I can spend around $225.00. Which would you buy if you knew them what you know now?


    Not sure what that means. With my champion the completely pulverized pulp comes out a spout that I collect in a plastic container and either use in soups/stews or I put it in my compost pile. While juicing quarts of tomato/veggie juice during the peak summer season I have had to clean my screen. Make sure you read others comments about the juicer before you buy it. I know 2 people that went by consumer products and were both bummed with their choices due to ease of use and cleaning issues.

    I wanted to say a little more about the pH balancing benefit Emily referred to. Diseases like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc, etc thrive in an acidic environment within your body's blood stream and other fluids. Everything you consume has a pH balance ranging along a scale that goes from mostly acidic to medium acidic to mildly acidic to neutral to mildly alkaline to medium alkaline to mostly alkaline. You can google chemical pH balance of foods and find a free list (don't pay for one). Anyway, if you eat a whole carrot, it is considered mildly alkaline but when you juice it it becomes MOSTLY alkaline.

    Oh and one of the coolest things about alkaline vs acid is that table salt is mostly acidic BUT sea salt is mostly alkaline.........how easy is it to change that!!!

    Lisa P.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    scouty said:

    Not sure what that means. With my champion the completely pulverized pulp comes out a spout that I collect in a plastic container and either use in soups/stews or I put it in my compost pile. While juicing quarts of tomato/veggie juice during the peak summer season I have had to clean my screen. Make sure you read others comments about the juicer before you buy it. I know 2 people that went by consumer products and were both bummed with their choices due to ease of use and cleaning issues.

    I wanted to say a little more about the pH balancing benefit Emily referred to. Diseases like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc, etc thrive in an acidic environment within your body's blood stream and other fluids. Everything you consume has a pH balance ranging along a scale that goes from mostly acidic to medium acidic to mildly acidic to neutral to mildly alkaline to medium alkaline to mostly alkaline. You can google chemical pH balance of foods and find a free list (don't pay for one). Anyway, if you eat a whole carrot, it is considered mildly alkaline but when you juice it it becomes MOSTLY alkaline.

    Oh and one of the coolest things about alkaline vs acid is that table salt is mostly acidic BUT sea salt is mostly alkaline.........how easy is it to change that!!!

    Lisa P.

    Wow about the salt
    I did not realize that about the salt (and had no idea about the other things). I'd seen some vegan recipes using sea salt but hadn't changed over. I'm sure Publix will have it!!

    Still reading on those juicers!

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Unfortunately life is several shades of gray
    One of the most important things to find out is if your course of action will help or hurt. Since ca I have had acute pancreatitis,lost my gallbladder and had a host of auto-immune problems from neuropathy to serious kidney problems. I have had a long glucose test for diabetes which rendered borderline results. I have had several history blood tests to check long term sugar levels.None were ever in the full diabetic range however when they did the long glucose test they also recorded serum insulin levels. At the two hour mark when my level should have been dow around 20-30 mml per litre it was 290mml. This indicates that I am insulin resistent. I now have to follow a diet that is low on the glycemic index or suffer. Unfortunately some fruits and veges are high gi (like watermelon)and the sugars go straight into the blood causing a major spike in insulin.it is a natural steriod and in excess can cause damage and weight gain. I now tend to follow the mediterranean diet which is basically a low gi diet and I try to limit my daily calorie intake to under 1500 calories a day. I believe that once we get over 40 we should be getting regular health checks and everything should be checked ,not just cancer. It is just as easy to die from heart ,kidney,lung.liver related diseases.Ron.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    ron50 said:

    Unfortunately life is several shades of gray
    One of the most important things to find out is if your course of action will help or hurt. Since ca I have had acute pancreatitis,lost my gallbladder and had a host of auto-immune problems from neuropathy to serious kidney problems. I have had a long glucose test for diabetes which rendered borderline results. I have had several history blood tests to check long term sugar levels.None were ever in the full diabetic range however when they did the long glucose test they also recorded serum insulin levels. At the two hour mark when my level should have been dow around 20-30 mml per litre it was 290mml. This indicates that I am insulin resistent. I now have to follow a diet that is low on the glycemic index or suffer. Unfortunately some fruits and veges are high gi (like watermelon)and the sugars go straight into the blood causing a major spike in insulin.it is a natural steriod and in excess can cause damage and weight gain. I now tend to follow the mediterranean diet which is basically a low gi diet and I try to limit my daily calorie intake to under 1500 calories a day. I believe that once we get over 40 we should be getting regular health checks and everything should be checked ,not just cancer. It is just as easy to die from heart ,kidney,lung.liver related diseases.Ron.

    Good point ol' buddy!
    that's why I juice my veggies and eat my fruits (with the fiber intact) to slow the absorption. And I refrain from the more sugary fruits....

    peace, emily
  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    I have an Omega
    I have an Omega Juicer....(actually started out with a Juiceman II about 7 years ago) and as Emily stated...I juice my veggies and eat the fruit.
