How long after treatments were you able to go without a wig or scarf

MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
There is a discussion going about Patti finally getting to go to work without her scarf but just to get a feel, how long after treatments were the majority of you able to ditch the wig or scarf? I finished chemo on 10/15 and I'm not there yet. It's been almost 5 months and I'm just curious. I guess part of it has to do with the individual and when they are comfortable. But how many months after treatments for you?


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Never wore hats/scarves indoors
    Chemo was so difficult physically, that I was all about my own comfort and convenience as much as possible -- I did chemo in the middle of summer, it's wicked hot where I live, and I didn't want to have to fuss with head coverings any more than I had to.

    So I chose to only wear hats or headwraps when I was outside, to protect myself from the sun. Indoors -- at work, church, grocery shopping, the gym, wherever -- I didn't wear anything on my head. This is Los Angeles, after all -- most people probably thought I was making some sort of political statement, or maybe a member of a cool punk band!

    It was also important to me to not let myself ever feel ashamed of how I looked -- I'm very, very proud of choosing to do chemo and of making it through chemo, and I wasn't going to hide that from anybody. Please know that I don't mean to tell anyone else how to feel -- that was just a big part for me of how I felt.

    I stopped wearing hats outside once my hair grew long enough that I felt like my scalp was protected enough -- probably about 2 months after my last chemo.

  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    TraciInLA said:

    Never wore hats/scarves indoors
    Chemo was so difficult physically, that I was all about my own comfort and convenience as much as possible -- I did chemo in the middle of summer, it's wicked hot where I live, and I didn't want to have to fuss with head coverings any more than I had to.

    So I chose to only wear hats or headwraps when I was outside, to protect myself from the sun. Indoors -- at work, church, grocery shopping, the gym, wherever -- I didn't wear anything on my head. This is Los Angeles, after all -- most people probably thought I was making some sort of political statement, or maybe a member of a cool punk band!

    It was also important to me to not let myself ever feel ashamed of how I looked -- I'm very, very proud of choosing to do chemo and of making it through chemo, and I wasn't going to hide that from anybody. Please know that I don't mean to tell anyone else how to feel -- that was just a big part for me of how I felt.

    I stopped wearing hats outside once my hair grew long enough that I felt like my scalp was protected enough -- probably about 2 months after my last chemo.


    still wearing my hats
    i finished chemo sep 17 im still wearing my hats i have some hair but not enough its cold here.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    teresa41 said:

    still wearing my hats
    i finished chemo sep 17 im still wearing my hats i have some hair but not enough its cold here.


    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th
    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th and I'm still wearing my scarfs. My ears get really cold. I'll be wearing them until spring comes and it warms up. But if I get a hot flash off comes the scarf--I don't care where I am. HA!
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    teresa41 said:

    still wearing my hats
    i finished chemo sep 17 im still wearing my hats i have some hair but not enough its cold here.


    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th
    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th and I'm still wearing my scarfs. My ears get really cold. I'll be wearing them until spring comes and it warms up. But if I get a hot flash off comes the scarf--I don't care where I am. HA!
  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Not there either
    I'm not there yet either. I've worn scarves from the very beginning - wigs weren't for me. I had my last chemo treatment on September 24th and my hair is a little over an inch long now. It's just not long enough for me to feel comfortable without my scarves yet.

    I hear you about those hot flashes though. The scarf is no fun but I usually have to leave it on. I work in an elementary school and the students haven't seen me without the scarf. I'm afraid if I pulled it off during a hot flash I'd scare the little darlings half to death.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Sher43009 said:

    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th
    I finished chemo on Oct. 7th and I'm still wearing my scarfs. My ears get really cold. I'll be wearing them until spring comes and it warms up. But if I get a hot flash off comes the scarf--I don't care where I am. HA!

    In Florida, but still too chilly to go without a head covering
    I'm having my LAST chemo TOMORROW!!!! YIPPEE!!! and I think I'll ditch the wig/hat/cap/scarf as soon as it's warm enough to do it. I have about 1/2 inch of white hair all over my head, but as someone else on here said, it looks like Julius Caesar the way it sticks to my head! I am anxious to get rid of the hats! I stopped wigs as soon as you could see little "whiskers" under my cap.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mickeymom said:

    Not there either
    I'm not there yet either. I've worn scarves from the very beginning - wigs weren't for me. I had my last chemo treatment on September 24th and my hair is a little over an inch long now. It's just not long enough for me to feel comfortable without my scarves yet.

    I hear you about those hot flashes though. The scarf is no fun but I usually have to leave it on. I work in an elementary school and the students haven't seen me without the scarf. I'm afraid if I pulled it off during a hot flash I'd scare the little darlings half to death.

    3 months
    after my last Chemo I stopped wearing everything. I feel so happy and very victorious - 1/2 inch hair was my statement. Yes, Hot flashes you want to take everything off!!!
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431

    It sounds like we were on the same schedule. I finished chemo on 10/9 and rads on 12/23. You finished on Christmas Eve right?

    My hair always has grown very fast. It's probably 1 1/2 inches now. Came in salt and pepper (I had hightlighted my hair before). I kind of like it s & p. I may not color it again...we'll see how long that lasts! Like I said before, I work with nuns and I really blend right now....all or at least 90% are salt and pepper or flat out gray! I should start wearing my glasses instead of contacts and I'll really blend into the scene!

    It's all about how you feel. I wish you well.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    pattimc said:


    It sounds like we were on the same schedule. I finished chemo on 10/9 and rads on 12/23. You finished on Christmas Eve right?

    My hair always has grown very fast. It's probably 1 1/2 inches now. Came in salt and pepper (I had hightlighted my hair before). I kind of like it s & p. I may not color it again...we'll see how long that lasts! Like I said before, I work with nuns and I really blend right now....all or at least 90% are salt and pepper or flat out gray! I should start wearing my glasses instead of contacts and I'll really blend into the scene!

    It's all about how you feel. I wish you well.


    Patti, thanks for the info.
    Patti, thanks for the info. Yes, I finished rads 12/24. I had been coloring my hair for years and always thought it grew fast, at least I had to color it every 5 weeks, but it's only about 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch long. It's also very salt and pepper and I can't wait to color it. I stopped by and saw my hairdresser last week and she suggested that I give it a couple more weeks. Once I can color it, I think I'll feel more comfortable sporting around in my very short do! By the way, my hair came back in just like it always straight.

    Thanks, everyone, for your replies.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    never wore them if I could help it
    Weather permitting (or air conditioning), I never wore anything on my head, and since I live in So Calif, I drove with the top down too. My nurse would scold me saying my head would burn, but I hated wearing anything. So if my head got cold, I would wear a light knit cap, or scarf, but very rarely. Most people at my office were more used to my bald head than I, and I never felt uncomfortable. Always a choice for you and how you feel with it.
    Good luck with the new growth!